PRSRT STD US Postage Paid Permit #10 Fitzgerald, GA Permit #3 Ocilla, GA ECRWSS Postal Customer Ben Hill & Irwin County’s Direct Mail Publication VOLUME ONE NUMBER 32, MARCH 24, 2015 • ONLINE AT FITZGERALDOCILLASHOPPER.COM • 229-409-0902 YOUNG’S TITLE PAWN & PAWN SHOP GUARANTEED LOWEST TITLE PAWN RATES IN SOUTH GEORGIA! We Will Pay Your High Interest Title Pawn Off & Give You The LOWEST RATE GUARANTEED! We Loan The Max On Guns, Gold, Jewelry, TV’s, Lap Tops, Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, ATV’s,Utility Trailers, Farm Tractors and More. We will loan you the MAX.. GUARANTEED SPECIAL TERMS FOR HIGH QUALITY DIAMONDS GOLD & GUNS Guaranteed Top Dollar On Gold, Diamonds, Silver & Coins CHECK OUT OUR COLLECTION OF LOOSE DIAMONDS! 1/2 carat and Up Glocks, Ruger, Smith and Wesson, PMR-30, KSG in Stock! KSG PMR 30 and other New Guns In Stock Come see us today...We want your business! 302 East Lemon St, corner of South Sherman St • Fitzgerald, Georgia Adam Young Cell Owner 912-389-0857 229-423-9622 Page 2 • Fitzgerald Ocilla Shopper • March 24, 2015 Visit Us Online at Want Ad Email: Auto Loans • Mortages Commercial Loans Local Decisions 423-4321 Fitzgerald FOR SALE: 1999 Prowler Bumper pull camper, 26 ft, good condition $4000. 4243829. MISSING: deer head chihuahua, Evergreen Road area, Fitzgerald, reddish brown, answers to Baby, please call 904-349-5345. OLE MAID CLEANING SERVICE licensed & insured, free estimates, call Pam at 4261689 or 424-0104. FOR SALE 55 gallon metal or plastic drums, $10 & up, call 425-9771. Capturing Memories by Tami specializing in individual, family and special occassion photography Contact me today for pricing and booking information. 1-229-848-2495 NOTICE: I do electrical work. Reasonable rates, anything for the home. Trouble shooting. Licensed and insured. Call 468-0015. FOR SALE : a 30' white Frigidaire 4 burner electric range. Like new. $180. Call (229) 256-7445. FOR SALE: Pick up truck accessories like new. Oval steel step bars for 4-door cab, asking $180. Black pick up grill guard, asking $250. Dodge Dakota vinyl bed liner, asking $150. Call (229) 256 - 7445 FOR SALE: spreader truck, excellent condition, field ready, call 912-359-2984.- FOR SALE: doublewide with land, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, den & fireplace, sliding glass doors, new carpet, paint & floor coverings. Located in Fitzgerald, nice home, in good community, $45,000. Financing available with approved credit. 426-7625 FOR SALE: 4 Uniroyal 215R16 tires, $15 each. Call in Fitzgerald 904-349-5345. TOP QUALITY PRESSURE WASHING & MORE painting, interior, exterior, lawn care & spraying, odd jobs, carpentry, most things on your Honey Do List, call 425-0027. HANDYMAN SERVICES: pressure washing, electric & plumbing, carpentry, trenching, carpet cleaning & more. In Fitzgerald area. Call 325-6267 for more information. FOR SALE: 93 Honda XR650L 7300mi.$2600,86 Honda 200X 3whl.$1400,84 Yamaha tri-moto175 3whl.$750. 98 kaw.lakota 4whl.+running parts bike $2600.97-03 F150 tonneau cover blk. 6.5'bed $400 Sylvester 904-343-1443 FOR SALE: 1-10 ton corn bin with auger & motor, asking $1600. Call 468-7627. FOR SALE: garden tools, garden rakes, hoes, potato rakes, axes, hammers, hole diggers, sledge hammers, pitch forks, shovels -round or square, grubbing hoe, leaf rakes, garage broom & other tools, located 108 Perry House Rd, Fitzgerald, 423-2744. Newell Septic Tank Pumping 229-425-9541 Ashley Newell, Owner Licensed and Insured NEW FREE SHOPPER CLASSIFIED EMAIL S.E. Bowens Mill Rd South Central Auto Sales Inc. 137Douglas, Georgia 2006 Grand Cherokee Automatic 2006 Ford Escape Automatic 2009 Nissan Cube Automatic Mom with breast cancer does not need shielding from life DEAR ABBY: My wife has stage 4 breast cancer. She is only 51, and our most optimistic prognosis is three to four more years. Our children, 15 and 16, understand her disease, but don’t really have a sense of how much longer we all have together. Recently we went out to dinner, and the kids started talking about my retirement plans and their college plans. Later that night, my wife told me how sad it was hearing the kids talk about things she knows she will never see. I have been debating whether I should have a talk with the kids and perhaps suggest they avoid subjects that make their mother sad. What do you think? -NOT TALKING ABOUT THE FUTURE DEAR NOT TALKING: Before talking to your children, I think you should talk to your wife. Although your instinct is to protect her, I don’t think you can. Sadness in her situation is normal. I’m sure if you were to ask her if she’d prefer the kids censor their remarks in front of her, she would tell you she wants to hear everything she can about what they are thinking. When people have a terminal illness, they have a right to be sad when contemplating the things they will be missing -- in your wife’s case it will be seeing her children get married, her grandchildren and more. Let your children express themselves fully with their mother, and if she’s having a bad/sad day, listen and let her unburden herself. A joy shared is twice a joy, and a burden shared is half a burden. DEAR ABBY: As a gift, my boyfriend, “Seth,” gave me a Chihuahua puppy. I like dogs, but have never expressed a desire to have one. In fact, I have repeatedly mentioned my dislike for small dogs and that I wouldn’t have a dog due to my travel schedule for work. I’d have to pay for food, veterinary care, toys, boarding, etc., and the dog would be alone in my apartment all day while I’m at the office. Seth still chose to give me one. When I refused his gift, he yelled and left. My friends think I was rude, and that Seth was sweet for buying me a puppy. I tried explaining to them, but they were sarcastic and mean about my decision not to accept the dog. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened with Seth. For my birthday he bought me a smartphone, signed me up for a two-year contract and expected me to pay the monthly bill. I refused that, too. Am I wrong? -- SIMPLE GIRL IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DEAR SIMPLE GIRL: You and Seth appear to have a serious disconnect when it comes to communication. Is this the only area of your relationship in which he is tone-deaf? Your boyfriend seems to be the master of the “grand gesture,” with no thought about the responsibilities his generous gifts will impose on the recipient. Because you told him clearly that you dislike small dogs, he should not have forced one on you. In fact, he shouldn’t have given you any living, breathing dependent creature without first having made sure it would be welcomed. You did the right thing -- the humane thing -- in not accepting the animal. BUY HERE! PAY HERE! LOW DOWN PAYMENTS! 2002 Town & Country 2009 E350 Van 2005 Ford Freestar Automatic Automatic Automatic Open 9-6 Mon-Fri 912-383-9956 Open 9-2 Sat. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. To receive a collection of Abby’s most memorable -- and most frequently requested -- poems and essays, send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby -- Keepers Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. Shipping and handling are included in the price. Want Ad Email: Visit Us Online at March 24, 2015 • Fitzgerald Ocilla Shopper • Page 3 NUMBERS YOU NEED DAYCARE Play To Learn 408 N. Grant St. • Fitzgerald 229-409-2219 Director Dorothy Peterson FITZGERALD OCILLA SHOPPER 229-409-0902 Fax 229-409-0901 NOW IN OUR NEW LOCATION 309 N. Merrimac Dr across from Taylor’s Convenience Store Fitzgerald FIRE DEPARTMENT 911 BEN HILL office 229-424-0886 OCILLA office 229-468-9663 POLICE DEPARTMENT BEN HILL 229-426-5000 OCILLA 229-468-7494 SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT BEN HILL 229-426-5161 IRWIN 229-468-7459 QUALITY INN Fitzgerald The Quality Place to Stay Call 229-423-5151 RENT-TO-OWN 5TH SUNDAY NIGHT SING March 29th, sing starts at 6, featuring Anthony Johnson, Calvary Baptist Church, 116 Mayes St, Fitzgerald. FOR RENT: Resort Vacation at The Fountains, Orlando, FL, 2 BD, CHECK-IN 9/27/15, CHECK-OUT 10/02/15, $900. Call 229-425-5691 Jan FOR SALE: Bass Boat,trailer,115Hp,Trolling Motor with foot pedal.,New Carpet,Live well,Rod holder,New wiring throughout entire boat,Runs great. Call Kevin 229-392-4934 FOR SALE: Doublewides and Singlewides completely remodeled. Delivered & set up. Located at Affordable Homes in Fitzgerald, can be seen anytime. Financing available WAC. 229-426-7625. NOTICE: I'm looking for a 4x6 too 4x8 utility trailer in good condition. Willing too pay up too $150-$200. Preferably in Worth Co area. Cell # (229) 603-4197 NOTICE: Vietnam Veterans Association Chapter 1082 meets every 3rd Tuesday at Department of Leisure Services (American Legion Building) at 7:00 pm. All Vietnam Veteran"s are invited to attend. (Don't have to have served in Country.) For More Information please call 229-425-6257. Would love to have you attend. FOR SALE: Singlewide 14x70 3 bedroom 2 bath, remodeled. New carpet, new floor covering, painted. Delivered & set up $14,999, can be seen at Affordable Homes, good condition, financing available WAC, 426-7625. FOR SALE: Cummins irrigation engine, 5.9 Liter, Series 403.Complete w/well gearhead & shaft. If interested call 229-424-2924. FOR SALE: 2 city lots together in Fitzgerald with chain link fence. Located on East Ohoopee. City water and sewer. $8000. Call 424-3829. FOR SALE: kitchen decor, red apple, green apple, magnolia. Also have a debit card machine. Call 423-4003 FOR SALE: 5 gal glass jug, no blemishes, asking $100, first caller will get for $75, 1 gal glass jars $2 each as long as they last, call 423-2744. 108 Perry House Rd, Fitzgerald. WES ELECTRIC FOR SALE: deer rifle scope, Bushnell banner dust to dawn 3x9x40, paid $100 new, sell for $70. Tasco world class 3x9x40 scope, $70 new, sell for $60, will take $110 for both, call 468-4135. 229-423-5851 NEW 2015 SINGLEWIDE Friendly Rentals 229-345-1971 All your electrical needs IF YOU ARE A BUSINESS YOU CAN LIST YOUR NUMBER IN HERE FOR JUST $5 WEEK, CALL 345-1969 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath. Only $36,900. Financing Available . Wayne Frier Homes, Albany 229-446-0771 SHORT STOP MINI MART 816 East Sultana Dr • Fitzgerald • 409-9900 Y O U B U Y W E FR Y ! Purchase 16 Piece qualifies for Mixed Chicken. Allow 30 Minutes Fry Time (fry time varies with time of day 8-Pc Chicken Dark $ 6 99 special 8Pc 12pc 16pc 25pc Mix Mix Mix Mix JU ST C H IC K EN $9.29 • Dark $6.99 • White $9.69 $13.79 • Dark $11.49 • White $14.59 $17.59 • Dark $14.29 • White $13.69 $27.99 • Dark $21.79 Single Piece...Leg $1.49 Thigh $1.49 Wing $1.29 Breast $2.29 C H IC K E N an d B ISC U IT 7. 4pc Mixed $5.99 1. 2pc Mixed $3.89 4. 3pc Mixed $4.89 8. 4pc Dark $5.89 2. 2pc Dark $3.39 5. 3pc Dark $4.69 9. 4pc White $6.29 3. 2pc White $3.99 6. 3pc White $4.99 Each Comes With Biscuit 10. 4pc Cajun Tenders $4.99 MAKE it a MEAL just add $2.00 for SIDE & DRINK Sides- Fries, Jambalaya, Red Beans & Rice, 2 Boudin Bites, or 2 Chicken Bites KRISPY CHICKEN SANDWICH FAMILY COMBOS Chicken & Tenders $2.99 $4.99 12pc Chicken Mix,6pc Cajun Tenders, 6 Biscuits, Family Fries $22.99 Cajun Tenders 12pc Cajun Tenders, 6 Biscuits, Family Fries with fries & drink $13.99 CAJUN STYLE FISH CAJUN TENDERS 3pc 1 biscuit $4.49 5pc 1 biscuit $5.99 8pc $8.79 • 12pc $10.99 • 25pc $20.99 8pc 2 biscuits $8.59 12pc 2 biscuits $11.99 FISH COMBOS..with biscuit, fries & drink 3pc $6.49 5pc $7.99 5pc BUFFALO WINGS 10pc 20pc 40pc $3.99 $6.49 $11.99 $21.99 TRADITIONAL • CAJUN SWEET & SOUR • KRISPY KRISPY SHRIMP Comes with Biscuit & Fries 5pc $4.99 10pc $7.99 Open 7am-11pm • 7 Days A Week FOR RENT: Resort Vacation at THE FOUNTAINS, Orlando, FL, 2 BD, CHECK-IN 9/27/15, CHECK-OUT 10/02/15, $900 229-425-5691 Jan NEW COVENANT VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH clothing giveaway April 25th 8am. We are now accepting donations, Call First Lady Evie Bullock 423-3592 for more information. FOR SALE: 300 gallon water container. Call 425-9771 for more information. NOTICE: Sewing machine & serger repair. All makes. Pick up and delivery service. Call 423-2308 or 450-0906. FOR SALE: 33.5 sqft Total Shelf Area GE Refrigerator $100.00 For more information please call 229-425-5691 Jan FOR SALE: 2002 Dodge Neon. A/C and heater, automatic, 4-door. Runs good but needs some body work. $1000 Call 229-646-1248 for more information. FOR SALE: house in Ocilla. 