Mission Statement News We are a community of believers in God as revealed in Jesus Christ as Lord. We believe in the authority of the Bible, the equality of all members, unity in diversity, and the priesthood of all believers. In communion with and through the power of the Holy Spirit, we follow the Way of Jesus the Christ and share the Good News through worship, education, ministries, and missions. As an autonomous Baptist Church, we value our heritage and the freedom it allows us to minister alongside other groups, both Christian and non-Christian. We express our love for all in gratitude for the love God has shown to us. April 13, 2015 First Baptist Greenville 8 4 7 C L E V E L A N D S T R E E T, G R E E N V I L L E , S C 2 9 6 0 1 Kendra’s Corner... Pastoral Care is the lifeblood of a congregation. It keeps us strong, vital, and able to offer a place where rest and refuge are part of God’s plan. Pastoral care is a piece of what Jesus calls us to do when he says, “Love one another as I have loved you.” For each of us, there are times when we are in need of pastoral care, and other times when we are able to offer pastoral care to others. This is the give and take of living in community. Our church has a number of ways of offering pastoral care. Each of our ministers is involved in this work through prayers in our weekly Care and Concern meetings, phone calls, hospital and home visits, sending out cards, participating in “on-call” responsibilities, and many other ways. There are also a number of lay-led ministries that offer excellent pastoral care. Our Ministry to Families Committee provides love and care through arranging and delivering flowers, offering meals, and visiting those who are homebound. Our Stephen Ministry program consists of congregants who have been trained to provide one-on-one care during a difficult or transitional continued on page 2 864-233-2527 Pilgrim Prayers Please remember these pilgrims in your prayers as they travel to the Holy Land: Ken and Mary Bolt, Ralph and Becky Bouton, Jim and Ethel Childress, Jim Dant, Brenda Gantt, Chris and Kendra Plating, Oz Rogers, Pam Shucker, Carol Cline Stilwell, and Henry and Jane Watkins. An Invitation from Stephen Ministry Twice-monthly continuing education is one of the facets of the Stephen Ministry program that ensures our care givers are trained to provide optimal care for their care receivers. Occasionally, guest speakers present programs that have interest to the congregation at large. The second of such programs this spring will be held in Carpenter Chapel from 5:00-6:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 19. Members of our LBGTQ church family will comprise a panel who will briefly share stories of how the institutional church has been both nurturing and harmful in their Christian journeys. They will also suggest ways in which we, as Stephen Ministers and congregational ministers, might be helpful to them and their families as they continue the struggle for self-acceptance and/or acceptance and affirmation from the larger community. Following their presentations, there will be a time for questions and dialogue. Please enter through the steeple doors and join us for this important presentation. A Call to Stephen Ministry Do you feel a call to walk alongside others during their times of difficulty? The Stephen Ministry ministers announce a new training program for Stephen Ministers to begin in September. Applications are now being accepted. Everyone who is interested in becoming a Stephen Minister is urged to apply. The training program will include 50 hours of training, 2 hours on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings with perhaps two full days on a Saturday. The commitment to serve as a Stephen Minister is for a period of two (2) years after being appointed. The current Stephen ministers are ready to assist new candidates who in turn will serve the church, helping those in crisis or having difficulty who would like a Stephen minister to walk with them through their troubled times. Will you serve? For more information, contact Ann Quattlebaum at aquattlebaum110@ gmail.com. www.firstbaptistgreenville.com Sunday’s Worship Sunday, April 19, 2015 Living Generously @ FBC The Third Sunday of Easter 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary 2015 Budget Goal: $2,300,000 Proclaimer: Matt Rollins Scripture: Luke 24:36b-48 Sermon: Do You Feel What I Feel? Anthems: “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing” – MILLER; “Stay with Us” – HOVLAND The service choirs for Sunday’s worship are the Youth and Sanctuary Choirs. The 10:30 a.m. worship will be simulcast live on WLFJ 660 AM and 92.9 FM from 10:30 -11:30 a.m. Focus on Missions: During the month of April, emphasis is being placed on the on-going collection of food items for the United Ministries pantry. In partnership with Leadership Greenville and Harper Corporation and in order to return