A&HA 4093 001 (CRN 21201) Intro Sculpture & Mixed Media Summer A, 2015 * Mondays & Wednesdays 5:10-8:40 pm Macy 55 studio Instructor: Sohee Koo Get your hands in materials and allow your creative energy in making threedimensional ‘things’ in the newly renovated fabrication studio- Macy 55. This course will help anyone expand their definition of sculpture through making as well as engage with their students through the sculpture medium and process. The course will feature hands-on demonstrations of making three-dimensional works using both traditional and digital fabricating applications and mediums. The class welcomes everyone with a wide range of abilities and experiences, from those who have never worked with sculpture before to those with intermediate skills. Please contact Sohee Koo for any inquiries at sk3820@tc.columbia.edu * A&HA 6902 001 (CRN 21065) Studio Work-Art/Ed: Sculpture (Independent Study) is also available for Summer A&B- Scheduling is flexible upon request.
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