N Z A S S O C I AT I O N O F O R T H O D O N T I S T S 2 0 1 5 C O N F E R E N C E MEETING OF THE MINDS 15-17 APRIL 2015 • NAPIER WAR MEMORIAL CONVENTION CENTRE CONFERENCE HANDBOOK NAME: WWW.NZAO2015.CO.NZ SPONSORS PRINCIPAL SPONSOR GOLD SPONSOR SPONSORS TM President’s Welcome 3 Orthodontists’ Programme 5 Auxiliary Programme 7Speakers 11Abstracts 17 Social programme 18 Exhibition floor plan 21 Exhibition incentive competition – entry form 21 Best exhibition booth – entry form CONTENTS 2 23Sponsors 30NZAO 31 General information 33 Telephone directory 34 Note pages 41 Map of Napier M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 1 PRESIDENT’S WELCOME P R E S I D E N T ’S W E LCO M E Oha atu ki a koutou katoa! Greetings to you all! On behalf of the entire New Zealand Association of Orthodontists, WELCOME to Napier, host city for our 2015 biennial conference, entitled “Meeting of the Minds”. Did you know? The total population of the Napier-Hastings is nearly 130,000 people, making it the fifth largest urban area in New Zealand, closely followed by Tauranga and Dunedin. Napier has a rich history of early European contact with the local Ngati Kahugunu tribe, following Captain Cook’s identification of the area for a future port in 1769. There is the history of geographic catastrophe in 1931, followed by a unique Art Deco rebuild that we can all enjoy today. The region maintains worldclass status for horticulture, agriculture and viticulture. The conference committee members have worked tirelessly over the last 18 months to “nut out” a theme that, while not solving all our orthodontic problems, should achieve a desirable objective. That is to promote us to think. We in the NZAO wish to gratefully acknowledge the superb assistance from Conference Innovators, and the generosity and support of all our sponsors and trading partners. Peter Barwick President, NZAO 2 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E Wednesday 15 April 5.00pm–7.00pm Early registration with refreshments Exhibition Thursday 16 April 8.00am Registration desk open Foyer Tea and coffee available Exhibition 9.00am Welcome Ballroom Peter Barwick, President, NZAO 9.30am CHAIR: Peter Barwick Preventing decalcification during fixed ortho tx Laurie Walsh. 10.30am Morning tea Exhibition 11.00am CHAIR: Sax Dearing Preventing disease during orthodontic treatmentBallroom Eric Reynolds. 12.00pm Research translation – what’s in it for healthcare professionals? Mike Hubbard. 1.00pm Lunch Exhibition 2.00pm CHAIR: Janice Sommerville Research translation – an orthodontist’s experience. Paul Schneider.Ballroom 3.00pm Afternoon tea Exhibition 3.30pm CHAIR: Kirsty Skidmore Optimised methods for plaque controlBallroom Laurie Walsh. 4.30pmAGM Ballroom 6.00pm Pre conference dinner drinks Exhibition 6.30pm Coaches depart to conference dinner venue 7.00pm Conference dinner Mission Estate 10.30pm Close and coach return to Te Pania and Quality Inn M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E ORTHODONTISTS’ PROGRAMME ORTHODONTISTS’ PROGRAMME 3 ORTHODONTISTS’ PROGRAMME Friday 17 April 7.30am Wish for a Smile Trust Breakfast (ticket required) Breakout Room 2 8.00am Registration desk open Foyer Tea and coffee available Exhibition 8.45am Welcome back Ballroom Peter Barwick, President, NZAO 9.00am CHAIR: Rachel Smith Introducing new technologies to your orthodontic practice. Igor Lavrin.Ballroom 10.00am Morning tea Exhibition 10.30am CHAIR: Alan Isaac Paediatric implications of hypomineralisation. Erin Mahoney.Ballroom 11.30am Preventing and reversing peri-bracket white spot lesions. Eric Reynolds.Ballroom 12.30pm Lunch Exhibition 1.00pm Orthodontic auxiliaries under training meeting Board Room 1.00pm Trainers of the orthodontic auxiliaries meeting Breakout Room 1 2.00pm CHAIR: Mohammad Al-Dujaill The evolution of Invisalign: from tooth tipper to comprehensive tooth moverBallroom Igor Lavrin. 3.00pm Afternoon tea Exhibition 3.30pm CHAIR: David Wescott Soft tissue inflammatory changes and their prevention and managementBallroom Laurie Walsh. 4.30pmClose Ballroom 6.00pm Group dinner – details at the Registration desk in the foyer Saturday 18 April 9.00am – Diode lasers in orthodontic practice 12.00pm Laurie Walsh. 8.30am – NZAO Mentoring Meeting 12.30pm 4 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E Breakout Room 1 Breakout Room 2 Wednesday 15 April 5.00pm–7.00pm Early registration with refreshments Exhibition Thursday 16 April 8.00am Registration desk open Foyer Tea and coffee available Exhibition 9.00am Welcome Ballroom Peter Barwick, President, NZAO 9.30am CHAIR: Peter Barwick Preventing decalcification during fixed ortho tx Laurie Walsh. 