Inside the LSBA: CLE Offerings - Tuesday, April 7, 2015 CLE SPOTLIGHT: French Quarter Fest CLE: 7th Annual White Collar Crime Symposium Date: April 10, 2015 CLE Hours: 8.25 Registration Fee: Early Registration deadline extended through April 8!! $320 through April 8; $345 on-site Celebrate 4 days of music, food, special events and fun while earning CLE credit, including the required Ethics hour. The Symposium features speakers at the top of their game in the white collar crime arena. Participants can also enjoy a buffet lunch with Keynote Speakers James D. "Buddy" Caldwell, David Caldwell, John W. Sinquefield, and more. Learn more. Immigration Hot Topics - Understanding Myths & Realities Date: April 17, 2015 CLE Hours: 7.0 Registration Fee: $320 until April 10; $345 on-site Join experienced lawyers in the field of immigration law as they discuss timely topics including the Conrad 30 Waiver Program, immigration relief for children, the immigration consequences of criminal convictions, immigration lawsuits in federal court and more. Learn more. UPCOMING CLES: ABA Section of Litigation: Section Annual Conference Date: April 15-17, 2015 CLE Hours: Over 30 CLE programs Registration Fee: Varies based on ABA membership The Section Annual Conference brings together lawyers and judges from across the U.S. for the latest in trial advocacy. With over 30 CLE programs, nationally known speakers, and seven networking events, this conference provides exceptional CLE and valuable networking opportunities. Learn more. 2015 Anatomy of a Trial Date: April 15, 2015 Registration Fee: $100 for lawyers; $50 for law students This one-day trial training boot camp for law students and newer lawyers features star litigators from across the United States. Based on the real trial of Sacco and Vanzetti, this training will cover topics including case analysis, theory of the case, civility, opening statements, direct examination, cross-examination, and closing arguments. Learn more. Social Security Disability: Opportunities for Solo and Small Firm Practitioners Date: April 17, 2015 CLE Hours: 2.0 Registration Fee: $100 This session will provide an overview of social security appeals, and include practical tips for ensuring high-quality representation and soliciting immediate business. This seminar is particularly pertinent to relatively new practitioners and those looking to expand their practice into this area which, perhaps surprisingly, can be quite rewarding financially. Learn more. Reading the Bankruptcy & Consumer Law Compass: Where Exactly Are We? Date: April 17, 2015 CLE Hours: 6.25 Registration Fee: $320 until April 10; $345 on-site Bankruptcy can be a daunting process, whether you’re working with individuals or a business. This seminar will explore the mortgage crisis, hot topics in bankruptcy from the creditor’s and debtor’s side, as well as bankruptcy’s impact on domestic law. Learn more. 2015 Jazz Fest CLE - DEPOSITIONS: Swinging with the Masters of the Bench and Bar Date: April 24, 2015 CLE Hours: 6.0 Registration Fee (Jazz Fest tickets NOT included): $320 until April 17; $345 on-site This year’s Jazz Fest CLE program focuses on the many aspects of achieving successful depositions, including: the best strategies and techniques for preparing your client for depositions, defending the deponent, dealing with Lawyer Misconduct, Rule 30 (b)(6) and more. Learn more. Business on the Bayou: Tax Credits & Economic Development in Louisiana Date: May 1, 2015 CLE Hours: 6.0 Registration Fee: $320 until April 24; $345 on-site With a dramatic economic transformation since 2008, Louisiana is attracting major business investment in both traditional and emerging industries. Join speakers from both the legal arena and the business community for a day exploring the current tax credits and economic development in the state. Learn more. 54th Bi-Annual Bridging the Gap Seminar Date: May 5-6, 2015 CLE Hours: 14.5 Registration Fee: $50 for TIP mentees; $195 for new admittees and Young Lawyers; $420 for all others Bridging the Gap has been planned to acquaint recent law school graduates with many of the practical aspects of a law practice, and to afford newly admitted active members of the Louisiana Bar the opportunity to obtain their mandatory continuing legal education. Learn more. 2015 LSBA "Four Corners" Seminar - Lake Charles Date: May 8, 2015 CLE Hours: 7.0 Registration Fee: FREE This traveling CLE will present programming on basic legal technology and vocabulary; cloud computing and basic encryption; trust accounting; presentation management; ethics in social media; lawyer advertising and the state of our profession. Learn more. The Future of Law Libraries Date: May 13, 2015 CLE Hours: 1.0 Registration Fee: FREE Join the Law Library of Louisiana in this discussion on the future of law libraries, which has implications for every stakeholder in the legal community: librarians, practicing lawyers, judges, and law professors. What will law libraries look like after transitioning from print to electronic legal information? What kind of information and tools will lawyers need to support both the business and practice of law? Learn more. Professionalism Speakers’ Workshop Date: May 15, 2015 CLE Hours: 3.0 Registration Fee: FREE This highly interactive workshop is intended for anyone interested in becoming a better speaker on professionalism topics. The workshop will be held in New Orleans at the Louisiana Bar Center. Contact Bill King at (504)619-0109 or for more information or to register. CLE NEWS: Free “Four Corners” Seminars Scheduled Statewide The LSBA is traveling with seasoned speakers to the four corners of the state, bringing CLE programming on the latest in legal technology, ethics and professionalism. Registration is FREE and participants can earn a total of 7 CLE hours (4 hours of LPM, 2 hours of Ethics and 1 hour of Professionalism). Lunch is included. Online registration is now open for the Lake Charles “Four Corners” seminar on May 8. Visit in the coming weeks for more information on the “Four Corners” seminars in Covington (May 15), West Monroe (May 28) and Shreveport (May 29). Louisiana Rising: Registration Open for Annual Meeting/Summer School Registration is now open for the combined 74th LSBA Annual Meeting and LSBA/Louisiana Judicial College Joint Summer School. The events, with the theme of “Louisiana Rising: Lessons in Leadership, Innovation and Balance,” are scheduled for Sunday through Friday, June 7-12, at Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort in Destin, Fla. To review programming, to register online, to download a registration form or to review housing information, go to: Registration is Still Open for ABA TECHSHOW® The LSBA is once again an Event Promoter for the ABA TECHSHOW® 2015 Conference and Expo, set for April 16-18 in Chicago, Ill. Because of the LSBA’s participation as an event promoter, LSBA members receive a registration discount. When registering, LSBA members should use the event promoter code TECHSHOWEP15. During the check-out process online, registrants will have to answer a question that indicates which Bar Association they represent. The discount code can only be used for members who qualify for the Standard and ABA rate. For more information and to register for the conference, presented by the ABA Law Practice Management Section, go to: LSBA CLE Programs: Additional Information Available Online The LSBA is coordinating several CLE programs this year for members to earn their required CLE hours. For more information and to register, go to: For online seminars, go to: Remember, members may earn up to 4 hours of electronically assisted CLE.
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