2015 CSSRA Championship Regatta Event Overview & Participant Information Congratulations! You have been selected to represent the Forest Hills Northern Rowing team at the CSSRA Championship Regatta. Please read this information carefully, along with your parents/guardians, so you are aware of the schedules, deadlines, costs and travel arrangements. It is a lot of information, but there is much to cover. And, yes, we recognize that some of the following information is repeated; we did that intentionally because it is important. Once your family has discussed this opportunity, please formally RSVP to the FHN Rowing email FHNCrewClub@yahoo.com on or before, Saturday, May 23rd. For those of you who join us, payments are due to Kellie Riley on or before May 29, 2015. All students attending this regatta will be excused from school Friday, June 5. In addition, if the team does well at the competition and the bus returns late on Sunday night, all athletes traveling with the team will be allowed to make up their Monday exams at another time (details to be worked out once a final list of student athletes is determined). Travel Schedule (see Regatta Schedule and Bus Information handouts) Travel time is 6 hours. Departure o Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. sharp from the FHN Commons entrance. Please bring your gear to school or arrange to have someone drop it off so we can begin loading at 2:30. Bring a brown bag dinner and drink for the trip. There will NOT be a dinner stop on the trip to Canada. Bring an identifiable, refillable water bottle. The bus will make one brief rest stop before crossing the Canadian border. Goal is to arrive at St. Catharines as early as possible so we can get checked in and settled in our rooms. We want our athletes (coaches and chaperones, too!) to be ready for Friday’s early wake-up call. Return o Sunday, June 7, 2015. Actual return time will depend on weather (delays), the number of FHN boats advancing to finals, and the times of those races (last scheduled race is approximately 6 pm). Due to exams, we will make every effort to leave Canada as early as possible with the majority of the team. For example, should only one or two boats advance to finals, we may make alternate travel arrangements for those athletes, coaches, and support staff to ride with parents who drive to Canada. This would allow us to send the majority of athletes home earlier on Sunday. This is a goal, but not definitive (see next bullet). Please be patient on Sunday as the coaches and chaperones evaluate the team’s performance and available options. Watch for updates on Facebook – we will post anticipated and actual departure times as soon as they have been determined. In the past, the athletes have also provided families with travel updates via text messages once on the bus. o Please, as a courtesy to coaches and chaperones, ensure a parent or guardian is at the FHN Commons entrance to meet the bus and pick up your athlete immediately upon our return. 1 Regatta Information Dates th th o Preliminary races are held Friday and Saturday, June 5 and 6 (heat times are not yet posted). th o Finals are reserved for Sunday, June 7 . Arrival back in GR may be late depending on how our athletes perform. Regatta Location o Royal Henley Regatta course Henley Island, 72 Henley Island Drive, St. Catharine’s, Ontario, Canada Go to www.cssra.org for information on location, maps, heat sheets, and race results Race Events o All events are 2000 meters in length. Most events consist of at least two rounds of qualifying heats before Sunday’s finals. o Qualifying races usually begin at 7:30 a.m. on Friday and Saturday and continue until 7 p.m. o Finals typically begin at 11 a.m. on Sunday and continue until 6 p.m. Regatta Admission – included for athletes, all others must purchase a wristband for admission/readmission to venue o Adult: Friday - $7; Saturday/Sunday - $9 each day; 3-day Pass - $22 o Students/Seniors: Friday - $6; Saturday/Sunday - $8; 3-day Pass - $18 o Ages 12 and under are free. o No entry without a wristband. Other Events (independent of regatta) o The team will continue the tradition of a side trip to Niagara Falls on Saturday night – they are so close, how could we not? Rowers will board the bus Saturday evening, view the falls, dine near the falls and then return to the dorms. This side trip is included, no fees other than dinner (see below). Lodging Residence and Conference Centre o Niagara-on-the-Lake, 137 Taylor Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, LOS 1J0. o Phone: 905.641.4435 o www.stayrcc.com Accommodations are 2-bedroom suites with one double bed per room and a common area between the two rooms. o Rooming assignments will be provided on the bus. No moves! It is expected that athletes will conduct themselves appropriately and be respectful of others (i.e. quiet time after 11 