10.30am Morning tea Exhibition 11.00am CHAIR: Sax Dearing Preventing disease during orthodontic treatment. Eric Reynolds.Ballroom 12.00pm Research translation – what’s in it for healthcare professionals? Mike Hubbard. 1.00pm Lunch Exhibition 2.00pm CHAIR: Justine Anderson Hypomineralisation. Erin Mahoney. Breakout Room 2 3.00pm Afternoon tea Exhibition 3.30pm CHAIR: Kirsty Skidmore Optimised methods for plaque control.Ballroom Laurie Walsh. 6.00pm Pre conference dinner drinks Exhibition 6.30pm Coaches depart to conference dinner venue 7.00pm Conference dinner Mission Estate 10.30pm Close and coach return to Te Pania and Quality Inn AUXILIARY PROGRAMME AUXI LIA RY PROGRAMME Friday 17 April M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 5 AUXILIARY PROGRAMME 8.00am 8.45am 9.00am Registration desk open Foyer Tea and coffee available Exhibition Welcome back Ballroom Peter Barwick, President, NZAO CHAIR: Rachel Smith Introducing new technologies to your orthodontic practice. Igor Lavrin.Ballroom 10.00am Morning tea Exhibition 10.30am CHAIR: Judith Hey Practice Management Breakout Room 2 Margaret-Ann Abraham, Sonia Malpas, Colleen Ewels 12.30pm Wish for a Smile Trust update Breakout Room 2 Lunch Exhibition 1.00pm Orthodontic auxiliaries under training meeting Board Room 1.00pm Trainers of the orthodontic auxiliaries meeting Breakout Room 1 Staff are welcome to attend the afternoon sessions of the Orthodontists’ programme: 2.00pm CHAIR: Mohammad Al-Dujaill The evolution of Invisalign: from tooth tipper to comprehensive tooth mover. Igor Lavrin.Ballroom 3.00pm Afternoon tea Exhibition 3.30pm CHAIR: David Wescott Soft tissue inflammatory changes and their prevention and managementBallroom Laurie Walsh 4.30pmClose Ballroom 6.00pm Group dinner – details at the Registration desk in the foyer 6 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E SPEAKERS BY SU R NAM E (A-Z ) M A R G A R E T- A N N A B R A H A M Margaret-Ann is the Treatment Co-ordinator / Practice Manager for Janice Sommerville Ltd, Auckland. COLLEEN EWELS Orthodontic Associates for 8 years with responsibility for management of administration, staff and all matters pertaining to the practice. Her previous administration experience includes special events management. Personal interests are music (preferably jazz), cooking SPEAKERS Colleen has been Practice Manager at Wellington and travel. MIKE HUBBARD Following graduation as a dentist, Mike completed a PhD in Biochemistry (Otago, NZ) and then spent a year in private dental practice. After postdoctoral research positions in the USA and Scotland, he established his independent research career in New Zealand using dental enamel cells to investigate basic biomedical questions about how calcium affects cell survival. In 2003, Mike crossed the Tasman to establish a translational research program at The University of Melbourne (i.e. the Melbourne Research Unit for Facial Disorders, based at the Royal Children’s Hospital). With support from a broad range of scientists, academics and clinicians (‘The D3 Group’), their lead project on Molar Hypomineralization is making excellent headway towards better diagnosis, treatment and the ultimate goal of prevention. M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 7 D R I G O R L AV R I N Igor completed a 3 year orthodontic specialist programme and Masters at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, USA. He is in private orthodontic practice with his wife, Dr Sarah Lawrence in Melbourne, Australia. He has been invited to lecture in Australia, Canada, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Fiji and in the US including a number of AAO Annual Sessions. He is a past Federal Treasurer of the Australian Society of SPEAKERS Orthodontists. Dr Lavrin is an accredited member of the Australasian Orthodontic Board. ERIN MAHONEY Erin is a Specialist Paediatric Dentist at Hutt Valley DHB and Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Otago, Wellington. Erin graduated from Otago BDS in 1995, MDSc (Paediatric Dentistry) from Sydney in 2001 and PhD in Biomaterials in 2005. Erin balances clinical work with her other dental interests of research into enamel opacitites, maternal and child oral health and teething. Erin is an examiner for the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, Chair of the NZ section of RACDS but she spends most of her time looking after her 5 children. S O N I A M A L PA S Sonia hails from Nelson and has worked as a Practice Manager for 11 years for Drs Andrew Lush and Andrew Marriott. She is responsible for the overall running of the practice which includes such things as administration systems, finance, staff and marketing. No two days are ever the same! When not at work Sonia is busy following her 3 teenagers and enjoys all active sports. 