CHaraCTer bOOkleT ZOCHa THe OuTCasT "THE GUIDE" ® Female Tharn Bloodweaver/Scout Description: A tall and muscular female Tharn, with a tanned complexion and dark hair. Wears worn leathers decorated with bones of past kills and a headdress of antlers. Keeps her sacral blade close at hand, a cleft dagger intended to evoke the fangs of the Beast of All Shapes, the ancient Devourer Wurm. Background: You are a Tharn, a race devoted to the worship of the Devourer Wurm. Your connection to the Wurm allows you to channel its power into your flesh, transforming you into a shadowy predator who moves swift and unseen as you stalk your prey. You were one of the foremost warriors of your tribe, invoking the power of blood magic through your sacral blade and hurling your javelins at your tribe’s enemies from the shadows. Your tribe, the White Maw, has long clashed with the farrow warband of Warlord Morrg. In your most recent conflict Morrg killed your chieftain and took his heart, giving it to his bone grinder Knor to turn into a powerful totem. A few days later the main source of water to your home, the Arrowhead River, started to dry up. You suspect it may be a ploy by Morrg to drive your people away, but none of your fellow Tharn think it wise to confront the warlord so soon after losing to him in battle. Unable to make the new chieftain see reason, you struck out on your own, declaring yourself an outcast. You will not return to your people until you have defeated Morrg. Being apart from your tribe is difficult, but it is a worthy sacrifice. Morrg has something planned, and you intend to stop him. ™ more than a few times. You can’t shake the feeling that he’s looking out for his own interests—but then again, who isn’t? UNLIKELY HEROES You struck out from your tribe to confront the farrow warlord Morrg. Along the road you encountered the others, and you all joined together. You bring your impressive skills as a scout and bloodweaver to the group: you outflank enemies to fall upon them with a few expertly hurled javelins or emerge to slay an opponent with a single swipe of your sacral blade. You are the group’s planner. You see the broad picture and determine the best path, guiding the others through the wilds with your eyes always on the objective. Whether it is a monster that needs to be killed or an enemy warlord who needs to be outsmarted, you are up to the task. Attitude: You are normally calm and collected, but when you invoke the savage power of the Wurm you become an unrelenting predator. You relish the power of blood magic. To you each kill performed in this way is a sacred rite to the Devourer, an offering of the blood of your enemies. Personal Goal: Find and eliminate Morrg. His attacks on your tribe and his desecration of your chieftain cannot go unanswered, and it seems like you are the only White Maw up to the task. You will hunt him down, into the heart of his warband’s territory if necessary, to put an end to the dreadful warlord. Once he is eliminated, your self-imposed exile can end. Relations with others: Gullin Oakbreaker, “The Chief” – Don’t let his size fool you— the little guy packs a big punch. He’s a good leader, but doesn’t always think his plans through. Lucky for him he has you here to handle the thinking. For some unfathomable reason, the little whelps he spawns from parts of him that get cut off seem fond of you. Longchops, “The Hunter” – A solid fighter and not a bad shot with his rifle. Gets a bit violent if he hasn’t had something to eat recently, so it’s always good to make sure there are enough scraps around for him to finish off. A decent tracker, but you’re better. Lurk, “The Mystic” – He’s the scheming sort, but sometimes it’s good to have one on your side. His spells and bone grinder totems have proven useful ©2015 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and retain copies of these character sheets for personal, non-commercial use only. ZOCHa THe OuTCasT arCHeType: GiFTeD