Our Divine Savior Catholic Church 566 East Lassen Avenue, Chico, CA 95973 530-343-4248 / Fax 530-343-3538 E-mail: ourdivines@yahoo.com www.ourdivinesavior.org Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 am-3:00 pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm, Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am, Morning Mass: 8:00 am (Monday-Friday) Confessions: Saturdays 3:30-4:30 pm Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy) April 12, 2015 Who indeed is the victor over the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:5 M S Our Divine Savior Parish, a Roman Catholic community, nourished by God’s grace and the sacraments, embraces the mission of Jesus Christ. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we live the gospel through our worship of God and through loving service to one another and to the greater community. “Where two or more are gathered, there am I.” PARISH PERSONNEL Parochial Administrator Rev. R. Francis Stevenson DEACON / SPOUSE James & Stephanie Burkett DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Jennifer Forward, 345-6201 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Cecelia Dickman, 802-1608 BOOKKEEPER / SECRETARY Janet Bertagna, 343-4248 PLANT MANAGER/ SOCIAL HALL MANAGER Rich Ripp, 518-3811 YOUTH MINISTRY Rob Sheridan, 680-4294 odsyouthministry@yahoo.com Facebook.com/odsyouthministry PART-TIME SECRETARY Bunny Ripp, 343-4248 CUSTODIAN SERVICES Scott & Judy Keller, 898-8512 NURSERY CARE Juliet Polk, 893-8092 Maura Polk, 893-8092 Rienna Boe, 342-4919 PARISH INFORMATION RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Emmitt Posey, 892-1985 BAPTISM PREPARATION Deacon James Burkett, 893-2348 HOLY SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY By appointment, 6 months in advance. Call the Parish Office RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sundays from 10:05am - 10:50am in the Parish Hall CHILDREN’S LITURGY During the 11:00am Mass - Matt & Pamela Meuter, 566-0425 PARISH MINISTRIES / ORGANIZATIONS ALTAR SERVERS Kay & Dave Brandt, 343-8331 BEREAVEMENT /FUNERAL RECEPTION COMMITTEE Tamara La Rossa, 809-1782 BULLETIN ourdivines@yahoo.com , 343-4348 Deadline: Monday, 3:00 pm Bulletin Advertising: Please call the Parish Office, 343-4248 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Greta Souza, 899-9938 CATHOLIC LADIES RELIEF SOCIETY Susan Struble, 345-4642 CATHOLICS RETURNING HOME Deacon James Burkett, 893-2348 CHOIR Choir rehearsal held weekly on Wednesday, 7:00-8PM in church. Contact Cecelia Dickman, 802-1608 CONSOLATION MINISTRY Lyn Dorenzo, 891-8026 FLOWER DONATIONS Pat Mulholland, 891-8342 Norina Egan, 342-2027 HOLY SPIRIT PRAYER GROUP Contact Deacon James Burkett, 893-2348, Sharon Haselton, 891-5334, or Nancy Overton, 899-1600. INNER HEALING MINISTRY Derette Layne, 530-588-4386 for a confidential appointment. JESUS CENTER Randy Linquist, 894-0460 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #13765 Mike Ferguson, 343-7178 LEGION OF MARY Claire Richard, 893-1722 LITURGY MINISTRY Joanie Frericks, 345-4283 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER and VOCATIONS COMMITTEE Deacon James & Stephanie Burkett, 893-2348 MEN’S BIBLE STUDY Friday mornings, 6-7AM in the Knights of Columbus Room at ODS Parish. Contact Deacon Steve Schwartz, 891-0626, for details. MINISTRY TO THE SICK & HOMEBOUND Maureen Vogel—Please call Parish Office, 343-4248. PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Dave Abbott, 891-1491 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Jim Earney, 918-520-1161 PRO-LIFE CATHOLIC MINISTRY Mary Waldorf, 345-8638 PRO-LIFE ROSARY GROUP This group meets the 1st Thursday of the month in the Prayer Room in office from 6-7 PM. For more information call Diane Lusk, 519-9749. SMALL CHURCH COMMUNITIES If interested in joining one of the Small Church Communities, contact Carol Weigel, 343-3885 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Barbara O’Brien, 343-4248 TORRES SHELTER Rich Nichols, 520-4418 WELCOMING MINISTRY Charlie McCarthy, 520-0334 WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Tuesday mornings 9-11AM in the ODS Prayer Room. Everyone is welcome. Contact Terry Matthews, 893-1644, for details OF ONE HEART AND MIND Reading about the faith of the early Christian believers can be a real inspiration to those of us who have been Christians for a long time, as well as for those who are newly baptized. Can you imagine people of this world being “of one heart and mind” as was the first community of believers? Today’s First Letter of John seems to hold the key to how this can be accomplished. Keeping God’s commandments and loving all of God’s children seems to be the start of being “of one heart and mind.” We live in a world that stresses differences—differences among religions, among races, between genders, and among economic classes. Today we are summoned to focus on what we all share in common on this fragile planet of ours. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Weekly Readings Monday: Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8 Tuesday: Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15 Wednesday: Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday: Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36 Friday: Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15 Saturday: Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21 Sunday: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 79; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48 Reading the holy Scriptures (the Bible) confers two benefits. It trains the mind to understand them; it turns man's attention from the follies of the world and leads him to the love of God. St. Isidore (560-636 AD) Bishop and Doctor of the Church Mass Intentions Sat 11 5:00 Rita Frericks, d (Joanie Frericks) Josephine & Harry Andrews, d (Walter & Eileen Bird) Fr. Joel Genabia, (Fr. Francis Stevenson) Sun 12 7:30 Elizabeth Cepeda, Health (Kolonay Family) Fr. Joel Genabia, (Fr. Francis Stevenson) 9:00 Kay Baker,d, (Jackie Griswold) Fr. Joel Genabia, (Fr. Francis Stevenson) 11:00 Mary Ann Ward, Special Intention (Ines Williams) Stephani Huber, d (Pat Shaw) Fr. Joel Genabia, (Fr. Francis Stevenson) Mon 13 8:00 Rafat Brooks, d (Brian & Gail Boswell) Tue 14 8:00 Leonard Costa, d (Chris & Rita Sauer) Matilde Dabrowski, d (Cuadra/ Dabrowski Family) Wed 15 8:00 Jack Brown, d (Kathryn BarrettBrown) Ana Mae Biebucyk, d, (Sullivan Family) Thu 16 8:00 Intentions from Hear Our Prayer Book Fri 17 8:00 John Decker, d (Pat Decker) Mary Golden, d , (Gale Golden) PARISH FINANCES Collections for April 1 thru 5, 2015 Holy Thursday $ 657.00 Good Friday $ 780.87 Sunday envelopes $ 4,039.00 Easter $15,195.08 Flower donations $ 70.00 Projects & Initiatives $ 2,355.87 Torres Shelter $ 100.00 Thank you for your constant generosity and loyal support of Our Divine Savior. PARISH NEWS ONLINE GIVING: If you manage your bills online, we’re sure you’ll like giving to your church online. It’s safe and secure, and you decide exactly when your gift is made and where it goes. Online Giving lets you set up a recurring pledge or a one-time gift to our offertory and special collections, so you’ll be able to give the way you want even if you’ve forgotten your envelope. Visit www.ourdivinesavior.org or call Janet at the parish office, 3434248. THANK YOU BULLETIN ADVERTISERS! On the back of this bulletin you will find our bulletin advertisers. We appreciate their support. Please take a look at our advertisers and if you are looking for a product or service, please consider our bulletin advertisers first. Don’t forget to let them know that you saw their ad in our bulletin. DIVINE MERCY St. Thomas More Parish in Paradise will have a special celebration on Divine Mercy Sunday beginning with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 2 pm, Mass at 3 pm, and singing the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy. Confessions will be available before Mass. The day will end with an ice cream social in the parish hall around 4:15 pm. St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Oroville will have their closing Mass on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12th. We will have a priest for confession at 2 pm, one hour before 3 pm Mass. Following Mass a potluck will be served to all attending Mass at the Parish Community Center. More information contact Sandra Lehman, 530-534-4342. PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS Sandra Hughes Jennifer Konyn Michael Moriarty Michel Desilets Martha Gutierrez Erin Wooldridge Si Wrigley Rachel Findlay Patty Childs David Jeffries Rebecca Jayne Chris Sauer Elaine Puritz Marjorie Yowell Sherri Miguel Norleen Manwill Claire Johnston Kelsey Fassieux Tom Concannon CATHOLICS RETURNING HOME PEOPLE, REAL STORIES: Take some time to view these powerful, real stories from former fallen-away Catholics who have come home to the Catholic Church. They testify about how the world and other life situations drew them away from their faith, but by God’s grace, they felt a tug at their heart inviting them home to their family in the Church. We hope that their stories will encourage you, and will serve as your own personal invitation to come back to the Catholic Church. Jesus and your fellow Catholic brothers and sisters are waiting with open arms to welcome you home! Come join our 13 week session starting in May, where you will learn about the Bible, the Sacraments, truths about the Church, Prayer and find your way back into full communion with the Church. For more information go to CatholicsComingHome.org or contact Deacon James