8 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E PROFESSOR ERIC REYNOLDS Eric is a Melbourne Laureate Professor and Head of the Melbourne Dental School. He is also Associate Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences of the University of Melbourne and CEO of the Oral Health CRC. He has been researching and teaching for 30 years on the aetiology and prevention of oral diseases. He has over 200 scientific publications and 19 patents. Professor Reynolds is on the Editorial Board for the Australian Dental for the Journal of Dental Research, the publication of the American Association for Dental Research. Professor Reynolds has received numerous awards and distinctions with the most significant being the Clunies Ross National Science and Technology Award in 2002 to recognize the successful application of science and technology and the SPEAKERS Journal and has also been a member of the Editorial Board Victoria Prize in 2005 which is awarded to an individual whose scientific discovery or technological innovation has significantly advanced the State of Victoria. Also in 2005 he was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for service to community dental health and to dental education. In 2011 he received the Distinguished Scientist Award from the International Association for Dental Research. A S S O C I AT E P R O F E S S O R PA U L S C H N E I D E R Paul received his dental education at the University of Melbourne, Australia. He obtained a Masters degree in Pediatric Dentistry from the University of Minnesota, and was Assistant Professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio before moving to New Orleans for the Louisiana State University Orthodontic Program. He has spent many years in private practice and teaching at various universities around the world, and is now Associate Professor and Head of Orthodontics at the University of Melbourne. M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 9 L A U R E N C E WA L S H Laurie has been Professor of Dental Science at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia since 2000. He is a board-registered specialist in special needs dentistry and is clinically active, maintaining a part-time specialist private practice in Brisbane. From that practice he developed techniques, materials and clinical protocols which are in global use, including chairside plaque and saliva testing methods, and protocols for using Tooth SPEAKERS Mousse. Laurence leads the advanced technologies and dental biomaterials research program at UQ, which spans clinical microbiology, lasers and biophotonics, and preventive dentistry. He has published extensively in the dental and medical literature, being the principal author of over 230 journal papers, and his published work has attracted over 6500 citations in the literature. Tell Your Story in 3-D Treatment Planning Software | Custom Appliances | Precision Results A true practice differentiator, Insignia builds optimal occlusion and smile arc into brackets, bracket placement jigs and wires as prescribed by you. Your tailor-made appliances are designed to reduce mid-treatment adjustments and treatment time, as well as deliver precise, predictable finishes. Insignia provides the tools you need to present and treat beyond the expectations of today’s tech-savvy patients. What a great story. • User-friendly software to diagnose, treatment plan and visualize the end result • No risk, no initial investment or equipment costs and lower lab fees. • Far less doctor time at bonding, allowing you to focus on diagnostics and treatment planning. Introduce Insignia™ Into Your Practice. For more information, visit ormco.com/insignia or phone 1800 023 603 Australia; 0800 446 140 New Zealand 10 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E A B STR AC T S IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE Thursday 9.30am, Ballroom Preventing decalcification during fixed ortho tx Up to 96% of patients experience cariogenic attacks which result in enamel mineral loss during their treatment with fixed appliances. This lecture will explore what drives this process and how it can be prevented and treated, drawing on the latest studies on ecological changes in plaque biofilms, cariogenic micro-organisms, tooth surface protection methods, and accelerated methods for reversal of white spot lesions. There will be a focus on the practical steps which can be taken in ABSTRACTS Laurie Walsh orthodontic practice prevent patients