EARLY LIGHT ORDER OF WORSHIP FEBRUARY 22, 2015 FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT Welcome and Announcements 10:55 AM ORDER OF WORSHIP FEBRUARY 22, 2015 FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT John Huneycutt Ϯ Our Mission Statement Congregation Ϯ Opening Prayer John Huneycutt ϯ Songs of Praise Congregation ϯ The Apostles’ Creed Congregation Children’s Moment George Snyder Consecration of Prayer Pastor Glenn Myers Joys and Concerns Pastor Glenn Myers Morning Prayer w/The Lord’s Prayer Lynne Byerly Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Offertory Prayer and a Time of Giving Ϯ Scripture John Huneycutt James 5:13-18 WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS John Huneycutt OUR MISSION STATEMENT (Please remain seated) Congregation The mission of First United Methodist Church is to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord, to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, and to respond to the needs of others with the love of God the Father. OPENING PRAYER UMH No. 268 ( In unison ) LENT PRELUDE There Is a Balm in Gilead Organ PRESENTING THE LIGHT Andrew Brown Ϯ HYMN UMH No. 269 Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days Ϯ PSALTER UMH No. 756 (Response 2 ) Psalm 25:1-10 CHILDREN’S MOMENT Patsy Brewer CONSECRATION OF PRAYER QUILTS Pastor Glenn Myers JOYS AND CONCERNS Pastor Glenn Myers MORNING PRAYER with The Lord’s Prayer Grady McClamrock Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen. OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS Congregation OFFERTORY ANTHEM Chancel Choir Ϯ OFFERTORY RESPONSE OLD 100TH Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. (Please remain standing) Ϯ SCRIPTURE James 5:13-18 MESSAGE A Healing Community Dr. Glenn L. Myers, Jr. A SERVICE OF HEALING AND WHOLENESS Ϯ HYMN UMH No. 273 Jesus’ Hands Were Kind Hands ϯDISMISSAL WITH BLESSING Pastor Glenn Myers ϯBENEDICTION RESPONSE Chancel Choir Ϯ CARRYING THE LIGHT INTO THE WORLD Andrew Brown Ϯ THE TRINITY CHIMES Ϯ POSTLUDE Hope of the World Organ JAMES 5:13-18 The Prayer of Faith 13 Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise. 14 Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven. 16 Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. 17 Elijah was a human being like us, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. 18 Then he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain and the earth yielded its harvest. We are glad you have joined us this morning, and our hope is that through word, music, fellowship and prayer, you will experience the presence of God today. Please sign the Attendance Register as it is passed so that we can share with you about what’s happening in the life of this church. Those who are interested in joining First UMC are asked to contact Pastor Glenn at 336.751.2503. Recent messages are on the church website: www.firstumcmocksville.org. If Pastor Glenn is needed after office hours, he can be reached at his cell number, 336.813.0425. Bulletins for Kids are available in the narthex of the Sanctuary and in the lobby of the Family Life Center. Bulletins contain Biblical learning activities for children ages 3-6 and 7-12. The FUMC Mocksville Honduras Medical Mission Team returned home late on February 15 after a very successful 10 days in Honduras. During that time we saw over 1305 patients and distributed well over 4000 prescriptions. Each of our 13 team members want to thank our church for the prayers and support that we received. A special thanks goes to those who arranged and supported the Mission Committee fundraising meal, those who stayed after the meal and helped count pills and to Jeff Clarke and Taylor and Kathy Slye for transportation to and from the airport. DEEP ROOTS COMMUNITY GARDEN APPLICATION ( Complete and give to Diane Salmon ) Name __________________________________________________________ Message A Healing Community Dr. Glenn L. Myers, Jr. Ϯ Congregation please stand as able. UMH: United Methodist Hymnal, 1992 In preparation for worship, please silence cell phones A Service of Healing and Wholeness As you depart, you are entering the mission field! Address ________________________________________________________ Email Address ___________________________________________________ Home Phone _________________________ Cell Phone _________________ Emergency Contact _______________________________________________ Ϯ Closing Song Ϯ Blessing and Going Forth Congregation Pastor Glenn Myers ASSISTING IN WORSHIP 2/22/15 Greeters Ushers ϯ Congregation please stand as able. In preparation for worship, please silence cell phones. As you depart, you are entering the mission field! THE CHURCH BUS WILL BE AVAILABLE to pick up passengers who need a ride to church on Sunday, March 8. Please contact the church office if you would like to utilize this service. 