REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION Proposals must be submitted to: FIRST 5 SAN MATEO COUNTY 1700 S. EL Camino Real, Suite 405 San Mateo, California 94402-3050 By 4:00 p.m., Friday, May 1, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION SECTION I. PREFACE ........................................................................................................ 4 A. Timeline and Guidelines .................................................................................... 4 B. General Provisions and Rights ........................................................................... 5 SECTION II. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 7 A. Invitation to Submit .......................................................................................... 7 B. Purpose.............................................................................................................. 7 C. Funding Amount Available and Term ............................................................... 7 D. Authority ........................................................................................................... 7 E. Background ........................................................................................................ 8 F. Communication with First 5 San Mateo County ............................................. 13 G. RFP Modification ............................................................................................. 14 SECTION III. SCOPE OF WORK SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................15 A. Description of Required Evaluation Activities ................................................ 15 B. Additional Scope of Work Options .................................................................. 16 C. Agreement to Terms ....................................................................................... 16 D. Staffing ............................................................................................................ 16 E. Survey Instruments ......................................................................................... 16 F. Agreement Term and Renewal Language ....................................................... 17 SECTION IV. PROPOSAL CONTENTS ..................................................................................18 A. Content and Sequence of Proposal ................................................................ 18 SECTION V. PROPOSAL FORMAT ......................................................................................23 A. Format Guidelines. .......................................................................................... 23 B. Submission Instructions. ................................................................................. 23 2 SECTION VI. PROPOSAL PROCESS ......................................................................................24 A. Schedule of Events .......................................................................................... 24 B. Submittal of Letter of Intent and Written Questions ..................................... 24 C. Submission of Proposal. .................................................................................. 25 SECTION VII. PROPOSAL SELECTION PROCESS AND EVALUATION .......................................26 A. Final Filing Date ............................................................................................... 26 B. Additional Information .................................................................................... 26 C. Late Proposals. ................................................................................................ 26 D. Rejection of Proposals. .................................................................................... 26 E. Proposal Review Panel. ................................................................................... 26 F. Proposal Review Criteria. ................................................................................ 27 G. Errors or Changes in the Proposal................................................................... 28 H. Lowest-cost Proposals. .................................................................................... 29 I. Local Preference. ............................................................................................. 29 J. Notification. ..................................................................................................... 29 K. Inability to Negotiate a Contract..................................................................... 29 L. Appeal Process. ............................................................................................... 29 SECTION VIII. APPENDICES .................................................................................................30 3 I. PREFACE A. TIMELINE AND GUIDELINES: 1. Release of RFP April 3, 2015 2. Letter of Intent (MANDATORY) April 15, 2015 3. Written Questions (OPTIONAL) April 15, 2015 4. Release of Responses to Written Questions April 22, 2015 5. Proposal Due Date (MANDATORY) May 1, 2015 6. Review of Proposals May 4-15, 2015 7. Announcement of Recommendation May 18, 2015 8. Appeal Deadline May 27, 2015 9. Agreement Negotiations June 2015 10. Announcement of Award June 22, 2015 4 B. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND RIGHTS Proposals must be submitted to: First 5 San Mateo County 1700 South El Camino Real, Suite 405 San Mateo, California 94402-3050 By 4:00 p.m., May 1, 2015 This Request for Proposals (RFP) is not a commitment or contract of any kind. First 5 San Mateo County (F5SMC/the Commission) reserves the right to pursue any and/or all ideas generated by this request. F5SMC reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and/or terminate the RFP process if deemed in the best interest of the Commission. Further, while every effort has been made to ensure the information presented in this RFP is accurate and thorough, F5SMC assumes no liability for any unintentional errors or omissions in this document. F5SMC reserves the right to waive or modify any requirements of this RFP when it determines that doing so is in the best interest of the Commission. Costs for developing the proposals are entirely the responsibility of the Proposers and shall not be reimbursed. General Provisions Regarding Public Nature of Proposals. Government Code Sections 6550 et. seq., the California Public Records Act, defines a public record as any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public business. The California Public Records Act provides that public records shall be disclosed upon written request, and that any citizen has a right to inspect any public record, unless the document is exempted from disclosure. F5SMC cannot represent or guarantee that any information submitted in response to this RFP will be confidential. Be advised that any contract that eventually arises from this Request for Proposals is a public record in its entirety. Also, all information submitted in response to this Request for Proposals