The Cokesbury Connection Cokesbury 2013 United Methodist Church Pastor’s Page Upcoming Events & Activities Sunday, March 24 Cross Ceremony at 9:40 am & Palm Sunday Service at 10:30 am Thursday, March 28 Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00 pm Friday, March 29 Good Friday Service at 7:00 pm Saturday, March 30 Easter Egg Hunt in FLC at 10:30 am Sunday, March 31 Easter Worship Service at 10:30 am Isaac came home from church recently with a fish. Not a real fish, but one that he had made in Sunday school. When I checked my phone after worship someone had sent me a picture. The picture had the kids in his class tossing a net over one of our youth. And so I asked him about the lesson and what he had learned. “We caught Savannah today,” he said. He went on to tell me the story of the disciples throwing out their nets and not catching anything. Jesus then tells them to throw them out on the other side. And in Isaac’s interpretation, “They caught 89 fish!” After talking about the story a little more he finally asked me, “Mom, why didn’t they just use a fishing pole?” Isaac hadn’t ever seen fishing done any other way. It was strange to him to think of fishing with a net. For him it was different and new, and if he hadn’t ever seen it done that way then how in the world could it be more effective? As I read another version of that story this week in my Lenten devotional reading I started thinking about Jesus’ call to Peter to fish for people. Many of us know the stories. We know that we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. We know that we are supposed to bring people to a saving knowledge and relationship with Jesus Christ. We know that we are supposed to love our neighbors. And yet sometimes the techniques we are using don’t work as well as we want them to. We keep throwing the pole into the water and waiting. We haven’t figured out how to use our nets. Maybe we are using nets but we keep throwing them on the same side expecting different results. It could even be that we aren’t fishing at the right time of day. We are called to be fishers of people just as Peter was. And Jesus expects us to be effective fishermen. That is not an easy thing to do at a time when so many things are changing in our world. It means that we might need to do something we’ve never done before. We may need to quit doing some things that aren’t working. And other things may need a little tweaking. Yet no matter what we do, we need to be open to the nudging of the Holy Spirit. God, what can we do for you and your kingdom? And how can we do it most effectively? Come Holy Spirit and lead us and Jesus led his disciples. Peace, March 2013 Sun Mon Sunday Morning Schedule 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Combined Worship Tue Wed Thu No Wednesday Bible Study during Lent 4 3 5 1:00 pm Emmaus Fri Sat 1 2 6 7 8 Lay Servant 9 Lay Servant 9:00 am Petal Pushers 7:00 pm AA & Al Anon 5:30 pm Worship Comm. 6:00 pm Basketball 7:00 pm Bible Study Mtg. 6:30 pm Choir 5:00 pm Camellia Gar Cl. Ministries School Ministries School 10 Lay Servant 113:30 pm Twin Oaks 12 7:00 pm AA & Al Anon 7:00 pm Bible Study 1:00 pm Emmaus 13 noon Yah Yahs 6:00 pm Basketball 6:30 pm Choir 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 .Palm Sunday 25 26 27 28 29 30 Ministries School 7:00 pm AA & Al Anon 7:00 pm Bible Study 1:00 pm Emmaus 7:00 pm UMW 7:00 pm AA & Al Anon 1:00 pm Emmaus 7:00 pm Bible Study 6:00 pm Basketball 6:30 pm Choir 10:00 am Folders 6:00 pm Basketball 6:30 pm Choir 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service 7:00 pm Good Friday Service 9:00 am Food Pantry Easter Egg Hunt 10:30 am 31 EASTER He is Risen! BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES FOR THIS MONTH MARCH BIRTHDAYS 2 Marian Gentry 4 Harold Gaddy 4 Jonathan Keller 6 Karen VanMaanen 7 Suzanne Flowers 7 Patty Wall 8 Wendy Grady 9 Kathy Hoge 9 Janice Taylor 9 Denise Borrelli 11 Richard Hilbourn 11 Robert “Sonny” Kaufman 12 Dylan Harley 12 Kristen Looney 13 Nellie Weaver 14 Ryan Broyles 15 Bailey Holbrook 15 Dorris Myers 16 Craig Norris 16 17 20 20 21 22 24 24 26 26 26 26 27 27 29 29 30 30 31 Neal Norris Emmy Fulmer Michael Broyles A. Robert Nix Juliette Jackson Kandice Bunch Pat Ham Allen Keller Perry Gentry David Moore Brandy Wall David Wiley Elizabeth Hamrick Herbert Herrmann Robin Livingston Connie Minter Ashley Taylor Joey Trainor Holland Keller MARCH ANNIVERSARIES 1 John & Betty Carter 17 David & Toni Moore 24 Bruce & Dawn Bilsback 27 Michael & Melissa Cook If your birthday or your anniversary is not listed or is incorrect please let the church office know so we can make the proper corrections. Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 10. WHAT’S HAPPENING IN MARCH With Deepest Sympathy UNITED METHODIST WOMEN NEWS Cokesbury extends our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of A. E. “Bill” Tyner at his passing. The UMW will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 19, at 7:00 pm. This month’s meeting will feature the District Chairman of the UMW Reading and Resource Program, Debbie Russell, On Easter Sunday, our sanctuary will be beautified with “live” lilies sponsored by the UMW. The cost of each lily is $10.00. If you wish to purchase a lily in honor of or in memory of a loved one, give the form and payment to any UMW lady by the Monday before Easter. Please make your check payable to the UMW and not the church. