Ϯ HYMN UMH No. 696 Ϯ DISMISSAL WITH BLESSING Ϯ BENEDICTION RESPONSE EARLY LIGHT ORDER OF WORSHIP MAY 31, 2015 TRINITY SUNDAY 10:55 AM ORDER OF WORSHIP MAY 31, 2015 TRINITY SUNDAY Please adjust all electronic devices so as not to interrupt the service. Please adjust all electronic devices so as not to interrupt the service. Welcome and Announcements (Please sign and pass the Fellowship Folders) Ϯ Our Mission Statement John Huneyutt John Huneycutt Ϯ Passing the Peace Congregation Ϯ Songs of Praise Congregation Ϯ The Apostles’ Creed Congregation Children’s Moment John Huneycutt & Children Consecration of Prayer Quilts John Huneycutt Joys and Concerns John Huneycutt Morning Prayer w/The Lord’s Prayer Belinda Brewer Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Offertory Prayer and a Time of Giving Scripture John Huneycutt John 15:12-14 Message Greater Love Ϯ Closing Song Ϯ Blessing and Going Forth John Huneycutt Please sign and pass the Fellowship Folders located at the end of the pew. MISSION STATEMENT (Please remain seated) Congregation Congregation Ϯ Opening Prayer WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Judge Jimmy Myers Congregation John Huneycutt OUR The mission of First United Methodist Church is to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord, to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, and to respond to the needs of others with the love of God the Father. OPENING PRAYER (In unison) Congregation We bind unto ourselves today The strong name of the Trinity By invocation of the same, The Three in One, and One in Three. Of whom all nature has creation; Eternal Father, Spirit, Word. Praise to the Lord of our salvation; Salvation is of Christ the Lord. Amen. PRELUDE Open The Eyes of My Heart, Lord Organ PRESENTING THE LIGHT London & Sydney Dirks Ϯ HYMN UMH No. 64 Holy, Holy Holy! Lord God Almighty Ϯ CANTICLE OF LOVE UMH No. 646 (Response 1) Congregation Ϯ CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE GREATOREX Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, World without end. Amen. Amen. Ϯ PASSING THE PEACE CHILDREN’S MOMENT CONSECRATION OF PRAYER QUILTS JOYS AND CONCERNS MORNING PRAYER with The Lord’s Prayer Congregation Harold Vickers & Children John Huneycutt John Huneycutt Grady McClamrock Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen. ANTHEM In Flanders Fields OFFERTORY PRAYER Chancel Choir John Huneycutt Holy Lord, the whole earth is full of your glory! We are in awe of your majesty. In great kindness, you reveal yourself as the One who forgives us. You give us gifts and invite us to go into the world to tell your good news. Help us to respond in faith and go where you lead us each day. We dedicate our gifts so that our community will draw closer to you. Amen. GIVING OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS ANTHEM Blades of Grass and Pure White Stones Ϯ OFFERTORY RESPONSE UMH No. 95 Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. Congregation Chancel Choir OLD 100TH (Please remain standing) Ϯ SCRIPTURE ϯ Congregation please stand as able. As you depart, you are entering the mission field! John 15:12-14 12 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command you. MESSAGE Greater Love Judge Jimmy Myers America the Beautiful John Huneycutt Chancel Choir & Congregation May the Lord watch over you until we meet again. May He hold you in the palm of His hand. Amen, and Amen. Ϯ CARRYING THE LIGHT INTO THE WORLD London & Sydney Dirks Ϯ THE TRINITY CHIMES Ϯ POSTLUDE Lift High The Cross Organ Ϯ Congregation please stand as able. UMH: United Methodist Hymnal, 1992 As you depart, you are entering the mission field! We welcome Judge Jimmy Myers to FUMC today as our speaker while Pastor Glenn is on vacation. Please call John Huneycutt in the church office this week if you need pastoral care, 336.751.2503. It is a joy to gather together today. Our hope is that through word, music, fellowship and prayer, you will experience the presence of God in your life. We are grateful to have those who are our guests in worship today. During the early part of the service we ask everyone to sign our Fellowship Folders or sheets so that we may have a record of your attendance. If you are a guest and would like more information about our church, please leave us your contact information. WORSHIP ASSISTANTS JUNE 7, 2015 8:45AM Ushers: Jerry Hendricks, Clayton Peele; Greeters: Vicki Hendricks, Mary Anne Peele; Refreshments: Joy & Yvonne Butzbach; Prayer: John Huneycutt; Children’s Moment: Debra Stanley 10:55 AM Ushers: Mike Deal, Wade Dyson, Ron Reynolds, Eileen Smith Greeters: Mike & Jean Hinshaw; Prayer: Jerry Banks Acolyte: Andrew Brown Nursery: Angie Jordan, Megan Markland; Children’s Moment: John Huneycutt NEWS & OPPORTUNITIES THE ROSEBUD is placed on the altar in celebration of the birth of Silvie Leigh Hendrix, born to Marc & Keileigh Hendrix on May 26, 2015. Proud brothers are Evan and Dylan and great grandparents are Joe & Yvonne Butzbach. CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY is extended to the family of Tom Nicolls. Mr. Nicolls passed away on Saturday, May 23, 2015. A funeral service was conducted on Wednesday, May 27 at Eaton’s Funeral Home. MINISTRY 22:6 IS ENROLLING now for summer day camp. You can sign up for one week or all ten! You can also choose whether you want your child to come part time (3 or less days) or full time (4 or more days), the week(s) they come. For more information, please contact Allison at Allison@firstumcmocksville.org or by calling 336-753-1900. CONNECTION BRUNCH today at 10:00 AM in the Family Life Center. Our new members from March 2014 to May 2015 will be recognized. There will be NO SUNDAY SCHOOL today. THE FAMILY MINISTRIES TEAM will meet today in the Family Life Center following the 10:55 Worship Service. Lunch will be provided. UMYF will meet following the 10:55 AM Worship Service. Lunch will be at Wendy’s and we’ll return to church to work on Back Pack Buddies. We will finish at 2:00 PM. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL This year we are going to SPACE for VBS! Our theme is Mission: Discover God's Light! We are in need of volunteers and kiddos to participate in VBS...preschool to rising 6th graders are invited to join us for VBS. Youth are also invited to help. VBS is June 14-June 18th from 6:30 PM-8:45PM. VBS Volunteer and Children Registration will be May 31 in between services. We will be set up in the FLC lobby, ready to take your registrations. COVENANT BIBLE STUDY is an in-depth group Bible study in which people read and discuss the Bible together, learning how to love God - and each other - better. It is a 24 week study divided into three eight week segments with a break in-between focusing on creating, living and trusting. The video supplements provide insightful background for a deeper understanding of the Bible. Jerry Banks and Patsy Brewer are organizing groups to start soon. Contact them for more information: Jerry at 998-8898 or Patsy at 751-5322. Jerry’s class will begin on June 9, 2015 and run through July 28th THE CONGREGATIONAL CARE COMMITTEE has started several new ministries in our church. The Transportation Committee is a group of church members who are willing to drive other church members to doctor appointments, out-patient testing or treatments, or for other transportation needs. Any church member who needs this sort of help should call Mike Hendrix, 336- 998-2582 or 336-909-2412. THE FELLOWSHIP CLASS will begin a 6 week study on the parables of Jesus beginning next Sunday, June 7. The study is by James Moore. The class meets in the Fellowship building and welcomes anyone who would like to attend. It will be led by Patsy Crenshaw and Patsy Brewer UMYF MISSION TRIP If your child is going on the senior high mission trip and you have not received the information link for that packet, let John Huneycutt know! Please go through the packet with your kids. There are some documents that parents and youth need to sign and bring with them when we leave on June 21st. Sunday, May 31 8:45 AM Early Light FLC 10:00 AM Connection Brunch FLC 10:55 AM Traditional Worship S 12:00 PM Family Ministries FLC 12:00 PM UMFY Backpack Buddies Lunch at Wendy’s Monday, June 1 4:00 PM UMW Meeting FLC Tuesday, June 2 6:30 PM Biggest Loser Mtg. FLC Wednesday, June 3 9:00 AM Prayers & Squares FH NO FELLOWSHIP MEAL 6:30 PM Handbells Rehearsal 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Friday June 5 6:00 PM UMW Book Club CFR Saturday, June 6 7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study FH Sunday, June 7 Graduation Sunday 8:45 AM Early Light FLC 9:50 AM Sunday School V 10:55 AM Traditional Worship S 12:00 PM Church-wide Luncheon Honoring all Graduates CAMPUS KEY FLC = Family Life Center FH = Fellowship Hall S = Sanctuary CFR = Conference Room V = Various Rooms HR = Handbell Room CCR = Chancel Choir Room EDB = Education Building PRAYER CONCERNS Louise Bowden, Bailey Brewer, John Byrd, David Deadmon, Missy Foster Clyde & Helen Hendricks, Jackson Hendricks, Randy Hendricks, Anne Jones Kenny Jordan, Isaac Markland, Bayne Miller, Frank Payne, Marty Roberts, Fred Roth, Von & Madeline Shelton, Dick & Kathy Smith, Janet Smith, Ann Stayer Elmer Stoneman, Karen Sykes, Larry Tutterow, Frances Venable Emergency Workers Members of the Armed Forces ARBOR ACRES: Cole & Elva Grace Tomlinson AUTUMN CARE: Janet Baucom, Charles Hendricks BERMUDA COMMONS: Molly Jo McClamrock, Jean Shelton, BROOKSTONE TERRACE: Margaret Foster CLEMMONS VILLAGE: Tilthia Hanes REGENCY CARE: John Coil SOMERSET: Velma Daniel, Jolly Duncan TRINITY ELMS: Marie Steed Prayer Requests: Lillian Sharpe, 336.936.9014 bs2005@aol.com Judy Bailey, 336.978.7763 Curlyqmom@yadtel.net Prayer time is held each Thursday at noon in the Sanctuary. Internet Access Information SSID: First_Methodist P/W: MocksviLLe485930 ( S, FH, EDB ) SSID: Netgear56 P/W: yellowsparrow280 ( FLC ) Passwords ARE case sensitive FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 310 N. Main Street | Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.firstumcmocksville.org Church Office: 336.751.2503 Emergency / After Hours: 336.813.0425 Preschool / Afterschool Office: 336.753.1900 Dr. Glenn L. Myers, Jr. – Senior Pastor John Huneycutt – Youth/Christian Education Barbara Basham – Director of Music/Preschool Director Allison Lambert – Director of Afterschool Ministries Tommy Dunn – Organist / Technology / Office Teresa Lakey – Administrative/Financial Assistant Shane Butcher – Financial Assistant Natalie Sanders, Taylor Slye – Custodial Staff glenn@firstumcmocksville.org john@firstumcmocksville.org barbara@firstumcmocksville.org allison@firstumcmocksville.org tommy@firstumcmocksville.org teresa@firstumcmocksville.org shane@firstumcmocksville.org MAY 31, 2015 TRINITY SUNDAY
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