is itself a public record without exception. Submission of any materials in response to this Request for Proposals constitutes a waiver by the submitting party of any claim that the information is protected from disclosure. By submitting materials, (1) you are consenting to release of such materials by F5SMC if requested under the California Public Records Act without further notice to you and (2) you agree to indemnify and hold harmless F5SMC for release of such information. All proposals submitted in response to this RFP shall become the exclusive property of F5SMC. At such time as F5SMC approves an Agreement, all proposals submitted in response to this RFP shall become a matter of public record and shall be regarded as public records. Proposer’s Rights regarding Confidentiality of Proposals. If F5SMC receives a request for any portion of a document submitted in response to this RFP, it will not assert any privileges that may exist on behalf of the person or entity, and F5SMC reserves the right to disclose the requested materials without notice to the party who originally submitted the requested 5 material. If a Proposer believes that a portion of its proposal is confidential and notifies F5SMC of such in writing, F5SMC may, as a courtesy, attempt to notify the Proposer of any request for the proposal. However, it would be the sole responsibility of that Proposer to assert any applicable privileges or reasons why the document should not be produced, and to obtain a court order prohibiting disclosure. The Proposer understands that F5SMC is not responsible, under any circumstances, for any harm caused by production of a confidential proposal. F5SMC’s Rights Regarding Confidentiality of Proposals. To the extent consistent with applicable provisions of the California Public Records Act and applicable case law interpreting those provisions, F5SMC and/or its officers, agents, and employees retain the discretion to release or to withhold disclosure of any information submitted in response to this RFP. Submission of a proposal constitutes a complete waiver of any claims whatsoever against F5SMC and/or its officers, agents, or employees that F5SMC has violated a proposer’s right to privacy, disclosed trade secrets, or caused any damage by allowing the proposal to be inspected. 6 II. INTRODUCTION A. Invitation to Submit: F5SMC welcomes proposals from all qualified providers. F5SMC may, in its sole discretion, enter into contracts with multiple qualified providers. Non-profit agencies [501(c) (3)], government entities, and private organizations are eligible to apply. B. Purpose: In September 2014, our Commission ratified its Strategic Plan for 2015-2020 (Appendix F). In accordance with Proposition 10, the new plan calls for all investments and activities funded by F5SMC to be evaluated for effectiveness, and identifies outcomes and indicators for this purpose. This RFP will select an evaluation contractor (herein after referred to as the “Evaluator”) to provide portfolio evaluation services, using common outcomes and indicators to examine the impact of F5SMC across its multiple investments in multiple sectors. Goals of the evaluation will include: Maintaining appropriate continuity with the past 6 years of Comprehensive Evaluation, while taking a fresh look at data elements and technological means to reduce/streamline data collection Using common outcomes and indicators across funded programs to characterize the population served by F5SMC and to examine the impact of service participation Ensuring that F5SMC evaluation efforts leverage and complement evaluations of similar investments being supported through other funding sources Enabling F5SMC participation in the “Big Data” project (described on page 13) Fulfilling First 5 California (F5CA) annual client data and evaluation narrative requirements Enabling comparisons of effectiveness between service delivery strategies, service populations, etc. C. D. Funding Amount Available and Term To meet the goals and objectives detailed in this RFP, F5SMC has allocated a total of $672,000 over 40 months, from July 1, 2015-October 31, 2018. This budget was approved by the Commission as part of its Long Term Financial Plan in July of 2014. The Commission approved allocations and funding mechanisms for the first phase of Strategic Plan implementation at its meetings in October and November 2014. As part of these actions, the Commission approved the release of this RFP to support the F5SMC Comprehensive Evaluation. F5SMC is inviting proposals covering the entire 40-month term: July 1, 2015 through October 31, 2018. However, funding beyond fiscal year 2015-16 is not guaranteed and will be contingent upon satisfactory performance. Authority: Proposition 10, the “California Children and Families Act of 1998” imposed an excise tax on tobacco products and authorized counties to establish commissions to allocate these funds at the local level. Ordinance #03889 was adopted by the San Mateo County Board 7 of Supervisors on March 9, 1999, creating the nine-member Children and Families First Commission (now referred to as First 5 San Mateo County Commission). The Commission was authorized to develop a Strategic Plan and allocate funds accordingly. The First 5 San Mateo County Children & Families First Commission adopted the initial Strategic Plan on March 15, 2000. The most recent update to the Strategic Plan was approved in September 2014. The F5SMC Commission consists of: (a) one member from the Board of Supervisors, (b) the Director of the County Health Department, (c) the Director of the County Human Services Agency, (d) the County Superintendent of Schools, and (e) five public members appointed by the Board of Supervisors. In addition, the F5SMC Commission recognizes the value of youth representation, and therefore invites up to two Youth Commissioners to serve as active members on the F5SMC Commission. The current Commission members are: Michael Garb, Chair, Public Member Lee Michelson, Vice-Chair, Public Member Angel Barrios, Public Member Anne E. Campbell, San Mateo County Superintendent of Schools Jean S. Fraser, Chief, Health System Neel Patel, Supervising Physician – Pediatrics, Fair Oaks Health Clinic David Pine, San Mateo County Board of Supervisors Iliana Rodriguez, Director, San Mateo County Human Services Agency Vacant, Public Member Yianni Alevizos, Youth Commissioner David Zhou, Youth Commissioner E. Background Information on First 5 San Mateo County 2015-2020 Strategic Plan: In September 2014, the Commission adopted a new Strategic Plan for the years 20152020. The Commission identified the following desired outcomes to guide its efforts during the Strategic Plan period: 1. 2. 3. 4. San Mateo County will give priority to young children and their families; Communities provide a safe and healthy environment for young children; Children have access to high-quality early care and education settings; Families feel connected to and supported by their community and able to nurture their child’s health and development; 5. Children have healthy attachments to their parents and caregivers; and 6. Children have access to and are utilizing appropriate health care services to meet their health and developmental needs. 