VOLUME 25 NO. 5 TRANSFORMING LIVES TO LOVE LIKE JESUS MAY 2015 Tell Me Your Stories Over the past 9 months, we took a journey through the stories of the whole bible. I can not believe that this is the last month of our journey. We had daily readings and sermons on the stories we read. My discipleship was challenged and expanded through these exercises. What about you? I got really excited when we talked about this last year in administrative council. I wondered what this would look like and if anyone would use it. I had such high hopes and really didn’t know where to start or what would be beneficial to each of you. Each week I tried to change the format but also keep it the same so that you would experience different aspects of discipleship. So I am asking for your help. Even if you didn’t participate, I want to hear stories of what this journey has meant to you. I need to hear honest feedback about what this practice meant to you. The reason for this is so that I can improve it or decide to do something different. What were your experiences? What did you like? What did you not like? Is this something that you want to continue? Did you connect with the sermons easier because you read the stories? What practices were your favorites? What was your least favorite? What would you like to see in a daily devotion? How many of the readings did you do in a week? How many months did you continue the devotions? How can they be improved? If you did not participate, please let me know why! Did you enjoy the sermons going through the whole bible or like the sermons I have done in the past better? What would make you participate in a daily devotion? What would you like to see in a daily devotion? How can help you become a better disciple of Jesus Christ? Our only mission in the church is to make you a disciple of Jesus Christ. That is the reason for trying to come up with these devotions and also to help you and your family grow closer to Jesus Christ. I hope that this has happened through Tell Me the Stories. Please email me at markjgoins@eatel.net and let me know your story! Grace, Peace, and Godspeed, Mark Thursday, May 21st 6 PM Finance 7 PM Church Council The Care Team meets Thursday, May 28 at 12:30pm in the church office. PAGE 1 June NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: May 18, 2015 The Peaceful Quilters and Threads of Comfort meet on Thursday, May 28 from 10 am to Noon VOLUME 25 NO. 5 TRANSFORMING LIVES TO LOVE LIKE JESUS MAY 2015 MAY Tell me the Stories DATES & THEME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY May 4-10 Easter 5 Pray (5-10 Minutes) Pray (5-10 Minutes) Pray (5-10 Minutes) Pray (5-10 Minutes) Romans 1:1-17 Acts 15:1-17 Acts 17:16-31 Acts 18:1-4 Gospel as power of God for salvation to all, both Jews and Greeks Council at Jerusalem. Faith gives identity to both Jews and Gentiles Paul's sermon at Athens: What you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you Founding the church at Corinth Pray for Family Pray for Church & Pastor Pray for Schools Pray for Community End with the Lord’s Prayer End with the Lord’s Prayer End with the Lord’s Prayer End with the Lord’s Prayer Pray (5-10 Minutes) Pray (5-10 Minutes) Pray (5-10 Minutes) Pray (5-10 Minutes) Romans 5:1-11 1 Cor 13:1-13 Galations 1:13-17; 2:11-21 Philippians 1:1-18 God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Spirit; Christ died for the ungodly Faith, hope, and love abide, but the greatest of these is love Paul's former life. Conflict with Peter at Antioch Justification by faith, living by faith Paul in prison, thankful for the Philippians’ partnership in the gospel Pray for Family Pray for Church & Pastor Pray for Schools Pray for Community End with the Lord’s Prayer End with the Lord’s Prayer End with the Lord’s Prayer End with the Lord’s Prayer Pray (5-10 Minutes) Pray (5-10 Minutes) Pray (5-10 Minutes) Pray (5-10 Minutes) Romans 6:1-14 1 Cor 15:1-26 Gal 