Elements of Sustainability Free or Inexpensive Paper Samples for Arts Lessons Try emailing requests for paper swatches/samples to the following companies. They send many interesting scraps of handmade papers. When requesting sample swatch papers make sure you mention that you are a teacher. List compiled by Camille Dempsey, 2012. Dick Blick Art Supplies, http://www.dickblick.com Send an email requesting the paper swatches below (with item #s) to: Kristal Frisque, Product Information Team info@dickblick.com. These are the item #’s they will send (you must list them in the email): No? Lama Li Festive Papers Green, Maroon, Natural, Peony 11240-5009 Blue Bark paper 11240-8099 Buckskin 11240-3309 Cinnamon 11240-2229 Gray 11240-1049 Ivory 11240-6129 Lavender 11240-7019 Light Green 11240-3509 Light Rose 11240-6149 Magenta 11240-8289 Marble 11240-4509 Orange 11240-4009 Yellow 11735-2170 Antique Gold 11735-5010 Blue 11735-8110 Copper 11735-2070 Gold 12225-2002 12225-4072 Gold 12225-2222 12225-4582 12225-2592 Silver/Gold 11735-1010 Nickel 11735-2420 Pewter 11735-1020 White 12206-1160 Blush 12206-6130 Lilac 12206-1370 Natural 12206-5040 Navy 12206-7020 Olive 12206-6010 Plum Rev. 12/12 12206-7440 Spring Green 11236-0609 11236-0615 11236-0955 11236-0962 11236-2102 11236-2107 11236-2407 11236-2509 11231-0559 Black, Gold, and Silver 11231-1259 Firestorm 11231-0859 Iris, Raspberry, and Apricot 11231-0959 Opal 11231-0659 Red, Gold, and Green 11231-1059 Tsunami 12207-1003 Blue 12207-1001 Natural 12207-1002Red 12207-1004 Yellow 11239-1001 Papyrus Paper 11239-1003 Papyrus Paper 11239-1006 Papyrus Paper 11229-0639 Bamboo and Bougainvilla 11229-0939 Bougainvilla 11229-0039 Fallen Leaves 11229-1049 Iris/Marigold/Bougainvilla 11229-1039 Layered Iris and Marigold 11229-0339 Long Prairie Grass 11229-0539 Marigold and Bougainvilla 11229-0739 Meadow Grass 11229-0839 Orange Flower 11229-0139 Pine and Palm 11229-0439 Tall Grass and Bougainvilla 11229-0239 Wild Bamboo 11706-1000 Baby Bougainvilla 11711-1001 Blue Iris & Long Grass 11712-1001 Burgundy, Blue & Yellow 11707-1001 Extra Blue 11708-1001 Leaves 11709-1001 Long Grass 11713-1001 Multi-floral 11705-1000 Small Lavender 12217-2005 Black 12217-1105 Cream 12217-3065 Green 12217-6015 Purple 12217-3015 Red 11224-2005 11224-7085 11224-2065 - Clay 11224-3165 Crimson 11224-8035 Dark Brown 11224-4235 Mustard 11224-1375 Natural Elements of Sustainability 11224-6005 Purple 11224-5055 Royal Blue 11224-8555 Toast 11249-1013 Diagonal Bricks Heavy, High Relief 11249-1035 Leaf Medium, Low Relief 11249-1003 Leaves & Branches Heavy, High Relief 11249-1033 Topography Medium, High Relief 11270-2005 11270-3145 11270-4235 Mustard 11270-1365 Natural 11270-7225 11270-6015 11270-8435 Rust 11225-2255 Reversible Paper, Sheet 11225-2485 Reversible Paper, Sheet 11225-8205 Reversible Paper, Sheet Natural/ Copper 11225-1205 Reversible Paper, Sheet Chiri Dark/ Chiri Light 11225-8375Reversible Paper, Sheet 11225-7335 Reversible Paper, Sheet 11225-6015 Reversible Paper, Sheet 11223-3005 11223-5055 11223-1005 11234-6005 Purple 12205-4092Gold 12205-7022 Green 12205-5012Periwinkle 12205-3142 Red 12205-4012 Sunshine http://botanicalpaperworks.com, http://www.botanicalpaperworks.com/contact.html. Toni, Phone: 1877-956-7393 Free swatchbook. Be sure to download our free brochure! Sales@Pickquickpapers.com Free variety of sample papers via UPS. Hands on Paper. http://home.vicnet.net.au/~papervic Papermakers of