First Evangelical Lutheran Church Newsletter May 2015 OUR MISSION STATEMENT IS DESIGNED TO DRAW PEOPLE TO THE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY AND TO EXPERIENCE A LIFE WITH GOD.......................... Inspired by God and united in faith, the family of First Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA) utilizes the word and sacraments to share our time, talents and resources to nurture our spiritual growth and bring people of all ages into the Christian community of God. 1 **** UNAPPROVED COUNCIL MINUTES **** Minutes will be published in the newsletter in a more timely manner ..however please keep in mind these minutes have not been reviewed and approved by council members......this will take place at the next meeting on February 1 ALSO REMEMBER that anyone can come to listen to council meetings ..... 1st Monday each month @ 7pm Minutes Congregation Council April 6, 2015 Attendees: Pete Teegerstrom, Dixie Apetz, Matt Holthe, Carolyn Sandall, Hannah Miller, Stacey Stark, Stan Schulz, Tim Norquest Guest: Jim Koester, Lois Petersen Absent: Sharlene Most, Phil Hallisey , Pastor Bud Minutes: A devotion was shared by Stan The agenda was approved as presented. Matt moved; Stacey seconded; all ayes. There were no additions or corrections to the March 2 minutes. Minutes approved as presented. Communion assistant sign-up sheet passed around. Mission site profile Review: Jim and Lois talked about the Mission Site Profile. Discussion followed and minor suggestions were made. Council members should fill out their choices for the top five Ministry task and their top five choices for the Gifts for Ministry. Pleases return this to the church by Sunday, April 12th. Pastors Report: Nothing to report. Financial Report: The Council reviewed the financial statement for March prepared by Hannah Miller. No questions. Hannah moved youth funds from Lenten meals to Savings account. Building designated funds amounted to $1924. There was discussion on whether to apply this to the principle or leave in checking account. The amount will be left in checking and extra principle will be paid when able. Direct Deposit: Discussion to be continued. Continued….. 2 Presidents Report: Pictorial Book. Discussion of receiving electronic or paper, Black and white or color. More discussion to follow. Call Committee: Stan will call Megan Quast to see if she would accept the honor of being on the call committee to represent FLY / SLY. Committee Reports: Education & Youth – Vacation Bible school is July 13th. Paper work will be available within the next two weeks. Spark has 6 more weeks. There will be a fun night on the last meeting. Outreach – planning for Lenten meal. No projects at this time. Property - Tree branches need trimmed. Pete will call NPPD. Peter told Joe Johnson that he could get a mop bucket with a wringer. Stewardship – Discussion on what Thrivent has available for Direct Deposit. Pastor applied to Thrivent to receive $250 to be used for youth group going to Detroit. Use to purchase supplies for fundraisers. Could also use for Vacation Bible school. Worship & Music – music seems easier to follow and sing. Old Business: One call now – The alert can be a call, voice, text, or e-mail. E-mails are free) every phone number is registered, not per family. The schools use a system called ALERT NOW, The Company is not interested in working with a church. Matt will call other churches in the area to see what systems are being used. Closing prayer Adjourn at 8:30 The next council meeting is scheduled for May 4, 2015 @ 7:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Dixie Apetz HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED . . . ??? Have you ever found yourself wondering about something that is going on in our church or within our church family ?? We would like to encourage an increase in communication among the congregation, committees, council and Pastor. Just write down your question, comment or concern and place in the offering plate. Please include your name, so that the council, appropriate committee and/or Pastor can respond to your comments. THANK YOU..... 3 PLEASE TAKE TIME TO COMPLETE THE ATTENDENCE FORM that was handed out with the bulletin and return in the offering plate. THANK YOU !! FACEBOOK: Remember to "like" First Evangelical Lutheran Church on facebook......and you will be kept in the loop as to goings on, all events, special worship services, etc. FUNNY BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ The Sermon this morning: “Jesus Walks on the Water” The Sermon tonight: “Searching for Jesus” ====================== A Sunday School teacher was teaching a group of four-yearolds. It was Easter Sunday and she asked, “Does anyone know what today is?” One little girl raised her hand and said, “It ’s Easter.” The teacher complimented