4 bedroom, 3 bath. Has 7 ft hot tub, full dining room, deck on back. Sits on 1 1/2 city lots. Needs carpet and some paint. $29,500. For more information please call 326-9113. FOR SALE: propane tank, 120 gal, privately owned, $100, 457-3744. FOR SALE: walkaround clothes racks, adjustable heights, chrome in color, $25 each, have 4, 457-3744. “Welcome To Your Home Away From Home! Where Your Family Is Our Family” QUALITY INN FITZGERALD 263 Ocilla Hwy • Fitzgerald 229-423-5151 • fax 229-424-9262 Page 4 • Fitzgerald Ocilla Shopper • March 24, 2015 We Clean Carpet & Scotch Guard Burris & Son CLEANING COMPANY We Now Clean FREE ESTIMATES THROW & AREA RUGS! Any Size. Will Pickup & Dropoff Call for details. Extraction & Bonnett Style Cleaning Contract Janitorial Work Al & Alfonso Burris Owner/Operator A&A DUCT CLEANING Visit Us Online at Want Ad Email OFFICE HELP WANTED: local insurance agency needs part time help, work Mondays and Fridays until Dec. 2015, will turn into full time job in 2016. Send resume to P.O. Box 5570, Fitzgerald, GA 31750. FOR SALE: 6 ft Land Pride finishing mower, like new, $1800, call 445-0210. FOR SALE or TRADE: paint horses, different ages and prices. Will trade for equal value.Call 450-0770. FOR SALE: 8+ acres of land in Ben Hill Co., has 15 year old pines on it, zoned for stick built house. Can be made into 24 lots for building. Call 3451244. FOR SALE: Minota 65 5 speed trolling motor, 5677509. The Store FREE ESTIMATES Honest, Dependable, Christian Service Owned & operated by the Burris & Son Carpet Cleaning Company TUESDAY PRIMETIME 7 PM 229-425-3222 $ 8 PM MATTRESS & BOX SPRING SET 1 - MEDIACOM FITZ 8:30 9 PM JoAnne Dennard Manager 65 00 9:30 while supplies last SPORTS 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 10:30 11 PM MARCH 24 11:30 Inside Edition (N) Entertainment Tonight The Voice “The Knockouts Premiere, Part 2” Undateable (N) Å One Big Happy (N) The Night Shift “Fog of War” (N) Å WALB News 10 at 11 Tonight Show-J. Fallon The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Hell’s Kitchen Family-style dinner service. (N) New Girl “Teachers” The Mindy Project Fox 31 News at Ten (N) Å Modern Family Å Mike & Molly Å WALB News at 7 (N) Access Hollywood (N) Fresh Off the Boat (N) Fresh Off the Boat Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (N) Å Forever A wealthy entrepreneur pursues Jo. (N) WALB News 10 at 11 Jimmy Kimmel Live Wheel of Fortune (N) Jeopardy! (N) Å NCIS “Status Update” A dead thief turns up. NCIS: New Orleans “The List” (N) Å (:01) Person of Interest “Skip” (N) Å News At 11 Late Show Letterman Lawmakers (N) Georgia Outdoors James Baker -- The Man Who Made Washington Work (N) Å Georgia Greats Frontline Vaccination safety. Å (DVS) The Titanic With Len Goodman Å Lawmakers (N) Georgia Outdoors James Baker -- The Man Who Made Washington Work (N) Å Georgia Greats Frontline Vaccination safety. Å (DVS) The Titanic With Len Goodman Å King of the Hill Å The Cleveland Show The Flash Snart returns with his sister in tow. iZombie A well-known painter is murdered. (N) Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å Cougar Town Å Cougar Town Å (4:00) ›››‡ “The Green Mile” (1999)Å ›››‡ “Jurassic Park” (1993, Adventure) Sam Neill, Laura Dern. ›››‡ “Jurassic Park” (1993) Sam Neill. Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å CNN Special Report (N) CNN Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 Å Amish Mafia Levi requests an Ordnung change. Amish Mafia: The Devil’s Cut “False Prophets” Amish Mafia Susanna visits Levi unexpectedly. Amish Mafia: The First Chapter “Episode 5” Amish Mafia Susanna visits Levi unexpectedly. I Didn’t Do It Å Austin & Ally Å ››› “Camp Rock” (2008, Musical Comedy) Joe Jonas, Kevin Jonas.Å Jessie Å Dog With a Blog Å I Didn’t Do It Å A.N.T. Farm Å College Basketball NIT Tournament, Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball NIT Tournament, Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å E:60 (N) The Fab Five 30 for 30 30 for 30 Pretty Little Liars “I’m a Good Girl, I Am” Pretty Little Liars “Welcome to the Dollhouse” The Fosters Callie visits with Robert’s father. Pretty Little Liars “Welcome to the Dollhouse” The 700 Club Ayaan Hirsi Ali (“Heretic”). Å On the Record With Greta Van Susteren (N) The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor Å Chopped Gummy fried eggs in the appetizer. Chopped Black Forest bacon; prune juice. Chopped Champagne and caviar round. Chopped “Let’s Do Lunch” (N) Chopped Shrimp and chickpea dishes; baklava. ›››‡ “Marvel’s the Avengers” (2012, Action) Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans. Justified Raylan puts more pressure on his CIs. (:02) Justified “Trust” Inside the PGA Tour Learning Center School of Golf (N) PGA Tour Golf Golf Central Fixer Upper A retreat in Waco, Texas. Å Fixer Upper Å Fixer Upper A family wants a spacious home. House Hunters (N) Hunters Int’l Fixer Upper The Castle Heights neighborhood. Dance Moms Abby quickly praises Brynn. Dance Moms The ALDC heads to Philadelphia. Dance Moms “Abby’s Trash, Cathy’s Treasure” (:02) Dance Mums UK “It’s All Kicking Off” (N) (:02) Dance Moms Å Hardball With Chris Matthews (N) Å All In With Chris Hayes (N) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell (N) All In With Chris Hayes Nicky, Ricky Nicky, Ricky Full House Å Full House Å Full House