336.751.2503 Prayer Children’s Moment Acolyte Nursery Refreshments Circle Opportunities Hannah Circle 8:45 Lynn Byerly Doris Miller Carl Lambert Glenn Miller Lynne Byerly George Snyder 10:55 Taylor & Kathy Slye John Cottle, Marla Johnson Davin Brown, Matt Evans Grady McClamrock Patsy Brewer Andrew Brown Elizabeth & Emory Rosenbaum Please indicate the number of spaces you would like. ________ ( A limit of 2 per family, space permitting.) Gardeners are responsible for the care of their own gardens and are expected to help with Spring and Fall clean-up. Only organic products may be used in the care of the garden. The rental fee for the season is $10 per space. Photo permission: Occasionally gardeners, town employees, or media may take photos of the garden. Please check here (____) if you do NOT give permission for your photo to be published. Suzanne & Todd Barnhardt Signature _____________________________________Date ______________ NEWS & OPPORTUNITIES CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY is extended to Don Routh and Family in the death of Don’s father, B.Z. Routh who passed away on February 18, 2015. PRAYER TIME will be available in the Middle School Sunday School Classroom located in the Family Life Center on Thursdays at Noon. ( instead of the Sanctuary ) This is the “middle” room on the left side of the dining hall. LYDIA CIRCLE MEETS Monday, February 23, 4:00 PM Education Building TRUSTEES MEETING Monday, February 23, 7:30 PM Conference Room FELLOWSHIP MEAL on February 25 is hosted by the Missions Committee with proceeds going to Central Davie Academy. Menu is glazed spiral ham, sweet potatoes, green beans, rolls, and desserts. YOUNG AT HEART Concord Mills – Thursday, February 26 9:00 AM MARRIED PEOPLE KICK-OFF PROGRAM A covered dish lunch will be held today at Noon in the Family Life Center. Sign-ups will be done for small group experiences on this kick-off date, and information will be available for the online EZINE articles. TRIP TO BUMPER JUMPERS INDOOR PARK On Saturday, February 28th, the children will be taking a trip to Bumper Jumpers Indoor Park in Greensboro, NC. This trip is open to children from 1-year old through elementary school age, and a parent/grandparent//guardian will need to be present for any child who attends. Please let Tracy Huneycutt know today, 2/22 if you would like to go. HANNAH'S CLOSET SPRING CONSIGNMENT SALE IS NEAR! Children's clothing & shoes (sizes newborn to teenager,) equipment, toys, products, and maternity wear. Basement of the FLC. Drop off times: Sunday, March 1st, 4-6pm; Wednesday, March 4th, 6-8pm, and Thursday, March 5th, 4-6pm. Sale times: volunteer pre-sale, Thursday, March 5th, 7-8pm; Friday, March 6th, 9-11am and 6-8pm; and Saturday, March 7th, 8am-12pm (half-off from 11am-12pm.) E-mail hannahsclosetsale1@gmail.com for consignment and volunteer opportunities. (Optional tagging service available for a small fee - taggingforyou@gmail.com.) Sponsored by Ruth's Circle. THE DEEP ROOTS COMMUNITY GARDEN will begin the 2015 garden season on March 1st. It will be $10 per 4 x 12' plot for the season and you can have a row, plot, or raised bed. We have two locations, one at the Storehouse for Jesus and one located on Clement Street across from Deano's Restaurant. Please call early as space is limited. You may call Diane Salmon at 336-492-2360 or Gail Scarlett at 336-813-7873. You may also contact any community garden member. Application on reverse side. A NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL DISCUSSION GROUP for senior adults is forming with the first meeting scheduled for March 1st. The class will meet in the Missions Room on the lower level of Sanctuary. There are no stairs to deal with. The first study will be “Revival” by Adam Hamilton. Some