her and then asked, “Does anyone know what makes Easter so special?” The same little girl raised her hand and said, “Easter is special because Jesus rose from the dead…” Before the teacher could compliment her, the little girl added, “but, if He sees his shadow, He has to go back in for seven weeks.” Ladies, don’t forget the rummage sale. It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands. ====================== Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 pm. Please use the back door. ======================= Weight Watchers will meet at 7 pm at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double doors at the side entrance. ======================= A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music to follow. 4 ALEX ACKERMAN 5/2 RYAN COLLIER 5/15 JOLENE JENSEN 5/2 GUNNER RUMERY 5/15 JUDY DEBUHR 5/3 LEAH SANDALL 5/15 MATTHEW KRAUSE 5/3 TOM BAKER 5/19 REBECCA BELLOWS 5/6 ALI STRONG 5/19 JAMES SAMSON 5/9 RONALD QUAST 5/23 SANDRA FRIEDLI 5/11 JOE JOHNSON 5/25 DENNIS JOHNSON 5/12 JACOB HOARTY 5/27 MORGAN HOFFMAN 5/14 LARRY MUNROE 5/28 LIESAL HOFFMAN PETE WARNKEN 5/29 5/14 JIM & LYNN RUMERY 5/4/1996 DENNY & JUDY DANIELSON 5/28/1988 TREY & ALI STRONG 5/5/2012 MATT & SARAH HOLTHE 5/28/2005 JOEY & LUVERNE JENSEN 5/17/1953 5 TERP HALL ..... Every 2nd Sunday following worship there will be a brief organizational meeting for the next month’s monthly ministry individuals and families May 10 Working Together in Monthly Ministries May Harold & Darla Brungardt Dick & Norma Christian Naomi Fassnacht Mark & Kim Hoferer Paula Hoff Jim & Kim Hoffman Josh & Liesal Hoffman Matt & Sarah Holthe Family Matt & Tiffany Krause and Family Staci Naber Billie Petersen Jim & Lynn Rumery and family COMMITTEE CORNER OUTREACH COMMITTEE REPORT DO YOU KNOW NEW MEMBERS TO THE COMMUNITY ?? Let the Outreach Committee know the details and we will send a welcome to York as well as an invitation to worship at First Lutheran ACOLYTE SCHEDULE May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 Tina Hallisey & Rylie Krause Ryan Seevers & Jake Hoarty Jalen Kroger & Ty Bartholomew Alex Ackerman & Isaac Stark Tina Hallisey & Rylie Krause June Shawna & Carter Culotta Denny & Judy Danielson and Family Jean Gaver Brian & Becky Houtwed Jayne & Roger Jackson Chase & Jamie Johnson Denny & Roxane Johnson Edie Kleen Bob & Jan Lott Don & Helen Lulow Mike & Carolyn Sandall Stan & Grace Schulz Pete & Deanna Warnken 6 KITCHEN NEWS Have you recently provided food for a church function and left your pans; or dishes in the kitchen???? Those items not claimed in a reasonable amount will be given to individuals who may be in need of types of items. GOOD NEWS HAPPENS !! .....if you have news in your family or know of good news in our church family please let the office know...... you can drop a note in with your offering or leave a message on the church answering machine .............. OUR CONGREGATION WISHES EVERYONE THE BEST Brynlee Grace Logston was baptized 4/26/2015. Her parents are Brandon & Christina Logston. We welcome her as a member of First EvangelicaLutheran Church. Hospitality: A problem has come up that we have been receiving salads that do not feed 12-15 people. I already ask for an additional salad to make up for it but the last time we would have run out of salads had we not purchased three quarts of salads from the deli. Many of the salads are great and we get lots of compliments for the luncheon we serve. The deli salads are great too, just pick up two quarts instead of one and we’ll have enough. So please keep that in mind when we have the next funeral-it must serve 12-15 people. Thanks, Jeanette Wagner and Bondel Friesen. General Health Tip: How Can I Keep the Mind Sharp? Across the nation, adults are keeping their minds sharp by continuing to learn new things, meet new people and get involved. This activity, according to many researchers, has limitless positive effects for all adults, especially as we get older. They say that learning new things, whether it’s a new dance, picking up a cooking glass, exploring history, or learn a few new phrases in French, can improve communication and socialization, ease pain from chronic illness, reduce stress, give meaning and purpose, improve cognitive abilities and could possibly help combat memory loss. So what are you waiting for?! Pick up that new hobby you’ve always thought about, watch that History Channel documentary or join a new card club. Your health will thank you. This health tip is brought to you by Tabitha, your answer for Elder Care in 28 southeast Nebraska counties. Questions about aging?, or call 800.286.9074, 402.362.7739. 