Burkett 530 893-2348 or Sharon 891-5334. We are preparing for the Spring/ Summer session if you would like to join us. REAL REFLECTIONS EASTER'S PROMISE: In the ordinary course of life we dream and plan, hoping our lives will go smoothly. It is a shock to be reminded of how quickly dreams and hopes can be shattered. In a moment when we experience life and death standing side by side, we are jolted into the reality that our certainties are not so certain. After the exhilaration of the Easter Sunday affirmation, "Christ is Risen," the Sunday after Easter gave way to the fear and doubt of the broken hopes and dreams of Jesus' disciples. Their fear was contagious, producing doubt within us. But our doubt is productive. Our search for the truth and the answer to our question "Did Jesus rise from the dead?" opens us to recognize the risen Lord. As we seek the Lord, He comes to us, blessing us with the peace, sending us forth to continue His mission, and empowering us with the gift of the Holy Spirit. CATHOLIC SCHOOL Mercy High School in Red Bluff is excited to announce its upcoming production of Phantom of the Opera! Dates and times are: Friday, April 24, Saturday, April 25 (a champagne Gala will happen this night, more info to follow), Saturday, May 2 – all shows at 7:00 pm, and Sunday, May 3 matinee at 2:00 pm. Tickets are $7 for general admission, $10 for reserved seating. You can contact Mercy High School at 530-527-8313 for more information or Jen Ross, 8980132 for tickets. NOTRE DAME SCHOOL is now accepting applications for ALL GRADES. Contact our pr incipal, Terri Sobieralski, at 342-2502 or tsobieralski@ndschico.org for more information or to set up a school tour. Thanks to the generosity of many, Notre Dame School is able to provide several payment options, making Catholic school tuition more affordable than you may think. If you would like more information about becoming a donor or applying for financial assistance, please contact our principal. Parish Office (343-4248) where we will greet you and personally tell you about our many activities and organizations that might interest you and your family. Our registration forms may also be downloaded from our website at ourdivinesavior.org. EASTER FLOWER FATHER-DAUGHTER DONATIONS DANCE: Notre Dame School PTO st invites you to their 1 annual Father Daughter Dance on Manuel & Helen Soares, Saturday, April 18th from 6:30 to in memory of the Azevedo & 8:30! Dads, if you have a daughter Soares Families aged Pre School-8th grade, this is Elva Boone, your chance to show your little lady how she is to be treated! Take her in memory of Jack Boone to dinner and then bring her to the dance and sweep her off her Ramon & Yolanda Fernandez, in feet! A professional photographer memory of Claro/Rudolfo Flores will be on hand to capture your B. Francis, In memory of Hector special moment and DJ Alan will Hutter Francis be spinning some tunes so you can Martin Family hit the dance floor. An amazing dessert bar will entice your taste Mavis Kathleen Thompson buds and there will be some fun games for the evening. If you Frances Walker would like to pre-register and save In memory of Ray Walker $5 on admission, please contact Tom & Linda Stratton, in Arwen Funk at 408-888-0483 or arwenfunk@gmail.com. You can memory of Betty Ferguson also buy tickets at the door for $30 Helen M. Porter per family. Rae & Kathy Lanpheir WELCOME TO ALL NEW Louise Ritchie, PARISHIONERS: in memory of Mary Kirwald Please let us know who you are and introduce yourself to our pastor, Fr. Francis Stevenson, as you arrive or are leaving Mass. We also ask that you pick up and fill out a “New Parishioner Form”, that can be found at the entrance of church. You can mail the registration form to us, drop the form into the collection basket or stop by our RELIGIOUS EDUCATION THIS WEEK We have seen what marriage looks like on tv, movies, and in our homes, but what is God’s plan for marriage? Join us April 12th following the 11:00AM Mass and get Hitched: a meeting on the Sacrament of Matrimony! TOTALLY CATHOLIC VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2015 We are preparing for another amazing and life changing Chico area Catholic Vacation Bible School experience this summer here at Our Divine Savior. DIVE DEEP BIBLE STUDY The theme for our June 15-19 VBS is "Everest— Every Wednesday night at 7:00PM. Spend some time Conquering Challenges with God's Mighty Power.” and get to know God through His Holy Word and His Registration officially begins this weekend. You can plan of salvation. find information online at ourdivinesavior.org/faithformation/vacation-bible-school. DIOCESAN NEWS We are also organizing a Decorations Team and need lots of help! No creative abilities are necessary. We need visionaries, busy people with very little time, creative