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP. TWIN OAKS SING-A-LONG Every second Monday of the month, at 3:30 pm, a group of our Cokesbury members gathers at Twin Oaks Retirement Home to lead a Sing-a-Long for the Twin Oaks residents. This monthly outreach ministry would be delighted to add new voices to their group. No prior experience required. Call Mac Ham for more details. FOOD PANTRY Our monthly Food Pantry is held every third Saturday of the month at 9:00 am. If you are aware of anyone in the 29405 or 20418 zipcode who needs food assistance please tell them about our monthly Food Pantry. Every fourth Sunday of each month Romayne Eaddy, our hat lady, will collect a special offering after worship service to replenish our monthly food pantry. Please remember those in need. In February we collected over $500.00 to help feed the needy. Our Church Library Come and enjoy your Cokesbury Library on Sunday mornings or during regular church office hours (Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m.– 3:30 p.m.). The library is located in the Education Building across from the Women’s Restroom and next to the Pastor’s office. The library has a wonderful variety of Christian books and DVDs for your entire family, including sections devoted to Children, Youth, Fiction, Christian Living, Christian Growth, Reference, etc. There are several overdue books that need to be returned to the library so that others may enjoy them. Please check your shelves to see if you have any of our library books and RETURN or RENEW. Cokesbury is now saving the tabs from soft drink cans for the Ronald McDonald House. You may leave them in the Missions Room in the back of the Education Building. YAH YAHS LUNCHEON Come out to Lunch with the Yah Yahs on Wednesday, March 13, at noon, in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a covered dish to share and enjoy the great fellowship as well as the great food. Cokesbury extends our deepest sympathy to Harold Goodyear and family at the passing of his brother, Ralph Goodyear. Cokesbury extends our deepest sympathy to Joan Adler, her sons and their families at the passing of her husband, Sidney Adler. Thank You to the Cokesbury Family A thank you from the family of A. E. “Bill” Tyner to his Cokesbury family for all the love shown him both before and after his death. Also a special thanks to Pastor Megan and to the ladies who prepared and served a meal to the family after his funeral. We appreciated everything so much. Harold and Anna Goodyear wish to thank all those who expressed their love and concern at the recent passing of Harold’s brother, Ralph N. Goodyear. EMMAUS MONTHLY GATHERING This month’s Emmaus Gathering will be held here at Indian Fields UMC, at St. George, at 7:30 pm. Our Emmaus Reunion Group, the Shepherd’s Crook, meets at the church each Tuesday at 1:00 pm WE STILL NEED SOAP! Thanks to all of you who have given soap to his on going ministry. Each month Cokesbury UMC furnishes 50 to 60 bars of soap to the community supported Shalom Ministries. You may also chose to give money toward the soap ministry. For more information on this important outreach ask Marian Gentry. Notes from the Music Ministries. Our Children have an opportunity to attend Music and Worship Arts Camp at Lake Junaluska this summer. The children’s fee for the week will be $139.00 and we will need a check made out to Cokesbury UMC and marked for “Music Camp”. Deadline for registration will be March 12. We will leave for the camp on Sunday, June 23. We need also need adult chaperones to go with us to the camp. If you are interested in registering your child or in being a chaperone please contact Eszter with your questions at (843)513-6443 or at, or call the church office. Thank you. Cokesbury now has a beautiful new roof and repaired gables on our Education Building thanks to all of you who have donated funds to help pay for this much needed repair. Some of the funding for the roof came from our grounds and maintenance budget so we still need funds to help finish paying for the new roof. Please continue to give to this fund. The Children’s Department needs cereal boxes! Now through April 2013 we will be collecting cereal boxes for our June 2013 VBS. These boxes will be painted and used to make a huge “stone” wall. You can open the ends and flatten them out to make storage easier. Drop them off in the old sanctuary or the mission room located across from the game room at the end of the education hallway. Thank you for your help! From Pam Coleman for Children’s Ministries: MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Our Vacation Bible School dates have changed! Kingdom Rock VBS will be June 16-21st. Don’t miss it! Our Winter Pool Party will be held at the new Danny Jones Aquatic Center off of Montague Avenue. They are finishing up construction and we are one of the first groups on the reservation list! No final date yet, but it will be after church one Sunday in April. Watch your newsletter, bulletin and e-mail for final information. When Jesus taught, he used everyday objects like coins, fish, and plants to help people remember God’s truth. Just