dignity to those seeking assistance, United Ministries plans to overhaul their crisis food distribution by creating a client choice food pantry. This will give those seeking assistance the ability to choose food items that fit their families’ needs. In the old system, pre-packaged bags are given to qualifying participants. In the new model, participants will be able to choose from available foods that best fit their families’ nutritional needs, thereby cutting down on food waste and allowing active participation in their food assistance experience. The client choice food pantry design is donated by Leadership Greenville Class 41 member Tom Lockhart and his firm McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture. Harper Corporation will donate construction services. Please place donated items in the collection containers. Sanctuary Flowers The flowers in the Sanctuary are given in loving memory of Betsy Dew Ashley by Joan and Mike Kellett. Contact Kimberly Coates at 370-2522 ext. 128 or kimberly. coates@firstbaptistgreenville.com if you would like to donate flowers. The next available date is May 31. KENDRA continued from page 1 time in one’s life. There are also a number of other church members that provide pastoral care through prayer groups, letter writing or making prayer shawls, just to name a few. Armed with all this information, I’m sure you’re wondering how you can be involved in the pastoral care of this church. One very important way is to make sure our church staff is hearing about the cares and concerns of congregants. If you are part of a group or class that shares these concerns with one another, please also share them with us — add Baxter and me to your e-mail list, shoot us an e-mail, give us a call, or drop a prayer card in the offering plate. Please don’t assume we know everything happening in the lives of our church family — combined you all have many more eyes and ears than we do! Needs as of April 11: $619,234 Receipts as of April 13: $608,461 Missions Offering $5,581 Meeting Scheduled The Susie Lee Bagwell Circle will meet on Tuesday, April 21, 10:00 a.m., at the home of Jeanette Cothran, 3324 South Highway 14. Gwen Kennedy will present the program as part of this year’s study of women of the Bible. Member in the Community Pictured is Jim Childress, executive director of Genesis Homes, a Community Development Corporation started by FBG, at the Ribbon continued on page 3 There are also many opportunities to participate in our church’s pastoral care ministry. If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister (a new training session begins in September) or interested in service through our Ministry to Families Committee, please contact us for further information. Also, prayer is what keeps our relationship with God alive, so please pray for each other, the staff and our congregation as a whole. My door is always open if you have other ideas for how to best care for one another or need some support yourself. – Kendra Plating Roadrunners Holy Rollers Roadrunners Extra April 19 April 14 May 4-6 “The Man Who Came to Dinner” Mary C. Mullen Bible Camp Fountain Inn Younts Center Lake Lure, NC GEORGIA TRIP Callaway Gardens Depart FBG: 2:00 p.m. Tour and Lunch Return to FBG: 5:00 p.m. Depart Enoree: 10:00 a.m. Cost (play/bus): $17.00 Lunch: pay your own (Pine Mountain) “Little White House” of FDR (Warm Springs) U.S. Army Infantry Museum (Ft. Benning) Lodging: Comfort Inn Please contact Sylvia Clyborne at 370-2522 ext. 137 or sylvia.clyborne@firstbaptistgreenville.com to make reservations for any trip with Roadrunners or Holy Rollers. Make Wednesday night supper reservations by calling the Reception Desk by noon on Monday. Serving lines are open 4:45-6:15 p.m. April 15 Margarita Stew, Yellow Rice, Mexican Salad, Cornbread, Dessert Kids: Meat Balls, Tater Tots, Fruit, Dessert April 22 Herb Encrusted Pulled Pork Loin, Macaroni and Cheese, Butter Basil Carrots, Five Layer Salad, Rolls, Dessert Kids: Pigs in a Blanket, French Fries, Fruit, Dessert MEMBER continued from page 2 Cutting Ceremony for Mt. Eustis Corners, a new development in the Greenline-Spartanburg neighborhood. A Green Tip from SAVER No form of Nature is inferior to Art; for the arts merely imitate natural forms – Marcus Aurelius First Friday Lunch and More May 1 in the Fellowship Hall 10:30 a.m. – Activities and Book Review by Anne Martin The Mockingbird Next Door: the life of Harper Lee by Marja Mills. 