developing white spot leisons. Thursday 11.00am, Ballroom Preventing disease during orthodontic treatment Eric Reynolds Oral hygiene and dental plaque control can be difficult for a patient during orthodontic treatment. Dental plaque can transform from a commensal (harmless/beneficial) polymicrobial biofilm community to a pathogenic biofilm through a process called dysbiosis. This involves the emergence of keystone pathogens and disruption of homeostasis through changing environmental factors such as an acidic environment through frequent sugar exposure or a haem-rich environment through chronic inflammation. Although previously the focus has been on antimicrobial additions to oral care products to control plaque and disease the focus is now shifting to a prebiotic approach to encourage growth of commensal organisms at the expense of pathogens. These agents combined with traditional agents (e.g. fluoride) now provide an effective strategy to minimise dysbiosis and disease associated with orthodontic treatment. M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 11 Thursday 12.00pm, Ballroom Research translation – what’s in it for healthcare professionals? Mike Hubbard “Translational research” and “research translation” have recently emerged as desirable catchcries for health science. What do these terms mean, how do they differ from classical approaches to research, and what do the underlying concepts hold for orthodontists and other healthcare professionals? ABSTRACTS Twelve years ago (and part way through an orthodontic treatment), Mike Hubbard was enticed to Melbourne to help implement a translational research program in orofacial sciences. Mike will provide a “translational case report” that traces his exciting journey, from initial interactions with the visionary instigators (an orthodontist, maxillofacial surgeon and philanthropist) to world-first translational team-based successes in research, education, policy and product development. Thursday 2.00pm, Ballroom Research translation – an orthodontist’s experience Paul Schneider Best-practice orthodontics still involves many solutions that are based more on “tried and true” than on strong science. And whilst most practitioners are aware of clinical challenges that would benefit from better scientific understanding, few of them have the time or experience to undertake the required research. In 2001, Paul Schneider and two colleagues (a maxillofacial surgeon and a philanthropist) undertook to establish what was then-called a “bench to bedside” research initiative in orofacial sciences. Paul will outline the founders’ vision of attracting career scientists to help investigate clinical problems, his involvement in world-first translational research and education projects, and ensuing prospects for an improved scientific basis to individually-tailored orthodontic practice. 12 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E Thursday 2.00pm, Breakout 2 Hypomineralisation Erin Mahoney Molar Hypomineralisation (MH) is common in NZ with approximately 15% of children presenting with it in their first permanent molars. MH is a common reason for referral to Paediatric Dentists. This lecture will discuss the common presentations and treatment options for these teeth and how a combined Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic treatment plan will maximise the Thursday 3.30pm, Ballroom Optimised methods for plaque control ABSTRACTS outcome for the affected child. Laurie Walsh This presentation explores the triple threats of oral hygiene - the don’t know, can’t do and won’t do, presenting some of the latest evidence on better ways to reach patients with messages about oral hygiene, the science around the use of powered brushes, the technology of antiplaque toothpaste actions, and the ways to monitor plaque age and detect sites of ongoing struggle using ulticolour plaque disclosing systems. M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 13 Friday 9.00am, Ballroom Introducing new technologies to your orthodontic practice Igor Lavrin The orthodontic world is rapidly changing with new technologies introduced and marketed to both the orthodontist and the consumer patient direct. This presentation gives a personal account of some triumphs and pitfalls of introducing new technologies and systems. Our experience with Invisalign, ABSTRACTS Incognito, Suresmile and computer packages will be discussed. Advice and a tangible checklist of questions will be imparted to assist when considering new technologies. This lecture will be useful for both doctors and staff. Friday 10.30am, Ballroom Paediatric implications of hypomineralisation