like Jesus, we will use everyday items—gizmos—to help kids learn the Bible. And they never forget it. Since children experience what they’re learning, it sticks with them for a lifetime. We are starting this exciting new Children’s Sunday school curriculum in March! All children ages 3-5th grade are invited to join us at 9:30 each Sunday morning. MARCH MONTHLY MISSION: BACK PACK BUDDIES Packing up help for hungry children Backpack buddies attacks the issue of weekend hunger for Lowcountry children. On Friday afternoon, at risk children are sent home with a backpack filled with nutritious snacks. For some of these children, school lunches may be their only meal of the day. How can you help? By donating non-perishables that require no cooking or special tools such as: Single serving fruit cups and applesauce Single serving packages of crackers, chips, pretzels and cookies Microwavable meals and soups such as Spaghetti O’s, Ramen Noodles, Mac-n-cheese Individual cereal packs, oatmeal and instant grits Juice boxes Soups with pull tab tops Granola bars, raisins and trail mix Shelf Stable milk (white or chocolate) Canned chicken or tuna Registration is due by April 1. TRIVETS, TRIVETS, TRIVETS! Youth who are 14 years old by the starting date of their chosen camp or those 18 and above (All those 18 and above must have a background check. Most of our adult members who have attended Salkehatchie before have a background check on record.) The Santee Camp that Rev. Joe Long serves as the director of will be held from July 13 - July 20 this year. His camp fills up quickly so be sure you have your application in early. Romayne Eaddy still has some trivets left! While she has given her handmade trivets to most of the families at church she still has a few trivets in various colors left. Her goal is to give every family at Cokesbury a trivet for their home. If you haven’t picked out your trivet yet please call Romayne at 851-3473. Save the Date for the 2013 Ladies Retreat at Seabrook Island! July 26-28 Registration information coming soon! HOME BOUND COMMUNION Home Bound Ministries would be pleased to serve communion to anyone who is homebound. If you are home bound (or know someone who is) and would like to receive communion from Cokesbury please contact Sue Shipman at 552-7239. The next Kairos Prison Ministry Weekend at Lieber Correctional Institute will be held March 14-17, and David Wiley will be part of it. As always Kairos will need our help in baking homemade cookies for the inmates and guards at the facility. Cookies may be brought to our worship service on Sunday, March 10 or to the church office by that Wednesday, March 13. To our congregation: Once again the youth group had a great time on our annual ski trip. We had a beautiful house, lots of snow and lots of camaraderie. These young adults are so awesome. They exhibit great character and they do walk in great faith. They all gel from ages 1217. We had two new youth this year who had never skied; some of our “veterans” stepped up and really hung with them. It is a blessing to be their youth leaders!!! We would like to thank Ken Stovall for his ever faithful job as a chaperone and resident cook. Y’all miss out on the best French toast ever!! Thanks to Ronnie Sayer and Chad Graham for being chaperones also. We are grateful that we get this time with them. We always have a blast and are really sad when it is all over. We always look forward to next year. We look forward to all our time with them! Thanks to those in our church who constantly step up and support us. It really matters a bunch. As a church you all should be really proud they are the best! Once again we really appreciate it! Miriam and Leigh Ann and your Cokesbury youth!! SKI TRIP GROUP 2013 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. Postage PAID CHARLESTON, SC PERMIT#459 4990 Dorchester Road North Charleston, South Carolina 29418 Phone: 843-552-4061 Fax: 843-552-4063 Email: Website: RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED STAY CONNECTED WITH COKESBURY! If you would like to receive periodic emails containing prayer requests and general information of events at Cokesbury, ask to be added to the church email group. Send an email to or call the church office at 552-4061. If you are not on our mailing list to receive our monthly newsletters please call the office to receive a copy each month. The monthly newsletter is also posted on our website Also, if you are not on our birthday or anniversary list please call the church office so you can be added to our lists. COKESBURY ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT (For ages 3 through 5th grade) Our annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, March 20 at 10:30 am, in the Family Life Center. If you would like to donate some candy for our Easter Egg Hunt, it can be dropped off in our mission box in the sanctuary by March 24. We can use any type of individually wrapped candy that will fit in an Easter Egg. No hard candy please. Thank you !!! Cokesbury Staff Megan Gray, Pastor Eszter Ablonczy, Music Director Pam Coleman, Children’s Ministry Dir. Miriam Graham, Youth Director Leigh Ann Sayer, Youth Director Lyn Bridges, Secretary Tommy Myers, Sexton
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