MAY 2015 • ZEE NEWS • MAY 2015 The Zonta Spring Style Show April 16, 2015 The Zonta’s Spring Style Show held April 16, 2015 raised $4802 for our charity, The Center For Safe & Healthy Children. Papillon Boutique featured 5 sets of clothing changes on 10 models including our own Maile Doyle and Maria Reza. The entire club pitched in by volunteering their time, tasty food items, raffle items, table décor items, and swag bags. Committee Chair, Kathy Natal, would like to thank the ZSSS Committee and the entire club for all their hard work and contributions in making yet another successful style show this year! We hope to present a check to “The Center” sometime in May. Thanks! Kathy Natal Our next business meeting will be Tuesday, May 5, noon at the Elks! HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO!! ZEE NEWS - APRIL 2015 PAGE 2 It is time again for our major fund raiser – the Spring Geranium Sale. Proceeds from this annual geranium sale funds the Club’s service projects, including our annual scholarships awarded to deserving students. announces its The exciting news is that the venue for the sale has changed! We will be selling at the old Sears building in front of the section that was the automotive shop. It is a nice, big area that will give us more exposure and hopefully, more sales! We will be having a two day sale this year. The dates will be May 8 & 9. Annual Geranium Sale 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday, May 8 AND 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Saturday, May 9 Findlay Village Mall, Corner Tiffin Ave and Croy Drive (Old Sears Automotive) ************************ Proceeds support local scholarships and club service projects Pre-orders will arrive on May 6 for you to pick up and deliver. PAYMENT FOR THE SPRING PRE-SALE IS DUE WHEN YOU TURN IN YOUR ORDER OR AT THE TIME YOU PICK UP THE ORDER. PLEASE COLLECT PAYMENT FOR YOUR ORDERS BEFORE MAY 6. If you turned in an order for the Fall Pre-Sale, both orders will be together when you pick them up. • Plants not sold and paid for in advance will be available in a public sale on Friday May 8 and Saturday, May 10 at the old Sears automotive building at the Findlay Village Mall. • A $25 non-participation fee will be charged members who do not sell any geraniums. • Questions?? Contact Paula McRill –, 419-9570979 (leave message or text) Support Zonta International Foundation by shopping with AmazonSmile Shopping on is the same as shopping on amazon. com but with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5 percent of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Zonta International Foundation. When you visit smile., use the same account information as you would if you were shopping on Then select Zonta International Foundation as the charity of your choice. ZEE NEWS - APRIL 2015 PAGE 3 Zonta Says NO Update Thanks to everyone who supported Rahab’s Rope through purchases made at the style show. We sold $419 in product plus received $2 in donations for a total of $421 (down considerably from last year). I also want to thank everyone who helped set-up and tear-down the displays. also...: On Tuesday, April 14th, Zonta set up a display table at the Take Back the Night event at the University of Findlay’s Alumni Center. We gave away Zonta Club of Findlay brochures, flyers on human trafficking and pen/lights which read, Say No To Violence Against Women The Zonta Club of Findlay Join us in making a difference. Leftover brochures and pens are available for the club to pass out at other events. -- Linda Z Club News: The Liberty-Benton High School Z Club on Saturday, April 25, performed a very worthwhile community service. They became a part of the 3rd annual Findlay Ministerial Association’s BACKYARD MISSION TRIP. Without leaving our city, the students cheerfully took on a huge project. The project included digging sod approximately 5’ wide by 50’ long area and planted 12 shrubs, trees and blueberry bushes. They also scraped and painted a shed. Five adults, Jane Heringhaus; Z Club Advisor, Jessica Amstutz; Parent, Lindsey Gorrell; & Bill and Barb Wilson pitched in to help these 11 hard-working kids. At the end of the day when the rain started, they were cold and wet, their hands hurt, but their sense of pride in a job well done was evident in their smiles. Zonta Club of Findlay can be so proud of the youth in our Z-Club. Names: Mackenzie Young, Ashley Frankart, Tonya Frankart, Andrew and Matt Loughman, Abe Gorrell, Megann Hohman, Ashleigh Carpenter, Gabby Lyon, Amanda Puthoff and Maria Streaker. -- Barb Wilson ZEE NEWS - APRIL 2015 PAGE 4 HAPPY MAY BIRTHDAYS