CUIC Course Catalogue - CUSOURCE Credit Union Knowledge

Self-study, Cohort,
Updated: March 2015
CUSOURCE Credit Union Knowledge Network
151 Yonge Street, Suite 1000 | Toronto, ON M5C 2W7
1.888.367.1386 | |
® CUIC, CUSOURCE & Design are registered trade-marks owned by Credit Union Central of Canada, used under license
Content Index
Courses..................................................................................................................................... 1
Agricultural Lending .................................................................................................................................. 1
Business Lending ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Commercial Mortgage Lending ................................................................................................................. 3
Consumer and Residential Mortgage Lending.......................................................................................... 4
Financial Management .............................................................................................................................. 5
Fundamentals of Personal Financial Planning .......................................................................................... 6
Human Resources Management .............................................................................................................. 7
Marketing and Sales Management Under Review.................................................................................... 8
Products and Services .............................................................................................................................. 9
Strategic Management for Credit Union Professionals ............................................................................. 9
MSR Accreditation Program - Supervisor Training ................................................................................. 10
The Credit Union System ........................................................................................................................ 10
Designations/Accreditations ................................................................................................. 11
Accredited Business Lender Program .................................................................................................... 11
General Business Studies Program ........................................................................................................ 12
Management Studies Program ............................................................................................................... 13
Member Service Representative Accreditation ....................................................................................... 14
Pay by Module ........................................................................................................................ 15
Business Lending – Pay by Module ........................................................................................................ 15
CUSOURCE Credit Union Knowledge Network
Agricultural Lending
This 10-module, paper-based course addresses factors and issues associated with agricultural
lending -- farm financial accounting and financial statement analysis, agricultural production and
marketing, agribusiness development, taxation, appraisal of assets and security, agricultural law,
and agricultural loan administration. Specifically, the course covers:
1. Introduction to Agricultural Lending
2. Farm Product Marketing
3. Risk Characteristics
4. Agricultural Lending in Credit Unions
5. The Loan Application Process
6. Financial Analysis
7. Assessing the Farmer
8. Collateral Appraisal & Evaluation
9. Security, Legal Issues & Disbursements
10. Monitoring and Collections
For additional information, please see the course description:
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Business Lending
CUC-345-BSLNE02-SLS (Self Study)
CUC-345-BSLNE02-CHR (Cohort)
This ten-module online course focuses on the key concepts related to business loans: from
administration to underwriting. Students should have a solid understanding of financial statement
analysis for this course and can obtain this through two courses from CUSOURCE Knowledge
Network: Understanding Business Financial Statements and Introduction to Business Financial
Statement Analysis. Specifically, the Business Lending course (CU01-345) covers:
1. Introduction to Business Lending
2. Financial Statements
3. Cash Flow
4. The Loan Investigation Process
5. Security
6. Structuring the Loan
7. Loan Disbursements and Monitoring
8. Problem Accounts
9. Prospecting for Business Loans
10. Negotiation and Closing
For additional information, please see the course descriptions:
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Commercial Mortgage Lending
CUC-340-CMMLE04-SLS (Self Study)
CUC-340-CMMLE04-CHR (Cohort)
This 10-module, paper-based course deals with complex mortgage lending situations including the
underwriting of multi-tenant projects, condominium financing and sub-division development. The
purpose of appraisals and the appraisal process are examined. Also discussed are business
development initiatives, commitment letters, loan disbursement and documentation procedures
and problem accounts. More specifically, this course covers:
1. Commercial Mortgages
2. Commercial Mortgage Lending
3. Beginning the Loan Investigation
4. Appraisal and Evaluation
5. Analyzing the Credit Application
6. Special Purpose Financing
7. Disbursements, Documentation, & Monitoring
8. Problem Accounts
9. Business Development
10. Negotiating and Closing
For additional information, please see the course descriptions:
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Consumer and Residential Mortgage Lending
CUC-210-CRMLE11-SLS (Self Study)
CUC-210-CRMLE11-CHR (Cohort)
This 10-module, paper-based course is a credit in the Management Studies Program and in the
Consumer and Residential Mortgage Lender Accreditation Program. It presents the basic concepts
of consumer and residential mortgage lending -- member contact, personal financial counselling
and loan negotiation, loan structure, consideration of loan applications, documentation, insurance
and mortgage law, disbursements of funds, monitoring and collection of consumer and mortgage
loans, pre-payments, and mortgage discharges. Specifically, the course covers:
1. Introduction to Consumer Lending
2. The Loan Application Process
3. The Credit Decision
4. Loan Documentation, Monitoring, Collections, & Financial Guidance
5. Mortgage Law and Mortgage Insurers
6. Processing the Mortgage Loan Application
7. Mortgage Loan Administration
8. Discharge and Prepayment Procedures
9. Member Contact Skills
10. Consumer Lending Business Development: Methods and Activities
For additional information, please see the course descriptions:
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Financial Management
CUC-225-FNMNE03-SLS (Self Study)
CUC-225-FNMNE03-CHR (Cohort)
This course has two primary components: the study guide and textbook. The textbook, the
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, is a university level textbook on corporate finance that
provides the theoretical framework of the course. It is the student’s responsibility to purchase the
correct textbook edition for their study guide. The study guide focuses on the application of this
theoretical framework to financial institutions and specifically, credit unions. Specifically, this
course covers:
1. Overview of Financial Management in Credit Unions
2. Interpreting Credit Union Financial Success Using Financial Statements and Ratio and
Trend Analysis
3. Financial Structure and Asset Management
4. Time Value of Money Considerations
5. Macro Economic Considerations
6. Risk Management Considerations
7. Asset Liability Management
8. Capital Adequacy and Deposit Protection
9. Operations Management
10. Financial Reporting
For additional information, please see the course description:
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Fundamentals of Personal Financial Planning
CUC-240-FPFPE09-SLS (Self Study)
CUC-240-FPFPE09-CHR (Cohort)
This 10-module, paper-based course can be considered the primer in the field of personal financial
planning. It is “a must” for anyone working in the industry, whether or not they have any intention
of becoming a certified financial planner. In fact, many employees feel it has helped them with
their own personal finances as much as it has helped them with answering members’ questions.
This practical case-based course includes both a study guide and a workbook that covers:
1. The Financial Planning Process
2. Net Worth, Cash Flow, and Debt Management
3. Risk Management and the Role of Insurance
4. The Financial Market Place and Investment Products
5. Investment Planning
6. The Income Tax System
7. Tax Planning
8. Retirement Planning
9. Estate Planning
10. The Comprehensive Financial Plan
For additional information, please see the course description:
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Human Resources Management
This 10-module course provides current and aspiring managers with an understanding of key
areas of HR management and of the strategic connection between HR and the credit union’s
business strategy. This connection is emphasized by using a case study of a factitious credit union.
The course is not intended to make anyone an HR specialist although the content may trigger
someone to pursue that direction. The course looks at the fundamental HR functions and
disciplines as well as at current and developing trends and challenges facing managers in terms
of managing people – their most important asset. Specifically, this course covers:
1. Human Resource Management
2. The HR Planning Process
3. Managing Employment Equity and Diversity
4. Organizational Design and Culture
5. Talent Management
6. Learning and Development
7. Performance Management and the Rights of Employees and Employers
8. Compensation
9. Employee Health and Well-Being
10. Labour Relations
For additional information, please see the course description:
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Marketing and Sales Management Under Review
There are a lot of marketing courses but very few that deal with marketing “services”, let alone,
“financial services”. This is one of the reasons why this 11-module, paper-based course is
unique. It takes an organization-wide approach to the marketing and sales of financial services.
The course starts with your credit union’s corporate strategic plan; it ends with the internal and
external communications plans needed to galvanize the entire credit union to meet its strategic
objectives. In other words, it takes marketing from the board table to the front-line. Why? Because
the winners in today’s environment are organizations that can gather, analyze, interpret and act
on market information and that can understand and anticipate changes in needs and buying
patterns. More importantly, they have the ability to formulate marketing strategies with the aim of
achieving competitive advantage. Therefore, this course offers two opportunities: first, an
opportunity to understand the principles that apply to financial services marketing; second, the
opportunity to apply your learning to a real marketing challenge facing your credit union.