pm). Transportation Compass Coach (13550 White Creek Avenue NE, Cedar Springs, MI 49319) Athletes gear will be transported on the bus. A portion of travel time will be designated as quiet time to allow students to study for upcoming finals. We ask our seniors to respect this policy and not be disruptive to the underclassmen. Packing: (see Packing Checklist handout) Need to Know: the racing venue in Canada is wide open with limited shade; it usually rains which causes the site to be muddy (bringing home Henley Island mud/clay on boots, etc. seems to be an honor). Be prepared for changing weather as it can go from rain/wind/cold to sunny/hot quickly! What TO Pack: o Pack for three days but remember: you have to carry all your luggage! o Regatta: All athletes are to remain in uniform while AT the regatta, regardless if you have completed your race. Be certain to pack all pieces of your racing uniform (racing tank, racing shirt, long-sleeve warm-up jacket, solid black shorts, crew socks) and any spares you may have. Street clothes are not permitted at the regatta – no pajama bottoms or jeans, etc. Represent your team well! Rain gear is required. Rain boots are highly recommended if you have them. Bring a change of warm, dry clothes to the race site each day. Include a jacket, hat with a brim, sunglasses, sunscreen, bug spray, extra socks, gloves, warm hat and extra shoes. o Evening & Bus: Non-uniform, comfortable clothing for dinners and the bus ride home Changes of clothing appropriate for the weather and a jacket or sweatshirt for chilly nights. Sleeping attire/pajamas Toiletries, medications (notify coach), glasses, contacts, retainers. Deodorant? Yes, please. 2 o o o A plastic bag or two for your wet, dirty gear is recommended as it will protect your clean clothing. Phone charger; book, small games, cards, hacky sack, etc. Optional: sleeping bag, pillow and/or air mattress Spending money for dinners Friday & Saturday, incidentals & souvenirs. Talk to someone who has been to the CSSRA in the past for suggestions. Healthy snacks What NOT to pack: o Due to increased security in the US and Canada, our luggage could be inspected as we cross the border. A good guideline is not to bring anything that would not be allowed on a plane. DO NOT include any of the following: Knives of any sort (pocket, safety, box cutter, etc.) Weapons of any kind or anything resembling a weapon or gun; including all types of toy guns, air soft guns, plastic water pistols, etc. Illegal drugs, narcotics, alcohol or any banned substances. Fresh fruit or vegetables on our return to Grand Rapids. Please take these guidelines seriously. Be considerate of fellow athletes, chaperones and volunteers and DO NOT DO ANYTHING TO DELAY OUR BORDER CROSSING OR JEOPARDIZE THE TEAM’S PARTICIPATION IN THE REGATTA. Food & Meals Athletes are to bring a brown bag dinner for Thursday’s bus ride, including drink. Breakfast and lunch are provided at the team’s tent site on race days (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) Athletes need to bring their own, identifiable, refillable water bottles. Friday dinner will be at Boston Pizza, 221 Glendale Avenue, St. Catharine’s, ON L2T 2K9. Website: www.bostonpizza.com . o Rower is to bring money to cover their dinner (range on menu is $9 - $21 not including drink or dessert). Saturday dinner will be the athlete’s group’s choice during our Niagara Falls visit. o Rower is to bring money to cover their dinner (estimate max of $20’ish). REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR ROWERS - NO EXCEPTIONS 2014/2015 Student Picture ID – required for regatta participation (these will be collected and given to the our coach) Driver’s License (if student has one) Passport – preferred and strongly encouraged Or Certified Birth Certificate – this means an original with the raised stamp. Copies are NOT accepted. Letter of Consent for Student Travel (included in packet) o This should be completed and turned in to Martha Slubowski by Friday, May 29, 2015 (athlete’s may leave this with Mrs. Maatman in the Athletic Office but please put it in an envelope with Mrs. Slubowski’s name on it). IMPORTANT NOTE: Athletes will be required to turn over all documentation to Martha Slubowski upon boarding the bus. DO NOT pack your th documents in your bag as it will be stored under the bus. If you would like to turn over documents in advance of the 4 please contact Martha, she can pick them up immediately from school and would put in safe. Turning documents in earlyis encouraged as it would help expedite our departure. Trip Costs Athletes o Fee per athlete is $225. Covers: T-shirt, club provided food at the regatta, transportation, and lodging. All payments are due on or before Friday, May 29, 2015. Checks should be made payable to the FHN Crew Club with “CSSRA Trip” in the memo line. Payments should be turned in to Kellie Riley or the FHN Athletic Office. o Athlete Spending Money Must bring money to cover Friday and Saturday night dinners and any incidentals. There will be several rowing vendors at the Henley Island venue, similar to other regattas. Please bring adequate spending money to cover 2 dinners and incidentals over 3 days ($50 - $75). Most vendors accepts US currency. 