Victoria http://www.iapma.info, http://www.bluep.com/~stiffe, Gail Stiffe, Melbourne, Australia Arches (Don’t have the email but you can find online) (Also sent paper making video and swatchbooks of all their papers including watercolor) Artpaper and True Blue Art 30 Haywood Street, Asheville, NC 28801 (sent 2 regular postage envelopes packed full) Fox River Paper (Don’t have the email but you can find online) Sent a lot! These are more like business cover papers but nice for collage: Sent: 8 1/2 x 11 samples packs of: - Howard Linen The Architect Sample - Crushed Leaf Sample Packet Packet - Coronado Set: The Special Agent Sample - Capitol Bond Sample Packet Packet - Neutech Color Copy Sample Packet - Starwhite Sample Packet - Confetti Sample Packet PaperPhernalia, www.PaperPhernalia.com Rev. 12/12 Elements of Sustainability Contact: Viveca Eliscu Amazon Paper handmade@amazonpaper.com.br, mercados@amazonpaper.com.br, www.amazonpaper.com.br Tatyane Amaral, International Marketing Manager Origami and Crafts of Japan, www.craftsofjapan.com Amelia, PO Box 986, Park Ridge QLD 4125, AUSTRALIA Canson (Don’t have the email but you can find online) Grafix, www.grafixarts.com (Samples of plastics and vellum) Christa Wilkinson, Sales Assistant, christa@grafixarts.com, 800 447-2349 Ext. 123 Digital Imaging Papers Crane & Co., Inc. (Don’t have the email but you can find online) Anchor Paper Company, tpeterson@anchorpaper.com, Tom Peterson, 651-287-4561 Awagami Fine Art Paper, info@awagami.or.jp (Nice selection of rice and ink jet rice papers.) info@phoenixartsupply.com Our swatchbooks are $50.00 and contain our 800+ papers. Shipping is $7.95. Neenah Paper We have swatchbooks available for order on our web site: www.neenahpaper.com/orderprintedpromotions/. Samples are also available for ordering online here: www.neenahpaper.com/ordersheetsamples. http://www.paperhead.com We make sample swatches available at a reasonable price. These sample swatches can be found at: http://www.paperhead.com/Sample_Packs/sample_packs.html Steve Karr, phone: 616.364.7493, fax: 616.364.7318 mailto:steve@paperhead.com McClain's, Phone: 503-641-3555, Fax: 503-641-3591, Orders: 800-832-4264 We have a paper sample book, which includes all of the papers we carry, for $6 + $3.85 shipping. You can order it by giving us a call at 800-832-4264 or through our web site at www.imcclains.com. The page showing the sample book and our papers is http://www.imcclains.com/catalog/paper.html. Marco's Paper, http://www.marcopaper.com You'll find descriptions of the two sample books that we offer, along with pricing, in the "Current Specials" page of our website, which you can access from our homepage. Rev. 12/12 Elements of Sustainability The Japanese Paper Place, http://www.japanesepaperplace.com, 77 Brock Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M6K 2L3, TEL: 416-538-9669, FAX: 416-538-0563, EMAIL: washi@japanesepaperplace.com Dmreed@PaperDirect.com, Danielle Reed, Account Manager, Phone 800-865-8634, Fax 719-531-2858 You can order up to 8 paper samples for a $5.00 shipping fee. We include a $5.00 off coupon for your next purchase. The samples normally take 3-5 business days to arrive. You can place your sample requests online at www.PaperDirect.com. Twinrocker Handmade Paper, www.twinrocker.com, twinrocker@twinrocker.com, Kathryn Clark, 800757-8946 or 765-563-3119 A swatch set of about 30 Twinrocker handmade papers costs $12 postage