7 PAST MONTH’S ACTIVITIES 2/1 cancelled 2/7 30 2/8 62 2/14 24 2/15 57 2/18 85 2/21 23 2/22 65 2/25 47 2/28 23 3/1 60 3/4 38 3/7 17 3/8 47 3/11 30 3/14 19 3/15 72 3/18 51 3/21 20 3/22 62 3/25 51 3/28 19 3/29 140 4/2 4/3 4/5 7am 9:30 am 4/11 4/12 4/18 4/19 4/25 4/26 69 38 52 165 25 62 29 45 26 75 7 DAYS without God Makes 1 WEAK “DO WE ADVERTIZE THE WORD OF GOD” POSITIONS: There are always places available to be on a committee ............just ask someone how you can get involved in cont.. COME AND JOIN....... Adult Forum .....check it Out Every Sunday 8:00am in TERP 8 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR (as of— 4/30/2015) Year to Date Needed $ 63,495 “Enable each of us the joy of giving abundantly” Year to Date Received $ 57,537 JAN 3/4 $ 3,197 10/11 $ 3,121 17/18 $ 2,520 24/25 $ 2,054 31/Feb 1 no deposit (Church cancelled) FEB 7/8 $ 7,685 14/15 $ 1,956 21/22 $ 2,448 FEB/MAR 28/1 $ 3,756 MAR 7/8 $ 2,267 14/15 $ 4,143 21/22 $ 2,464 28/29 $ 5,066 APR 2/3/5 $ 6,419 11/12 $ 3,602 18/19 $ 2,134 25/26 $ 4,705 Offering envelopes will be distributed to confirmed youth at the request of parents.. Just contact the Stewardship Committee Everyone Has Gifts To Share Singing......playing music.... Visitation.......Ushering..... Reading scriptures....... Acolyte duties........ Cleaning and building..... Organizing...... Greeting......fellowship..... EVERYONE DESERVES A SPECIAL THANK YOU Would you like to bring in altar flowers in memory or honor of a member of your Jolene Jensen or Deanna Warnken or the office.....a special note will be made in the bulletin for that weekend FIRST LUTHERAN RECYCLES — DO YOU ? 9 Our congregation has four 2015 Graduating seniors who will be recognized May 3rd in worship services. They include Paige Homan, Aaron Norquest, Hayden Sandall and Mikel Sheppard. We wish them the best of everything and God’s guidance to lead their ways. Congratulations!! They will receive a quilt that the ladies have made especially for them. (Quilting group consists of Edie Kleen, Jayne Jackson, Dixie Apetz, Dorothy Fisbeck, Sandra Teegerstrom, Sandy Holthe, Julie Rasmussen) Future plans: Paige: Will attend Western Iowa Tech in Sioux City, IA. She will major in the culinary arts field. Aaron: Will attend Northeast Community College in Norfolk. His course of study will be utility line technician. Hayden: Will attend the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He will major in animal science. Mikel: Will attend Peru State College, Peru, NE. He will major in Special Education. We will celebrate a special Memorial Day event at First Lutheran Church on Saturday, May 23 @ 5:30 pm & Sunday, May 24 @ 9:30 am…. We will worship with a pageant-like service to remember the servicemen from our area who have died in battle and to thank God for the freedom we enjoy in these United States. Please join us…... ***************************************************************************************** Wonderful tribute to our Senior Youth Group……….. (Bake Sale @ Petro 4/25/2015) Comment: To the youth group that God used at a truck stop in Nebraska today; I realize that your youth group was trying to raise money for a trip. I wanted to let your church know what a blessing your youth group and sponsor was to me and other travelers at Petro today. I am from Hastings and I stopped to buy some banana bread a young man said he brought and couldn't get away without a pumpkin spice latte pie and some corn bread muffins that a young lady said she made. The conversation and salesmanship help to make that happen. All of the food was delicious!!!!! In addition my husband and I noticed that they were talking and joking with a man that was traveling through, we could tell that it meant a lot to him. God bless you and all the good you did today! Like our Lord and Savior Jesus you met people where they were. May God continue to lead you to evangelize where you are planted. Never settle! Your sister in the faith! 10 May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Worship 5:30 pm 3 4 Adult Council 7 pm Forum 8 am Worship 9:30 am Senior recept. 5 6 Stewardship SPARK comm. 7pm 5:30 pm Worship & Music 7:30pm 7 10 MOTHER’S 11 12 13 14 Outreach Ministry 7pm SPARK 5:30 pm DAY Adult Forum 8 am Worship 9:30 am Fellowship Monthly 17 Adult Forum 8 am Worship 9:30 am Fellowship 24 Adult Forum 8 am Worship 9:30 am Fellowship ----------------------- --WIC--------- ----------------- 18 19 20 8 15 16 Worship 5:30 pm 21 22 23 Worship 5:30 pm Women of Joy 7 pm 25 9 Worship 5:30 pm 26 27 28 29 30 Worship 5:30 pm 31 Adult Forum 8 am Worship 9:30 am Fellowship 11 NEBRASKA SYNOD ELCA FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 1211 E. 14th St. York, Nebraska 68467 402/362-3063 Email address: Website: (ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED) OUR E-MAIL ADDRESS: Our website! SEND ME YOUR COMMENTS OR ADDITIONS FOR NEXT MONTH’S LETTER Jane The newsletter will also be available on the website. 12
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