CALL FOR STALLHOLDERS Are you a talented artist, photographer, craftsperson, foodie or entertainer? Get involved in the May West End Markets – Port Hedland’s favourite makers market. The West End Markets are Port Hedland’s only artists’ markets and offer makers from across the Pilbara and wider North West the opportunity to sell their wares in a marketplace geared towards creativity and which supports local makers and their products. All vendors must be covered by public liability insurance; all food vendors must fulfil the Town of Port Hedland requirements for health and safety. Please return applications before Thursday, 31 July 2014 WEST END MARKETS: APPLICATION GUIDELINES Thank you for your interest in becoming a West End Markets stallholder; the markets offer an opportunity for artists, crafts people, provedores, food and plant growers to sell products which are both unique and of the highest quality directly from the maker/grower to the customers. Carefully read through the Application package, if you feel your product/s fulfil the selection criteria, complete the Application Form and sign the Terms & Conditions Agreement. The information provided helps the selection panel to determine the suitability of your product/s. It is important that you provide a clear description of all products intended for sale, and good quality images of your work (jpeg images of medium to high resolution are preferable). If you intend to sell a value added food (such as condiments, homemade pasta etc) or non-food product (such as body lotion, handmade soap etc) you must provide images, that clearly show the packaging and presentation, you may also be asked to provide samples of your product/s. Return your photos, completed Application and Terms and Conditions package to: In person or via post to: Port Hedland Courthouse Gallery 16 Edgar Street Port Hedland WA 6721 Port Hedland Visitor Centre 13 Wedge Street Port Hedland WA 6721 By Email to: Applications cannot be processed without both forms and images. NOTE: If your application is accepted, images supplied by you may be used by FORM or the Courthouse Gallery for promotional purposes. Please retain copies of the images for yourself as FORM will retain and refer to the images for future markets. SELECTION CRITERIA: Each stallholder application will be reviewed by the selection panel; their decision will be based on the following criteria • High quality, authentic artworks, crafts or handmade goods that appeal to the Makers’ Market audience. • Artworks must be handcrafted by the stallholder/s, original, creative and not commercially available. • Or – High quality edible products both fresh and value added. • Or – High quality non-edible value added products. • No imports, reselling, commercial items or second hand goods. • The finished product/s and market stall must be presented in a consistent high quality manner that conforms to the West End Markets standards and Charter NOTE: Stall selection may be made to maintain a balance of media represented at the market. DETAILS Note: All information provided in this application will be treated as private and confidential and will be held and used for West End Market purposes only. Please print. Name of applicant(s) : Trading Name (if applicable) : Postal Address : Email Address : Website Address (if applicable) : Facebook Page (if applicable): Twitter (if applicable): Instagram (if applicable): Phone A/H :Mobile : Is your stall a fundraiser? Y N PRODUCTS Important: Please list all products intended for sale as you may only sell products the same or similar to those described in your application. You can apply for an individual or co-operative stall. Co-operative stall applications must list the names and contact details of all applicants. In the event of an art or craft group or not for profit organisation being the applicant, all persons having products for sale or operating the stall must be directly associated with the co-operative stall holder group. Please describe you product/s and how they are created. eg; Hand cut kiln formed glass, silver, copper and brass jewellery. I combine wirework, cold joining, forging and soldered processes to create a range of unique contemporary jewellery. My range includes rings, bangles, bracelets, brooches, and neck pieces. Please make sure you include images (medium to high resolution jpeg images are preferable) of your work and attach additional information on a separate sheet if necessary. Are Foods to be Sold (circle): YES If Yes, please fill out and return a Town of Port Hedland Temporary Food Premises Application before Thursday 7th August, 2014. STALL REQUIREMENTS Please outline what requirements you have e.g. how many tables, generator, or marquee. We will do our best to accommodate these needs, however in some cases stallholders will be required to provide their own additional equipment such as extra tables. Please note that you will need to provide your own lighting and chair(s). Marquee (3 x 3m) 1 No (I have my own) Table 1 2 Generator (food vendors only) Yes No No TERMS AND CONDITIONS Participation in the West End Market is subject to your acceptance of the following terms and conditions. Please read these carefully. • Products: Please make sure that the description on your application is accurate and covers all works intended for sale. Product descriptions must cover the full range of works intended for sale. You cannot add products to your range or new members to a stall without the approval of FORM. To add a significantly different product to your stall a written request along with photos is required to be submitted to FORM. This is to maintain the balance of products available and protect the unique quality of products sold. NOTE: Artists may have representatives selling their work on at the market stall, with expressed written permission provided with this application. • Environment and waste: To reduce waste; Stallholders are asked to minimise the amount of plastic packaging used in the stall please use recycled and/ or recyclable packaging and materials (where appropriate) or consider environmentally friendly alternatives. Stallholders are expected to clean up after themselves and ensure their site is left in good condition. Stallholders are required to remove all waste at the end of the day. • Times: Market staff will be on location from 10am. Stall holders can set up between 1pm – 2.30pm. If you do not arrive by 3pm, you may lose your allocated site. Market stalls must be set up and ready to sell by 3pm. The markets will be open to the general public from 3pm – Stallholders are not permitted to pack up (unless sold out) prior to 7pm. Times and dates subject to change. • Site: You will be provided with one trestle table and a marquee (3x3m). If you’re selling food products, you must provide you own display equipment. All stall equipment including signage must be contained within boundaries of your site, leaving public access clear at all times. Safety is your responsibility. You must provide your own lighting and chair(s). • Stalls: cannot be sublet or shared without approval from the selection panel. Applications for shared stalls must list names and contact details for ALL applicants. Except in the case of an art or craft or other type of group or not for profit organisation being the co-operative stall holder, all persons having work for sale or operating the stall must be a member or be directly associated with the co-operative stall holder group. • Fees: $30.00 per standard stall, additional fees may be payable if a site larger than standard is required. Fees to be collected by FORM staff on market day. Fees are not refundable. NOTE: Public liability insurance does not cover your equipment or product for loss or damage you will need to acquire your own additional insurance to cover this. • Consistency: The presentation of the stall and the standard of work sold need to be consistent each market, for the artist to retain the site. • Image Use Consent: I give permission for photographs of the stallholder/s, the products and stall to be used by the West End Markets, Port Hedland Courthouse Gallery and FORM in any promotional, marketing or media material relating to the West End Markets, the Courthouse Gallery, Port Hedland Visitor Centre and FORM. • Copyright: Stall holders must respect all copyright and intellectual property rights as outlined by Australian law and the Australian Copyright Council. • Public Liability Insurance: All stallholders must have public liability insurance ($10,000.000 minimum). FORM will be providing all eligible FIRST TIME stall holders with a Practitioner’s Membership free of charge. The public liability insurance is valued at $220.00 and will provide cover for 12 months. This insurance cover is for craft makers and visual artists, other stall holders such as photography and food must provide their own cover. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY The West End Markets, FORM Contemporary Craft and Design Inc, Port Hedland Courthouse Gallery, Port Hedland Visitor Centre, event sponsors and supporters and their representatives or agents will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to person or property howsoever caused, including the negligence and loss or damage arising out of weather conditions or the cancellation of the event due to any circumstances outside the control of the West End Markets, FORM Contemporary Craft and Design Inc, Port Hedland Courthouse Gallery, Port Hedland Visitor Centre, event sponsors and supporters and their representatives or agents. I have read and will abide by the Terms & Conditions of the West End Markets. Name (please print neatly): _________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________Date: ___/____/ 2014 Please email completed applications to FORM, or in person or via post to: Port Hedland Courthouse Gallery 16 Edgar Street Port Hedland WA 6721 Port Hedland Visitor Centre 13 Wedge Street Port Hedland WA 6721 By email to:
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