JACK AND REBEKAH HAYES P O BOX 235 ALAMO, GEORGIA 30411 rebekahhayes5629@gmail.com Dear Delta Kappa Gamma sisters, I am a member of Psi State’s Alpha Omega Chapter and I make Delta Kappa Gamma name badges. Five dollars from each badge will be contributed back to Delta Kappa Gamma and will be divided up among Psi State’s Leadership Fund, Deltahostel, and Emergency Fund. We are offering v notch pin or magnet fasteners and two different ribbon lengths. All badges will be gold on red and the ribbons will be red on gold. The badges are $20 and shipping will vary with the number of badges being shipped to the same address per shipment. Please make as many copies as you need to place your orders. Thanks, Rebekah Rebekah Hayes is a web name created to protect identity. PLEASE CIRCLE RIBBON LENGTH SIX SHOWING EIGHT SHOWING FASTENER Actual width of gold ribbon is 4 inches. PIN Name badges are $20 each Add Shipping Charges per shipment to the same address: One Badge $3.50; Two Badges $4.00; Three to Eight $6.00; Nine to Fifteen $12.00; Over Fifteen Please contact for Shipping Charges. Please print clearly ** One Sheet Per Badge MAGNET MONEY ENCLOSED Price effective 7/ 1/11 Name _________________________________ Qty. _________@ $20 Subtotal __________ Chapter Name ___________________________ Add $1 for both fasteners @$21 State Qty. __________@$21 ________________ ____________ Please do not abbreviate State Greek Name_______________________ Contact information and return address: Phone:____________________ E mail _______________________ Address:(will send USPS) ______________________________________________________ Tax Subtotal x .07 ________ (no tax if shipped out of state) Shipping: __________ Total Enclosed ____________ ______________________________________________________ Make Checks Payable to Total Badges with this Order:_______________________ Handmade by Rebekah
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