8 The 2015-2020 Strategic Plan is consistent with the focus and intent of the Children and Families Act, building on what has been learned and accomplished locally and providing a framework for the Commission and the community for how Proposition 10 funds will be strategically invested over the next five years. Central to the success of these investments is a strong foundation that adequately prioritizes early childhood systems and services in San Mateo County. These foundational improvements will be furthered with investments in three core focus areas: Early Learning, Child Health & Development, and Family Engagement. For each focus area the Commission identified specific strategies for investment and population- and participant-level indicators to help track progress towards the Commission’s desired outcomes. Proposers should be familiar with the content of the new Strategic Plan, which is included as Appendix F of this RFP, and is available on the F5SMC website at Current Evaluation Structure Proposition 10, First 5 California, and the F5SMC Strategic Plan each require that all funded efforts be evaluated to determine whether they are achieving the outcomes identified by the local Commission. Since 2009, First 5 San Mateo County has used a Comprehensive Evaluation approach to track its impact and identify effective strategies for achieving its desired outcomes using common indicators and data collection protocols across all funded partners. This approach allows the Commission to look broadly at the children, families, and providers we serve, and to examine our impact across all funded programs. The 2015-2020 Strategic Plan envisions continuing this comprehensive approach to evaluating our investments and activities. All currently funded F5SMC programs have participated in the Comprehensive Evaluation for the past 6 years (or since their initial funding date). With some exceptions due to specific programmatic requirements, all contracts end at the close of FY 14-15 (June 30, 2015). New contracts will begin on July 1, 2015, and will cover fiscal years 2015-16, 201617, and 2017-18. New data collection requirements will be written in to the scopes of work of these new programs and initiatives. F5SMC Early Childhood Evaluation Advisory Subcommittee F5SMC convenes an Early Childhood Evaluation Advisory Subcommittee, comprised of Commissioners, staff, and members of community programs with evaluation expertise. Its purpose is: to advise the full Commission on issues related to planning and implementing the Commission’s research and evaluation activities; to hear the perspectives of F5SMC grantees on evaluation and data collection and utilization; to serve as the initial audience for research and evaluation findings; and to provide guidance to staff and evaluation contractors regarding presentation of results to the full F5SMC Commission. 9 First 5 California Client Data Collection Requirements All County First 5 Commissions are required to submit client data to First 5 California on an annual basis. These data include the number of children, parents/guardians, or providers receiving specific types of services within a given fiscal year, broken down by the following categories: race/ethnicity, language, and child age. Because these data are required by the State, all activities supported by Prop 10 dollars must collect this information. The current method used by F5SMC to gather this information is the “aggregate data collection” form (see Appendix B). However, once we transition to an online data system for grantee reporting and data collection, it will be more efficient to extract these data from the online system. Client data are reported cumulatively within each fiscal year. These data include clients who were enrolled during the previous fiscal year but continued to receive services as of July 1st of the current fiscal year. Data sets, therefore, include all clients being served from July 1st through June 30th of the fiscal year, whether they are continuing clients or new clients. Characteristics of Clients Served: In fiscal year 2013-2014, F5SMC programs served 26,980 clients (duplicated count), including 9,997 children, 12,264 parents/guardians, and 4,719 providers. Fifty-seven percent of the children and parents served were Latino and 55% lived in homes where Spanish was the primary language. F5SMC Local Evaluation Activities: Programs funded by F5SMC are contractually obligated to collect evaluation data using Comprehensive Evaluation forms. The type and amount of information collected by each program depends on the type, duration, and dosage of services provided, and may include: Individual-level data, including demographic information (e.g. age, race/ethnicity, language, income, educational attainment, zip code of residence); indicator data (e.g. child care arrangements, access to services, social support); and self-reported parenting behaviors and confidence (e.g. frequency of early literacy activities). Program- or Agency-level information, such as wait-list length; time spent by staff on activities relevant to F5SMC’s desired outcomes; referral protocols; or information-sharing practices. Systems-level information, such as the extent of cooperation and coordination amongst participating agencies; perceived quality and availability of relevant services within the County. Forms used to collect individual-level data vary based on the population being served, and the types and duration of services provided. Specifically: Intensive services for parents/families: These services are typically provided individually (rather than in group settings), are tailored to address the unique 10 needs of the family, and include multiple contacts that take place over at least two months. Examples include home visiting and care coordination. Forms completed for intensively-served families include: Intake interview; Follow-up interview; Aggregate Data Form. Less-intensive services for parents/families: These are typically conducted in group settings (such as classes, workshops, playgroups, or support groups). They may last only two or three sessions, or meet regularly for several months. Forms completed for these clients include: Parent Survey, Aggregate data form. Services for providers: Professional development services are typically conducted in group settings, although certain components may occur one-on-one. Data collection requirements for provider services vary by type of provider, with Early Learning providers answering a set of questions pertaining to their work with children and families in child care and preschool settings. General providers (for example, health care professionals, and family support providers) do not answer the questions relating to skills and knowledge specific to early learning services. Forms completed by these clients include: General Provider Survey; Early Care & Education (ECE) Provider