people, and many who just want to help in some way but can't join us June 15-19 (or who can). Truly, we need a mighty team of many to share the work of turning our social hall into a snow-capped majestic mountain. Our VBS will be full of icy colors, craggy tundra, and breath taking views that kids will be excited to explore. Please call the ODS Religious Education office at 345-6201.. FREELY GIVEN: Diocesan Young Adult Conference 2015. Calling all young adults ages 1839! We invite you to attend FREELY GIVEN, the Diocese of Sacramento Young Adult Conference. This will be a wonderful opportunity to learn, worship, and be in community with other young adults from throughout the diocese. The day will focus on the Church as “a place of mercy freely given”, drawing from Pope Francis’s apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium. The conference will be held on Saturday April 11, 2015 at St. James Parish in Davis, CA from 9:30am-5:00pm, with an option to stay for the 5:30pm vigil mass. Registration is $15 and includes lunch. Price will increase to $20 after April 4, so register early! For more information or to register, visit our website: www.yaconference.com CAMP PENDOLA: the official summer camp of the Diocese of Sacramento, is now accepting registrations for the 2015 summer season. Camp Pendola offer s a fun filled experience for children and youth under THE POWER OF SILENCE the supervision of trained college age counselors. For more information and registration materials, check our web site www.pendola.org or call at 916-733-0123. Were you there for the services of the On May 15th our Early Bird Discount Ends. Triduum? Did you experience the awesome HEALING AFTER ABORTION RETREAT – and awe-filled silence that settled over the RACHEL’S VINEYARD: Is someone you know Our Divine Savior church after the Holy suffering after an abortion, perhaps years after the Thursday services? It was amazing to see a choice? Please consider the Rachel's Vineyard Retreat whole church full of people exit silently, weekend, May 1-3, 2015, in Auburn, sponsored by the each of us touched in our own way by the Diocese of Sacramento. mystery and presence of the Holy Spirit. This unique and effective experience presents the As important as our community gathering, mercy and compassion of God. The retreat is sharing and fellowship is, it is still essential extremely helpful for those who struggle with feelings of: shame, anger, grief, or for those who have not to take time to be still, even in the presence forgiven themselves or others. Open to women, men, of our friends and family. At each weekend couples, and family members touched by abortion. Mass, we are invited to enter into a period of The cost is $175 per person. Financial assistance is silence before the opening hymn. This available. For a registration packet or more opportunity is like putting our cars into information, contact Paula Segno at (916) 733-0161 or neutral before we begin to engage the clutch write projectrachel@scd.org. Inquiries and and drive. It allows us to transition from the busy, full, noisy lives we lead to a different participation are strictly confidential. kind of time: kyros (God's time), not chronos CAMP PENDOLA – MINI WEEKS: Mini weeks are a great way to go to camp even for those too busy (clock time). We prepare our hearts to listen for a whole week. Between summer school and to God's word and to share in the Body of organized sports, sometimes 3 nights is ideal length Christ with our full attention. We focus. for a summer camp experience. Though the shorter length session is a great introduction to overnight camp for the first time camper, all ages of campers attend our Passport to Fun June 28 to July 1, 2015. For more information check out our web site www.pendola.org or call 916-733-0141. APPLY TO BE A COUNSELOR: Camp Pendola, the official summer camp of the Diocese of Sacramento, is accepting applications for counselors for the summer season. If you are at least 18 years old, have graduated from high school, love being in the outdoors, and enjoy working and playing with children, a summer camp job might be for you! This year, the traditional summer camp program will be celebrating 55 years of serving children and youth ages 6 to 17. Camp Pendola exists to build lasting relationships and teach stewardship of God’s creations through Christian community living in the outdoors. For more information and our online application, check our web site www.pendola.org or email Lori Rosene, Camp Pendola Director, at lrosene@scd.org. FAMILY ROOM It takes time and the cooperation of all of us to make this silence happen. It isn't just the absence of noise, it is the presence of peace. Thank you for all you do to establish this new habit at ODS.
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