3:1-9, 3-29 Phil 2:1-13 We were buried with him by baptism into death, so that we might walk in newness of life; hope of resurrection Jesus' resurrection and the future resurrection; death as the last enemy Neither Jew or Greek, slave or free, male and female; one in Christ Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who became obedient to death Pray for Family Pray for Church & Pastor Pray for Schools Pray for Community End with the Lord’s Prayer End with the Lord’s Prayer End with the Lord’s Prayer End with the Lord’s Prayer Pray (5-10 Minutes) Pray (5-10 Minutes) Pray (5-10 Minutes) Pray (5-10 Minutes) Acts 2:1-4; Romans 8:18-38 1 Cor 12:1-13 Galations 4:1-7 Acts 2:1-21 The groaning of creation, Spirit helps us in our weakness, nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus Faith as the principal work of the Spirit; other gifts of the Spirit for the common good God pours the Spirit into hearts so that we can call on God as Father Pentecost and give of the Spirit as miracle of communication Pray for Family Pray for Church & Pastor Pray for Schools Pray for Community End with the Lord’s Prayer End with the Lord’s Prayer End with the Lord’s Prayer End with the Lord’s Prayer Prayer Concerns May 11-17 Easter 6 Prayer Concerns May 18-24 Easter 7 Prayer Concerns Pentecost Prayer Concerns Susan Aldridge by Perry Aldridge Benjamin J. LeBoeuf, Sr. by WaterStone Volunteer Schedule Date Media 5/3 Barbara 5/10 Lay Reader Children’s Church 8:30 AM Children’s Church 10:45 AM Chris Bonnie Christina, Haleigh Gwen, Becca Laura, Sadie Addie Curtis, Ben, Kimberly, James Tricia Terry Mona Becca, Needed Becca, Needed Elaine, Addie Sadie Gavin, Brandon, Randy, Erik 5/17 Melinda Chris Rick Becca, Needed Becca, Needed Katie, Trevor Elaine Al, Curtis, Ben, Kimberly 5/24 Donna Terry Allison Tom, Needed Linda K, Needed Aubrey, Sadie Katie James, Gavin, Brandy, Randy 5/31 Barbara Chris Shannon Christi, Needed Becca, Needed Katie, Addie Laura Erik, Al, Curtis, Ben PAGE 2 Sound Acolytes Acolyte Sub 8:30 Ushers VOLUME 25 NO. 5 TRANSFORMING LIVES TO LOVE LIKE JESUS MAY 2015 Prayer Requests May 2015 Short Term List Blake Hunter (by Debbie Eiermann) Brenda Harris Danny Robert (by Mike Hayes) Dara Bertucci (by Kelli Kuntz) Delphia Fowler Erik Harris Gregory Joseph Harrison Dollar Jayson & Blaire Braud Joey St. Germain Lainee Martrain (by Alice Gregoire) Mallory Bray (by Cylinda David) Megan Moon (by Julie Rife) Megan Sanchez (by Ann Allison) Patricia Walden (by Julie Rife) Rusty Harris Seth & Michelle Dauzat Shelbi Metrejean (by Brooke Roussel) Long Term List Addie Evans Alan Smith (by Donald & Gayle Smith) Ann Allison Ashley Lewis (by Kristy St. Germain) Barbara Reinholt (by Julie Rife) Barney Cox Bert Lott Betty & Mike Roberts (by Ann & Bill Vizzini) Betty Arrington Betty Jo Adams Betty Singleton Betty Turner (Tommy Turner's Sister) Bill Middleton (by Susan Gillis) Bill Nolan Bob George (by Todd & Billie Lemmiksoo) Bonnie Edwards (by Alice Gregoire) Boone Perkins (by Ray Spruill) Brittney Babin (by Anne Garrity) Cheryl Montgomery (by Shawn Hayes) Cheryl Smith (by Donald & Gayle Smith) Clarence Parent (by Celeste Harris) Crystal Pilcher (by Judy LeMaire) Cynthia Sparkman (by Shawn Hayes) David Dollar (by Victor Dollar) Dodie Smith (by Sunny Smith) Doris & Reggie Williams Dr. Sam Reeves Elbert Harris (by Kristi St. Germain) Eric & Kristi Harris (by Kristi St. Germain) Frank Petkovsik (by Katie Hughes) Fred Kramer Gail Smth Garrett Evans George & Marguerite Carpenter Glen Singleton Gordon Hebert (by Michael Dickey) Hailey Jewell Heidi Morrison (by Teddy Morrison) Hudson Harris (by Kristi St. Germain) Irma Borne (by Debbie Eiermann) Jake Guice (by Don Hysell) Jake Hendrix Jake Lennox (by John & Aryn Bolton James Vaughan Jana Stafford (by Gary & Steffi Newman) Jane Crochet (by Kristi St. Germain) Jane St. Germain (by Krist St. Germain) Jarrett Mills Jenny & Kyle Johnson (by Julie Rife) Jerry