Erin Mahoney Molar Hypomineralisation (MH) is common in NZ with approximately 15% of children presenting with it in their first permanent molars. MH is a common reason for referral to Paediatric Dentists. This lecture will discuss the common presentations and treatment options for these teeth and how a combined Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic treatment plan will maximise the outcome for the affected child. Friday 10.30am, Breakout 2 Practice Management Margaret-Ann Abraham At your request – popular group choices - this will be a session encouraging audience participation. Sonia Malpas Dealing with Difficult Customers and Managing Debt (implementing systems so as not to accrue patient debt) Colleen Ewels Staff Development and Aux CPD Points 14 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E Friday 11.30am, Ballroom Preventing and reversing peribracket white spot lesions Eric Reynolds Orthodontic patients may develop white spot lesions during their course of treatment. These lesions may be at risk of iatrogenic damage during bracket and adhesive removal, at risk of further progression or may be a cosmetic concern for the patient. Early enamel caries (white spot lesions) can be ions using certain products and regimens. In this presentation the scientific evidence for enhanced remineralization of white spot lesions with bioavailable calcium, phosphate and fluoride ions will be reviewed and recommendations given for the prevention and treatment of white spot lesions during and after orthodontic treatment. ABSTRACTS repaired by remineralization with bioavailable calcium, phosphate and fluoride Friday 2.00pm, Ballroom The evolution of Invisalign: from tooth tipper to comprehensive tooth mover Igor Lavrin Invisalign initially had limited capabilities as an orthodontic treatment modality but has now improved in its efficiency and outcomes. A brief review of its evolution as well as current use in both simple and advanced treatment will be presented. Some advantages over fixed appliances will also be shown. M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 15 Friday 3.30pm, Ballroom Soft tissue inflammatory changes and their prevention and management Laurie Walsh Beautifully aligned teeth should be framed by healthy gingival tissues, and therein lies the challenge. Today there are a range of home care products which can be used to modulate inflammatory changes in the mouth, and ABSTRACTS which are often not used to maximal effect by dental practitioners. The best protocols for reducing gingival inflammation will be discussed. Once tissue contours go awry, retrieving the situation aesthetically can be difficult - and here there is a niche application for compact diode lasersin orthodontic practice for conservative gingivoplasty. Saturday 8.30am, Breakout Room 2 NZAO Mentoring Meeting Panellists Donna Lim, Fiona Turner, Rachel Smith and Ross Anning join graduate students and new graduates for another informative, informal, interactive discussion sharing their experiences of two quite different practice possibilities for the new graduate – joining an established practice or going it alone. Generously sponsored by Pacific Orthodontics. Saturday 9.00am, Breakout Room 1 Diode Lasers in Orthodontic Practice Laurie Walsh Laser generously loaned by Dentsply. 16 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E SOCIAL PROGRAMME Date Time Venue Entry Wednesday 15 April 5.00 - 7.00pm Exhibition, NWMCC Included in all registrations. Includes canapes and beverages. Pre Conference Dinner Drinks Date Time Venue Entry Coach Thursday 16 April 6.00pm – 6.30pm Exhibition, NWMCC Included in all registrations. Includes canapes and beverages. Departs NWMCC at 6.30pm SOCIAL PROGRAMME Early Registration and Refreshments Conference Dinner Sponsored by Date Thursday 16 April Time 7.00pm – 10.30pm Venue Mission Estate Winery Coach Departs NWMCC at 6.30pm Departs MEW at 10.30pm for Te Pania and Quality Inn Entertainment Confetti Quartet Dress Smart casual - optional bow tie for men. Optional beads for the ladies. Flappers and Gadsby if you feel so inclined! Entry One ticket is included in all full registrations Ticket price includes return transfers, entertainment, dinner and beverages Group Dinner Date Friday 17 April Details at the Registration desk in the foyer This is an informal dinner for delegates staying on in Napier. M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 17 DOWNSTAIRS TO BREAKOUT ROOM 1 & 2 AND BOARD ROOM BALLROOM MAIN ENTRY TOILETS FLOOR PLAN REGISTRATION & HELP DESK 18 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E By stand number 1 Healthcare Essentials 