CHARACTER BOOKLET DOLEN RUNEHIDE “the robber” ® Male Trollkin Brigand/Warrior ™ Description: The smaller of the two Runehide brothers. Wears a deep hood that obscures everything but his frown. Always has a keen throwing axe close at hand that he fidgets with while he’s thinking, ready to hurl it at anything that comes too close. Several others hang off his leather bandolier. Longchops, “The Hunter” – Most of the gatormen you know are primitive tribal gators from the Thornwood. This one appears to be a bit more civilized than the others, which is nice. His goals seem sensible: kill a farrow and get paid for the work. You can respect that. Background: You and your brother are refugees from the fighting in the Thornwood Forest and, as far as you know, the only survivors of your kith. Battles in the Thornwood and the desperate exodus afterward saw the rest slain. When the fighting drove you out, you and your brother turned to banditry and mercenary work to keep yourselves fed, settling in the eastern edge of the Gnarls. Most of your money is made escorting caravans along the Gnarlwood Trail or robbing those who refuse your services. Lurk, “The Mystic” – Lurk is your kind of bog trog: clever and out for his own best interests. You and he share more than a few things in common. You’re the older brother, despite the impression some get from your smaller size. You’ve been keeping Fargas out of trouble your whole life, which has given you a sour outlook on most things— and most people. Recently, a farrow by the name of Morrg has cut in on the region. His warband did you the professional discourtesy of killing a client, for which you and your brother are now blamed. You are trying to locate Morrg to squeeze a bit of compensation out of him for the trouble he’s caused you. Your first stop was a pygmy troll village in the Blackmarsh Valley, where you and your brother were allowed to lie low after a rough patch a while back. Turns out Morrg got there before you. Now you’re traveling with the pyg chieftain and a handful of locals who have their own bones to pick with Morrg. They’re not the sort you usually work with—more the sort to keep an eye on— but having a handful of others around couldn’t hurt when things with the farrow turn violent. Attitude: You’re measured and quiet, listening far more than you speak. Other people tend to talk and talk until they have revealed something they didn’t mean to, or they argue in circles until they are in a position you can use to your advantage. Personal Goal: Thanks to Morrg, you have a bounty on your heads, and humans up and down the Gnarlwood Trail are looking to cash it in. There probably isn’t anything in Morrg’s camp that will exonerate you, but giving him a little payback would at least help even things up. Relations with Others Gullin Oakbreaker, “The Chief” – The pyg is decent enough. He seems wary about having you around, but his goals and your own align enough for you to get along. Plus, you owe him a favor for helping you out in the past. As you see it, Morrg has stolen something valuable from you both. Zocha, “The Guide” – Your kith had to fight plenty of Tharn in the Thornwood Forest. Zocha is one to keep your eye on and never turn your back to. The Brothers Runehide You and your brother have been tracking Morrg back through the valley for a few weeks, trying to get a bearing on where the nogood, employer-killing warlord is holed up. Along the road, you ran into a pack of others with their own scores to settle. Best to let them lead the way. You’re the group’s eyes. While the Tharn plans things out and the pyg coordinates them, you stay alert for potential gaps in the enemy line to exploit and ways to make the most out of your cosmopolitan crew. You also watch your brother to make sure he doesn’t go off and get himself killed, which can be a real challenge. DOLEN RUNEHIDE Archetype: cunning Capable of bursts of true genius, the character is exceptionally intelligent and equally devious. He is capable of meticulous planning and the orchestration of the most sophisticated plots. His shrewd eyes see all the angles, enabling him to anticipate the likely course of action lesser minds will take. Characters with the Cunning archetype are wily, calculating, and capable. A Cunning character possesses a tactical genius and adaptability that gives him +1 on attack and damage rolls in combat. While in the command range of a Cunning character, a friendly character receiving orders from him also gains +1 on attack and damage rolls. Additionally, a Cunning character begins the game with one of several