Register and pay online at 5 You can also view the CLE programme and purchase booklets online Logic for Lawyers C E N T R E DAT E CPD HRS VENUE Wellington 20 October Wellington Club Auckland 23 October Rydges Auckland FIRST NAME TITLE (PLEASE PRINT) LAST NAME NAME FOR NAME TAG FIRM/ORGANISATION PO BOX DX WORKSHOP Logic for Lawyers STREET ADDRESS TOWN/CITY POSTCODE PHONEFAX EMAIL OCTOBER 2014 DIETARY REQUIREMENTS FEE (INCL GST) Are you ready for the challenge? $520 – NZLS members and NZLS Associate members $570 – Non-members Total amount due: $ PAY M E N T I attach a cheque made payable to NZLS CLE Ltd Please debit my credit card account Mastercard Visa Amex Refine and develop your ability to logically identify and weigh critical issues. Previous attendee feedback: “Prof Lind engaged the audience and imparted the information well. Thoroughly enjoyed presentation – helped top the brain cells up!” CARD NUMBER EXPIRY DATE CARD SECURITY CODE NAME ON CARD S E N D T O : NZLS INQUIRIES: SIGNATURE OF CARDHOLDER CLE Ltd, PO Box 5041, Wellington 6145, DX SP20202 or Fax 04 463 2986 0800 333 111 or C A N C E L L AT I O N A N D R E F U N D P O L I C Y P R I VAC Y AC T 1 9 9 3 Please note: Minimum and maximum numbers apply. Registrations will be accepted on a The information requested on this first-come/first-served basis. Registrations close 10 working days before the presentation date registration form is for NZLS CLE Ltd (the closing date). NZLS CLE Ltd reserves the right to cancel any session that does not reach the and the sponsors only. budgeted minimum number of registrations. This decision will be made on the closing date and a full refund will be made to each registrant of the cancelled session. If you cancel your registration I do not wish the sponsors to before the closing date, a refund will be made, less a $100 administration fee. After the closing receive my contact details. date, there will be no refund. You may transfer your registration to another person until five working days before the presentation. Please advise NZLS CLE Ltd in writing of the change. w w w. l a w y e r s e d u c a t i o n . c o . n z Logic for Lawyers Most lawyers’ logical intuitions are strong enough to permit smooth navigation most of the time through webs of complex legal arguments without error. Still, unfamiliarity with logic and argument form limits a lawyer’s analytical oversight. This makes him or her vulnerable to committing or overlooking mistakes of reasoning that can affect the outcome of cases. Studying the principles of inductive and deductive reasoning thus significantly benefits trial work, contract drafting, adjudicative practice – any area that calls itself “law”. To be sure, appeals to sentiment or self-interest, and “value-judgments” influence the law. Yet as one appellate court has stated, “Every legal analysis should begin at the point of reason, continue along a path of logic and arrive at a fundamentally fair result.” Attend this workshop to learn a practical framework and gain specific analytical tools for working with legal arguments. The workshop provides sufficiently complete, but short and concise descriptions of those argument forms and logical fallacies (errors of reasoning) most relevant to legal practice. LEARNING OBJECTIVES To help you: • Refine and develop your ability to logically identify and weigh critical issues. • Formulate reasoned and cogent arguments. PROGRAMME 9.00 – 10.15 SESSION 1 10.15 – 10.45 MORNING TEA 10.45 – 12.30 SESSION 2 12.30 – 1.30 LUNCH 1.30 – 2.30 SESSION 3 • Workshop goals • Introduction to inductive reasoning and deductive logic –– Introduction to the terms and basic forms of argument • • • The comfort and cunning of deductive reasoning Categorical syllogisms If’s, And’s, and Or’s –– Hypothetical, conjunctive, and disjunctive syllogisms 2.30 – 2.45 AFTERNOON TEA 2.45 – 4.00 SESSION 4 • Case law analysis. F O R M AT The workshop will include a mix of lecture, discussion, and case law analysis. Emphasis will be placed on developing a practical understanding of the forms of argument most common in legal practice. C O U R S E M AT E R I A L S Some reading material will be sent to participants prior to the workshop. The course materials will be given to participants when they register on the day. FEE (INCL GST) The fee for this one-day workshop is $520 for NZLS members and NZLS Associate members and $570 for non-members. This includes tea and coffee on arrival, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, and the course materials. PRESENTER PROFESSOR DOUGLAS LIND, UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, THE N AT I O N A L J U D I C I A L C O L L E G E , N E VA DA , Professor Lind is a professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Idaho. He previously practised law for a number of years, specialising in environmental law, as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Missouri, and in private practice in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He received his BA, magna cum laude, from the University of Minnesota, his JD from Washington University, St Louis, and his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania. At Idaho, Professor Lind has taught the subjects of philosophy of law, logic, ethical theory, environmental philosophy, pragmatism, and the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein. He regularly teaches courses on logic, legal reasoning, and judicial decision-making at The National Judicial College, through state judicial institutes and bar associations across the United States, and in Australia and New Zealand. His recent publications include: “Pragmatism and Anthropomorphism: Reconceiving the Doctrine of the Personality of the Ship,” University of San Francisco Maritime Law Journal (2009); “Constitutional Adjudication as a Craft-Bound Excellence”, in Dennis Patterson, ed, Wittgenstein and Law (2004); “Azdak, The Rascal Judge”, Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence (2000). The second edition of his book, Logic and Legal Reasoning, was published in 2007 by The National Judicial College Press.” Numbers for this workshop are limited to 32 participants. Registrants will be taken on a first come, first served basis.
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