Open Minds, Open Hearts & Open Arms: Churches Unite to Produce

For Immediate Release
Contact Abel Larkin, Director, 782-4421
Open Minds, Open Hearts & Open Arms:
Churches Unite to Produce Multi-Media Passion Play
Easter Play Opens March 28th at Dulles State Office Building for Six Performances
WATERTOWN (February 18, 2015)—Nearly 20 area churches are working in unity to bring Soldier’s Song,
a dramatic retelling of the Biblical message of Easter weekend, to the stage of the Dulles State Office
Building for six performances, challenging audiences to come in with an open mind and open heart, to be
welcomed with open arms.
“We want you to see the play this year and get something new, whether it’s your first exposure to the
message of Jesus, or you’ve been coming to see this play in all of its forms over the past four decades,” said
Abel Larkin, director. “Our hope is that the audience will have an open mind to be here, an open heart for
the message, and in return, our participating churches will open their arms to demonstrate Christ’s love
and welcoming to all.”
Soldier’s Song will be performed on March 28th and 29th, and April 2nd through Easter on April 5th. The
Sunday shows will be at 5:30 p.m., while the weekday and Saturday performances will start at 7 p.m. There
is no charge for admission, but free will donations will be accepted. Information about the play, its
production and practices, and more is available at
The play is a composite of the passion narratives in the four gospels, told from the perspective of the
criminals crucified along with Jesus and the soldier who is quoted in Mark and Matthew as proclaiming that
“Truly, this man was the son of God.” The play follows the soldier from the time leading up to the
crucifixion, the arrest of the two men crucified with Jesus, and the crucifixion itself. It includes live musical
performances and a crowd scene that brings the audience into the performance.
“This take on the passion and resurrection of Jesus has evolved over the years and we are hopeful that this
will be our biggest and best production to date,” Mr. Larkin added. “There are so many talented and loving
people involved from throughout our local church community and we are all excited to see this play touch
lives again this year.”
Adams Assembly of God, Airport Christian Fellowship, Abundant Life Lowville, Calvary Assembly of God,
First Baptist of Watertown, Faith Fellowship of Watertown, Grace Community Church, Watertown
Assembly of God, Honeyville Baptist, Life Church of the Nazarene, North Jefferson Christian Fellowship,
New Life Christian Church, Parkside Bible Church, Rodman Community Church, River of Life Fellowship
Copenhagen, Smithville Baptist, and Woodville Baptist are all represented in the cast and crew, or have
committed to support. The list is growing and the hope is that by Easter, the list will be more than 20.