2 Carestream Dental 3 Invisalign Australia 4 & 5 Ormco Pty Ltd 6 tops Software 7 Radiographic Supplies Ltd 8 & 9 AB Orthodontics 10 & 11 Arthur Hall Orthodontics (NZ) Ltd TP Orthodontics Inc FLOOR PLAN 12 13Dolphin Imaging & Management Solutions 14 Pacific Orthodontics NZ 15 Dentaurum 16 OraMetrix Pty Ltd 17 3M Unitek 18American Orthodontics Australia / NZ By company AB Orthodontics 8&9 American Orthodontics Australia / NZ 18 Arthur Hall Orthodontics (NZ) Ltd Carestream Dental 10 & 11 2 Dentaurum15 Dolphin Imaging Management & Solutions Healthcare Essentials Ltd 13 1 Invisalign3 OraMetrix Pty Ltd Ormco Pty Ltd Pacific Orthodontics NZ Radiographic Supplies Ltd 3M Unitek tops Software TP Orthodontics Inc 16 4&5 14 7 17 6 12 M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 19 20 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E Visit all the booths and answer the multi choice question on each using this page. Circle your answer, fill in your name and hand into the registration desk by Friday morning tea. All correct entries go into a draw and the winner will be announced Friday before lunch. Winner must be present to collect their prize. DelegatesCell namephone AB Orthodontics A B C American Orthodontics Australia / NZ A B C Arthur Hall Orthodontics (NZ) Ltd A B C Carestream Dental A B C Dentaurum A B C Dolphin Imaging & Management Solutions A B C Healthcare Essentials A B C Invisalign Australia A B C OraMetrix Pty Ltd A B C Ormco Pty Ltd A B C Pacific Orthodontics NZ A B C Radiographic Supplies Ltd A B C 3M Unitek A B C tops Software A B C TP Orthodontics Inc A B C EXHIBITION INCENTIVE PROGRAMME EXHIBITION INCENTIVE PROGRAMME B EST BOOTH And while you’re walking round the exhibition, let us know which your favourite booth was and why. Winner will be announced and presented Friday before lunch. Best exhibition booth Because M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 21 WWW.NZAO2015.CO.NZ SPONSORS AB Orthodontics Mr J Andrew Binns Level 13, 15 Collins St, Melbourne, VIC 3000 +61 3 9650 2526 secretary@ortho.com.au AB Orthodontics is an innovative orthodontic product supplier focussed on providing maximum client satisfaction and improving patient outcomes. SPONSORS www.ortho.com.au American Orthodontics Australia / New Zealand Terri Augelli G2 / 63 Stead St, South Melbourne, VIC +61 3 9091 6707 taugelli@americanortho.com www.americanortho.com American Orthodontics is the world’s largest privately held manufacturer of orthodontic appliances – dedicated to the highest level of quality, delivery, and personalized service. We manufacture 95% of our products and are continuously innovating products. We are committed to helping orthodontists give patients the smiles they deserve. M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 23 Arthur Hall Orthodontics (NZ) Ltd Jade Maddox PO Box 9275, Greerton, Tauranga 3142 +64 7 571 2589 info@arthurhall.co.nz www.arthurhall.co.nz Celebrating 20 years of bringing you the very best orthodontic products from some of the world’s leading manufacturers: Dentsply GAC / Raintree Essix, SPONSORS G&H Orthodontics, PSM Medical Solutions, AJ Wilcock, Dentronix, Reliance and more. Visit our booth to learn how our products and client service can add value to your practice. Carestream Dental Sheree Parks Level 4/18-20 Orion Road, Lane Cove West, NSW 2066 +61 2 9919 4500 sheree.parks@carestream.com www.carestream.com Carestream Dental Imaging and Practice Management Systems help Dental Professionals streamline workflow and enhance patient care. Our innovative, yet easy-to-use practice management software helps Dental Professionals run a more efficient and profitable practice. Carestream Dental Imaging Equipment generates the high-quality images Dental Professionals need to make accurate and confident diagnoses. 24 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E Dentaurum Jose Antar PO Box 201, Concord, NSW 2137 +61 2 9743 4811 Toll Free NZ 0800 336 828 info@dentaurum.com.au www.dentaurum.com.au Dentaurum has been serving the dental market for over 125 years! We are engineered products to the Orthodontic market. We lead the market in innovation on several key product categories, such as: TOMAS, Herbst, RPE’s and low-profile brackets with a superior laser-etched bonding base. Dolphin Imaging & Management Solutions Roger Wills P O Box 573, Sutherland, NSW 1499 +61 421 348 767 SPONSORS proud of our rich history and tradition of providing high quality, German- roger.wills@dolphinimaging.com Dolphin Imaging & Management Solutions provide high quality 2D / 3D imaging, diagnostic, practice management, case presentation and patient education software for