CHaraCTer bOOkleT Gullin Oakbreaker "THE CHIEf" ® Male Pygmy Troll Chieftain/Warrior ™ Description: Tall and burly by pygmy troll standards, with tough bluish-green skin webbed with faded battle scars. Wears a worn leather great coat over his armor and a quality hat traded from a human merchant. Has a massive axe he carries on his shoulder and numerous throwing axes hidden in his coat, on his belt, and about his person—basically everywhere. A small pyg whelp called Knuckle, spawned from a hand lopped off in a fight, typically rides on his shoulder. The whelp scampers around on his belts like a rigging rat, fetching items from the pockets on his bandolier—when it’s not getting drunk to the gills on his ale. Lurk, “The Mystic” – He’s a clever bog trog, and his bone grinder talents make him very useful to you. He turns everything you kill into some kind of crazy paste or necklace that helps either him or you. Too bad about the smell, though. Background: You are the chieftain of a small tribe dwelling in the Blackmarsh Valley. As its leader and greatest warrior, in difficult times it falls to you to confront the enemies of your tribe. You’ve had many opportunities to prove your strength in battle, due in part to your tribe’s holdings lying at the fringe of land claimed by a farrow warband led by the powerful warlord Morrg. Your two groups have clashed in minor skirmishes from time to time, but recently Morrg executed a devious nighttime raid into the heart of your village. His bone grinder set homes to the torch, and as your tribe fought to battle the fires the warlord sent in brigands to abduct a dozen of your fellows. UNLIKELY HEROES As a pygmy troll, a small but durable breed of full-blood trolls, you have a close connection to all who share the blood of trolls, including the large and impressive trollkin. Trollkin and pygs often work together, but the larger trollkin are often viewed as the dominant partners in such cooperation. Your tribe frequently interacts with the Toborg trollkin kriel, and their kriel warriors may be willing to destroy Morrg’s warband if you were to ask— but to ask is to admit that you aren’t strong enough to defend your people, to say that pygs need the help of their larger cousins when too great a challenge rears its head. Rather than rely on the trollkin to fight your battles, you grabbed your axes and whelp and headed out alone. When you met the others, they didn’t treat you like an inferior but instead were willing to follow you into battle. Zocha, “The Guide” – She’s one of the best guides you’ve ever known, and her blood magic makes her even better to keep around. Her changes to your plans are too complicated to bother with, but once you’re in the thick of it with your axes she’s quick to join the fray. You moved against Warlord Morgg to recover your kidnapped warriors. Your remaining tribe mates wanted you to lead them out of the valley and to seek the trollkin of the Toborg kriel to solve your problem for you. But how could you call yourself chieftain if you can’t deal with your own troubles? Fortunately you’ve encountered others with a similar goal. They recognize your leadership talent and are willing to listen to you when needed. Together you might be able to be able to recover your missing tribe. You bring the wisdom of a chieftain and the might of a warrior to the group, leading the charge in battle with your heavy great axe and boldly confronting the mightiest foes. Attitude: You take every opportunity to demonstrate your strength and battle prowess, leading others by example both in and out of battle. You are honorable and do not seek underhanded methods to defeat your foes; you are willing to confront any rival head-on, whether through strength of arms or any other test. Personal Goal: You seek to rescue your tribe mates taken by Morrg’s brigands. You cannot allow the farrow