Survey; Aggregate Data Form. Data collection forms currently in use are available in Appendix B. Current Individual-Level Data Collection Protocols Programs collect data from a quota of their less-intensively served clients (i.e., providers and parents receiving training/education and support) and up to 100% 1 of their intensively served clients (i.e., families receiving home visitation and care coordination). Individually identified information is used to link intake and follow-up records from intensively served clients, allowing us to examine longitudinal outcome data. For less-intensively-served families and providers, retrospective pre-test data as well as post-test data are collected on a single form at the conclusion of services. This eliminates the need to match pre- and post-test data collected at different time points. Measurement of Systems Change Activities In accordance with the intent of Prop 10 to create “an integrated, comprehensive, and collaborative system of information and services to enhance optimal early childhood development and to ensure that children are ready to enter school,” and F5SMC’s 20152020 Strategic Plan, The Commission will direct resources increasingly towards systemwide capacity building through community partnerships, policy development, and leadership on issues related to young children and families. To examine the impact of such activities, the Comprehensive Evaluation currently includes a survey of grantees that asks about the quality and accessibility of San Mateo County’s services for young children, their parents, and the providers who work with them. Respondents also report on the 1Programs requested that they be able to use Intake Interviews with all of their intensively served clients, rather than need to keep track of who they sampled and who they did not for the purpose of administering the Follow-up Interview. However, not all families gave consent for their information to be shared. These nonconsenting families are still counted using the Aggregate Tool. 11 degree of cooperation and collaboration between their agency and others in the F5SMC funding portfolio. This information is used create a network analysis of collaboration among funded programs. Other Research and Evaluation Projects that may Intersect with the F5SMC Evaluation There are several research and evaluation efforts going on in the County that may intersect with the F5SMC comprehensive evaluation, either by necessitating data sharing, or by necessitating the use of common data elements. It may also be possible for F5SMC to rely on some of these other efforts to fulfill the mandated evaluation requirements, thus reducing duplicative data collection requirements on the part of grantees and community partners. Some of the projects underway include: Big Lift: This collective impact initiative aims to increase the percentage of San Mateo County children reading at grade-level in 3rd grade from 57% to 80% through four main strategies: Increasing the availability of high-quality preschool in low-performing school districts; partnering with families to help children reach their potential; reducing chronic absenteeism; and creating inspiring summers for children. It was initiated by the Peninsula Partnership Leadership Council, which has over 50 member organizations and has been fueled by a $10M commitment by the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors in 2013. F5SMC estimates that about 80% of its early learning funds will be invested in Big Lift eligible school districts. Additional support for this effort is provided by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF), which was recently awarded a federal Social Innovation Fund (SIF) grant to support this work in 2-4 pilot communities. The San Mateo County Office of Education (SMCOE) is the lead agency for implementing Big Lift, including the SIF-funded programming and the related Early Learning funding from F5SMC. RAND has been identified as the evaluator for the SIF grant; the organization that is awarded the F5SMC Comprehensive Evaluation contract will be expected to work closely with RAND, SVCF, SMCOE, and F5SMC to ensure appropriate levels of alignment and coordination amongst the several early learning evaluation efforts with the goal of reducing duplicative requirements and increasing the power of the evaluation. The Cocoa database by WestEd has been identified as the administrative data system for Big Lift, SIF grant, and F5SMC EL grantees. The evaluator selected through this RFP will be expected to use data from the Cocoa data system to fulfill F5CAs client data requirements, and to support the evaluation of F5SMCs early learning investments. F5CA, State, and Federal Investments in Early Learning: First 5 California offers grants to County Commissions to support implementation of F5CA programs. The Child Signature Program is currently funded by F5CA; however, a new F5CA effort supporting implementation of Quality Rating and Improvement Scales in early learning programs will be kicking off in FY 15-16. Participation in the Statewide Evaluation(s) of F5CA programs is required of County Commissions receiving these funds. State and Federal investments for early learning here in San Mateo County also include the California State Preschool Program Block Grant and the Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge. 12 Big Data Project: In partnership with the Bella Vista Foundation and the John W. Gardner Center at Stanford University, F5SMC is currently developing a project that will examine service participation by low-income pregnant women and families with children ages 0 to 3 by linking administrative data across service providers in San Mateo County. The F5SMC Comprehensive Evaluation will be expected to contribute data to this project. The Evaluator may also be required to provide technical assistance to F5SMC grantees regarding providing relevant data to the Gardner Center. School Readiness Assessment: This population-based assessment is conducted periodically and examines entering kindergarteners’ school readiness, as well as demographic, socioeconomic, and experiential factors that are associated with school readiness. This assessment was most recently administered in 2012. In the future, such assessments may be incorporated into the evaluation plan for Big Lift. Regardless of how school readiness assessments are conducted in the future, F5SMC will want data collected from families served through our investments to be linked to school readiness data. This will allow an examination of the impact of F5SMC-funded services during the first five years of life on a child’s readiness for success in school and in life. It would be especially beneficial if such an analysis could be done in concert with the Big Data Project referenced above. Technical Aspects of Data Housing and Management: Currently, funded program staff-administer data collection tools with their clients as required in each program’s evaluation plan, and submit these tools twice annually. The forms are cleaned, optically