The course looks at marketing at three levels and includes the following topics:
Understanding the Scope of Marketing Management
Module 1:
Marketing in the 21st Century
Module 2:
The Challenges of Services Marketing
Module 3:
Market-Oriented Strategies for Winning Markets
Strategic Marketing
Module 4:
Relationship Marketing & Customer Relationship Management
Module 5:
Environmental & Industry Analysis
Module 6:
Buyer Analysis
Module 7:
Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning
Tactical Marketing
Module 8:
Managing Products and Brands
Module 9:
Managing Pricing
Module 10: Managing Delivery Channels, Service Channels and the Sales Force
Module 11: Integrated Communications
For information, please contact CUSOURCE® Client Solutions at 1.888.367.1386 or
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Products and Services
CUC-185-PRSRE07-SLS (Self Study)
CUC-185-PRSRE07-CHR (Cohort)
Knowing credit unions’ products and services is one of the ABCs of building business literacy and
understanding the concepts of financial intermediation, profitability and member profitability. It is
also the foundation for providing excellent service. This 10-module, paper-based course is a
practical overview of the products and services typically offered by credit unions as well as our
competitors. As well, it demystifies services with which you may not deal with routinely -insurance, trust, and financial planning services, for example. Specifically, this course covers:
1. Savings Services
2. Registered Plans
3. Lending Services
4. Card Services
5. Transaction Services
6. Investment Services
7. Trust Services
8. Insurance Services
9. Financial Planning Services
10. Sundry Services
For additional information, please see the course description:
Strategic Management for Credit Union Professionals
Strategic Management for Credit Union Professionals provides a general overview of strategic
management for credit unions:
The process of choosing and defining purposes and objectives
Formulating and implementing viable strategies, and
Monitoring strategic performance
You learn about strategy by reading, thinking, analyzing previous decision and talking. To allow
for all of these learning dimensions, this CUIC course is delivered in as an e-class over
approximately 15 weeks. In this format, participants can consider the strategic management for
their own credit union and have an opportunity to discuss “strategy” with their classmates from
across the country.
For additional information, please see the course description:
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MSR Accreditation Program - Supervisor Training
This 4-week course is a combination of 4 webinar & conference calls and an assignment that
prepares you to support and guide your Member Service Representative through the Member
Service Representative Accreditation Program. You will need a telephone & internet access in a
quiet area for the meetings/conference calls.
For additional information, please see the course description:
The Credit Union System
CUC-200-TCUSE11-SLS (Self Study)
CUC-200-TCUSE11-CHR (Cohort)
This 10-module, paper-based course provides a comprehensive overview of the system within
which you are working. Looking first at the unique aspects of credit unions as co-operative financial
intermediaries, it then places credit unions in the context of the larger financial services industry.
The course gives a brief introduction to profitability and how profitability is reflected in the credit
union’s financial statements. The course surveys credit union’s historical development, ideology,
structure and governance, operation, products and services, and composition as a system as well
as future trends and issues. Specially, this course covers:
1. The Distinct Nature of Credit Union Operations
2. The Credit Union as a Co-operative Financial Institution
3. The Canadian Credit Union System
4. The Canadian Financial Services Industry
5. Financial Management Principles
6. The Regulatory Environment
7. Products and Services: The Ongoing Evolution
8. Understanding Your Credit Union’s Financial Statements
9. The Co-operative Network
10. The Future for Credit Unions – Opportunities and Challenges
For additional information, please see the course description:
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Accredited Business Lender Program
The 6-course Accredited Business Lender Program is designed to lead lenders from foundational
knowledge to more complex credit situations that more closely reflect the reality of the day.
The course instructional formats vary and include:
CUIC courses that can be taken as independent study or as an online learning group
Instructor-led “in-class” and
Instructor-led eclassroom
For additional information on the instructional formats offered for each course, see the table on the
next page.
Upon completion of this program, you will become an “Accredited Business Lender”, an
accreditation which is conferred jointly by CUIC Inc. and Dalhousie University.
