The Florida Healthcare Engineering Association’s 53rd Annual Meeting and Trade Show will be held Monday, October 12, through Wednesday, October 14, 2015, at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort. The FHEA TRADE SHOW will be held on Monday, October 12, and Tuesday, October 13. For the 20th consecutive year, the Trade Show is being held in cooperation with the Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), the Office of Plans and Construction. By combining the two meetings, we expect to have well over 1,100 attendees. Registrants are healthcare facilites management personnel, architects, engineers, and a range of people involved in healthcare facility design/build, operation, maintenance, and compliance. JOINT CONFERENCE AND TRADE SHOW SCHEDULE BOOTHS AND FEES Arrangements have been made with Rosen Shingle Creek for 280 exhibitor’s booths, measuring 10' x 10', as per the copy of the plan attached separately. The basic booth setup will consist of: • 10 x 10 foot unfurnished booth • 8 foot high flame retardant back drapes • 3 foot high flame retardant side drapes • 7" x 44" exhibitor ID sign with company name and booth # Booth fees are as follows: Monday, OCTOBER 12, 2015 AHCA Seminar AHCA & AHCA/FHEA Registration: 6:30am AHCA Sessions: 8:45am - 4:30pm Regular Booth (white) Premium Booth (green) Food and Entrance Premium (blue) Sponsors’ booths (ruby colored) $675 $740 $840 $1740 or $1840 Trade Show Hours: 4:30 - 7:30 pm Trade Show Schedule Note: There is a two-booth maximum per company. 10:00 am - 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 4:30-7:30 pm Booth fee includes setup as described in preceding paragraph plus three exhibitor representative badges with access to the trade show floor. Booth price does not include registration for, or admittance to any seminar or educational sessions. If you wish to attend any of these sessions, please register separately at Food: Booth fee includes Monday’s reception and breakfast on Tuesday. 7:30 pm Exhibitor Move-In Opening of Trade Show Reception (Trade Show Floor) Trade Show Closes for the day Tuesday, OCTOBER 13, 2015 AHCA Seminar AHCA Sessions: 8:00am - 4:00pm Trade Show Hours: 7:00 am - 2:00 pm 7:00 am 7-8:00 am 8-11:00 am 11 am - 12 noon 12:45 pm 2:00 pm Trade Show Opens Trade Show Continental Breakfast AHCA Sessions Sessions in recess - Trade Show open Door Prizes/Booth Awards Adjournment/Exhibitors Move-Out Wednesday, OCTOBER 14, 2015 FHEA Annual Meeting & Educational Session FHEA Registration: 7:00am FHEA Educational Session 8:30am - 12:15pm FHEA Annual Meeting: 1:30 - 3:00pm What is and is not included with booth fee: HOW EXHIBIT SPACE IS RESERVED We do not have open registration for exhibit space at this trade show. Booths are offered using a priority system based on past history with the event. If you’re not sure we have your company and contact info, please email us at We begin by offering space to companies who have been with us the longest and work our way down to newer companies. When we can offer a company space, we will email that company’s contact(s) a complete prospectus and a floorplan showing what is currently available and invite the contact to email us their top choices for booth location along with a list of their company’s main competitors. We shall make every effort to fulfill the choices of our exhibitors; however we reserve the right to fill the booths in an orderly fashion, and to prevent competitors from exhibiting in adjacent or nearby booths whenever possible. SHOW DECORATORS FM CONVENTIONS is our official show decorator. Upon receipt of your payment, we will notify them of your booth assignment(s). They will handle booth setup and make available a service kit containing all pertinent information regarding move-in/move-out