scanned, and merged into an integrated analytical database. This database is updated twice per year. F5SMC plans to move to an online grants management and data system, wherein funded programs would manage fiscal, programmatic, and evaluation reporting for their F5SMC grants. The Evaluator is expected to be an active participant in planning for and implementing the system. In order to integrate with other Early Learning initiatives within the County, our Early Learning grantees will be required to use WestEd’s Cocoa database, which has been identified as the administrative data system for The Big Lift and the federal SIF grant. F. Communication with F5SMC: As of the issuance date of this RFP and continuing until the final date for submission of proposals, F5SMC personnel are specifically directed not to hold meetings, conferences, technical discussions, or communications of any kind with any applicant for purposes of responding to this RFP. Any attempt by an applicant, or agent thereof, to contact F5SMC personnel or a member of the Proposal Review Committee regarding the proposal process may be considered tampering and may result in the applicant being disqualified from entering into any contract that may result from this RFP. 13 G. RFP Modification: F5SMC may modify the RFP prior to the fixed date for submission of proposals by issuance of an addendum to all parties who have received the RFP. 14 III. SCOPE OF WORK AND OTHER SPECIFICATIONS A. Description of Required Evaluation Activities: The Evaluator will be expected to perform the following activities: A1. Project Planning: A planning phase to develop a coherent program that will accomplish the evaluation activities listed in items A2-A6. This planning will be done collaboratively with the F5SMC Evaluation Specialist, the F5SMC Early Childhood Evaluation Advisory Committee, and representatives from funded programs and community partners as appropriate. Note that planning activities are expected to continue as necessary. A2. Comprehensive F5SMC Evaluation: (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2018) Integrated evaluation of funded programs and systems change activities, using common outcomes and indicators in accordance with the F5SMC Strategic Plan. F5SMCfunded activities that are likely to be rigorously evaluated through other local, state, or federal funding streams (e.g. Big Lift, Race to the Top, SIF grant) may be exempted from certain Comprehensive Evaluation requirements, depending on the ability of the Evaluator to link with and use data and analysis generated through these other efforts. Note that the Evaluator’s contract term will end on October 31st, 2018 to allow time for data analysis and report preparation. A3. Training, Technical Assistance, and Consultation: As needed to F5SMC staff and funded programs regarding data collection, data entry, data management, database maintenance, and data transfer. As needed to F5SMC staff on data analysis, research, and evaluation issues. A4. Data housing and/or database management, if needed. A5. Presentations and Reports: Presentations as needed of evaluation plans, research designs, and evaluation results to stakeholders, including F5SMC, community partners, funded programs, and the public. Preparation of required data elements for the F5SMC Annual Report to First 5 California. Preparation of quarterly Evaluation Updates and Annual Evaluation Reports, Briefs, and/or Dashboards, in a format or formats to be determined. Preparation of other reports as needed. A6. Communication and Collaboration: Collaboration on joint evaluation and data-sharing efforts at the local, regional, and/or statewide level as directed by F5SMC. These efforts will include, but are not limited to: o Race to the Top o The Big Lift o Social Innovation Fund grant to the Big Lift o The San Mateo County Big Data Project 15 o First 5 California Statewide Evaluation Projects Attendance at F5SMC Early Childhood Evaluation Advisory Committee meetings and/or Commission meetings on a schedule to be determined, but not more than monthly or less than quarterly. Regular communication on all aspects of the project with the F5SMC Evaluation Specialist. B. Additional Scope of Work Options: The services to be delivered are described above, in Section III.A: Scope of Work. However, proposers are not discouraged from proposing additional services or services different in kind than those contained in Section III.A, with a discussion of how the greater or different services proposed would improve the evaluation. C. Agreement to Terms: The proposer must be able to agree to all of the terms of the F5SMC general contract included in Appendix C. If the proposer cannot agree to each term but still wishes to respond to the RFP, the proposer must specifically identify in its proposal the terms with which it cannot comply. D. Staffing: The F5SMC Evaluation Specialist will be the direct liaison between the Evaluator, F5SMC staff, and the F5SMC Early Childhood Evaluation Advisory Committee. As manager of evaluation contracts, the Evaluation Specialist will co-construct and review evaluation designs and plans, collaborate on the selection or development of outcome measures, and oversee all evaluation activities for coherence and integration, as well as contract compliance and quality oversight. The F5SMC Early Childhood Evaluation Advisory Committee will provide input, suggestions and direction on methodological approaches, as well as serving as the initial audience for evaluation results. The Evaluator is expected to attend F5SMC Early Childhood Evaluation Advisory Committee meetings on a schedule to be determined, but not more than monthly or less than quarterly. The Evaluator will be expected to participate in other regularly scheduled or ad hoc meetings as requested by F5SMC staff and is expected to maintain regular communication with F5SMC staff. E. Survey Instruments: Proposers must agree to administer/use any and all survey instruments as directed by F5SMC, including outcomes and satisfaction measurement instruments. 16 F. Agreement Term and Renewal Language: The Agreement Term will be for 40 months, from July 1, 2015 through October 31, 2018. Entering into a contract related to this RFP does not guarantee funding beyond June 30, 2018. Please remember that funding beyond fiscal year 2015-16 is not guaranteed and will be contingent upon satisfactory performance. Furthermore, all F5SMC contracts are subject to contract Agreement Term and Termination provisions as stated in Paragraph 3 of the F5SMC Agreement (See Appendix C). 17 IV. PROPOSAL CONTENTS A. Content and Sequence of Proposal: To be eligible for evaluation, proposers shall adhere strictly to the format set forth below. Each of the required sections identified must be addressed and must be specifically labeled. The content and sequence of the proposal will be as follows: Section 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Title Cover Sheet Table of Contents Project Narrative Financial Summary Proof of Insurance References CEO or Board Authorization Attachments: Staff Resumes/CVs (Optional) Example Work Products Scope of Work Budget Request and Budget Narrative Forms Items 1 through 8 below contain brief descriptions of material that must be included in this proposal. 