Dee Pecoraro, 3rd Jane Heringhaus, 10th Marty Hoover, 27th MAY ANNIVERSARIES Shirley Pollock 1983 Deb Perkins 1990 Sandy Kozlevcar 1990 Kathy Foust 2004 Kristi Bryant 2005 Deb Bartlett 2006 Kathy Creighton 2007 Jodi DeVore 2007 Renee Perry 2007 Jane Shoemaker 2007 Maile Doyle 2008 Jeanne Moyer 2010 Lyn Benavides 2011 Becky Greeno 2011 Judi Scrimshaw 2011 Annette Shaffer 2011 Susi Lehtomaa 2012 Sherry Emerine 2013 Linda Stockton 2013 Jane Herringhaus2014 Pam Zimmerly 2014 The Membership Report Keeping everyone informed of what is happening in membership – Our new slogan for the sprin membership drive is: DREAM IT - BE IT - WITH ZONTA We are asking if you know of anyone that may be interested in joining Zonta, sharing our passion of helping women please invite them to come see what we are all about. Thank You, Dee, Membership Chair PR Committee The new members only page on our brand-new website has been updated with by-laws, roster, and previous newsletters. The events calendar also reflects birthdays/anniversaries. Password is FindlayZonta1959 CHECK IT OUT! -- Maria Reza ZEE NEWS - APRIL 2015 PAGE 5 Zonta Club of Bowling Green has invited us to a Summer Solstice Wine Tasting Dear Fellow Zontians, The Zonta Club of Newark invites you to attend our Annual Champagne Luncheon, Silent Auction & Style Show to be held this year on Saturday, May 9, 2015 at Heritage Hall & Banquet Facility 1058 East Main Street, Newark. Event starts at 11:30 A.M., doors open at 10:00 A.M. Cost is $35.00 and you can call me at 740-334-9692 or Sandy Warner at 740-344-6002. This year’s proceeds benefit Licking Memorial Women’s Health & New Beginnings. Hope to see you there. Sincerely, Jo Ann Darnes, Advertising Chair 1271 Grandview Ave. Heath, Ohio 43056 ZEE NEWS - APRIL 2015 PAGE 6 ZONTA CLUB OF FINDLAY Business Meeting Minutes March 3, 2015 The Findlay Elks Lodge at Northridge CTO: 12:114 pm by President Maile Doyle. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Zonta Prayer. PRESENT: 20 members. FINES/FUNDS: The Benevolent Fund basket was passed around. Fines were levied at .50 cents for not wearing the Zonta pin and/or name tag. QUESTION OF THE DAY: Q. What is the theme of the March 7 District 5, Area 1 meeting? A. Advocacy. There was a .50 cent fine for not knowing the answer. Per the District’s request, Maile will be presenting our Club’s achievements, goals, and other information regarding Zonta Says No and 16 Days of Activism that we support and continue to support. CELEBRATIONS: March birthdays: Kim Trautman (2nd), Kathy Creighton (20th), Renee Perry (21), and Shirley Pollack (26th). Anniversaries: Paulette Wildman with 31 yrs of service. OLD BUSINESS: Meeting minutes: Maile presented the November 4 and February 3 Business meeting minutes for review and approval. The minutes were approved without amendment. (K. Trautman/P. Wildman). Treasurer’s report (handout): Judy Scrimshaw presented the February 2015 Fund Balance report for review and filing. She noted the following: • Monies received from Becky Greeno for Nuts n Candy sales and from the Christmas raffle Service Club luncheon. These monies will be added to S21 for use for the purchase of the window coverings for Century Health residence treatment center as identified. Maile explained that a 3rd line at the report bottom page will be added for identifying the balance in the checking account which, are the true available funds. Working capital from the Savings account will also be included. Maile answered the question about any monies going from checking into savings, no monies have been transferred during the Treasurer’s term. The Finance Committee needs to determine how to designate the funds in the Savings Account. Action Items: Judy to file the report for audit. Board Meeting Report February 25, 2015: • The Committee Chairs attended this meeting and discussed budgetary needs and questions. Their requests are due March 9 to Becky Greeno. • The Budget timeline is as follows: o Finance Committee drafts Budget, o 3/25 presented at Board meeting, o 4/7 presented at Business meeting, o 5/5 Club votes. Business Meeting Minutes March 3, 2015 Maria Reza asked about PR Committee funds to address ongoing new website charges. Originally the funds were designated in the General Fund but will be moved to the PR Committee budget. Maile announced the following membership changes: • Anne Arbaugh’s resignation was announced due to job conflicts with available time. • Nikki Foos resigned her Club leadership roles on the Board and Service Committee due to a new job that limits her available time. Kim Trautman has stepped in to assume