Mission Statement News We are a community of believers in God as revealed in Jesus Christ as Lord. We believe in the authority of the Bible, the equality of all members, unity in diversity, and the priesthood of all believers. In communion with and through the power of the Holy Spirit, we follow the Way of Jesus the Christ and share the Good News through worship, education, ministries, and missions. As an autonomous Baptist Church, we value our heritage and the freedom it allows us to minister alongside other groups, both Christian and non-Christian. We express our love for all in gratitude for the love God has shown to us. May 26, 2015 First Baptist Greenville 8 4 7 C L E V E L A N D S T R E E T, G R E E N V I L L E , S C 2 9 6 0 1 Intern Commissioned Darnysha Nard, youth intern In addition to recognizing graduates during morning worship this Sunday, Darnysha Nard will also be commissioned for her work. This summer, Darnysha will be joining the Youth Family as their summer intern. From Powhatan, Virginia, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Virginia Commonwealth University and is currently a student at Wake Forest University School of Divinity. Darnysha spent the past three summers working with youth in Birmingham, AL at Passport Camps Choices. Something she loved most about that job was, “meeting new people, learning Sunday, May 31, 2015 Trinity Sunday Graduate Recognition Sunday 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary Proclaimer: Jim Dant Scripture: Genesis 41:14-43 Sermon: Wear the Robe Well 864-233-2527 their personalities and finding the strengths of everyone so that we could work well together and grow in our relationships with Christ.” Darnysha enjoys singing, acting and dancing. She has danced competitively and participated in Community Theater. During her time at FBG, Darnysha will help organize and lead Youth Bible studies and Mission Possible activities. She will also attend and help lead the Youth Mission Trip, as well as Unidiversity where she will serve as a chaperone, small group leader and recreation leader. Darnysha will also assist “behind the scenes” with room assignments and activity planning. Disaster Relief If you wish to make a donation through First Baptist Greenville to aid work in Nepal, you may contribute online though Engage First (Disaster Relief account) or by check made payable to First Baptist Greenville earmarked for Disaster Relief. Anthem: “A Gaelic Blessing” – RUTTER; “Go with God” – MATTHEWS The Seven Vocations of Jesus The service choir for Sunday’s worship is the Sanctuary Choir. The 10:30 a.m. worship will be simulcast live on WLFJ 660 AM and 92.9 FM from 10:30 -11:30 a.m. www.firstbaptistgreenville.com 9:15 a.m. June 7 - August 9 (not July 5 or 12) Fellowship Hall Focus on Missions: During the month of May, we will be collecting individually wrapped breakfast snacks for MissionBASE: Atlanta. It is an immersive mission expedition sponsored by CBF’s Passport Camp. This summer, FBG’s Youth Family will spend a week taking part in its programs. Each day our youth will spend six hours working with children and families through literacy and academic readiness programs. They will also be preparing and providing meals to the families. This opportunity will allow them to hear about the history and culture of an urban community. They will also be able to reflect on their own experiences encountering new people, new ideas and new understandings of the world. Please place the following items in the collection containers. • • • • • Cereal bars Granola bars Fruit bars Dried Fruit packs Muffin packs A Green Tip from SAVER Clover, red or white, is an important food for honeybees and bumblebees, and clover leaves and flowers can be used to add variety to meals. Follow this link for ideas for preparation: http://www. treehugger.com/lawn-garden/eatdandelions-9-edible-garden-weeds. html. Roadrunners June 13 Abbeville, SC JARED CROWETIPTON Furman University Lunch at Yoder’s Abbeville Opera House On Golden Pond Depart Church: 10:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m.: Matinee Performance Cost: $22.00 (bus and ticket) Lunch: Pay your own Please contact Sylvia Clyborne at 370-2522 ext. 137 or sylvia.clyborne@ firstbaptistgreenville.com to make reservations for any trip with Roadrunners or Holy Rollers. BENJAMIN RAMSEY Duke University Transportation Ministry Through Ministry to Families, the Transportation Committee offers rides for members to and from medical appointments. Requests made a week in advance will be helpful. Those in need of this service may call Mary Bolt (288-1285) or Gwen Kennedy (288-6972). Are