1. Cover Sheet (Appendix D): Proposer shall identify the firm’s name that will be providing the services offered in the proposal. The name, address, telephone number, facsimile number and e-mail address of a principal contact for information regarding the proposal shall be supplied. The form to be used for this purpose is included with the RFP as Appendix D. 2. Table of Contents: Immediately following the Cover Letter, provide a comprehensive Table of Contents of the material included in the proposal. The Table of Contents must clearly identify the proposal sections and the applicable page numbers. 3. Project Narrative: A narrative description of the proposed evaluation activities. Project narratives are limited to 25 pages. In addressing the requirements of the 18 Scope of Work (see Section III.A) and the F5SMC Strategic Plan, the project narrative should include the following content areas: 3a. Comprehensive Evaluation Design: Describe the proposed evaluation design for the integrated evaluation of funded programs and systems change activities, including the following: How your evaluation design aligns with the F5SMC 2015-2020 Strategic Plan. How you propose to partner with F5SMC and grantee staff to develop and/or refine current data collection protocols to be appropriate to the clients served, type of service delivery, and characteristics of services such as dose and duration. o Include a discussion of how you propose to maintain appropriate continuity with the comprehensive evaluation that has been conducted over the past 6 years. Address the following: data elements, analysis, data housing and management, data collection protocols, and how you will transition programs from their current data collection practices. How you will develop or select specific outcome measures based on the 2009-2015 Comprehensive Evaluation activities and results, and the 2015-2020 F5SMC Strategic Plan. If your agency has existing expertise in the administration or scoring of relevant outcome measures, indicate that here. The methodology and analytical techniques that will be used to implement the evaluation, including quantitative and qualitative methods as appropriate. Please address how these techniques will allow stakeholders to consider the following questions: o How many (and what sort of) clients are served through F5SMC activities, and what types of services do they receive? o What is the impact of F5SMC-funded activities on participants (including parents, children, service providers, and systems-level entities such as programs, agencies, policy-makers, and communities)? o How can ongoing programs, services, and systems-building activities be improved in terms of their quality, efficacy, or efficiency? o Where should F5SMC focus future efforts to ensure the greatest impact, given the available resources? How you plan to work effectively with other rigorous and largescale research and evaluation efforts in our county that intersect with F5SMC funding and projects (e.g. Big Lift, SIF grant, Big Data 19 Project, School Readiness Assessment). Bear in mind that many of these will have separate data systems. If you have experience working with the Cocoa data system, discuss that here. Provide examples of past experiences working in tandem with other evaluation efforts. Including a discussion of how you accomplished the following: o Leverage of common data elements o Minimization of duplicative or overly-intensive data collection requirements o Utilization of the analytical activities and results of the intersecting evaluations How you propose to maintain and expand upon efforts to evaluate systemic aspects of the array of services and supports for children 0-5 in San Mateo County, and F5SMC’s investments and activities targeted to these areas. 3b. Participatory Evaluation: Describe how you will maintain a close relationship with F5SMC, our funded programs, and community partners. Include the key players you anticipate working with and what information you will need from them. Describe how you will ensure responsiveness to the concerns of line-staff (e.g., child care providers, therapists) and their ongoing involvement in the evaluation process. Discuss any challenges you anticipate in implementing the evaluation and how you will address them. Describe how you will ensure that process and outcome data are used to refine and strengthen the evaluation design. Discuss how you will facilitate the use of evaluation data to inform program improvement and funding strategies. 3c. Data Housing and Database Management: F5SMC plans to move to an online grants and data management system to be used by funded programs. The Evaluator will be an active participant in planning for and implementing the system. In this section, describe: Any experience working with data management systems that are external to your organization. If you have experience working with Persimmony, Mosaic, Efforts to Outcomes, or other similar data systems please discuss that here. Your experience in supporting program staff to use live data housed in such a system for continuous quality improvement. Procedures and proposed formats for collecting, transferring, and housing client data as required by First 5 California and F5SMC. 20 3d. Cultural Competence: Describe how your agency will ensure culturally sensitive and linguistically competent evaluation design, as well as the ability to work effectively with programs serving the culturally diverse children and families of San Mateo County. This may include the use of culturally relevant outcome measures and staffing that will enable your agency to work with people of diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, including the large Spanish-speaking population served by our funded programs. 3e. Organizational Background: Describe the agency’s history, mission, and services it provides; administrative structure; and experience in providing similar services. With the history include length of time in business, and any experience working with county First 5 Commissions, county departments or agencies, and programs serving children 0-5 and their families or care providers. Describe how this program will fit into your overall organization. Attach an organizational chart. 3f. Staffing: Describe proposed staff and their duties, including disciplines and degrees, as appropriate. Describe how the training and experience of your staff will ensure that the needs of F5SMC and our funded programs will be addressed. Identify the person who will be overseeing the F5SMC account. Provide information regarding the level of education, background and experience of this person. Resumes or CVs of key staff may be provided as appendices if desired. Note that these documents are optional, and that they will not count toward the project narrative page limit. 