paid. The Decorative Imported paper swatch set of about 50 papers also costs $12. Hiromi Paper International, www.hiromipaper.com 2525 Michigan Avenue Unit G9, Santa Monica, CA 90404, Tel: (310) 998-0098, Fax:(310) 998-0028. We would recommend the Art and Conservation sample book. It is $10 and the postage will be around $2 by first class. If you prefer Priority mail, it costs $3.85. info@tajpapers.com. Handmade paper swatch book, mail@paperpassions.com, Sonja "collage" pack sample papers Paper Connection International, LLC, www.paperconnection.com, www.paperconnection.com (877) 4341234, 166 Doyle Ave., Providence, RI 02906-1645 Instant Inspiration, www.greatstuff4you.com, c/o Diane, PO Box 151, Lincoln City, OR 97367 Collage packets, milagros, optical lenses, paper mache torsos, Chinese and Italian papers, and so much more! There is a $10 charge for that because of the time involved in assembling these little pieces with all item numbers attached, etc. We have done it for free in the past, but realized we cannot continue to do it without charging since it seems many people just want the samples and do not intend to make a purchase. Marco's Paper, Greg Smallwood, http://www.marcopaper.com You'll find descriptions and pricing on the two samplers that we offer in the "Current Specials" page on our website, which you can access from our homepage. Collective-Artwerx, www.collective-artwerx.com, Tracy Webster, 129 Maple Street (PO Box 538), Florence, Oregon, 97439, phone: 541-997-7110, fax: 541-902-9092 If you would like a paper sample, please send a self addressed stamped envelope to our address. Frontline Papers, www.frontlinepapers.com, (P) Limited, Ashok Jain, 78-79 Scindia House, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110 001, Phone: (011) 5151 4080, Fax: (011) 2372 1188, India Country code: (+91), Reply mails to: ashok@frontlinepapers.com. World's Largest source on Indian Handmade Papers !! Thank you for your interest expressed in our range of Handmade Papers. We represent a very large range, which you can browse on our website www.Handpaper.com Rev. 12/12 Elements of Sustainability paperzone.com, Cindy We offer many paper samples to be purchased. If you type in "sampler" into the search screen you may select to purchase any of the many options. Be careful though because other things come up that are not "Sampler Packs". The Paper Cut Inc., www.thepapercut.com, Sally We have a large amount of papers we carry. We have them arranged by color and varieties in a color shade chart. The Color Chart and Retail Price guide are available for sale, we are asking $15.00 for both items and the shipping charges would be $5.50. They are available through our website Tear It Up Papermaking Supplies, tracy@papermaking.net, Tracy S. Machalek, (512) 297-3217, We do not sell paper. We sell the kits and supplies to make your own handmade paper from recycling (junk mail, coffee filters, gift wrap etc..... ) thompsonpaper@aol.com The sampler set is 5.99 plus 7.25 to ship it you need to order it on line then email us with your 14 choices from our site. Thanks Debbie Legion Paper, Corey Ginsburg, VP Sales, Legion Paper, 11 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010, phone: 800-278-4478 x240 All our sample books are available online at (www.legionpaper.com). Please let me know if you have any questions. www.hqpapermaker.com, sales@hqpapermaker.com , Anna Chaicharoen, Sales Manager, HQ Group