responsibility for Service. We wish Nikki well. • Maile will appoint a new Board member to finish Nikki’s term which is 2 years. If anyone is interested in applying, please see Maile following the meeting’s end. NEW BUSINESS/COMMITTEE REPORTS: 2014 Bylaws Barb Wilson and Kim Trautman addressed the proposed, revised Bylaws based on changes adopted by Zonta International. Members had received the draft previously per email to comply with review timelines. Barb highlighted some of the changes which, included: • the change in the number of convention delegates now allotted based on membership volume, (new is 30 members or greater = 1 delegate), ZEE NEWS - APRIL 2015 PAGE 7 • candidate requirements for holding office of President, • removal of “experience in decision making capacity” member requirement which, is left up to Clubs to determine if they want to keep or strike this from their Bylaws. Kim made a motion to strike the language in the last bullet point and discussion ensued. The vote outcome was to strike the language. Barb made a motion to accept the 2014 Bylaws as identified. Maile called for a verbal vote given we had a voting quorum. Outcome: Unanimous to accept. Action Item: Barb to prepare final, approved Bylaws for filing and dissemination. 2014 Standing Rules Kim reviewed the key change proposed to identify the Committees responsible for the December Induction event. Discussion followed regarding Installation vs Induction being the former is for Officers and new members and the latter just for new members. Kathy Natal proposed adding a $25 non-participation fee when a member does not participate in the Style Show fundraiser. Currently, this fee is assessed for non-participation in the Geranium Sale and Nuts n’ Candy sales, both fundraisers. Kathy made a motion for this inclusion, Paula seconded it. Discussion followed and it was supportive. Action Item: Kim to revised the Rules and email them to members. Final vote will occur via email on March 12. Committee Reports Prior to the Reports, Paulette Wildman asked about committee responsibility regarding the Human Trafficking project and Advocacy vs Service. Maile replied that Human Trafficking is under Advocacy now and ZSN is a subcommittee of Advocacy. Budgets need to be aligned as such. Kim stated the Rules identify Service, Membership and Advocacy as standing committees. Business Meeting Minutes March 3, 2015 Due to some remaining confusion regarding Advocacy’s role now, Mailed suggested that the Board help determine how the committee will function. Action Items: Maile to ask the Board to define and clarify Advocacy’s role. Maile to funnel applicable email contacts and notifications she currently receives, to Kellie Jo Arndt. PR – Maria Reza Maria provided the following updates: • Website redesign: disseminated a draft of the new proposed website page for review which included a recent news section, cleaner menu tabs, members only calendar of events, and added that she will be designing some standard banners that can easily be reused. The current website goes “dark” March 18 and the new goes “live” at the end of March. Committee chairs can be trained on the website use too. She added that photos from Facebook will auto-publish on the website. Discussion about editorial oversight regarding this process followed. Maria assured members that it is a secure website and we will have that option. Zonta has a Twitter account but, it is unknown as to who started that account. • March 8 is Yellow Rose Day coinciding with Womens’ International Day and is a Zonta symbol. Cookies were given to all members with membership contact information to be given to potential members. Geranium Sales: Paula McRill reminded members that the venue has changed to the Mall at the former Sears Service Center. Style Show: Kathy Natal and Paula McRill reminded all to sell their tickets and there are only 49 tickets left to handout. • Collect donations, raffles items, swag bag items as assigned by March 27. • The Center for Safe and Healthy Children is providing volunteers to help! Maile gave kudos to the members who designed and setup the Main Street Deli display, Kim, Lyn Benavides, and Kathy Natal. Program: Diane Ellerbe announced that the Banquet will be May 19, venue et al to be announced. The designated Committee Chairs will be meeting next week to address these plans. Next Meeting: The Program meeting is March 17 at the Elks. Adjourned: 1:05 pm. __________________________________________________________________________________ Respectfully submitted: Diane E Ellerbe, Secretary
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