Those with the Gifted archetype are born with the capacity to work magic. This potential can be latent, discovered only later in life, or it can be pronounced from an early age. Additionally, a Gifted character begins the game with one of several benefits. Characters gain additional benefits as they accumulate experience points. Zocha has Occult Secrets. occult Secrets The character delves further into the primal mysteries of the arcane and is rewarded with a spell from one of her career spell lists. This benefit can be taken multiple times, but a character still cannot exceed twice her INT in spells known. Feat: Transformation A Tharn is able to tap into her primal connection to the Devourer Wurm at will, transforming into a predatory beast. During her turn, the Tharn can either spend a full action to transform slowly or spend 1 feat point to transform immediately. When a female Tharn transforms, she gains Stealth and her AGL and PER rolls are automatically boosted, but she rolls one less die on INT and non-Intimidation social rolls. While transformed, a Tharn can communicate only through short, clipped sentences and guttural growls. Tharn must transform and remain transformed during lunar conjunctions. When any two of Caen’s three moons are full, the Tharn cannot restrain their inner beast. For the duration of the lunar conjunction, the Tharn cannot revert to their human form for any reason. Blood Rites At Hero level, the character gains +2 to her sacral blade damage rolls. At Veteran level, the character gains +3 to her sacral blade damage rolls. At Epic level, the character gains +4 to her sacral blade damage rolls. Pathfinder The character can move over rough terrain without penalty. Survivalist This character can reroll failed Survival rolls. Each failed roll can be rerolled only once as a result of Survivalist. WILL WEAvERS & fATIGUE POINTS Most sorcerers and arcanists are will weavers, who rely on their own physical stamina and the force of their mental will to summon and direct arcane energy. This process can be incredibly taxing to the spellcaster’s body and mind but allows for the subtle weaving of intricate formulae. Gaining Fatigue Points A will weaver can gain fatigue points in a number of ways. • Upkeep a Spell – A will weaver gains 1 fatigue point for each spell she upkeeps during each Control Phase. • Cast a Spell – When a will weaver casts a spell, she gains a number of fatigue points equal to the COST of the spell. • Boost a Magic Attack or Magic Damage Roll – Each time a will weaver boosts a magic attack or magic damage roll, she gains 1 fatigue point. Boosting must be declared before rolling any dice for the roll. Remember, a single roll can be boosted only once, but a will weaver can boost as many different rolls as she can afford. • Increase the Range of a Spell – A will weaver can gain 1 fatigue point to increase the RNG of a spell by thirty feet (5˝). Each spell cast can have its RNG extended only once as a result of gaining fatigue. Spells with a RNG of CTRL or SP cannot be affected in this way. Removing Fatigue Points Will weavers remove a number of fatigue points equal to their ARC each Maintenance Phase. Fatigue Rolls and exhaustion If her fatigue points exceed her ARC, a will weaver must make a fatigue roll immediately after resolving each spell she casts. To make a fatigue roll, roll 2d6. If the total is equal to or greater than the number of fatigue points the will weaver currently has, nothing happens. If the total is less than the number of fatigue points the character has, she becomes exhausted. When a character becomes exhausted, her turn immediately ends and she cannot cast spells during the next round. ©2015 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and retain copies of these character sheets for personal, non-commercial use only. RaCe aRCheTYPe INT (PhY + INT) WILLPoWeR 9 PeR MAX 4 3 MAX MAX aRC 3 MAX 3 MAX MAX MAX PoI aGI MAX PRW 3 4 STR 5 PhY MAX SPD 7 6 