Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers - Financial Aid

Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers
1115 S. 2nd Street • Springfield, Illinois 62704
Phone (217) 241 -1639 Fax (217) 241 -1641
John Henriksen, Executive Director
Shawn McKinney, Outreach Manager
Glenda Schoening, Office Manager
September 26. 2014
Illinois State University
Financial Aid Office
Campus Box 2320
Normal. IL 61790-2320
Re: IAAP Education Foundation Scholarship
Members of the Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers believe in.the importance of
encouraging students to pursue an education in a field of study that will open up opportunities to
work in the crushed stone, sand and gravel mining industry in Illinois. We accomplish this goal
by providing scholarships to worthy students seeking a career in the aggregates industry. In 2015.
the IAAP Education Foundation plans to award up to four (4) scholarships, each in the amount of
S2.000. These scholarships are a one-year grant. Students may re-apply in subsequent years.
I have enclosed an IAAP Education Foundation Scholarship Application outlining requirements
an applicant should fulfill. Please share this information with any suitable candidates. These
documents may aiso be downloaded from the IAAP Education Foundation web page at
The Foundation's Scholarship Committee will review applications received and interview
eligible applicants in March of 2015. Scholarships will be awarded at a luncheon ceremony
during the Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers Annual Convention held in Springfield.
Illinois on April 21, 2015.
Interested candidates should submit their applications to the IAAP Education Foundation,
at the above address, on or before Februan 20, 2015, the cut-off date for the 2015
scholarship award.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Cordial lv.
John Henriksen. Secretary/Treasurer
IAAP Education Foundation
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