times, their services and costs. The service kits will contain order forms for the following services: electrical; furniture, drayage information, labor rates, lead retrieval, etc. Please note: booths are UNFURNISHED. Additionally, a list of regulations enforced by the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort may be sent to you. For additional information, contact Pamela Melton or her staff at FM Conventions in Orlando. Phone: 321-296-1888 Email: BOOTH AWARDS As in the past, exhibitor booths will be judged for awards based upon originality, information content, and all-around presentability. Presentations of awards will be made Tuesday, at 12:45 p.m., on the Trade Show floor. DOOR PRIZES All participating vendors in this optional program will receive a container to collect business cards of registered attendees. On Tuesday, beginning at 11:30 am, booths will be visited by FHEA board members divided into four teams to draw and record the winning card from each container. We will announce all the winners at a central location on the trade show floor beginning at 1:00 pm. Selected winners need not be present to win and exhibitors will be responsible for getting the prize to the winner if the winner does not pick up the prize before the show closes at 2pm. Keep that in mind when you select a door prize to award. In fairness to all, we ask that no prize exceed $250 in value, and only one prize will be announced, no exceptions. MOVEOUT/BREAKDOWN The trade show will close promptly at 2pm -- please make your travel arrangements to allow adequate time to secure your moveout containers and proceed with teardown after the show closes. Do not begin teardown until after 2pm; our show decorators cannot offer any assistance with breakdown until then. SPONSORSHIPS We are truly grateful to all sponsors who make these meetings possible and will recognize our sponsors in: • Signage at the Annual Meeting & Trade Show • Complimentary ad in conference Program/Directory • Announcements at the Annual Meeting & Trade Show • The Whistle, FHEA’s quarterly newsletter • The FHEA Sponsor section on the FHEA website • Rise in priority level • Additional booth representative badges SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Platinum level Gold level Silver level Bronze level $4000 (limited to three) $2500 $1000 $500 If you wish to be a sponsor, please indicate on the booth contract and we will contact you about details. LAST YEAR’S (2014) FHEA TRADE SHOW EXHIBITORS AAF International (American Air Filter) Creative Sign Designs Cubix, Inc. Abatement Technologies Accelerated Contractors / ACT Architects Cummins Power South Daikin Applied ACF Standby Systems LLC DeAngelis Diamond Healthcare Group AcornVac, Inc. Acousti Engineering Company of Florida DECON Environmental Dixie Plywood & Lumber Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc. Door Control Inc. $GYDQFHG5RRÀQJ,QF Door Solutions Inc. Advanced Technologies Group, Inc. DORMA - Florida Door Control Aerie Engineering Doyle Electric Services Inc. A-Fabco, Inc. Driveway Maintenance, Inc. Airmax Service Corporation Dynatherm Resources, Inc. Airstron All Phase Electric and Maintenance, Inc. Eco Water Systems (PHUDOG&RDVW5RRÀQJ5HVRXUFHV Allegion Emerson Network Pwr - Elec Reliability Serv American Portable Air, Inc. Energy Air, Inc. American Time Engineered Energy Equipment, Inc. Amico Corporation AMPS (Advanced Manfctrg & Pwr Sys) ETS-Lindgren Anchor Floor & Supply Company, LLC Facilities Survey, Inc. Ferran Services & Contracting, Inc. Andrews Filter & Supply Corp. Fiberlock Technologies (Kontrol Kube) ANF Group, Inc. Filter Pure Systems, Inc. APG Flad Architects AQUIS Armstrong International - Solares Controls Florida Detroit Diesel - Allison Florida PipeLining Solutions ASCO Power Technologies