to keep them as prisoners, and you will carve a path to Morrg with your axe to make him answer for his crimes against your people. Relations with others: Longchops, “The Hunter” – Any chieftain would be happy to have such a powerful ally. He’s tough as a boulder and almost as good a shot as a pyg. It’s wise to make sure he has something to hunt down and devour, though. Too long between meals and he starts to give you and Knuckle a funny look. ©2015 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and retain copies of these character sheets for personal, non-commercial use only. Gullin Oakbreaker arCHeType: MiGHTy This character is in peak physical condition. He is incredibly resilient and capable of feats of strength that defy imagination. Mighty characters gain an additional die on their melee damage rolls. Additionally, a Mighty character begins the game with one of several benefits. Characters gain additional benefits as they accumulate experience points. Gullin has Feat: Back Swing. Feat: Back Swing Once per turn, this character can spend 1 feat point to gain one additional melee attack. Poison Resistance The character gains boosted rolls to resist poisons and toxins. Spawn Whelps The regenerative capability of pygs is so intense that if a large enough piece of one is cut away, it will grow its own body to form a whelp. Tough The character is incredibly hardy. When this character is disabled, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6 the character heals 1 vitality point, is no longer disabled, and is knocked down. Battle Plan: Take Cover The character can spend 1 feat point to use Battle Plan: Take Cover during a surprise round before a battle. Using a battle plan is a quick action. When a character uses this battle plan, each friendly character in his command range can immediately advance up to twelve feet (2˝) and perform a quick action to take cover or go prone. Fast Draw A character with this ability gains +2 on initiative rolls. He also gains an additional quick action during his first turn of combat each encounter that can be used only to draw a weapon. Natural Leader If the pyg suffers a lost limb, he spawns a pyg whelp that grows to full size in d6 rounds. Gullin begins the game with Knuckle, a whelp companion. A character with the Natural Leader ability increases his command range by 2˝. Pyg Whelps When the character would ordinarily be knocked down, he goes prone instead. The character loses this ability while he is mounted. Spawned from the severed flesh of a pyg, a whelp imitates the personality and mannerisms of its creator, often in an exaggerated fashion. The creature is entirely reliant on its progenitor and will likely starve if not cared for. A pyg whelp on foot has SPD 2, so it often rides on the shoulders of the pyg who spawned it. Whelps are typically adopted by their creators, who treat them like useful pets. A pyg whelp can be trained to perform simple tasks, though its diminutive size and limited intellect do limit its capabilities somewhat. Roll with It Team Leader When this character gains a feat point, instead of keeping it himself he can give it to another character currently in his command range. A pyg whelp activates on its controller’s turn and can perform one of the following quick actions: • Draw a small weapon or item (including ammunition) • Stow a small weapon or item • Pull the pin on a grenade • Other fast, simple actions at the Game Master’s discretion ©2015 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and retain copies of these character sheets for personal, non-commercial use only. INT (PhY + INT) WILLPoWeR 9 PeR MAX 3 3 MAX MAX aRC — MAX 4 MAX MAX MAX PoI aGI MAX PRW 3 4 STR 5 PhY MAX SPD 6 6 STaTS CaReeRS NoTeS NaMe NoTeS ShIeLD MoDIFIeR + INT + STaT CoMMaND RaNGe SPD + PRW + PeR + STaT STaT STaT INITIaTIVe PhY + STaT aRM SPD + aGL + PeR + STaT