Å Full House Å Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Friends Å (:36) Friends Å (6:30) Driven College Baseball Oklahoma at Texas Christian. From Charlie and Marie Lupton Baseball Stadium in Fort Worth, Texas. (N) (Live) Atlanta Braves Season Preview 2015 Honey Bees Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Cougar Town (N) Conan Kevin Hart; Roman Reigns; Incubus. (N) Rizzoli & Isles “Family Matters” Å NBA Basketball San Antonio Spurs at Dallas Mavericks. From American Airlines Center in Dallas. (N) (Live) Å NBA Basketball Golden State Warriors at Portland Trail Blazers. (N) World of Gumball Regular Show King of the Hill Å King of the Hill Å The Cleveland Show The Cleveland Show American Dad Å American Dad Å Family Guy The story of “Star Wars.” Å Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Hack My Life Hack My Life (:01) Hack My Life (:31) Hack My Life Walker, Texas Ranger “Whitewater” Å Family Feud Å Family Feud Å Everybody Raymond Everybody Raymond The King of Queens The King of Queens Hot in Cleveland The Soul Man Å Modern Family “Pilot” Modern Family Å Modern Family Å Modern Family Å Modern Family Å Modern Family Å Sirens “Balls” (N) (:31) Modern Family (:01) Modern Family (:31) Modern Family WEDNESDAY PRIMETIME 1 WALB-NBC 3 WFXL-FOX 4 WALB2-ABC 10 WSWG-CBS 5 WXGA-PBS 808 WABW-PBS 9 WSWG3-CW 17 65 AMC 45 CNN DISCOVERY 50 DISNEY 37 ESPN 31 ESPN2 32 FAMILY 73 47 FNC FOOD 75 44 FX GOLF 41 HGTV 72 43 LIFE MSNBC 49 34 NICK SPSOUTH 42 24 TBS 39 TNT TOON 35 TRUTV 26 TVLAND 36 40 USA MOVIES 7:30 118 Ocilla Hwy • Fitzgerald, Ga Dan Johnson Owner Used Queen Size 153 Harwell Rd • Fitzgerald 423-1001 • 425-2337 • 425-5844 1 WALB-NBC 3 WFXL-FOX 4 WALB2-ABC 10 WSWG-CBS 5 WXGA-PBS 808 WABW-PBS 9 WSWG3-CW 17 65 AMC 45 CNN DISCOVERY 50 DISNEY 37 ESPN 31 ESPN2 32 FAMILY 73 47 FNC FOOD 75 44 FX GOLF 41 HGTV 72 43 LIFE MSNBC 49 34 NICK SPSOUTH 42 24 TBS 39 TNT TOON 35 TRUTV 26 TVLAND 36 40 USA FOR SALE: Wireless Dog Fence System. Only used since January. It really works! $150.00. Call 229-776-2485 or 229-881-1957. FOR SALE: Hummingbird ID depth finder, shows fish in red. 567-7509. What you can’t see, can hurt you Cleaning your duct could solve your health problems & save you money. WANTED: will buy your used riding mowers that need repair at a reasonable price, call 4500770. 7 PM MOVIES 7:30 8 PM 1 - MEDIACOM FITZ 8:30 SPORTS 9 PM 9:30 10 PM MARCH 25 11:30 Inside Edition (N) Entertainment Tonight The Mysteries of Laura (N) Å Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (N) Chicago PD “Say Her Real Name” (N) WALB News 10 at 11 Tonight Show-J. Fallon The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory American Idol “Top 9 Perform” The top nine contestants perform. (N) (Live) Å Fox 31 News at Ten (N) Å Modern Family Å Mike & Molly Å WALB News at 7 (N) Access Hollywood (N) The Middle (N) The Goldbergs (N) Modern Family (N) (:31) blackish (N) Nashville Cast members perform. (N) WALB News 10 at 11 Jimmy Kimmel Live Wheel of Fortune (N) Jeopardy! (N) Å Survivor (N) Å Criminal Minds “Rock Creek Park” (N) CSI: Cyber “Fire Code” (N) Å News At 11 Late Show Letterman Lawmakers (N) Sci Tech Now Georgia Nature Ireland’s Shannon River. Å (DVS) NOVA “The Bible’s Buried Secrets” The Old Testament and concept of God. Å (DVS) The Buddha Life of the Buddha. Å (DVS) Lawmakers (N) Sci Tech Now Georgia Nature Ireland’s Shannon River. Å (DVS) NOVA “The Bible’s Buried Secrets” The Old Testament and concept of God. Å (DVS) The Buddha Life of the Buddha. Å (DVS) King of the Hill Å The Cleveland Show Arrow Oliver and Ray have a confrontation. (N) Supernatural “Paint It Black” (N) Å Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å Cougar Town Å Cougar Town Å (4:30) ›››‡ “Gladiator” (2000) ››› “Under Siege” (1992, Action) Steven Seagal, Tommy Lee Jones.Å ›› “Hard to Kill” (1990, Action) Steven Seagal, Kelly LeBrock.Å Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown “Sicily” CNN Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 Å Dual Survival The rainforest of Costa Rica. Dual Survival: Untamed Å Dual Survival “Episode 9” (N) Å Last Frontiersmen Life in the Rocky Mountains. Dual Survival: Untamed Å I Didn’t Do It Å Austin & Ally Å › “Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam” (2010) Demi Lovato.Å (:40) Jessie Å (:05) Jessie Å Dog With a Blog Å I Didn’t Do It Å A.N.T. Farm Å NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Toronto Raptors. From Air Canada Centre in Toronto. (N) (Live) NBA Basketball Oklahoma City Thunder at San Antonio Spurs. From the AT&T Center in San Antonio. (N) (Live) College Basketball NIT Tournament, Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball NIT Tournament, Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Baby Daddy Å Young & Hungry Å Young & Hungry Å Freak Out Å ››‡ “Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion” (1997) Mira Sorvino, Lisa Kudrow. The 700 Club Å On the Record With Greta Van Susteren (N) The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor Å Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Mystery Diners Mystery Diners Mystery Diners Mystery Diners (N) Restaurant: Impossible “Double Trouble” (N) Food Fortunes “A Pinch of Pennies” ››› “Iron Man” (2008, Action) Robert Downey Jr. A wealthy industrialist builds an armored suit and uses it to defeat criminals and terrorists. The Americans (N) (:03) The Americans Big Break Palm Beaches Lesson Tee Live (N) (Live) ››‡ “Caddyshack” (1980, Comedy) Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield. ››‡ “Caddyshack” (1980) Chevy Chase. Property Brothers Brothers search for a house. Property Brothers “Edith & Fred” Å Property Brothers “Luca, Anne & Barbara” House Hunters (N) Hunters Int’l Property Brothers “Christine and Mathieu” Little Women: LA Todd and Christy argue. Little Women: LA “Friendtervention” Å Little Women: LA “Reunion Special, Part 1” (N) (:02) Little Women: NY “Big City, Little