Plagiarism of Clarence Larkin Many have heard that William Branham plagiarized Clarence Larkin, but few are willing or able to do the research to compare the two. Some who have heard this cast it aside, saying that Branham got his “research” from several places (including historians), but fail to realize that the pastors of today and Branham himself claimed this as divine revelation: You know I've always tried to be this, and our Lord has always revealed it to me; there's one extreme, and another extreme, but right in the middle of the road lays the Truth. (60-1204E THE.PATMOS.VISION) I find it odd that the headquarters have these excellent “blank spot on tape” whenever they find something plagerized. Now we're going to read the sevenfold glory of His Person. Oh, my! This makes me shout before I get to it. [] To make things easier for those who struggle with research, I have taken a sample from Branham’s message “The Patmos Vision”, and compared it to Larkin’s “Sevenfold Glory”. You will find that not only were the main points and topics the exact same, even the supporting scriptures matched to the letter. Branham 60-1204E Larkin (Sevenfold Glory) Now--now notice, the first thing, now we notice, His head and His hair was white like wool Now, let's turn to Daniel 7:9, just for a minute, you see the same picture in Daniel where He comes as... over here at the Ancient of time with a snow-white hair, the Judge! Not girded around the waist, but girded around the paps, up here, a judge! Head, hair; "eyes were like flames of fire." those eyes who once was dimmed with human tears His "Head" and "Hair" were "WHITE LIKE WOOL," as "WHITE AS SNOW." He cried at the grave of Lazarus wept at the grave of Lazarus Could look right down into the heart of a man, know all about him. those eyes read the inner-most thoughts of men Now watch. His head, His eyes, now He goes down to His feet like brass. Someday those brass feet of justice (Glory!), when He comes as judge, He'll tread the antichrist, and all of His enemies. Hallelujah! He'll walk through the earth with a rod of iron in His hand. Amen! Feet like unto fine BRASS Dan. 7:9. Daniel refers three times to the "Ancient Of Days." but in verses 9 and 22 he associates the "Ancient of Days" with a "Throne of Judgment," '"His Eyes were a FLAME OF FIRE." Those eyes that had often been dimmed with human tears, that shall tread and crush Antichrist and Satan when He comes to "Tread the WINE-PRESS of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God." Copyright 2012, 1 Plagiarism of Clarence Larkin "Voice of many waters." His Voice as the SOUND OF MANY WATERS. What is His voice? It's the judgment; and there is nothing more fearful to the criminal than the words of the Judge as he passes sentence; Now, "The seven stars that was in My right hand." which means the seven ministers of seven ages In His Right Hand SEVEN STARS. Let the world call It "witchcraft," whatever they want to, makes us no difference, because we know we're yielded and in His right hand. Isn't that wonderful? My! He holds them in His hand. If they are false to Him, no one can deliver them from His power, and if they are true and loyal, no one can touch or molest, or do them harm. out of his mouth goes a sharp two-edged sword Out of His Mouth went a SHARP TWO-EDGED SWORD. Hebrews the 4th chapter and the 12th verse: For the word of God is quicker, and more powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, And then they call you a "mind reader." piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow (the body), (Heb. 4:12) just a minute. Let's get this again, I think that's right. I'm maybe... Revelation 19, about 11 SWORD OF JUSTICE," for the Son of Man, out of whose mouth this sword comes, is the "White Horse Rider" of Rev. 19:11-15, "The sun shining in his strength." Oh! The strength of the Son of God shining in our midst tonight. don't need no light, and He's the Sun of righteousness with healing in His wings. His Countenance was as the SUN SHINETH IN HIS STRENGTH. [Ed. Notice this addition of healing] it was Malachi 4 Matthew 17 says, "For I said, 'Upon this rock (the spiritual revelation) I'll build my Church These "Angels" are not angelic beings but the Messengers or Ministers of the churches. ….no comment And we read of the New Jerusalem that the inhabitants thereof have no need of the SUN, for the LAMB is the Light thereof. Prophet Malachi tells us that when Jesus comes back He will be the SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS (Malachi 4:2), "His Face did shine AS THE SUN," Matt. 17:2. {…} we see that John's vision of the Son of Man was as He shall appear at the Second Stage of His Return, the "Revelation." Copyright 2012, 2 Plagiarism of Clarence Larkin Clarence Larkin (1850 – 1924) wrote several works describing dispensationalism, history, and interpreting complex bible prophecies. He wrote several books that were used throughout the end of William Branham’s ministry, and his writings include works such as The Book of Daniel, Rightly Divining the Word, God’s Plan and Purpose in the Ages. Larkin set the church ages and dates as follows: Larkin Branham EPHESIAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 53 to A.D. 170) SMYRNEAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 170 to A.D. 312) PERGAMEAN CHURCH AGE (AD 312 to A.D. 606) THYATIREAN CHURCH AGE (A.D 606 to A.D. 1520) SARDISEAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 1520 to A.D. 1750) PHILADELPHIAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 1750 to A.D. 1906) LAODICEAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 1906 - Rapture) EPHESIAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 53 to A.D. 170) SMYRNEAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 170 to A.D. 312) PERGAMEAN CHURCH AGE (AD 312 to A.D. 606) THYATIREAN CHURCH AGE (A.D 606 to A.D. 1520) SARDISEAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 1520 to A.D. 1750) PHILADELPHIAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 1750 to A.D. 1906) LAODICEAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 1906 - Rapture) Rev. Branham decided to put names to the ages (obviously placing himself as the ‘Messenger’ for the last age), and added them as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. EPHESIAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 53 to A.D. 170) – Messenger: St. Paul SMYRNEAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 170 to A.D. 312) - Messenger: St. Irenaeus PERGAMEAN CHURCH AGE (AD 312 to A.D. 606) - Messenger: St. Martin THYATIREAN CHURCH AGE (A.D 606 to A.D. 1520) - Messenger: St. Columba SARDISEAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 1520 to A.D. 1750) - Messenger: Martin Luther PHILADELPHIAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 1750 to A.D. 1906) - Messenger: John Wesley LAODICEAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 1906 - Rapture) - Messenger: William Branham* Copyright 2012, 3
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