3 Additional Information All athletes are to remain in uniform while at the regatta regardless of race completion. NO pajama bottoms, jeans, etc. Expectation is that athletes & their families will conduct themselves in a manner that reflects well on themselves, their coaches, team, parents, and school AT ALL TIMES. Athletes not competing in a heat are expected to cheer on their teammates. Loud and Proud! With an event this size, there is a substantial amount of “down time” between heats. o Student athletes are expected to use this time wisely and study for finals – bring study materials. o Those not anticipating finals should bring a book, music, or small transportable games, hacky sack, etc. o Mingle with other teams. *Contact your cellular phone carrier regarding international rates and guidance on how not to incur additional (read: high) phone charges if your athlete brings/uses their phone. If anyone would like to turn documentation in to Martha Slubowski prior to departure, call her at the number below. This would help expedite our departure. Athletes are responsible for their own gear. We recommend a waterproof, zippered or closeable bag (or garbage bag) for your regatta gear in case of rain and a small, ‘closeable’ backpack or bag for whatever you bring on the bus. FHN Rowing Parent Contacts: o Mike Fanning – 616.450.9442 o Martha Slubowski – 616.340.7257 Be patient if you have to leave a message for them during the regatta, they’ll be a bit busy but will return calls as soon as they can! INFORMATION FOR ADULTS WISHING TO TRAVEL TO CANADA Parent Chaperones (official) The club will determine a minimum number of official adult chaperones to accompany the team. Unlike other team events, trip chaperones are asked to cover their costs. Adult chaperones will be contacted directly by the Trip Organizer and given priority for lodging with the team. If you would like to be considered for a Team Chaperone spot, please send an email to FHNCrewClub@yahoo.com. Preference will be to those already committed to planning Food, Logistics, etc. o Bus Fee $50 per adult. Check made payable to the FHN Crew Club with “CSSRA Trip” in the memo line must be turned in to Kellie Riley or the Athletic Office by Friday, May 29, 2015. Seating is very limited. o Lodging Fee Official adult chaperones will be billed for lodging after the trip. Suites are approximately $100 per night. Payment to FHN Crew must be remitted to the FHN Crew Club by June 30, 2015. Room availability is limited, priority is given to official adult chaperones o Food Official adult chaperones are invited to join the team for the club-provided breakfast and lunch. Dinner costs are the individual/family’s responsibility. o You must possess appropriate identification, see “Required Documents for Adults” below. Non-Chaperoning Adults All families are welcome to join the team in Canada. If you are not selected to be an official chaperone, you will likely need to find lodging on your own. Transportation with the team is not likely to be a possibility this year due to the larger number of athletes traveling. o Bus Fee (if room on the bus) Seating is limited; priority will be given to those selected as official chaperones. $50 per adult. Please send an email to FHNCrewClub@yahoo.com if you want to be added to the waitlist. If a bus seat can be allocated, checks made payable to the FHN Crew Club with “CSSRA Trip” in the memo line must be turned in to Kellie Riley or the Athletic Office by Friday, May 29, 2015. o Lodging Fee Several families have identified local hotels in case people want to stay in the same location. o Food - It is difficult to predict how many family members will come to watch which makes it very difficult for our food coordinators to plan. A final food plan is being discussed now and will be shared with parents as soon as possible. Families are invited to join the team at designated restaurants on Friday and Saturday, but they are responsible for the cost/provision of all their meals. 4 Required Documents for Adults Parents are responsible for providing their own required travel documentation. Parents riding the bust MUST have the required documentation upon boarding (Martha will check!). Refer to the following websites for details on international travel between the US and Canada: o http://travel.state.gov/content/passports/english/passports/information/do-i-need.html o http://travel.state.gov/content/passports/english/country/canada.html 5
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