Women” (:02) Little Women: NY “Big City, Little Women” Hardball With Chris Matthews (N) Å All In With Chris Hayes (N) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell (N) All In With Chris Hayes The Thundermans (N) The Thundermans Full House Å Full House Å Full House Å Full House Å Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Friends Å (:36) Friends Å NBA Basketball Atlanta Hawks at Orlando Magic. From Amway Center in Orlando, Fla. (N) (Live) Hawks Live! Postgame Driven NBA Basketball: Hawks at Magic Seinfeld “The Caddy” Seinfeld “The Seven” The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Conan (N) Castle Alexis starts a video blog. Castle “Recoil” Å (DVS) Castle A young reality-TV star is murdered. Castle “Target” A kidnapping plot is revealed. CSI: NY Bodies found at opposite ends of city. World of Gumball Regular Show King of the Hill Å King of the Hill Å The Cleveland Show The Cleveland Show American Dad Å American Dad Å Family Guy Å Family Guy Å Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Kart Life The ROK Cup Race in Ocala, Florida. (:01) Barmageddon Walker, Texas Ranger Lucas deals with AIDS. Family Feud Å Family Feud Å Everybody Raymond Everybody Raymond Hot in Cleveland (N) (:32) The Soul Man (N) The King of Queens The King of Queens NCIS Gibbs must attend to family matters. NCIS The team re-examines a hit-and-run. NCIS Ellie adjusts to being on the team. NCIS “Homesick” A mysterious illness. Modern Family Å Modern Family Å 4 Want Ad Email Visit Us Online at March 24, 2015 • Fitzgerald Ocilla Shopper • Page 5 5 Page 6 • Fitzgerald Ocilla Shopper • March 24, 2015 Visit Us Online at FOR SALE: Ruger 44 magnum super blackhawk. shoots 44 special/ 44 magnum.7.5 inch barrell, blued. Includes 50 rounds georgia arms deer stopper ammo in 44 mag.200 grain jacked hollow point. $600, will consider smaller weapon or fiberglass v hullboat partial trade 229 347 5830 NOW RENTING CONSIGNMENT BOOTHS! $1 per square foot • Flat Rates •No Commission or Percentage on Sales •No Long Term Committment Get Your Space Before They’re Several Booth Sizes Available Other Options Available ! All Taken! HAMMER DOWN AUCTIONS 425-1992 425-2026 SHAW EMPLOYEE'S We will be having our annual reunion on May 2, 2015 at 4 pm. Located at Old Times Country Buffet. To get Senior Discount, please come before 4pm. FMI call Roger Summerlin at 229382-2586 279 Perry House Rd • Fitzgerald Open Mon-Fri 10am-6pm FOR SALE: Tree service, equipment included. A ford 1980 9F 700 bucket truck diesel,Vermeer chipper and stump grinder, Ford 1987 dump truck long bed,Anderson 32 foot tilt bed equipment trailer tandem. Case 580 SK with grapple bucket Chevrolet 3500 dual short wheelbase service truck.financing is available call 229-343-1265 FREE CLASSIFIEDS 409-0902 Call FOR SALE: Bloodhound. Puppies 2 males. Liver And tan. 567-6531. FOR SALE: Girlsʼ pink tricycle $30/OBO, Keyboard $15 Mouse $10, Xbox 360 gamesTombraider, Call of duty$30/each, Sofa and Loveseat $150/obo. Call Tonya @ 3537741 9 am-4pm Monday –Friday OR 326-3620(mobile) after 5pm . Leave message if do not pick up. “CSX RAILROAD TRACKS” Retirement Supper Thursday, March 26th 4:30pm...Eat around 5:30pm SENIOR CITIZEN BUILDING 253 Appomattox Rd, Fitzgerald All retired CSX Railroad employees, their wives and the widows of Retired Employees, are invited to the 5th Annual Retirement Supper. Everyone is asked to bring a covered dish of your choice. Tea will be furnished. An offering will be taken up to help pay for the expenses (rent, postage & supplies). For more information please call Lamar & Dianne McDonald 423-7745 or Ed & Marjorie Morrow 423-7475 THURSDAY PRIMETIME 1 WALB-NBC 3 WFXL-FOX 4 WALB2-ABC 10 WSWG-CBS 5 WXGA-PBS 808 WABW-PBS 9 WSWG3-CW 17 AMC 65 CNN 45 DISCOVERY 50 DISNEY 37 ESPN 31 ESPN2 32 FAMILY 73 47 FNC FOOD 75 44 FX GOLF 41 HGTV 72 LIFE 43 MSNBC 49 NICK 34 SPSOUTH 42 24 TBS 39 TNT TOON 35 TRUTV 26 TVLAND 36 40 USA 7 PM WANTED: Wanting to rent or purchase a 8 to 10 yard pull scraper . Call 343-1265. ATTENTION: Area between Suwannee St and Merrimac St. Fitzgerald, a black table fell off truck during move to another location on Saturday, March 14 @ 8:00 am. If anyone has seen it, please call 229-468-2081. FOR SALE house in Ben Hill Co in the city limits, 115 Bush Ave, Fitzgerald, two story, bottom & top block house that consist of over 1100 sq ft of living space, No central heat or air but has a gigantic buck stove. This house is the process of now being a two bedroom that can be turned into a 5 bedroom, two bathroom house easily. Two gated driveways for accessibility and complete 6 ft fenced in yard. Had heart attach & 2 strokes and cannot finish house, $42,500, call 457-3744. FOR SALE: 1974 Winnabago Chiefton motor home, 25 ft, class A, Moper power train, roof air, 5000k generator, 7 new steel belted tires, awning, runs sweet. Also comes with 1 tow vehicle that have been restored - 86 Ranger XL with 7 ft bed, 2.3 liter 4 cyl. with PS, PB, icy AC, 5 speed manual, both vehicles are in top notch condition. Will sell both units for $14,000, no trades, might consider selling apart. 4573744. FOR SALE: banana trees 3257408. FOR SALE: 7"x9" Apple iPad with case, 32 GB, 426-7415. 8 PM 1 - MEDIACOM FITZ 8:30 MUSIC & PIANO LESSONS by John Cubas 229-425-3060 FOR SALE: Quail, jumbo brown or Texas A&M, live or dressed, Also have fertile hatching eggs. Call 457-9097 or 325-3141 FOR SALE: John Deere 71 two row planters, field ready, sheltered.Will consider firearm partial trade. 229 347 5830. Metal FX Manufacturing, Inc. SPECIAL OF THE MONTH Single Slope Shelter 20x36x10/7 Galvanized Steel Frame, 12’ Bays 26ga. Galvalume Roof Panels Professional Installation Available Upon Request. 