Anne Ancelin Schützenberger International School of Transgenerational Therapy TRAINING This unique training introduces the latest scientific developments in Transgenerational studies. Participants will have the opportunity of experiencing and practicing transgenerational therapy tools and techniques. This training is open to Psychologists, Psychodramatists, Social Workers, Psychiatrists or Psychotherapists. Family legacies play a direct role in the formation of emotional symptoms and can cause repetitive patterns of behaviour such as the “anniversary syndrome” or “invisible loyalty” which are repeated from one generation to the next. In order to accommodate to dysfunctional patterns in the family of origin or to deal with unfinished business, future generations preserve their loyalty by re-‐enacting similar life scripts. Only awareness allows for disidentification from affective, emotional and psychic experiences of ancestors on the construction of personality. The initiation of this special school grew out of the need to create a joint international effort to continue the unique psychogenealogy approach to psychotherapy and field which was developed by Anne Ancelin Schützenberger. She posits that as mere links in a chain of generations, we may have no choice in having the events and traumas experienced by our ancestors visited upon us in our own lifetime. Clinical tools and techniques which will be demonstrated and taught during the training course include the Genosociogram, the Family Atom, the use of Toys, Incognito Auxiliaries, Ancestral Psychodramatic techniques, Transgenerational Bodywork and Trauma work. Concepts taught will include Invisible Loyalty, Anniversary Syndrome, Phantom and Crypt, Secrets, Replacement Child, Conspiracy of Silence, Body Memory, Psychogenealogy, Transmission of Trauma, and Transgenerational Psychosomatics. DATES AND PLACES OF THE TRAINING: INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP: PARIS, FRANCE: 17th -‐ 19th April 2015. FIRST SUMMER INTENSIVE RESIDENTIAL 2015: TORINO, ITALY: 21st -‐ 26th July 2015. SECOND SUMMER INTENSIVE RESIDENTIAL 2016: TORINO, ITALY: 19th – 24th July 2015. TOTAL OF TRAINING HOURS FOR CERTIFICATION: Introductory Workshop (16 hours), First Summer Intensive Residential (6 days, 42 hours), Practical Transgenerational Therapy Work (45 hours), Supervision (5 hours) and Second Summer Intensive Residential (restricted to those who accomplished the previous requirements (6 days, 42 hours) for a total of 150 hours. FINAL REQUIREMENT FOR CERTIFICATION: Submission of a transgenerational case study and a recorded interview. LANGUAGE OF THE TRAINING: English. COST: The total cost of the training towards the Certificate of Practitioner in Transgenerational Therapy (CPTT) is €1.625. Payment for the required supervision will be made directly to the supervisor. Trainers and Supervisors: Anne Ancelin Schützenberger Manuela Maciel (France) Anne developed the main concepts of Psychogenealogy and her clinical and academic experience is focused on Transgenerational Transmission. She is one of the main pioneers in the field of transgenerational therapy. Anne is Professor Emeritus at the University of Nice, France. She was trained in psychodrama by J. L. Moreno and by Jim Ennis in the United States; in group-‐dynamics and psycho-‐sociology with Kurt Lewin’s group, Leon Festinger and Ronald Lippitt. Anne has over 40 years of experience as a therapist and analyst and is a well-‐respected authority, particularly in the field of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama. At 94, she is still working, running groups, lecturing, and training in psychodrama, nonverbal-‐communication, group-‐psychotherapy, unfinished businesses and transgenerational themes. Yaacov Naor (Israel) Yaacov is a Certified Psychotherapist and Trainer in Psychodrama, Group Psychotherapy and Expressive Arts Therapy. He is an expert on Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma. He is a Psychodrama Trainer in PIfE-‐Psychodrama Institute for Europe. He is a founding member and first president of the Israeli Association of Psychodrama.Since 1986 he has been leading special psychodrama dialogue groups between Palestinians and Israelis and for second and third generation Holocaust survivors together with young Germans. Yaacov is a founding member and serves on the council of FEPTO-‐ Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organization. He serves on the board of IAGP-‐ the International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes as Chair of the Psychodrama Section. (Portugal) Manuela is a Clinical and Social Psychologist, and Psychodrama Director for 30 years. She is experienced individual, group and educational therapist. She was the Chairperson of The Psychodrama Section of the International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP, 2003-‐2009). Member of the board, supervisor and teacher in the Portuguese Psychodrama Society (SPP). Manuela was trained in Psychogenealogy by Anne Schützenberger and has additional training in cognitive-‐behavioral therapies, hypnoses, regressive therapy [TRVC] and Deep Memory Process [DMP, Roger Woolger]), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), systemic therapy, biosynthesis, “body wisdom”, transpersonal therapy and more. Leandra Perrotta (Italy/Australia) Leandra is a Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Jungian Psychodrama Trainer and DanceMovement Therapy Trainer. She is currently serving as the President of FEPTO -‐ Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organizations and is Past Chair of FEPTO Task Force for Peace Building and Conflict Transformation. Leandra is Contract Professor at the Università della Valle D'Aosta. Leandra’s main research interests are dreams, transgenerational transmission and trauma. She is trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and also has a degree in English and French literature. Two of her published works on Psychogenealogy are: “Transgenerational Echoes of Violence: Jungian Psychodrama as a Path to Individuation”, in Interdisciplinary Journal of Family Studies, Padua University Press, 2014; Introduction to the Italian edition of Psychogénéalogie, Anne Ancelin Schützenberger, Di Renzo Editore, 2011. Supervisor: Colette Esmenjaud Glasman (France) Colette works as a clinical psychologist with children and teenagers, she is psychotherapist and psychodrama trainer. She is also certified in Transactional Analysis. Colette ran her training in psychogenealogy with Anne Ancelin Schützenberger. She is now training psychotherapist professionnals and social workers to psychogenealogy approach. She works in Paris and Grenoble. She published « Danse avec tes vieux : psychogénéalogie, psychodrame et analyse transactionnelle. In january 2010 in AAT revue.
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