3g. Work Plan and Timelines: Describe your work plan, including a detailed description of the proposed activities during the planning phase and a timeline for the implementation of services and receipt of deliverables. Demonstrate the capacity to implement the program by July 1, 2015. 4. Financial Summary: Provide a synopsis of your anticipated budget for each fiscal year of the project, including the process you used to determine your budgetary needs. Detailed financial information for the first 24 months of the project (July 2015 through June 2017) will be included as attachments, using the Budget Request and Budget Narrative forms provided in Appendix E. 21 5. Proof of Insurance: Attach insurance certificates indicating liability insurance of a minimum of $1,000,000 for each of the following: comprehensive general, motor vehicle, professional, and worker’s compensation. 6. References: Include three references recently familiar with the quality and reliability of the proposer’s work. Include the name, mailing address, contact person, email address and phone number for each reference. 7. CEO or Board Authorization: Private organizations must submit a statement from your chief operating officer (CEO) verifying support for your proposal. 8. Attachments: Resumes or CVs of key staff may be provided as appendices if desired. Note that these documents are optional, and that they will not count toward the project narrative page limit. Examples of Evaluation Reports, Briefs, and/or Dashboards generated by your agency for similar projects. Scope of Work: Using the template provided in Appendix G, prepare a Scope of Work including detailed deliverables that show how you will implement the proposed planning and evaluation activities for the period July 1, 2015 – October 31, 2018. Budget Requests and Budget Narratives: Using the templates included in Appendix D, provide information about how this program will be staffed and financed during the first 24 months of operations. Include personnel, operating, and other relevant expenditure categories. Include information on any other sources that will fund the proposed evaluation program. Identify any subcontractors whose contract will exceed $25,000 and submit a Budget Request and Narrative Form for those subcontractors. Please submit two Budgets and Budget Narratives according to the table below: Year 1 Year 2 7/01/15 – 6/30/16 (12 months) 7/1/16 – 6/30/17 (12 months) 22 V. PROPOSAL FORMAT A. Format Guidelines: Proposals must be submitted both electronically and in paper format. Both electronic and paper copies must be received by the filing deadline. Paper copies must be typed in Microsoft Word, double-spaced in no smaller than 12-point Calibri font, have margins no less than 1” on any side, and have consecutively numbered pages. Project narratives are limited to 25 pages. The Scope of Work, Budgets and Budget Narratives, Letters of Support, examples of work products, and optional staff resumes/CVs are considered attachments and do not count toward the project narrative page limits. Any materials in excess of the limits may not be considered. B. Submission Instructions: Electronic copies of the proposal must be submitted on disc or portable drive. The original paper copy of the proposal submitted should be unbound, along with eight copies securely bound by an industrial/heavy duty stapler in the upper left-hand corner. No facsimile, email, or telephone proposals will be accepted. Proposals must be received by 4:00 P.M. on Friday, May 1, 2015. Submit proposals to: Newton Martin First 5 San Mateo County 1700 S. El Camino Real, Suite 405 San Mateo, California 94402-3050 23 VI. PROPOSAL PROCESS A. Schedule of Events: EVENT Release of RFP Deadline for Mandatory Letter of Intent Deadline for Optional Written Questions Release of Responses to Written Questions Proposal Due Date and Time Review of Proposals Announcement of Recommendation by F5SMC Appeal Deadline Agreement Negotiations Announcement of Award Anticipated Agreement Start Date B. DATE 4/3/2015 4/15/2015 4/15/2015 4/22/2015 5/1/2015; 4:00pm May 4-15 2015 5/18/2015 5/27/2015 June 2015 6/22/2015 7/1/2015 Submittal of Letter of Intent and Written Questions: Proposers intending to respond to this RFP are required to submit a Letter of Intent no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 15, 2015. This letter should include the name of the firm that will be submitting the proposal, as well as the name, address, telephone number, facsimile number and email address of a principal contact for information regarding the proposal. Proposers requiring clarification of the intent or content of this RFP, or of the competitive proposal process, may request clarification by submitting written questions by email no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 15, 2015 to: Newton Martin E-Mail: F5SMC will accept Letters of Intent and Written Questions via email. F5SMC will provide responses to all Written Questions on April 22, 2015. These responses will be sent via email to all parties who submitted a Letter of Intent and will also be posted on the F5SMC web site. F5SMC is responsible only for what is expressly stated in this RFP and any authorized written addenda thereto. F5SMC is not responsible for, and shall not be bound by, any non-authorized person acting or purporting to act on its behalf. 24 C. Submission of Proposal: 1. All proposals submitted in response to this RFP shall become the exclusive property of F5SMC. 2. The proposal shall be used to determine the proposer’s ability to render the services to be provided. The failure of a proposer to comply fully with the instructions in this RFP may eliminate its proposal from further evaluation as determined at the sole discretion of F5SMC. F5SMC reserves the sole right to evaluate the contents of proposals submitted in response to this RFP and to select a successful contractor, if any. 3. All proposals must remain valid for a period of not less than one hundred twenty (120) days from the closing date for submission. 25 VII. PROPOSAL SELECTION PROCESS AND EVALUATION A. Final Filing Date: The final date and time to submit a proposal is May 1, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. Proposals, in hard copy (one unbound original, and eight stapled copies using industrial/heavy duty staples in upper left hand corner) must be received at the F5SMC office by 4:00 p.m. on May 1, 2015. The office of First 5 San Mateo County is located at: First 5 San Mateo County 1700 S. El Camino Real, Suite 405 San Mateo, CA 94402-3050 B. Additional Information: If F5SMC determines, in its sole discretion, that additional information is required or desirable beyond that provided in the proposal(s) of any of the proposer(s), F5SMC may call the proposer(s) for additional information or invite the proposer(s) to make oral and/or written presentations to the Proposal Review Panel. C. Late Proposals: Any proposals received after 4:00 p.m. on May 1, 2015 may be rejected by F5SMC as not meeting the requirements of this RFP. Faxed and emailed proposals will not be accepted. D. Rejection of Proposals: 1. F5SMC may reject any proposals not meeting the minimum requirements of this RFP. 2. F5SMC reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. 