2015/16 PARTICIPATION GUIDE FOR TEACHERS & DIRECTORS THE TOMMY AWARDS PROGRAM The Tommy Awards program is an education initiative from Overture Center for the Arts, Madison’s downtown performing arts center, dedicated to engaging the community in the arts. The Tommy Awards program has two main goals: 1. To visibly and powerfully impact area high school students, their school communities and their families by encouraging and recognizing student excellence in musical theater productions. 2. To highlight the importance of theater arts education in high schools. HOW TO PARTICIPATE Teachers or directors may complete the Tommy Awards Application for their schools. Within the program there are many opportunities for students. See the “Student Participation Guide” for more information. After reading the Rules and Guidelines to confirm that your school is eligible and able to abide by the program rules, complete the online application and submit it along with your application fee. Apply for 2015/16 Tommy Awards There are two evaluation options: Option 1 ($200) - Written Critique and Nominations: Three reviewers will attend your production, and will complete a written critique with nominations. The three critiques and nominations will be combined into one document and sent to you. In addition, you will receive two (2) tickets to a performance at Overture Center or Marcus Center for fund-raising purposes. This is the only option for schools participating in the program for the first time Option 2 ($100) - Nominations ONLY: This option is only available to those who have participated in the program in past years. Three reviewers will attend your production, and will make nominations. The nominations will be combined into one document and sent to you. In addition, you will receive two (2) tickets to a performance at Overture Center or Marcus Center for fund-raising purposes. Application Deadlines: • June 22, 2015: Musicals taking place between July 1 and September 15, 2015. • September 15, 2015: Musicals taking place between September 15 and December 31, 2015. • December 14, 2015: Musicals taking place between January 1 and May 8, 2016. • Productions taking place after May 8 will be considered for the 2016/17 Tommy Awards. When Overture receives an application from you, we will confirm receipt and provide you with further details as quickly as possible. HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS A team of three adjudicators is assigned to review each submitted musical. The production is critiqued based on a predetermined rubric. Each reviewer submits a completed critique form that also includes nominations for Tommy Awards. For a complete list of awards please see the Tommy Award Categories section below. The adjudicators’ 2015/16 PARTICIPATION GUIDE FOR TEACHERS & DIRECTORS comments are compiled into one document and sent to the school. In the spring, Overture Center announces the recipients of the Tommy Awards. Awards are distributed during an annual ceremony that features performances by outstanding musical and performers. More details on the ceremony can be found on the Tommy Awards Ceremony information page on our website. TEACHER/DIRECTOR RESPONSIBILITIES Teachers and directors of schools participating in the Tommy Awards will be required to • Act as the primary liaison between Overture Center and your school's community (faculty, students, parents, etc.) • Provide Overture Center with digital production photographs for use at the final awards ceremony • Distribute updates and information related to Tommy Awards to your students and community • Respond to correspondence from Overture Center in a timely manner • Be responsible for making production sheet music available to Overture Center, if requested • Schedule and coordinate rehearsals with your students prior to the final awards ceremony • Distribute information about Tommy Awards Ceremony tickets to parents and students • Attend periodic informational meetings held at Overture Center during the year, if requested • Attend rehearsals for the final awards ceremony Student Liaison Responsibilities • Act as a liaison between Overture Center and your fellow students • Distribute information, such as the Tommy Newsletter, to fellow students • Respond to correspondence from Overture Center in a timely manner • Assist the Teacher/Director with collecting student information needed for the Tommy Awards • Attend informational meetings held at Overture Center during the year, if requested Parent Liaison Responsibilities • Act as a liaison between Overture Center and your community • Distribute information regarding the Tommy Awards program and awards ceremony to fellow parents and members of your community • Respond to correspondence from Overture Center in a timely manner • Attend informational meetings held at Overture Center during the year, if requested TICKETS FOR REVIEWERS Three reviewers will attend each production on behalf of the Tommy Awards. Each school must provide Overture Center with six complimentary tickets (two for each reviewer) on the date(s) selected by Overture. Tickets should be held at the box office for reviewers to pick up before the performance under the name "Tommy Awards." For schools with two casts who would like both casts critiqued, three reviewers will be sent to review each cast and 12 tickets will be required. Reviewers are required to alert Overture immediately if there is a conflict of interest with a participating school. 2015/16 PARTICIPATION GUIDE FOR TEACHERS & DIRECTORS PHOTOGRAPHY RELEASE During the course of the program, there may be times when Overture will photograph/videotape students, faculty, and other staff and volunteers. Please be aware that by participating in the program, teachers and students are giving full rights and permissions to Overture Center for the use of such video and photos. Please also be aware that Overture Center may use a school’s name and students’ names in any press releases associated with the Tommy Awards. TOMMY AWARD CATEGORIES Multiple awards are presented in each category. Award recipients are chosen each May based on the nominations made by the reviewing team. The categories are: Outstanding Orchestra* Outstanding Choreography Outstanding Overall Design Outstanding Scenic Design Outstanding Lighting Design Outstanding Costume Design Outstanding Sound Design Outstanding Stage Management • • • • • • • • Outstanding Musical Outstanding Ensemble Outstanding Lead Performer Outstanding Supporting Performer Outstanding Dance Performer Outstanding Young Performer Outstanding Musical Direction Outstanding Direction • Spirit Award - this peer-selected award is given to the student who displays the spirit of the Tommy Awards; hard-working, inspirational to their fellow cast/crew mates, and encourage others. Each participating school selects one Spirit Award recipient. • • • • • • • • *Only orchestras composed of 50% or more student musicians will be considered for this award. RULES AND GUIDELINES Eligibility All high schools that produce a musical located within 100 miles from Overture Center, located at 201 State Street, Madison, are eligible to participate. If you are not located within this region but would like to participate, please contact Karra Beach at Kbeach@overturecenter.org or 608.258.4455. Productions entered must fall into one of the following categories: • A published musical, operetta or revue that is currently held by a licensing house or in the public domain. • An original piece which features an original script, music and/or lyrics covered under a valid copyright. • An original theatrical compilation of musical/text material from other sources that is presented with the approval or permission of the original creators and their representatives. This excludes show choir, choral or vocal jazz arrangements.
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