dental speciality professionals worldwide. Healthcare Essentials Ltd Sarah Gallagher P O Box 14-421, Kilbirnie, Wellington +64 4 3873874 sarah@healthcareessentials.co.nz www.healthcareessentials.co.nz Come to the #1 Booth and meet Keith Batcheller from Masel Orthodontics. Masel provides highest quality precision instruments and supplies for every successful orthodontic practice. M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 25 Invisalign Debbie Jones, Nicola Stipsen 37/6-8 Hebert Street, St Leonards, NSW 2065 0800 542 133 or +61 2 8920 1011 cs-australia@aligntech.com www.invisalign.co.nz Invisalign is the worldwide market leader in clear aligner orthodontics – in fact 3 million patients have now started treatment with the Invisalign SPONSORS system. Invisalign aligners are the clear alternative to metal braces that uses a series of virtually invisible and removable aligners that gradually move teeth over time. OraMetrix Pty Ltd Jacqueline Doon 1-800 976 453 NZ 0800 460 043 anzinfo@orametrix.com Established in 1998, OraMetrix developed the suresmile® system, a revolutionary digital technology empowering orthodontists with a comprehensive Treatment Management System. The latest generation, suresmile 7.1, provides clinicians with labial and lingual treatment including surgical design, an array of restorative planning tools, fully coordinated aligner design, and unparalleled accuracy of bracket placement. OraMetrix’s Australia/New Zealand headquarters are located in Sydney. 26 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E Ormco Pty Ltd Colin Matheson Unit 10/ 112-118 Talavera Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113 +61 2 8875 8100 ormco.australia@ormco.com www.ormco.com Ormco has a distinguished 50+ year history of providing the orthodontic customer service and educational support. Our pledge to you, our valued customers, is to continue to provide you with the products and services that you need and want – products that make the orthodontic experience a great one for you, your staff and your patients. SPONSORS profession with high quality, innovative products backed by attentive Pacific Orthodontics NZ Matthew Grant Ground Floor, ASB House, 248 Cumberland Street, Dunedin Central 9058 +64 3 929 1125 matthew@pacificortho.co.nz www.pacificortho.co.nz PACIFIC Orthodontics is the fastest growing distributor of clinical and laboratory products within NZ. PACIFIC is the exclusive distributors of Forestadent, Opal, Hammacher Instruments, Highland Metals, Dynaflex, Groman and more. Pacific Orthodontics has fast delivery, NZ currency & NZ Banks. Call Matt or Stephen at PACIFIC for all your Orthodontic needs. M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 27 Radiographic Supplies Ltd Alastair Stockdill P O Box 5325, Papanui, Christchurch 8542 +64 3 352 0480 alastair@radiographicsupplies.co.nz www.radiographicsupplies.co.nz Radiographic Supplies specialises in diagnostic imaging equipment. For Orthodontists we proudly represent Soredex, a Finnish imaging SPONSORS equipment manufacturer. Products include OPG/ Ceph through to large FOV 3D CBCT machines. The Soredex company motto is Digital Imaging Made Easy. New is Orthogo, an Orthodontic clinical (tracing, superimposition, etc) software. 3M Unitek Andrew Mayes 1A Rivett Road, 2113 North Ryde, Sydney 0800 441 622 abmayes@mmm.com http://solutions.3m.com.au/wps/portal/3M/ en_AU/APAC-Unitek/Home/ For over 60 years, 3M Unitek has been devoted to the discovery, development and manufacture of innovative orthodontic products, creating the first stainless steel brackets, adhesive pre-coated brackets, colourchanging bonding adhesive, true self-ligating brackets and more recently, lingual brackets. We put our expertise to work for you in every set of braces we manufacture. Our mission at 3M Unitek is to provide solutions to the orthodontic profession by offering the highest quality orthodontic products, appliances and services in the industry. 