Co.,Ltd, HQ PaperMaker, 3/31 Samlan Road, T.Phrasing, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand, Phone: +66 53 814717-8, Fax: +66 53 814719 Thank you for writing to us. We carry stocks of all papers in Thailand and over 1,000 customers worldwide use us as their 'warehouse', ordering online For samples, please go to <http://www.hqpapermaker.com/Shopping/samples.htm> for information about ordering our Catalogue (CAT01) containing paper swatches and skeleton leaves, and the Packaged Collection (PC01) containing packaged paper products. These comprehensive sample packs are FREE and we charge only for the FedEx delivery. rice-paper.com, Kevin Wang, You can find our sample book at www.rice-paper.com/essay/sample.html www.phoenixartsupply.com, We offer complete sets of swatchbooks that are available from our dealers. www.discountcardstock.com, Stephanie Merrill I'd be more than happy to send you samples of all of my papers, vellums, handmade papers, mulberrys, variety packs, etc. Please visit my web site and choose the "Chip Chart" option on the right side of my web site and select "Chip Chart." The Chip Charts are sent priority mail, so if ordered today you will it by Saturday. www.enchantedforestpaperstuff.com, Carrie Rev. 12/12 Elements of Sustainability Thanks for inquiring about our paper samples. We have 2 samplers. One is a sample booklet geared towards rubber stampers - with cardstocks, etc. That booklet is $2.00. The other sampler we offer is for soap makers. This sampler includes 1 full sheet of each paper we sell for soap makers - papers that are great for making cigar band labels, brochures, etc. This sampler is $7.00. Both sampler prices include shipping & a coupon good towards a future purchase from us. www.inkogneato.com john@inkogneato.com Send these paper codes when requesting swatches: Poh Leaf, Code: PWLPH Para Leaf, Code PWLPARA Vine leaf, VLP Silver leaf, PWLSLV Gold leaf, GLPWL Mustard mango leaf paper, MLMUS Red Mango leaf, MLRED Eggplant Mango leaf, MLEGG Olive mango leaf, MLOLIVE Blue Mango leaf, MLB Sunflower Embossed Daisy, EMDSUNFL Yellow, NEWYEL Brown, NEWBRWN Burgundy, NEWBUR Blue, NEWBLUE Amber Unryu paper with bark, UPWBIAMBER Ocean Jute Fiber, JFOCEAN White Gold Marbled Paper, GMPWHITE Tan Gold Marbled, GMPTAN Red Gold marbled, GMPRED Green Gold marbled, GMPGREEN Silver/Black Gold Marbled, GMPSILVERBLK Navy Gold Marbled, GMPNAVY Purple/Blue Gold Marbled, GMPPURPBL Green/Sky Gold Marbled, GMPGREENSKY Ancient Gold Metallic, MSAGOLD Copper Metallic Solid, MSCOPPER Baby Blue Unryu, UPBB Burgundy Unryu, UPBURG Rev. 12/12 Cream Unryu, UPCR White Unryu Metallic Flecks, MFWHITE Cream Unryu Metallic Flecks, MFCREAM Red Unryu Metallic Flecks, MFRED Celedon Unryu Metallic Flecks, MFCELE Baby Blue Unryu Metallic Flecks, MFBABYBL Royal Blue Unryu Metallic Flecks, MFROYAL Black on Natural Asian Writing, AWBN Natural on Black Asian Writing, AQNOB Asian Seals – Gold, AWSEALG Asian Seals – Navy AWSN Naturals – Asian Writing, AWNAT Greens – Asian Writing, AWGRE Ancient Script, AWAS Gold Beetles – Olive, ABBEEO Butterflies – Putty, ABBPUT Butterflies – Cream, ABCRE Black Wise Men Printed Paper, APPBLCK Indian Floral Two Tone, APPIND White Mulberry Paper, MBWH Aviate, 7gyp1 Checkbook, 7gyp2 Map, 7gyp3 French, 7gyp4 French 2, 7gyp5 Autumn Mosaic, PMAM Autumn Pearls, PMAP Red Solid Vellum, RSVEL Eggplant Velvet Paper, VPEGGPL
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