1,4990000 $$ 20x24x10/7 $1075 20x48x10/7 $1929 • Roofing Panels • Steel Buildings • Shelters Hwy 129 between Ocilla and Alapaha • 229-468-3146 Check Us Out On The Web: Www.Metalfx.Net FOR SALE: 2 bumpers for Ford Rangers, one chrome & one HD steel, $100 each, one alumni tool box for Ranger with one piece flip top lid $100, hood for '86 Ranger, perfect shape $100, call 457-3744 FOR SALE: Town & Country mini van, $800, for more information call 457-9649. WILL DO YARD WORK. Call 457-9649 for more information. Cars-N-Stuf Inc. SEE OUR COMPLETE INVENTORY at CARS-N-STUFINC.COM 24x26 Garage 4x6 Trailer $ 8x10 Roll Up Door, 36” Walk In Door, 1 Window 1195 $ 4795 45 mth $ 500 DOWN PAYMENT! or $ Delivered & Installed 1995 Mercury Marquis...$500 Down...$75 wk 1990 Lincoln Town Car..$500 Down...$75 wk 2001 Chevy S-10...........$500 Down...$75 wk 2001 Chevy Venture......$500 Down...$75 wk 1993 Chevy 1500..........$500 Down...$75 wk 2000 Chevy Blazer..........$500 Down...$75 wk FOR SALE: Sharp carousel II microwave & toaster oven, 426-7415. JUST PRICE + TAX + TITLE FOR SALE: 10 pound hand weights, 426-7415. MOVIES 7:30 FOR SALE 2007 Nissan 350Z convertible white in color fully loaded new top new zr rated tires auto transmission $22,500 call anytime 229-2722895. Want Ad Email 217 Ocilla Hwy • Fitzgerald *ALL VEHICLES SOLD AS IS • NO WARRANTY 229-423-7940 SPORTS 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM MARCH 26 11:30 Inside Edition (N) Entertainment Tonight Dateline NBC (N) Å The Blacklist “The Longevity Initiative” (N) (:01) The Slap Rosie alienates her supporters. WALB News 10 at 11 Tonight Show-J. Fallon The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Bones The team investigates a psychic’s death. Backstrom A hit-and-run leaves a woman dead. Fox 31 News at Ten (N) Å Modern Family Å Mike & Molly Å WALB News at 7 (N) Access Hollywood (N) Grey’s Anatomy “With or Without You” (N) Scandal Michael gets in trouble. (N) Å American Crime “Episode Four” (N) Å WALB News 10 at 11 Jimmy Kimmel Live 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å Lawmakers (N) Queen Victoria and the Crippled Kaiser Å Royals at War Hindenburg and Hitler-The Making of a Antiques Roadshow “Bismarck” Å Lost Nuke Air Force bomber crashes in 1950. Lawmakers (N) Queen Victoria and the Crippled Kaiser Å Royals at War Hindenburg and Hitler-The Making of a Antiques Roadshow “Bismarck” Å Lost Nuke Air Force bomber crashes in 1950. King of the Hill Å The Cleveland Show The Vampire Diaries “The Day I Tried to Live” The Flash “Crazy for You” Å Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å Cougar Town Å Cougar Town Å (5:30) ››› “Under Siege” (1992, Action)Å ››‡ “National Lampoon’s Vacation” (1983, Comedy) Chevy Chase, Beverly D’Angelo.Å ›› “National Lampoon’s European Vacation” (1985) Chevy Chase, Beverly D’Angelo.Å Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å Morgan Spurlock: Inside Man “Marijuana” CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Å Alaska: The Last Frontier “Spring Delicacy” Alaska: The Last Frontier Å Alaska: The Last Frontier Å Alaska: The Last Frontier “Hunt in the Clouds” Alaska: The Last Frontier The Kilchers’ cattle. (6:20) “Another Cinderella Story” (2008)Å Liv & Maddie (N) Dog With a Blog (N) K.C. Undercover Å I Didn’t Do It Å Jessie Å Dog With a Blog Å I Didn’t Do It Å A.N.T. Farm Å MLB Preseason Baseball Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim at Chicago Cubs. From Sloan Park in Mesa, Ariz. (N) (Live) Å Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å 30 for 30 Shorts Å 30 for 30 Å Boxing Friday Night Fights. From Hialeah Park Race Track in Hialeah, FL. (N) (Live) (6:30) ››‡ “Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion” (1997) ››› “Dirty Dancing” (1987, Romance) Jennifer Grey, Patrick Swayze. The 700 Club Å On the Record With Greta Van Susteren (N) The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor Å Chopped A fancy cake and a Bloody Mary. Chopped “Amateurs Redemption” All-Star Academy Three-course steak dinner. Beat Bobby Flay (N) Beat Bobby Flay Chopped Canada “Taken Out by Takeout” (N) (4:30) ››› Iron Man ››› “The Other Guys” (2010, Comedy) Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg. Archer (N) (:31) Archer (:01) Archer (:32) The Other Guys (6:00) LPGA Tour Golf Kia Classic, First Round. From Carlsbad, Calif. (N) (Live) Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Valero Texas Open, First Round. From San Antonio. Rehab Addict Å Rehab Addict Å Fixer Upper Waco, Texas. Å Rehab Addict Å Rehab Addict Å House Hunters Å Hunters Int’l House Hunters Å Hunters Int’l (6:00) ›‡ “Because I Said So” (2007)Å ›› “Made of Honor” (2008, Romance-Comedy) Patrick Dempsey, Michelle Monaghan.Å (:02) Movie Hardball With Chris Matthews (N) Å All In With Chris Hayes (N) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell (N) All In With Chris Hayes Make It Pop Å Sam & Cat Å Full House Å Full House Å Full House Å Full House Å Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Friends Å (:36) Friends Å Driven Driven Driven Atlanta Braves Season Preview 2015 Driven (6:00) NCAA Tip-Off (N) 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament Teams TBA. (N) (Live) 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Castle A murder is traced to an Irish gang. Castle Castle believes he witnesses a murder. Castle Big footprints are found near a murder. Castle Becketts reflects on her relationship. CSI: NY Software company executive dies. Ninjago: Masters Regular Show (N) King of the Hill Å King of the Hill Å The Cleveland Show The Cleveland Show American Dad Å American Dad “Pilot” Family Guy Å Family Guy Å Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Behind-the-scenes access. Impractical Jokers (N) Breaking Greenville (:01) Hair Jacked (:31) Hair Jacked Walker, Texas Ranger “In Harm’s Way” Å Family Feud Å Family Feud Å Everybody Raymond Everybody Raymond The King of Queens The King of Queens The King of Queens The King of Queens Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Hell” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Å Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Å Dig Debbie faces consequences. (N) (:01) Dig Debbie faces consequences. 