3. F5SMC reserves the right to waive any requirements of this RFP when it determines that waiving a requirement is in the best interest of F5SMC. F5SMC’s waiver of an immaterial requirement shall not excuse the proposer from full compliance with remaining requirements and the contents of its proposal in the event it is awarded the contract. E. Proposal Review Panel: The evaluation of proposals will be made by a Proposal Review Panel comprised of F5SMC staff and outside experts in the evaluation field selected by the Executive Director of First 5 San Mateo County. The Proposal Review Panel will objectively and fairly assess each proposal and the qualifications of proposers submitting proposals. 26 F. Proposal Review Criteria: 1. History and Structure of Proposer: a. Personnel: How long have key personnel been conducting the types of evaluation services described in the RFP? Do key staff have experience providing the required evaluation services? Do staff have knowledge of early physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development, and of the issues facing San Mateo County’s children aged 0-5 and their families? b. Experience: How long has the proposer been involved in providing the types of evaluation services described in the RFP? What is the proposer’s track record in implementing new evaluation programs? Does the proposer have a history of successfully managing contracts with public or private agencies? Does the proposer have experience working with other First 5 Commissions, county departments or agencies, or programs serving children aged 0-5 and their families? c. What is the proposer’s track record in contract compliance, including accounting and record-keeping requirements? 2. Philosophy/Service Model/Evaluation Design: a. Is there is a clearly articulated understanding of and commitment to the intent of the evaluation as described in the RFP and The F5SMC Strategic Plan, including purpose, scope, population to be served, major design elements, and effective organizational structure? b. Will the proposed evaluation design satisfactorily support the objectives delineated in the F5SMC strategic plan? c. Does the proposer demonstrate that it has a record of positive community collaboration? Does it currently have good relationships in San Mateo County? 3. Scope of Work/Staffing and Operations/Cultural Competency: a. Are the activities described in the Scope of Work sufficient to accomplish the goals outlined in the RFP and the F5SMC Strategic Plan? b. Is there sufficient staffing proposed to perform the services and activities? 27 c. Is the level of expertise and experience of the staff sufficient to provide the proposed services? d. Is the agency’s plan for providing culturally competent services consistent with the principles described in the RFP? Does the agency offer multi-lingual capability? 4. Planning/Implementation Plan/Timeline: a. Will the proposed planning activities allow for the development of a comprehensive, integrated, and cohesive program of evaluation as outlined in the Scope of Work? b. Does the proposal provide enough specificity to support detailed implementation of the required evaluation services? c. Can the proposed evaluation activities reasonably be accomplished within the proposed timeline? 5. Project Budget and Budget Narrative: a. Is the budget narrative clear, realistic and specific? Does the narrative demonstrate a thoroughly planned project? b. Are budget justifications, including administrative costs, reasonable? Are staffing patterns adequate? c. Does the proposal ensure that the project does not supplant state or local general fund money? See Supplantation Policy (Appendix E). d. Are budgets and budget narratives for subcontracts exceeding $25,000 included? 6. G. References: Are three references included, giving company name, mailing address, contact person, email address and phone number for each reference? Errors or Changes in the Proposal: If errors are found in a proposal, F5SMC may reject the proposal; however, F5SMC may, in its sole discretion, correct arithmetic and/or transposition errors. The proposer will be informed of the errors and corrections. If an item is described in the narrative and omitted from the cost data, the proposal will be interpreted to mean that the proposer will provide the item at no cost. If this is a significant item, the proposer will be notified. 28 Clarification of and changes to proposals prior to contract award are permissible provided that each proposer is treated fairly and equally. H. Lowest-cost Proposals: F5SMC reserves the right to accept other than the lowest price when the best interests of F5SMC are served by doing so. I. Local Preference: F5SMC reserves the right to give preference to a Bay Area based vendor if deemed in the best interest of F5SMC. J. Notification: Notification of the announcement of recommendation will be done by certified or registered mail. Notification may also be conducted via email and/or telephone. K. Inability to Negotiate an Agreement: After an applicant has been recommended for funding by the Proposal Review Panel and selected for funding by F5SMC, negotiations will commence to institute a contract. If a satisfactory contract cannot be negotiated, F5SMC may, in its sole discretion, defer the amount of funding to another date or award the funds to another applicant. L. Appeal Process: An email followed by a certified or registered letter informing unsuccessful applicants that their proposal has not been selected for funding will be sent on May 19, 2015. An applicant must submit a written appeal to be received by the Executive Director of F5SMC by May 27, 2015. Appeals shall be in writing (emails and faxes will not be accepted) and shall be limited to the following grounds: 1. Any failure of F5SMC to follow RFP procedures as articulated in the RFP; and/or, 2. The RFP review criteria were not appropriately applied to the proposal. The applicant must include a statement of explanation in the appeal letter describing the specific reasons that form the basis of the appeal. The Executive Director of F5SMC will respond in writing to the appeal within 10 calendar days of the receipt of the written appeal. F5SMC staff may establish a meeting with the applicant in order to discuss the concerns. The decision of the Executive Director of F5SMC is final. If the instructions of this RFP were not followed in full by the applicant, there are no grounds for appeal to the Commission. 29 VIII. APPENDICES Appendix A: F5SMC RFP Cover Sheet Appendix B: Current F5SMC Comprehensive Evaluation Data Collection Tools Appendix C: F5SMC Sample Contractor Agreement Appendix D: Budget Request and Budget Narrative Forms Appendix E: F5SMC Supplantation Policy Appendix F: F5SMC 2015-2020 Strategic Plan Appendix G: Scope of Work 30
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