Florida Power & Light Company ASCO Services Flow Control Technology Company LLC ASSA ABLOY DSS of Florida Follett Corporation Austin Commercial, LP Garratt-Callahan Automated Door Ways, Inc. GCI Consultants, LLC AVI-SPL Genset Fire and Security, LLC Balfour Beatty Construction, LLC Gilbane Building Company Baltimore Aircoil Company (BAC) Global Plasma Solutions Barton Malow Company Graybar Electric Batson-Cook Company Great Lakes Carpet & Tile LLC Batten & Shaw, Inc. Greenheck Fan Corporation BeaconMedaes Gulf Mechanical Contractors Becker Pumps Corp. Gulfstream Petroleum Services Inc. Belimo Americas H. Stephen Jones & Associates Bender Inc. Haskell Biller Reinhart Structural Group, Inc. Health Care Compliance, Inc. Blue Pillar, Inc. Healthcare Facility Solutions LLC Blue Team Restoration Heat Pipe Technology Borrell Electric Co., Inc. Heery Design %UDVÀHOG*RUULH Hiller Fire Protection & Security Solutions Brite LED Lighting LLC Hilti Building Cooling Systems, Inc. Hioki USA Corporation Carastro & Associates, Inc. Hoar Construction, LLC Carrier Rental Systems Honeywell Building Solutions Cascade Water Services Inc. Centennial Contractors Enterprises, Inc. Hospital Systems, Inc IDeACOM Healthcare of Florida CENTRIA IIS Group, LLC Charles Perry Partners, Inc. Industrial Engineering Chromate Industrial Corp. Innerface Architectural Signage Coastal Mechanical Innovative Service Solutions Commercial Design Services, Inc. Commercial Flooring Distributors, Inc. Inpro J Newton Enterprises, Inc. Communication Access Services Inc Jantech Services Inc. Composite Cooling Solutions, LP Jeron Electronic Systems, Inc. Comprehensive Energy Services, Inc. Johnson Controls Inc. ConEdison Solutions Johnson-Laux Construction Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Kaleidoscope Limited Crawford-Tracey Corporation Kaufman Lynn Construction Creative Arts Unlimited Inc. KHS&S Contractors Creative Contractors Inc. KONE Kwalu Legrand, North America / UES Lerch Bates Inc. Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Life Safety Enterprises, Inc. Linde Healthcare Link Construction Group, Inc. Littlejohn Engineering Associates, Inc. LRE Ground Services, Inc. LSS Life Safety Services Mannington Commercial Masland Contract Mason Engineering MC2 Incorporated MC2 Incorporated 0F(QDQ\5RRÀQJ,QF Mechanical Services of Central Florida, Inc. Microguard, LLC Modular Services Company Momar, Inc. MTA - Medical Technology Associates, Inc. Multivista Nabco Entrances NALCO - An Ecolab Company Nash, Inc. Nexxspan Healthcare, LLC OHL-Arellano Construction Co. Original Solutions Company, Inc. 3$5RRÀQJ Paladin Medical Products, LLC Pall Medical ParexUSA Patterson Pope, Inc. Petroleum Recovery Services Pevco PG LifeLink Phoenix Medical Construction S.E., Inc. Phoenix Products a Div. of Ring Power Corp. Power Pro-Tech Services, Inc. Powerhouse Boiler Equipment PowerLogics, Inc. PowerSecure, Inc. Premier Cabinets & Fixtures Premier Medical, Inc. Premier Water & Energy Technology, Inc. Primex Wireless Pro Chem, Inc. Professional Service Industries, Inc (PSI) Protec, Inc. Pure Air Pure Air Control Services, Inc. Rauland-Borg Corporation of Florida (RBF) Refuel Systems USA, Inc. 5HPHGLDWLRQ6SHFLDOLVWV3UHP:HDWKHUSURRÀQJ Res-Tek Ring Power / Pantropic Power Robins & Morton Roof System Services 5RRÀQJ&RQFHSWV8QOLPLWHG)/,QF 5RRÀQJ7HFKQRORJLHV,QF Russelectric Inc. S.I. Goldman Company, Inc. Safe Check Saltz Michelson Architects Schindler Elevator Schneider Electric Shannon Specialty Floors, Inc. Sherwin Williams Siemens Industry, Inc. Silikal America SimplexGrinnell Skanska USA Building Inc. Smith Seckman Reid, Inc. SOPREMA Southwest Engineers Specialized Plumbing Technologies Spot Coolers SPX Cooling Technologies/Marley Stanley Access Technologies State-Line Products