6 Want Ad Email Visit Us Online at March 24, 2015 • Fitzgerald Ocilla Shopper • Page 7 7 Page 8• Fitzgerald Ocilla Shopper • March 24, 2015 Visit Us Online at Spring has Sprung! ? -30)>-3->-:A<016/3A7=3 3 6 --,3.7:3A7=:3/):,-6 3 SEEDS • PLANTS • FERTILIZER • TOOLS Seed Potatoes • Bedding Plants A Variety of Tomato Plants • Pepper Plants and More Beautiful Hanging Baskets • Biggest Ferns in Town ALL FISHING TACKLE 50% OFF! EBT Pet Food and Livestock Feeds G&L PAWN & GOLD Feed • Seed • Fertilizers • Flowers • & More OPEN MON-FRI 9am-6pm, SAT 9am-Noon 101 Dewey McGlamry Rd • Fitzgerald APPROVED Goat Meat & Eggs Available Fruit Trees, Garden Seed 229-423-3040 FOR SALE: 2 bumpers for Ford Rangers, one chrome & one HD steel, $100 each, one alumni tool box for Ranger with one piece flip top lid $100, hood for '86 Ranger, perfect shape $100, call 457-3744. FOR SALE: 30 gal. fish tank, call 457-9649. NOTICE: I need a job in the Fitzgerald area, currently in Jacksonville Florida,, I'm a hard dependable worker looking to move back to the Fitzgerald Ga area, have 11 years finishing custom cabinets , can and will work my butt off,, need job now 904413-3298. FOR SALE: hunting camper, sleeps four. Has two burner stove, refrigerator, screen door. Plenty of storage space. Dual axle. Call 229-777-9739 for directions, if you would like to come see it. FOR SALE: neon sign, select 55 lite up, 6 to 8 ft white long tablecloth, lace, 4 ft wide, call 426-7415. FREE classifieds. Call 4090902 or fax 409-0901. LIM IT O ED MORE TV. LESS MONEY. FF -T ER IM ! E OUR BEST PACKAGE AT OUR BEST PRICE Smart Pack 34 $ ACT NOW 19 $ FOR 12 190+ Channels MONTHS 55+ Channels Not eligible for Hopper or HD offers. America’s Top 120 34 $ for 12 months ACT NOW America’s Top 200 29 $ 44 $ for 12 months FOR 12 39 FOR 12 240+ Channels MONTHS 240+ Channels 190+ Channels MONTHS 190+ Channels Everyday price $59.99/mo. ACT NOW $ Everyday price $74.99/mo. 49 $ for 12 months ACT NOW 39 $ FOR 12 MONTHS Everyday price $84.99/mo. SPECIAL OFFERS INCLUDE: UNBEATABLE WHOLE-HOME HD DVR • Watch all your live and recorded TV anywhere • Instantly skip commercials FOR SALE: counter tops size 37" x 24.75", 44" x 24.75", 7ft7" x 26", One with Stainless steel double sink in it that is 96" on long side & 71" short side. Will sale all together or by the piece. If interested text or call 229-392-0699. FOR SALE: 2 city lots on Middlebrook Circle. Fitzgerald, Lot 128 with trailer, lot 126 empty lot with light pole. Both for $15,000. 457-3744. FOR SALE MF tractor 253 3 cyl Perkins, PS, canopy top, shuffle shift, 126 horse wet disk brake system, comes with new 6 ft box blade with hooks, was $9800, reduced to $8200 firm. 457-3744 FOR SALE MF Forklift by Lift Master, 3 cyl Perkins, all terranie, PS, 21 ft in height, tilt back, forward and slide shift levers with HD cage, $6500, 457-3744. BEST DEAL America’s Top 250 290+ Channels Channels 290+ FREE HOPPER UPGRADE FOR SALE: 2 mobile home trailer frames, one is 40 ft with tongue & other is 42 ft 10" with tong & two axles, new tires double stacked, $950. Call for more information 457-3744. HONORING OUR VETERANS EVENT at Hobo and Sandra’s Place, 212 Frank Rd, corner 319 N on bypass, Saturday March 28th Noon until. Featuring Middle School Chorus, ROTC Color Guard, Neal Poole, Madison Carver, South Georgia Band, Pam Gay, Joe Rodgers, Cauley Bowen. Donation will be appreciated. Certificates will be presented by General Ron Paulk. “A sing in the pines”. Bring your lawn chairs, bleachers will be available. “God Bless America” If rain we will move to the Community Center, on North Main, at park. For more information call 425-9539 or 423-1055. FREE PREMIUM CHANNELS FOR SALE: AKC Rottweiler pups due April 1st. $600. Sederhaus X Thunder bloodline. $200 Deposits are being made now. Reserve yours before they are gone.229-4497083 for 3 months Offer subject to change based on premium channel availability. *Free premiums offer available with all plans. Note, Encore is included in America’s Top 250. Ask about FREE NEXT-DAY INSTALLATION in up to 6 rooms FREE HD FOR LIFE ® FOR SALE: Dale Earnhart collectibles, wall hanging canvas, 6 ft tall & wall clock and car. call 426-7415. Available with qualifying packages • Store up to 2,000 hours of your favorite shows LOCAL CHANNELS included • Record up to 8 different shows at the same time* All offers require 24-month commitment and credit qualification. *Requires Super Joey. Features must be enabled by customer. Available with qualifying packages. Monthly fees apply: Hopper, $12; Joey, $7; Super Joey, $10. Requires Internet connection. BUNDLE AND SAVE WITH DISH Ask how you can save $10/mo. WITH DISHNET HIGH-SPEED INTERNET Country Cable TV 265 Fitzgerald Hwy • Ocilla 229-468-9445 Important Terms and Conditions: Promotional Offers: Require activation of new qualifying DISH service. All prices, fees, charges, packages, programming, features, functionality and offers subject to change without notice. After 12-month promotional period, then-current monthly price applies and is subject to change. ETF: If you cancel service during first 24 months, early termination fee of $20 for each month remaining applies. Additional Requirements: Hopper: Monthly fees: Hopper, $12; Joey, $7; Super Joey, $10. With PrimeTime Anytime record ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC plus two channels. With addition of Super Joey record two additional channels. Commercial skip feature is available at varying times, starting the day after airing, for select primetime shows on ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC recorded with PrimeTime Anytime. Recording hours vary; 2000 hours based on SD programming. Equipment comparison based on equipment available from major TV providers as of 12/01/14. Watching live and recorded TV anywhere requires an Internetconnected, Sling-enabled DVR and compatible mobile