28 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E tops Software Gretchen Hale 3101 Towercreek Parkway SE, Suite 680, Atlanta, GA 30339 +770 627-2527 +770 726-7832 sales@topsOrtho.com www.topsOrtho.com management and imaging; topsCephMate™, a cephalometric tracing and treatment program; topsEcho™ for the iPhone or iPad, which provides access to data and images; and topsCheck-In for iPad™, which lets patients check in using an iPad. SPONSORS tops Software offers Mac-based orthodontic software: topsOrtho™ for practice TP Orthodontics Inc Kathy Kanellos Level 6, 369 Royal Parade, Parkville, VIC 3052 0800 449 074 kathy.kanellos@tportho.com www.tportho.com For seven decades, TP Orthodontics, Inc. has partnered with orthodontists to achieve optimal results for their practices. Orthodontists around the globe select TPO brands for unsurpassed beauty and performance. TPO is a trusted, global provider of orthodontic services and premier, aesthetic products, including an exclusive Personalized Color-Matching Technology®. Visit www. TPOrtho.com M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 29 New Zealand Association of Orthodontists The New Zealand Association of Orthodontists (NZAO) is the professional association for specialist orthodontists in New Zealand. NZAO orthodontists have completed a five year Bachelor degree in dentistry and a further 2 – 3 full time postgraduate course leading to a Masters degree or a Doctor of Clinical Dentistry degree in Orthodontics. NZAO The NZAO has over 80 full members: all registered as specialists with the 30 Dental Council of New Zealand. 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E Conference catering All morning and afternoon teas and lunches will be held in the exhibition. If you have advised the conference managers regarding special dietary requirements your meal will be labelled and on a separate table. At the conference dinner please make yourself known to the wait staff. Any issues at all please see Mandy or Anna at the Registration Desk. CPD This conference has been fully accredited by the New Zealand Dental Association. Points and numbers are included in the programme. Certificates of Attendance can be collected from the Registration Desk. G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Orthodontists Programme Thursday 16 April 5.5 Cat 3 hours code# 207542 Friday 17 April 5.5 Cat 3 hours code# 587153 Auxiliary Programme Thursday 16 April 5.5 Cat 3 hours code# 207542 Friday 17 April 5.5 Cat 3 hours code# 633238 NZAO Mentoring Meeting Saturday 18 April 4 Cat 3 hours code# 455389 Laurie Walsh Course Saturday 18 April 3 Cat 3 hours code# 207055 Evaluation An online survey will be emailed to you after the conference. Or you can download the link from the conference website. M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 31 Internet on site Wifi is complimentary at the conference venue. G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N The password will be displayed at the Registration Desk. iSite Napier 06 834 1911 100 Marine Parade www.napiernz.com Open daily 9am – 5pm Medical and pharmacy assistance Medical The Doctors 06 835 4696 30 Munroe Street Open Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm, Saturday and Sunday 8am – 6pm Pharmacy Unichem 06 834 0884 32 Munroe Street Open Monday – Friday 8am – 9pm, Saturday and Sunday 8am – 8pm Hawke’s Bay Hospital 06 878 8109 Cnr Omahu Road and McLeod St, Hastings Name badges Please wear your name badge to gain entry to sessions, industry exhibition and social functions. If your badge is lost please see the staff at the registration desk so a replacement can be arranged. Parking NWMCC: Car parking is available in the park behind the Ocean Spa Complex with access off Marine Parade 400m north of the Centre. A car parking pass is available at the centre reception for all attendees. Please note street parking areas are 2 hours only. Registration and information desk Located in the foyer of the NWMCC, the desk will be open throughout the conference. After hours phone Mandy on 021 918 525. 32 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E Venue Registration and Information desk 021 918 525 Hotel 06 833 7733 Te Pania 45 Marine Parade 06 835 3237 Quality Inn 311 Marine Parade Motel de la Mar TELEPHONE DIRECTORY TE LE P H O N E D I R EC TO RY 06 835 7001 321 Marine Parade Airlines Air New Zealand 0800 737 000 Qantas 0800 808 767 Transfers Hawke’s Bay Combined Taxi Baywide Taxi 06 835 777 06 835 5959 Conference organising committee Alan Isaac (convenor) Peter Barwick (president) Judith Hey Conference manager Mandy Train 021 918 525 Conference Innovators mandy@conference.co.nz M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 33 NOTES 34 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E NOTES M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 35 NOTES 36 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E NOTES M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 37 NOTES 38 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E NOTES M E E T I N G O F T H E M I N DS 2 01 5 N Z AO CO N F E R E N C E 39 NOTES 40 1 5 - 1 7 A P R I L • N A P I E R WA R M E M O R I A L C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E 33-54409 33-54540 33-54524 33-54535 33-54540 33-54524 33-54535
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