You Connected? The Senior Adult Committee is sponsoring a voluntary registration of FBG members who are 50 and above. Our committee would like to create a contact list so that all senior adults could receive notifications and reminders of senior adult events more easily. Please sign up in your Sunday School class or at the church front desk. You may also register with Sylvia Clyborne by phone at 233-2527, ext. 137 or e-mail at sylvia.clyborne@ firstbaptistgreenville.com. PHILIP REED Furman University Call for Chaperones The Youth Ministry is in need of chaperones for upcoming summer trips – especially in need are adult males for the mission trip. If interested in accompanying our youth on any of their trips, e-mail Kendall Parks (kendall.parks@ firstbaptistgreenville.com). Youth Mission Trip (for all Youth) Passport Camps Atlanta, GA June 21-26 Unidiversity Youth Camp University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN July 20-25 On May 31, the graduates of 2015 will be recognized during morning worship. Pictured here are those who informed us of their graduations. To the left are those who have graduated from college; to the right and below are those who have graduated from high school. CALEB CROWE Eastside ALEXIS D’AMATO Wade Hampton MARY GRACE DAVIS Greenville CHEYENNE DUNN JL Mann CLARK GRAY Eastside SOPHIE HARRIS Wade Hampton Fine Arts Center ANDERSON DRAKE Greenville JORDAN DUNLAP JL Mann QUINN HILL JL Mann HALEY HISTON Wade Hampton PAGE LEMMON Wade Hampton SHEALY LONG Eastside EMILY MATTHEWS Wade Hampton DUNCAN MORROW Greer Middle College ZOEY MORTON Wade Hampton MICHAEL SEABORN JL Mann MARGARET SMITH St. Joseph’s Catholic NOT PICTURED High School MALCOLM DALHOUSE Mauldin CLAIRE DAVIS Christ Church Episcopal College CHAD DAVIS Wake Forest LAWSON MCABEE USC Graduate GIGI LATTIMORE MUSC May 31, 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Children’s Ministries VBS Filming May 31, 11:30 a.m. High School Senior Lunch and Program Fellowship Hall May 31, 11:45 a.m. New Member Orientation AYMC Terrace Level June 6-11 High School Senior Mission Trip June 6-11 Jubilate! Youth Choir Tour June 7-14 Host GAIHN Guests The News May 31, 10:30 a.m. Trinity Sunday Graduate Recognition Jim Dant, proclaimer Sanctuary Flowers (USPS No. 597060) is published weekly January thru December (except one week in July and December) by First Baptist Church, 847 Cleveland Street, Greenville, SC 29601. Periodicals postage paid at Greenville, SC 29602. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE NEWS, 847 Cleveland Street Greenville, SC 29601. (Phone 864-233-2527). Kimberly Coates, Editor. Looking Ahead The flowers in the Sanctuary this Sunday are given in honor and appreciation of the church staff and congregation by Sandra and Oscar Funderburk. The next available date to place flowers in the Sanctuary for Sunday worship is July 26. If interested contact Kimberly Coates at 370-2522 ext. 128 or kimberly. coates@firstbaptistgreenville. com. It is a beautiful way to honor a loved one and enhance our worship space. Vol. LVI May 26, 2015 No. 21 Care List as of 5/26/2015 Living Generously @ FBG 2015 Budget Goal: $2,300,000 Needs as of May 23: $884,620 In the Hospital: $867,680 Anne Brady North Greenville: Basil Manly Returned Home: Pat Stephens to the Cascades Millie Smith Volunteers Needed United Ministries uses volunteers to answer the phones and greet visitors in both of their buildings. There are openings on Mondays, 8:00-10:30 a.m. Elizabeth and Sean Union (Directors) Carmen and Will Feemster Receipts as of May 26: Greer Memorial: Extended Session: May 31 Missions Offering $8,120 Remember that contributions using your debit or credit card through Engage First at the church website are accepted. and 1:30-3:00 p.m.; Tuesdays, 2:30-5:00 p.m.; and Thursdays, 11:15 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Most volunteers come one day a week for approximately 3 hours, but they are flexible and will work to accommodate the schedules of volunteers. If interested or have questions, please contact Claire Winkler at 335-2618 or cwinkler@ united-ministries.org. Boggs and Miller Howard (Twos) (Threes) April and Steve Czarsty (Fours) Ben and Elaine Barnhill (Fives) There will be no Children’s Church. PASTORAL CARE EMERGENCIES Nights and Weekends May 25-31 Frank Smith 268-3890 (h) 370-2522 ext. 199 June 1-7 Baxter Wynn 288-4078 (h) 370-2522 ext. 199 If you are unable to reach this minister immediately, please call the Church Office, 233-2527, and leave a message by pressing the number “3” for “Pastoral Care Emergencies.”
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