11:00 a.m. – Lore Johnson presents a short story she wrote while in graduate school at UNC Lunch cost - $5.00 For reservations, call Sylvia Clyborne no later than 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 28. (La Grange) Lunch at Blue Willow Inn (Social Circle) Depart FBG: 7:00 a.m. Return to FBG: 5:00 p.m. Cost per person: $242 (single occupancy) $151 (double occupancy) Cost includes breakfast, lodging, tours - all other is pay your own. Payment required for reservation. Contact Senior Adult Committee members for more info: Gene or Betty Morin, 288-0731 Herlane Edwards, 963-5009 Anne Cargill, 268-2506 Tom or Nancy Kirby, 288-9445 Foundation of First Baptist Trustee Nominations Nominations are being accepted for new trustees to serve on the nine-member First Baptist Church Foundation Board. The terms of three trustees will expire at the end of June. To maintain the regular rotation, three trustees should be appointed to serve for three years. The criteria for serving are as follows: 1. Member of First Baptist Greenville 2. Enthusiastic dedication to the concept of permanent endowment to support missions and church causes 3. Experience in and dedication to mission and ministry work 4. Business experience including the making of financial decisions All church members are invited to submit their nominations for these positions. Please give your nominations to Beverly Greer, chair of the Diaconate; Sarah McGregor, chair of the Foundation; or bring them to the church office or place them in the offering plate no later than Monday, April 27. The chair of the Diaconate, with the approval of the Executive Committee of the Diaconate, will recommend a slate of trustees to the Diaconate and congregation for approval. The trustees currently serving on the 2015 Foundation Board are: Elaine Barnhill (2015), Don Caldwell (2016), Bo Campbell (2017), Jim Childress (2016), Sarah McGregor, chair (2015), David McMaster (2015), Leslie Rodwell (2017), T. J. Way (2016) and Stephanie Wright (2017). A free Parent Workshop: An “Inside Look” at Financial Aid will be hosted by First Baptist Greenville in partnership with SC Test Prep, a local nonprofit dedicated to improving the Upstate’s college readiness. Topics will include an introduction to financial aid, a discussion of terms and definitions, and advice on how to evaluate a school’s offer. Make sure to save the date! The workshop will be April 26, 4:00-5:00 p.m., on the Terrace Level of the AYMC. Contact: For more information please contact Kendra Plating at kendra.plating@ firstbaptistgreenville.com or Rob Welborn at rob@sctestprep.com. The Senior Adult Committee is sponsoring a voluntary registration of FBG members who are 50 and above. Our committee would like to create a contact list so that all senior adults could receive notifications and reminders of senior adult events more easily. Please sign up at Wednesday night dinner or in your Sunday School class. You may sign up May 1, at First Friday Lunch and More or at the church front desk. You may also register with Sylvia Clyborne by phone at 233-2527, ext. 137 or e-mail at sylvia.clyborne@ firstbaptistgreenville.com. The News Are You Connected? (USPS No. 597060) is published weekly January thru December (except one week in July and December) by First Baptist Church, 847 Cleveland Street, Greenville, SC 29601. Periodicals postage paid at Greenville, SC 29602. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE NEWS, 847 Cleveland Street Greenville, SC 29601. (Phone 864-233-2527). Kimberly Coates, Editor. Financial Aid Workshop Vol. LVI April 13, 2015 No. 15 Care List as of 4/13/2015 In the Hospital: Memorial: newborns, Charlie and Millie Smith Returned Home: Oscar Funderburk Summer Teaser The 7 Vocations of Jesus June 7-August 9 (except July 5, 12) 9:30 a.m. – Fellowship Hall INTRODUCING Stay tuned... AYMC Offers New Class Extended Session: April 19 Feldenkrais Mondays, April 20-May 11 5:30-6:30 p.m. 8th/9th Grade Classroom Appropriate for all ages and levels of physical health Cost for 4 sessions (by April 20): $40 ($36 for “Unlimited” AYMC members) Walk-ins: $11 Register with Jane Ella Matthews. Instructor: Jane Ella Matthews, M.Ed., Feldenkrais Practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist #1587 jemtt@att.net, 918-9281 www.feldenkraisgreenville.com Jenna Manning (Director) Darin Gehrke and Cherington Shucker (Twos) Jason and Marie Richards (Threes) Ben and Stacie Snyder (Fours) Brian and Chesnee Marshall (Fives) Helen Lee Turner (Worship) Rhonda Bradey (Pianist) Nancy and Sam Oates, 1055 Summit Drive, Greenville, SC 29609, joined the church on December 14, 2014, by previous profession of faith and baptism. Sam is employed by Riverside High School, and Nancy is employed by E. North Street Academy. Kristin Schulze, 925 Cleveland Street, #290, Greenville, SC 29601, joined the church on December 14, 2014, by previous profession of faith and baptism. Pictured here with daughter, Sophie, Kristin is employed at Gateway Elementary School. PASTORAL CARE EMERGENCIES Nights and Weekends April 13-19 Baxter Wynn 288-4078 (h) 370-2522 ext. 199 April 20-26 Frank Smith 268-3890 (h) 370-2522 ext. 199 If you are unable to reach this minister immediately, please call the Church Office, 233-2527, and leave a message by pressing the number “3” for “Pastoral Care Emergencies.”
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