E-Contractor Academy, Level II A Strategic Approach to Achieve Energy Efficiency through Small Contractor Participation Veronica Soto ECC/Los Angeles Initiative Spring 2015 E-Contractor Academy Emerald Cities Collaborative partnership with Citibank Facilitate small contractor participation in SoCalREN energy efficiency retrofit projects Expand LA County’s pool of prequalified contractors Provide access to training and capacity-building technical assistance and resources Provide ongoing contracting and procurement assistance to participating contractors Monitor and report contract awards 2 E-Contractor Academy Administrative Processes Seminars begin at 4:30 pm and conclude by 7:00 pm Seminar attendance required unless excused Sign-in at each seminar Do your homework. Come prepared to participate. Communication will be via email Program and seminar resources and materials on website www.e-contractoracademy.com 3 E-Contractor Academy Workshop: Intro to County Energy Plan and So Cal Regional Energy Network April 2, 2015 County of Los Angeles Energy Plan Project Implementation Status Overview of Southern California Regional Energy Network (SoCalREN) Energy Efficiency Local Worker Hiring Program Contractor participation requirements 4 E-Contractor Academy Workshop: How to Bid on Energy Efficiency Projects April 9, 2015 Overview of Project Delivery Method(s) to be used LA County Master Agreement Contractor Requirements o Prequalification o Bonding o Certification Overview of LSBE and DVBE certification process and benefits 5 E-Contractor Academy Workshop: Estimating Principles April 16, 2015 Guidance on Submitting a Competitive Bid Labor Cost Materials/Supplies Cost Overhead/profit Bid strategy and procedures How to Avoid Under-Bidding and What to do if you do Title 24 Changes 7 E-Contractor Academy Workshop: Project Scheduling April 23, 2015 Introduction to scheduling principles Defining schedule of values Establishing project baseline schedule and milestones Planning for critical path items Managing RFIs/Change Order schedules 6 E-Contractor Academy Workshop: Principles of Project Management April 30, 2015 Manage your project from start to finish Establish document control procedures Plan your manpower and equipment Adhere to project schedule GC and subcontractor coordination 8 E-Contractor Academy Workshop: Project Cash flow Management May 7, 2015 Secure funds/financing for project duration Plan for manpower cost outlays Plan for equipment and supply cost outlays Align outlays with project schedule Preparation and submission of pay application Billing for upfront cost, e.g. bonding 9 E-Contractor Academy Workshop: Project Close-Out May 14, 2015 Begin planning for close-out from day one Prepare and manage project docs/submittals Ensure compliance with contract compliance provisions, e.g., labor compliance Track retention 10 BIDDING REPORT E"Contractor*Academy** Achieving Energy Efficiency through Small Contractor Participation Contract Bidding Activity & Awards The success of the E-Contractor Academy Program and its contractors is measured by your ability to bid and secure future contract awards to perform energy efficiency projects, therefore, please submit information related to your bidding activity and contract awards. Your response is greatly appreciated and it will help us continue the program to help small, minority and disabled veteran owned contractors compete for energy efficiency projects. S ECTION I. C OMPANY I NFOR MATION Date Are you the business owner? ! Yes First Name M.I. ! No Last Name Title Company Phone Email Address S ECTION II. B IDDING A CTIVITY & C ONTRACT A W ARD I NFORMATION Is your company bidding on private sector commercial energy efficiency projects? ! Yes Is your company bidding on residential energy efficiency projects? ! Yes ! No ! No Is your company bidding on public sector/government energy efficiency projects? ! Yes ! No If you answered “yes” to any question above, please provide bidding activity and contract award information below. PROJECT #1 Owner Name: ______________________ Project Name: ___________________________________ Bid Date: ___________ Were you awarded the project? ! Yes ! No If yes, what is contract value? $_________________ Award Date: ____________________ Did the information/resources provided in the E-Contractor Academy help you compete for and/or win this project? ! Yes PROJECT #2 Owner Name: ______________________ Project Name: ___________________________________ Bid Date: ___________ Were you awarded the project? ! Yes ! No If yes, what is contract value? $_________________ Award Date: ____________________ Did the information/resources provided in the E-Contractor Academy help you compete for and/or win this project? ! Yes PROJECT #3 ! No ! No Owner Name: ______________________ Project Name: ___________________________________ Bid Date: ___________ Were you awarded the project? ! Yes ! No If yes, what is contract value? $_________________ Award Date: ____________________ Did the information/resources provided in the E-Contractor Academy help you compete for and/or win this project? ! Yes ! No S ECT ION III. A DDITIONAL A SSISTANCE R EQUIR ED Does your company need additional technical support to be more competitive or grow? If yes, please identify area(s) of need or interest: ! Estimating ! Labor Compliance ! Bonding ! Sustainability/LEED Accreditation ! Become a union contractor ! Scheduling ! Other: ____________________________ ! Yes ! No ! Project/Construction Management ! Safety Training ! Cashflow Management ! Teaming ! Access to Capital ! Other: ________________________ TO SUBMIT REPORT OR FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: info@e-contractoracademy.com QUESTIONS? CONTACT INFORMATION Veronica Soto Program Manager Emerald Cities Collaborative/Los Angeles 633 West Fifth Street, Suite 3200 Los Angeles, CA 90071 Phone: (562) 964-8396 Email: vsoto@emeraldcities.org Michael Bejarano Assistant Program Manager E-Contractor Academy Phone: (213)880-3296 Email: michael@e-contractoracademy.com www.E-ContractorAcademy.com
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