benefits. Characters gain additional benefits as they accumulate experience points. Dolen has Savant. Feat: Revitalize This character can spend 1 feat point during his turn to regain a number of vitality points equal to his PHY stat immediately. If he suffers damage during his turn, the damage must be resolved before he can use this feat. He cannot use Revitalize while incapacitated. Find Cover At the start of combat before initiative is rolled, this character can immediately advance up to twelve feet (2˝) and perform a quick action to take cover or go prone. Onslaught The character can attempt to use skills untrained that normally cannot be used untrained, but he suffers a –2 penalty on the skill roll. At the start of this character’s turn before moving or taking any action, he can make one ranged attack. After the attack has been resolved, the character must charge or run. The ranged attack is made before declaring a charge target. Tough Roll with It The character is incredibly hardy. When this character is disabled, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6 the character heals 1 vitality point, is no longer disabled, and is knocked down. When the character would ordinarily be knocked down, he goes prone instead. The character loses this ability while he is mounted. Savant Fast Draw A character with this ability gains +2 on initiative rolls. He also gains an additional quick action during his first turn of combat each encounter that can be used only to draw a weapon. INT (Phy + INT) Willpower 10 PER MAX 4 3 MAX MAX ARC — MAX 2 MAX MAX MAX POI AGL MAX PRW 4 4 sTR 5 PHY MAX spd 5 7 Stats Character Portrait Shield Modifier + INT + Stat COMMAND RANGE SPD + PRW + PER + Stat Stat Stat INITIATIVE PHY + Stat ARM SPD + AGL + PER + Stat Stat Stat DEF Notes Name Command skill 1 Equipment Modifiers Armor Modifiers 7 Racial Modifier ADDITIONAL WEAPON Notes Name Notes Name Axe MELEE WEAPONS Notes Name + + + + ability modifiers Additional Modifiers 2 Other Modifiers = = = = MAT TOTAL CMD RANGE 4 TOTAL INITIAtIVE 15 TOTAL ARM 14 TOTAL DEF 11 P+S P+S MAT POW 8 RAT POW 3 6 Equipment Modifiers -2 AMMO RNG AMMO Notes RAT RNG 5 6 8 Thrown – Add STR to the POW of this weapon. Name Throwing Axe RANGED WEAPONS 280 lbs. + + * 3 INTIMIDATION (SOC) SNEAK (AGL) E 1 6 5 2 I = = = = = = = = + + + + + + + + 3 = + 5 * 5 6 6 6 TOTAL Crippled Intellect: –2 DEF and cannot upkeep spells. Crippled Agility: –2 to attack rolls. Crippled Physique: –2 STR. = + = = = = 2 1 1 + 4 AGILITY DAMAGE CAPACITY + 4 GAMBLING (PER) = + 4 DETECTION (PER) 2 + 4 THROWN WEAPON (PRW) = = 2 + 4 HAND WEAPON (PRW) 2 SKILL LEVEL height 6´1˝ weight PARENT SET VALUE SKILLS player Name Faith Careers archetype Race Dhunian defining characteristic(s) CunningTrollkin Brigand/Warrior Male sex Dolen Runehide Character Name N IRON KINGDOMS UNLEASHED ADVENTURE KIT CHARACTER SHEET ECT LL IQ TE PHYS U ® Can shoot then run or charge When knocked down, go prone instead Can use trained-only skills at –2 penalty When disabled, on a roll of 5 or 6, gain 1 vitality point and become knocked down Onslaught Roll With It Savant Tough CURRENT FEAT POINTS 3 • • • • • • Remove a continuous effect Reroll a failed roll Perform a relentless charge Perform a Run & Gun Perform a Two-Fister Perform a Heroic Dodge Feat points can be spent to: • Boost a non-combat skill roll • Make a quick action • Shake • Sprint • Parry • Walk It Off Feat points can be earned by: • Critical success on a skill roll • Given by the GM • Destroy an enemy Take cover before battle (see reference) Find Cover FEAT POINTS Spend 1 feat point on your turn to gain 7 vitality points Gain +2 on Initiative (included) and free quick action to draw a weapon Feat: Revitalize Fast Draw Archetype: Cunning +1 on attack and damage rolls for self and allies in command range NAMEDESCRIPTION/NOTES BENEFITS & ABILITIES TOTAL XP EARNED LEVEL Hero ™ NAME CONNECTIONS -2 PAGE # 7 NAME ® ™ COST RNGAOEPOW UP OFF ARCANE TRADITION_____________________________________________________________________ SPELLS 20 GC GOLD RELIGIOUS BELIEFS Farrow Molgur-Trul MOLGUR-THARN SPOKEN LANGUAGES PERMANENT INJURIES NOTES Copyright 2002–2015 Privateer Press, Inc. All rights reserved. Iron Kingdoms®, Unleashed, and their logos are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to make photocopies for personal, non-commercial use only. DESCRIPTION/NOTES 0 SPD DEFARM Gain +1 on Craft (skinner) rolls DESCRIPTION/NOTES Infantry armor NAME WORN ARMOR Skinning tools Infantry Armor Hooded great coat Dhunian Talisman NAMEBENEFIT GEAR
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