of South Florida, Inc. Stevens Construction, Inc. Stromquist & Company, Inc. Strut Technologies, Inc. Suffolk Construction 6XWWHU5RRÀQJ Swisslog Translogic Tandus Centiva TAW Power Systems Tek-Air Systems, Inc. The Garland Company, Inc. The Whiting Turner Contracting Company Thermal Tech, Inc. TLC Engineering for Architecture Total Power Systems Trane 7UHPFR5RRÀQJ%XLOGLQJ0DLQWHQDQFH Tri-Dim Filter Corporation Tropic Mechanical TSIG Consulting, Inc. Turner Construction Company TUV Rheinland of NA United Fire Protection United Labs, Inc. Universal Fuel Services Unlimited Restoration Inc. uSave LED USSolar, Inc. Valcourt Exterior Building Services of FL, LC Validated Custom Solutions - Florida Vistamatic, LLC VJO Strategic Medical Solutions W. W. Grainger Inc W.G. Yates & Sons Cnstrctn Co. (Yates Construction) Waco Filters Wal-Mark Contracting Group Watson McDaniel Co Wausau Tile Wausau Window and Wall Systems Wayne Automatic Fire Sprinklers, Inc. :HDWKHU7HFK5RRÀQJDQG:DWHUSURRÀQJ,QF Westbrook Service Corp. :HVWHUQ:DWHUSURRÀQJ Whitehall Mfg. William R. Nash, Inc. Willis A. Smith Construction Wilsonart LLC Yorkshore Sales & Marketing, Inc Yown’s Boiler & Furnace Service, Inc. Standard Booth Regulations and Types (USA) Booth Display Types and Regulations There are three types of booth displays in our tradeshow: Standard/Linear, Perimeter Wall, and Peninsula/End Cap. The following booth display rules are typical for U.S. trade shows and convention halls. However, regulations vary by convention center and even within show halls. The booth display specs described here will be enforced by FM Convention Contractors at this trade Standard/Linear Booth – in line booth (10' depth) Standard / Linear Booth Any booth that shares a common back wall and abuts other exhibits on one or two sides. Maximum height is 8'. This 8' height may be maintained on the sidewall of your booth up to a distance of 5' from the front aisle. The remaining length of the sidewall may be no higher than 4'. A corner booth is a linear booth exposed to aisle on two sides. All other guidelines for linear booths apply. Perimeter Wall Booth (10' depth) 5 5 10 HEIGHT REGULATIONS for 10’ x10’ exhibit space A standard/linear booth found on the perimeter walls of the The maximum height is 12'. This 12' height may be maintained on the sidewalls of your booth up to a distance of 5' from the front aisle. The remaining length of the sidewall may be no higher than 4'. Peninsula Booth or End Cap Booth A Peninsula booth is any exhibit 10' x 20' or larger with a depth from the common back wall to the aisle of at least 20' and with aisles on three sides. There are two types of Peninsula Booths: (a) one that backs up to Linear booths, and End Cap Double Booth (b) one that backs up to another 10’ Peninsula booth and is referred to as 5’ a “Split Island booth.” An End Cap double booth is a 10' x 20' booth that backs up to rows of Standard/linear booths. For all Peninsula and End Cap booths, the exterior of the back wall advertisements. 10’ 4’ 20’ If backed by a row of standard/linear booths, the back wall may be no higher than 4' for a distance of 4' from either side aisle and 8' high in the center of the back wall. These height restrictions must be maintained for a distance of 10' from the back wall. Corner Booth 5’ 10’ Display cannot extend beyond 5’ 8’H x 10’W Drape display must be placed against this wall 5’ Opposing Corner Booth 3’ Side rail drape Aisle Aisle A graphic to illustrate the reasoning behind these regulations: to enable all exhibitors to have visibility. 5’ Display cannot extend out from center back wall beyond 5’ to maintain line of sight. e Lin 5’ Aisle Aisle ht g i fs 3’ Side rail drape o 3’ Side rail drape 3’ Side rail drape
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