of the future studies will feature a video followed by discussion. Please call the church office if you are interested in becoming a part of this class. A LENTEN BIBLE STUDY began today, and it will be held during the Sunday School hour on Sunday mornings. The study is “Give Up Something Bad for Lent” by James W. Moore. This class will be led by Belinda Brewer in the FLC Conference Room and by Patsy Brewer in the classroom of the Fellowship Hall. THE WELLNESS COMMITTEE, a sub-committee of the Congregational Care Committee, will hold a program of interest meeting for all members who want to attend to discuss the needs and types of wellness programs that you would like to see our church offer. This meeting will be held at noon, just after the 10:55 AM Service in the Conference Room of the Family Life Center on Sunday, March 1 st. DAVIE COUNTY HOMELESS COALITION organizational meeting, Monday, 2/23 at 6:30 PM at the Davie County Public Library. See Alice Hanes for more information. FUMC WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, February 22 8:45 AM Early Light FLC 9:50 AM Sunday School V 10:55 AM Traditional Worship S 12:00 PM Covered Dish Lunch MarriedPeople Program Monday, February 23 4:00 PM Lydia Circle EDB 7:30 PM Trustees Meeting CFR Tuesday, February 24 9:30 AM Lenten Bible Study FH 7:00 PM Covenant Bible Study FH Wednesday, February 25 5:30 PM Fellowship Meal FLC 6:30 PM Handbells HR 7:30 PM Chancel Choir CCR Thursday, February 26 9:00 AM Young at Heart 11:00 AM Deep Roots Meeting CFR Saturday, February 28 7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study FH 1:00 PM Bumper Jumpers Sunday, March 1 8:45 AM Early Light FLC 9:50 AM Sunday School V 10:55 AM Traditional Worship S 12:00 PM Wellness Committee CFR MEDICAL CONCERNS Arbor Acres Cole and Elva Grace Tomlinson Autumn Care Janet Baucom, Charles Hendricks Bermuda Commons Molly Jo McClamrock Tom Nicholls Brookstone Terrace Margaret Foster Clemmons Village Tilthia Hanes Regency Care John Coil Somerset Velma Daniel Jolly Duncan Trinity Elms Marie Steed ______________________________________ Martha Bennett, D.C. Blakley, Louise Bowden, Bailey Brewer, Carolyn Cartner, Gene Crowe, Mary Danner, David Deadmon, Missy Foster, Dale Gaxparik, Helen Hendricks, Jackson Hendricks, Leon Jones, Kenny Jordan, Isaac Markland, Bayne Miller, Marty Roberts, Fred Roth, Von & Madeline Shelton, Taylor Slye, Ann Stayer, Pat Stine, Elmer Stoneman, Karen Sykes, Larry Tutterow, Bob West Emergency Workers Members of the Armed Forces UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CAMPUS KEY FLC = Family Life Center FH = Fellowship Hall S = Sanctuary CFR = Conference Room V = Various Rooms HR = Handbell Room CCR = Chancel Choir Room EDB = Education Building NURSERY POLICY During Sunday School, children ages 0 to 3 are welcomed to stay in the nursery. For both morning worship services, children ages 0 to 4 are welcomed. The person responsible for the nursery on his or her given Sunday may keep their own children in the nursery under their direct supervision. Thank you for your cooperation in being watchful of our little ones. Prayer Requests: Lillian Sharpe, 336.936.9014 Judy Bailey, 336.978.7763 bs2005@aol.com Curlyqmom@yadtel.net Internet Access Information SSID: First_Methodist P/W: MocksviLLe485930 ( S, FH, EDB ) SSID: Netgear56 P/W: yellowsparrow280 ( FLC ) Passwords ARE case sensitive FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH A Healing Community 310 N. Main Street | Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.firstumcmocksville.org Church Office: 336.751.2503 Emergency / After Hours: 336.813.0425 Preschool / Afterschool Office: 336.753.1900 Dr. Glenn L. Myers, Jr. – Senior Pastor John Huneycutt – Youth/Christian Education Barbara Basham – Director of Music/Preschool Director Allison Lambert – Director of Afterschool Ministries Tommy Dunn – Organist / Technology / Office Teresa Lakey – Administrative/Financial Assistant Shane Butcher – Financial Assistant Natalie Sanders, Taylor Slye – Custodial Staff glenn@firstumcmocksville.org john@firstumcmocksville.org barbara@firstumcmocksville.org allison@firstumcmocksville.org tommy@firstumcmocksville.org teresa@firstumcmocksville.org shane@firstumcmocksville.org FEBRUARY 22, 2015
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