Champagne (by Debbie Eiermann) John Delaney (by Amy Turner) March Distribution: 98 Food Boxes, $95 Gas Funds PAGE 3 John Orosz (by Pete & Michele Orosz) John Rife (by Julie Rife) Jonathon Keller Jose Rodriguez (by Latrcia Fierro) Joyce & Jimmy Foster Karen Romano (by Julie Rife) Kathy Green Kathy Hurley (by Deb Eiermann) Libby Hankins (by Judy LeMaire) Lily David (by Cylinda David) Lisa Mitchell (by Shawn Hayes) Mary Lyons Mason Brooks (by Erin Carnline) Megan Stein (by Shirley Lyons) Melanie Templet (by Michelle Peterson) Milton Pyron (by James McAllister) Nate Williams (by Allison Goins) Nickolas Etheridge (by Debby Callenius) Peggy Dorris Prentice Louque (by Sandra McAllister) Robert LeCompte (by Deb Eiermann) Rowena Chauvin (by Shannon Ingram) Ruby Lewis (by Katie Hughes) Sadie Madere Sarah Ellis Shirley Lyons Stanley Berrocal Stanley Odom Steve Cobb Sylvia Salel (by Latrcia Fierro) Tammy Speights Tim Bailey W. K. Deloach (by Brock Deloach) Will Hill Yvette Provost (by Anne Garrity) VOLUME 25 NO. 5 TRANSFORMING LIVES TO LOVE LIKE JESUS UMW Newsle*er Informa2on for May 2015 MAY 2015 UMW The District President has asked all of the units to pick a book to read and write a review on it to be shared in the District newsle8er. We have picked K.E. Mathew’s book, “Orphans of Mundakapadam”. At our May mee>ng we will have a discussion on the book. So please join us in reading this book. You can buy it through K.E. Mathew or download it to your reading device from Amazon. If you cannot come to the mee>ng email your review or thoughts about the book to Ginger at ginger.mcinnis@aol.com. During the summer we plan to read “An Invisible Thread” by Laura Schroff and Alex Tresniowski. District Events: Mini-‐Mission U at Blackwater UMC in Baker, LA. – Sat., Aug. 1, 2015 Mission U in Woodworth – July 22 – 25, 2015 in the Fellowship Hall with the Peaceful Quilters and the next night gathering will be on Mon., May 11 at 6:30pm in the Friendship Class Sunday School Room. Our next blessing of the shawls will be at both services on Sunday, May 10 – Mother’s Day. Please turn in your shawls by Friday May 8th to the church office. We will con>nue to have our “ Threads of Comfort” gatherings during the summer. Cancer Services Support Group: The next support group mee>ng will be on Wed., May 27 at noon. Contact Barbara Cox if you would like to help by serving or dona>ng food. Our next Bake Sale will be on Father’s Day – June 21. Our next day circle mee2ng will be on Tues., May 12 at 10am in the Conference Room. We will not have our day circle mee>ng during the summer months of June, July, and August. Threads of Comfort News: Our next Threads of Comfort day mee>ng will be on Thurs., May 22 at 10am We just wanted to let you know— the things you do for us do not go unnoticed. We appreciate your dedication and service!! To my church family: Ray Adams Words cannot express how much I appreciate the food, the cards, but most of all I thank you for the prayers that got me to this point. But, I still need your prayers as my recovery continues. Love, Betty Arrington Meals to Bishop Ott Women’s Shelter 2015 A huge “Thank you!” to all of you who have supported our ministry to feed the women and children of the Sweet Dreams Shelter in downtown Baton Rouge. Our church family has completed twelve years of helping to feed monthly meals to disadvantaged people in our metro area. This ministry is open to anyone, male or female, member of our church or not – all you need is a spirit for service. On the fourth Saturday every month, 2-3 people are needed to prepare food at their homes, meet, and drive in together to serve the 6p.m. meal at the shelter, located at the St.Vincent de Paul campus between Florida and Convention Streets, a few blocks off I-10. Normally they leave about 5:15, serve, and return to Gonzales before 7:30p.m. The meal consists of main dish, side vegetable, green salad with dressing (or