STaT STaT DeF NoTeS CoMMaND SKILL 2 eqUIPMeNT MoDIFIeRS aRMoR MoDIFIeRS 7 RaCIaL MoDIFIeR aDDITIoNaL WeaPoN NaMe aMMo + + + + aBILITY MoDIFIeRS 2 = = = = MaT aDDITIoNaL MoDIFIeRS 2 oTheR MoDIFIeRS 6 RaT MaT eqUIPMeNT MoDIFIeRS -1 On a critical hit gain additional damage die NaMe Great Axe MeLee WeaPoNS NoTeS RNG NoTeS NaMe 5 RaT RNG aMMo 6 6 ThRoWN – Add STR to the POW of this weapon NaMe Throwing Axe FaITh Dhunian ToTaL CMD RaNGe 7 ToTaL INITIaIVe 15 ToTaL aRM 13 ToTaL DeF 11 P+S P+S 11 PoW 130 lbs. + + + + + + + 4 4 * 3 3 3 3 THROWN WEAPON (PRW) UNARMED COMBAT (PRW) COMMAND (SOC) DETECTION (PER) LORE: TRIBAL (INT) ORATORY (SOC) SURVIVAL (PER) E 1 6 5 2 I = = = = = = + + + + + + 3 = + 4 * 4 4 * 5 6 6 ToTaL Crippled Intellect: –2 DEF and cannot upkeep spells. Crippled agility: –2 to attack rolls. Crippled Physique: –2 STR. = + = = = = 1 1 1 = = 2 1 = 1 = = + 4 AGILITY DaMaGe CaPaCITY 2 + 4 GREAT WEAPON (PRW) 2 SKILL LeVeL heIGhT 4‘6“ WeIGhT PaReNT SeT VaLUe SKILLS PLaYeR NaMe PoW 3 DeFINING ChaRaCTeRISTIC(S) Chieftain/Warrior RaNGeD WeaPoNS RaCe aRCheTYPe ChaRaCTeR PoRTRaIT Pygmy Troll Mighty Male Sex Gullin Oakbreaker ChaRaCTeR NaMe N IRoN KINGDoMS UNLeaSheD aDVeNTURe KIT ChaRaCTeR SheeT ECT LL IQ TE ©2015 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and retain copies of these character sheets for personal, non-commercial use only. PHYS U When this character is disabled, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this character heals 1 vitality point, is no longer disabled, and is knocked down See Notes below Boosted PHY rolls to resist poisons CURReNT FeaT PoINTS 3 FeaT PoINTS teAM leADer • • • • • • Remove a continuous effect Reroll a failed roll Perform a relentless charge Perform a Run & Gun Perform a Two-Fister Perform a Heroic Dodge Feat points can be spent to: • Boost a non-combat skill roll • Make a quick action • Shake • Sprint • Parry • Walk It Off Feat points can be earned by: • Critical success on a skill roll • Given by the GM • Destroy an enemy When this character gains a feat point he can give it to another character in his command range. When knocked down go prone instead CMD range extended by 2˝ (included) NAturAl leADer roll with it Gain +2 on Initiative (included) and free quick action to draw a weapon FASt DrAw BAttle plAn: tAke cover Spend a quick action and 1 feat point during surprise round before Initiative. Friendlies in CMD range can move 2˝ and take cover or go prone tough SpAwn whelpS poiSon reSiStAnce ® Once per turn, spend 1 feat point to gain 1 additional melee attack Gain an additional die on melee damage rolls Archetype: Mighty FeAt: BAck Swing DeSCRIPTIoN/NoTeS NaMe BeNeFITS & aBILITIeS ToTaL xP eaRNeD LeVeL Hero ™ ©2015 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and retain copies of these character sheets for personal, non-commercial use only. BeNeFIT CoNNeCTIoNS NaMe See Notes DeSCRIPTIoN/NoTeS DeSCRIPTIoN/NoTeS TaILoReD aRMoR NaMe WoRN aRMoR PyGmy WhelP ComPanion Symbol of authority (fanCy hat) Great Coat TaILoReD aRMoR NaMe GeaR -1 DeF PaGe # 7 aRM CoST RNG aoe ® PoW UP oFF ™ 16 GC GoLD DHUNIA ReLIGIoUS BeLIeFS MOLGUR-TRUL fARROW SPoKeN LaNGUaGeS PeRMaNeNT INJURIeS A pygmy whelp on foot has a SPD of 2. Pygmy whelps are typically carried by their progenitor, and are likely to die if left on their own. A pygmy troll’s whelps can perform quick actions, keep watch, and other minor activities at the Game Master’s discretion. This character begins the game with a whelp companion. NoTeS Copyright 2002-2014 Privateer Press, Inc. All rights reserved. Iron Kingdoms®, Unleashed, and its logo are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to make photocopies for personal, non-commercial use only. SPD NaMe aRCaNe TRaDITIoN ____________________________________________________________________ SPeLLS
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