STaTS ChaRaCTeR PoRTRaIT Tharn Gifted NoTeS NaMe NoTeS ShIeLD MoDIFIeR + INT + STaT CoMMaND RaNGe SPD + PRW + PeR + STaT STaT STaT INITIaTIVe PhY + STaT aRM SPD + aGL + PeR + STaT STaT STaT DeF NoTeS CoMMaND SKILL eqUIPMeNT MoDIFIeRS aRMoR MoDIFIeRS 4 RaCIaL MoDIFIeR aDDITIoNaL WeaPoN NaMe aMMo + + + + aBILITY MoDIFIeRS = = = = MaT aDDITIoNaL MoDIFIeRS oTheR MoDIFIeRS 6 RaT MaT eqUIPMeNT MoDIFIeRS Magical weapon. Can empower (see Spells) NaMe Sacral Blade MeLee WeaPoNS NoTeS RNG NoTeS NaMe 5 (Quiver) RaT RNG aMMo 5 8 FaITh ThRoWN – Add STR to the POW of this weapon NaMe Javelin RaNGeD WeaPoNS CaReeRS ToTaL CMD RaNGe 3 ToTaL INITIaIVe 15 ToTaL aRM 10 ToTaL DeF 14 P+S P+S 8 PoW 153 lbs. + + + + + + 4 4 3 3 4 4 THRoWn Weapon (pRW) deTecTion (peR) Sneak (aGL) LoRe: devouReR (inT) SuRvivaL (peR) TRackinG (peR) E 1 6 5 2 I = = = = = = = = + + + + + + + + 5 5 4 5 6 5 6 ToTaL Crippled Intellect: –2 DEF and cannot upkeep spells. Crippled agility: –2 to attack rolls. Crippled Physique: –2 STR. = + = = = = = = 1 1 1 2 2 = = + 3 4 AGILITY DaMaGe CaPaCITY 2 + 4 Hand Weapon (pRW) 1 SKILL LeVeL heIGhT 5‘11“ WeIGhT PaReNT SeT VaLUe SKILLS PLaYeR NaMe PoW 3 Devourer Wurm DeFINING ChaRaCTeRISTIC(S) Bloodweaver/Scout female Sex Zocha the Outcast ChaRaCTeR NaMe IRoN KINGDoMS UNLeaSheD aDVeNTURe KIT ChaRaCTeR SheeT ECT LL TE IQ N ©2015 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and retain copies of these character sheets for personal, non-commercial use only. PHYS U This character can work magic Gain an additional spell (included) Archetype: Gifted Occult SecretS CURReNT FeaT PoINTS 3 FeaT PoINTS SurvivAliSt pAthfinder BlOOd riteS • • • • • • Remove a continuous effect Reroll a failed roll Perform a relentless charge Perform a Run & Gun Perform a Two-Fister Perform a Heroic Dodge Feat points can be spent to: • Boost a non-combat skill roll • Make a quick action • Shake • Sprint • Parry • Walk It Off Feat points can be earned by: • Critical success on a skill roll • Given by the GM • Destroy an enemy Can reroll failed survival rolls Can move over rough terrain without penalty Gain +2 to sacral blade damage rolls (included) feAt: trAnSfOrmAtiOn See Notes below DeSCRIPTIoN/NoTeS ® NaMe BeNeFITS & aBILITIeS ToTaL xP eaRNeD LeVeL Hero ™ ©2015 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and retain copies of these character sheets for personal, non-commercial use only. NaMe CoNNeCTIoNS DeSCRIPTIoN/NoTeS DeSCRIPTIoN/NoTeS ThaRN LeaTheRS NaMe 1 CoST SELf RNG – aoe – PoW N UP N oFF 1 SELf – – N N ® ™ BLooD MaGIC: 2 SELf – – N N BLooD BURST If empowered melee attack destroys a living character, center a 5˝ AOE on it. Enemies in AOE suffer blast damage equal to enemy creature’s STR. BLooD MaGIC: 1 SELf – – N N BRUTaL STRIKe The character’s next empowered melee weapon attack gains an additional die of damage. If the next empowered melee weapon attack deals damage, regain d3 vitality. BLooD MaGIC: BLeeDeR The character’s next empowered melee weapon attack gains a boosted attack roll. BLooD MaGIC: aCCURaTe STRIKe NaMe aRCaNe TRaDITIoN ____________________________________________________________________ SPeLLS 0 GC GoLD DEvOURER WURM ReLIGIoUS BeLIeFS MOLGUR-TRUL MOLGUR-THARN SPoKeN LaNGUaGeS PeRMaNeNT INJURIeS When transformed gain Stealth. AGL and PER rolls are boosted, but roll one less die on INT and nonIntimidation social rolls. Transform as a full action, or transform instantly for 1 feat point. Can transform back as a full action. NoTeS Copyright 2002-2014 Privateer Press, Inc. All rights reserved. Iron Kingdoms®, Unleashed, and its logo are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to make photocopies for personal, non-commercial use only. PaGe # 4 aRM Do not interfere with Transformation ability Tharn leaTherS DeF Can be empowered for Blood Magic spells Sacral Blade SPD Gain a free Quick Action to draw a javelin Javelin Quiver WoRN aRMoR BeNeFIT NaMe GeaR
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