fruit salad), simple dessert, and ready-to-eat rolls. If someone doesn’t cook, she is still needed to drive the food into the shelter, and help with non-cooked items. It is time to sign up for the coming year. If you can help, please contact K. Hertwig at 644-7923 or tahertwig@eatel.net to volunteer. Dates for first half of 2015: June 27. PAGE 4 VOLUME 25 NO. 5 TRANSFORMING LIVES TO LOVE LIKE JESUS Child Registration Form MAY 2015 Registration Form Everest VBS June 15-19 6PM-8:30PM (continued) Please list any Allergies or Medical Conditions: __________ *Supper served at 6PM* ________________________________________________ (One Per Child) In Case of emergency, contact:________________________ Child’s name:_______________________________________ ________________________________________________ Child’s gender:____________ Date of Birth:_______________ Phone # : __________________________________________ Child’s Age:_______ Last school grade completed: __________ Relationship to Child: _______________________________ Name of Parent(s):__________________________________ Cost: Street address: ___________________________________ $10 for first child & $5 for siblings City: _____________________________________________ 1 child: $10 2 children: $15 3 children: $20 4 children: $25 5 children: $30 State: _______ Home Phone: __________________________ Parent/Caregiver’s Cell Phone: ________________________ E-mail address: ____________________________________ If a parent would like a t-shirt, add $10 to the cost. Home Church: ______________________________________ Make checks out to FUMC-G & put VBS in the memo line. Child’s t-shirt size: _________________________________ Parent t-shirt size (if wanted):________________(cost I give permission for authorities of First United Methodist Church VBS to seek medical assistance on behalf of myself/my child. I also give permission for my/ my child’s picture to be used on the First United Methodist Church website and/or any picture/video display relating to VBS. (PARENT’S SIGNATURE REQUIRED FOR ALL MINORS) $10) Signed:___________________________ Date:____________ (over) Volunteer Registration Form Volunteer Registration Form Everest VBS June 15-19 6PM-8:30PM (continued) Please list any Allergies or Medical Conditions: __________ _____Adult Volunteer (18 years and older) _________________________________________________ _____Youth Volunteer (MUST have completed 6th grade) In Case of emergency, contact:________________________ _____I have attended Safe Sanctuary Training _________________________________________________ _____I am CPR Certified Phone # : _________________________________________ Name:____________________________________________ Do you have any children participating in the VBS program or Nursery? Y or N. If yes, please list names: Gender:____________ Age (if youth volunteer):__________ _________________________________________________ Date of Birth:_________________ T-shirt size:_______________________________________ Street address: ___________________________________ _________Yes, I commit to Volunteer all week. City: ____________________________________________ _________Yes, I commit to volunteer part time on these State: ________ Home Phone: ________________________ days: M T W TH F (Please circle) Cell Phone: _________________________ E-mail address: ____________________________________ Home Church: _____________________________________ I give permission for authorities of First United Methodist Church VBS to seek medical assistance on behalf of myself/my child. I also give permission for my/ my child’s picture to be used on the First United Methodist Church website and/or any picture/video display relating to VBS. (PARENT’S SIGNATURE REQUIRED FOR ALL MINORS) Signed:___________________________ Date:____________ (over) PAGE 5 VOLUME 25 NO. 5 TRANSFORMING LIVES TO LOVE LIKE JESUS June HOTPO MAY 2015 July HOTPO JUNE 2 MIKE’S