Program Requirements
 The Credit Union System
 Introduction to Business Financial Statements Analysis
 Business Lending
 Applied Business Lending
 Commercial Mortgage Lending
 Advanced Business Lending
For additional information, please see the course description:
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General Business Studies Program
You will be awarded the designation Fellow of the Credit Union Institute of Canada (FCUIC) after
completing the 9-course General Business Studies Program and working the equivalent of 2 years
full time in the co-operative financial services industry.
8 General Business Courses. The 8 general business courses are offered through
universities, colleges, professional associations, or other institutions.
a. Accounting
b. Business & Interpersonal Communications
c. Management/Business Administration
d. Marketing
e. Finance
f. Organizational Behaviour
g. Economics
h. Elective Business Course
The Credit Union System which is available only through CUIC.
3. 2 years full time work experience in the Co-operative Financial Services Industry.
For additional information, please see the course description:
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Management Studies Program
You will be awarded the designation Associate of the Credit Union Institute of Canada (ACUIC).
The Management Studies Program is a management development program that includes a mix of
general and credit union-specific courses. The program has been designed to give you an in-depth
understanding of the key competency areas in credit union business management.
The designation, Associate of the Credit Union Institute of Canada (ACUIC) will be awarded after
you have completed the 13-course Management Studies Program and have worked an equivalent
of 5 years, full time in the financial services industry, two years of which must be in the co-operative
financial services industry. If you already have a college/university certificate/diploma in business
administration, it is likely that you will only need to take the 7 credit union-specific courses relating
to credit union management to complete your Associate designation.
To qualify for the Associate designation with a "Specialty in Lending Studies", you must satisfy all
the MSP requirements and have a minimum of three specific lending courses.
1. General Business Courses. The general business courses are offered through universities,
colleges, professional associations, or other institutions.
a. Accounting
b. Management/Business Administration
c. Marketing
d. Finance
e. Organizational Behaviour
f. Economics
2. The Credit Union Specific courses
g. The Credit Union System
h. Consumer and Residential Mortgage Lending
i. Financial Management
j. Marketing and Sales Management
k. Fundamentals of Personal Financial Planning
3. Credit Union Elective Courses [any two of the following]
l. Strategic Management for Credit Union Professionals
m. Human Resources Management
n. Commercial Mortgage Lending
o. Business Lending
p. Agricultural Lending
4. 5 years full time work experience in the Co-operative Financial Services Industry.
For additional information, please see the course description:
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Member Service Representative Accreditation
The supervisor responsible for mentoring the student through this program must complete the
Accredited Supervisor Training (CUC-STM-STMSE01-ILT) prior to logbook submission.
This unique accreditation recognizes fully-trained service representatives (MSRs/FSRs) who have
acquired the competencies to perform typical side-counter transactions. The program recognizes
both formal and on-the-job learning and measures MSRs’ knowledge, skills and behaviours
against national, industry-defined performance standards in six key result areas (KRAs). When
MSRs demonstrate that they meet the Standards, they receive the nationally recognized
designation of Accredited Member Service Representative.
For additional information, please see the course description:
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Pay by Module
Business Lending – Pay by Module
These ten-modules focus on the key concepts related to business loans: from administration to
underwriting. Students should have a solid understanding of financial statement analysis for this
course and can obtain this through two courses from CUSOURCE Knowledge Network:
Understanding Business Financial Statements and Introduction to Business Financial Statement
Module 1 - Introduction to Business Lending [CUC-345-SM01E02-ELR]
Module 2 - Financial Statements [CUC-345-SM02E02-ELR]
Module 3 - Cash Flow [CUC-345-SM03E02-ELR]
Module 4 - The Loan Investigation Process [CUC-345-SM04E02-ELR]
Module 5 - Security [CUC-345-SM05E02-ELR]
Module 6 - Structuring the Loan [CUC-345-SM06E02-ELR]
Module 7 - Loan Disbursements and Monitoring [CUC-345-SM07E02-ELR]
Module 8 - Problem Accounts [CUC-345-SM08E02-ELR]
Module 9 - Prospecting for Business Loans [CUC-345-SM09E02-ELR]
Module 10 - Negotiation and Closing [CUC-345-SM10E02-ELR]
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