POBOYS JULY 7 PHILAY’S JUNE 9 ROTOLO’S JULY 14 NO HOTPO JUNE 16 IZZO’S JULY 21 BROWN BAG @ CHURCH JUNE 23 SOUTH OF PHILLY JUNE 30 CHICK-FIL-A JULY 28 CANE’S ________________________ PAGE 6 AUGUST 4 PANERA BREAD VOLUME 25 NO. 5 TRANSFORMING LIVES TO LOVE LIKE JESUS Zack Summer is quickly approaching, which means lots of traveling, more free time, and lots of fun for families! And we couldn’t be more excited about what God holds in store for RISE Student Ministry — it’s going to be an amazing summer! Several years ago, I was blessed with the privilege of serving as an intern for the youth ministry at Trinity UMC in Ruston, LA. It was my first real taste (and test) of becoming a minister to students, and I look back on it fondly. And through my internship at the Wesley Foundation after college, both opportunities helped mold and fuel my call to student ministry. Over the last few months I’ve been praying through and working on bringing on intern for our student ministry this summer. Austin Wright — bio to the right — will be serving our youth ministry this summer as our first intern. I can’t express to you how pumped I am about him being involved in the lives of your students this summer, and how God will be using him to help them dive into deeper with relationship with Christ. Austin will be attending every Sunday night, small groups, HOTPO, trips/retreats, Weekend Of the Cross, and bringing along some of his own ideas for our ministry this summer. I’ll be introducing him to the youth ministry on Sunday night, May 3rd, so please feel free to come and meet him. I am confident in his call into increasing God’s Kingdom, and I know your students will greatly benefit from his presence and influence. Peace in Christ, Zack Pittman Austin Hi everyone, my name is Austin Wright. I am twenty-two years old and a senior at Louisiana State University (GEAUX TIGERS). I am currently studying interdisciplinary studies, with a focus on leadership development, religious studies, and sociology. I was raised in Ruston, LA after my father took a job at the Wesley Foundation on the campus of Louisiana Tech. Over the past three summers I have had the wonderful opportunity to work with Pine Cove Christian Camps, located in Tyler and Columbus, TX. During that time I worked with both 2nd through 5th graders in a Counselor role, and lead fellow college students as a Senior Counselor. During that time the Lord challenged me and molded me into a man seeking hard after Christ. There were some hard times and difficult circumstances where I had the chance to see God use me to advance his kingdom here on earth. When I am not working at camp I volunteer with the youth program at The Chapel in the Oaks located here in Baton Rouge, where I get to live out the love of Jesus with about nine freshman guys. I truly enjoy working with both kids and teenagers. I have come to really enjoy the questions they ask, their interest in scripture, and their views on what a walk with Christ looks like. Zack Pittman has been a part of my life ever since I was in 6th grade and has presented me with the wonderful opportunity to come alongside this youth group to share the love of Christ. I am truly excited to step into this role as a summer intern. I cannot wait to see how the Lord is going to move, not only through me, but this youth group as a whole. I am also so blessed to be apart of this wonderful congregation, and look forward to meet as many of you as I can. In His strength, Austin Wright PAGE 7 MAY 2015 Weekly Events Reminder Sundays ~ 8:30 AM Contemporary Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Traditional Service 4 PM Adult Handbells 5-7 PM RISE Youth Mondays ~ 6:30-8 PM Volleyball Tuesdays ~ 2 PM Women's Prayer Group 7 PM Men’s Prayer Group Wednesdays ~ 9-12 Noon Fellowship Center 7 PM Choir Thursdays ~ 6:30-8 PM Volleyball 6 PM Senior High Small Group
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