device. HD Free for Life: Additional $10/mo HD fee waived for life of current account; requires continuous enrollment in AutoPay with Paperless Billing. Premium Channels: Premium offer value is up to $132; after 3 months, then-current monthly prices apply and are subject to change. Installation/Equipment Requirements: Free Standard Professional Installation only. Leased equipment must be returned to DISH upon cancellation or unreturned equipment fees apply. Upfront and additional monthly fees may apply. Miscellaneous: Offers available for new and qualified former customers, and subject to terms of applicable Promotional and Residential Customer agreements. State reimbursement charges may apply. Additional restrictions and taxes may apply. Offers end 6/10/15. SHOWTIME is a registered trademark of Showtime Networks Inc., a CBS Company. STARZ and related channels and service marks are property of Starz Entertainment, LLC. ENCORE and related channels and service marks are the property of Starz Entertainment, LLC. Visit for air dates/times. CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER © Marvel. All Rights Reserved. FOR SALE: Brown Farm Eggs. Antibiotic-Free from Cage-Free Chickens rotated on pasture, $4/Dzn or $5/18pack. Call 229-326-9301 after 4 p.m. or 229-831-7533 ATTENTION Apply now for DMC scholarship for the 20152016 school year. Anyone in the Ben Hill, Irwin or Wilcox County who has completed at least one year of study in college or medical field is eligible to apply for this award. Applications may be picked up at the Gift Shop at Dorminy Medical Center. The deadline for returning the application is March 31, 2015 8 Want Ad Email Colony City Insurance invites our customers to help us celebrate MRETIREMENT! a rie ’s Join us Friday, March 27th 8:30am to 5pm Refreshments will be served. ROOMMATE wanted to share mobile home. Private bedroom and bathroom. $440 monthly or $110 weekkly. Utilites and cable included. Convenient to Fitzgerald, Ocilla and Tifton. Call Connie at 502-525-4440. YARD SALE Saturday, April 4th, 7:30 until noon, 257 Wilson Ave, Fitzgerald. FOR SALE 5x8 utility trailer $350, 345-9773. ATTENTION: Jenkins Farm Fish Pond. 170 Charles McCrary Road, Sylvester, (229) 272-2752, open 8:00am7:30pm, Monday- Sunday. $10.00 half day-$20.00 full day. Church group/senior group discounts. Owner/operator: Lisa Riggins Jenkins, stop by, relax & enjoy yourself. FOR SALE singlewide mobile home, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, $3000, after 4pm 325-4250 Want Ad Email Visit Us Online at March 24, 2015 • Fitzgerald Ocilla Shopper • Page 9 2002 Ford Explorer 2010 Nissan Murano #P1382A #T7505A 4,900 $$ 2001 VW Jetta 2010 Ford Edge Limited 16,650 $$ #T7302A #F7036A $$ 16,900 $$ 5,900 2003 Nissan Altima The switch is on to America’s favorite brand and we are ready to help you make the switch at FITZGERALD Ford. #T7189B $$ 7,900 2006 Chevy Suburban 9,900 2008 Ford Edge SE #P1426A 11,500 2014 FORD C-MAX Save up to $ Save up to $ OFF MSRP! 2013 Chevy Spark LT Or Choose 11,900 0 % FINANCING & Plus #CP1446 12,500 Plus FITZGERALD 2010 Ford Fusion SEL #T7112B 12,900 0 % Or Choose $$ 15,150 2011 Ford Taurus #P1343A $$ 15,900 2007 GMC Yukon #T6838D $$ 15,900 Plus DISCOUNT!! 1500 $ #R1438 $$ 20,900 2014 Ford Mustang Plus FINANCING New FITZGERALD 0 Explorer XLT $$ 24,650 2014 Toyota RAV4 #TT253A $$ 26,900 Or Choose Plus FINANCING FITZGERALD DISCOUNT!! FITZGERALD DISCOUNT!! #7246A1 27,900 New 2015 FORD FOCUS 2013 Ford F150 XLT CC Save up to #T7510A $ $$ 30,150 2012 BMW 5 Series OFF MSRP! Plus FITZGERALD #P1361A $$ 30,900 DISCOUNT!! 2013 Ford Savings from MSRP include all incentives and package discounts, some require financing through Ford Motor Credit, all financing requires credit approval, finance term varies. F 2012 Ram 1500 SLT CC $$ 1500 4585 Plus 21,900 DISCOUNT!! 2011 Ford OFF MSRP! % $$ #T7503A Save up to $ OFF MSRP! 18,900 2011 Lincoln MKS Or Choose Save up to Save up to $ #CP1430 #CP1428 2015 FORD EXPEDITION FITZGERALD 2013 Ford Fusion $ REBATE $ OFF MSRP! 2015 FORD EDGE 2015 FORD FIESTA 13,900 #T7185A Save up to $ New $$ 2008 Ford Ranger Save up to Plus DISCOUNT!! FINANCING #T6592A 13,900 FITZGERALD FINANCING & 2015 FORD FUSION OFF MSRP! 2011 Ford Escape Limited $$ 17,900 4500 6000 $ $$ #CP1414 $$ New 2015 FORD ESCAPE New 12,900 2012 Mazda 6 Touring #TP1436 Or Choose DISCOUNT!! 0 $$ 12,900 % % #T7195B #P1383A DISCOUNT!! OFF MSRP! 2007 Chevy Silverado $$ 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan 2990 3500 $ 2013 Ford Focus SE 2011 Mazda 6 FITZGERALD New $$ 12,500 2010 Ford Taurus Limited 16,900 OFF MSRP! 2500 REBATE 0 $ 2013 Ford Focus SE $$ 16,900 $$ 2014 FORD F-150 XLT 4250 8750 $$ #R1351 New New $$ #F7218A #CP1400 $$ #F7327A #P1374A $$ 2013 Ford Fusion D ITZGERAL 161 Benjamin H. Hill Rd • Fitzgerald 423-8787 9 F150 STX #T7311A $$ 30,900 2013 Ford Expedition Limited #T7454A $$ 34,900 2013 Ford F150 CC 4WD #T7469A $$ 39,150 Page 10 • Fitzgerald Ocilla Shopper • March 24, 2015 Visit Us Online at Want Ad Email CROSSWORD H ibach i Bu ffet Fitzgerald’s Largest Daily Buffet including Chinese Food & Sushi and Hibachi Meatballs & Hibachi Shrimp Are Back On Our Daily Buffet 10% SENIOR DISCOUNT ALL DAY EVERYDAY! $ $ 3.99 $ $ 4.99 Across $ $ 4.99 HIBACHI CHICKEN & SHRIMP HIBACHI STEAK & CHICKEN Served with Rice & Hibachi Veggies Served with Rice & Hibachi Veggies $ $ 6.99 SIDE ORDERS Miso Soup............................$1.50 Spring Roll (2).....................$1.50 Seaweed Salad....................$2.95 Japanese Dumpling(8)........$2.99 Edamame (Soy Beans).......$2.50 SUSHI $ $ 6.99 Spicy Crab Salad........................$2.99 Hibachi Chicken Salad...............$3.99 Shrimp N Crabmeat Salad........$4.99 Garden Salad.............................$1.99 Takeout and Dine In Menu Summer Roll..............$6.99 Avocado Roll..............$2.95 Philly Roll...................$4.25 Crunchy Roll..............$3.80 Eel Avocado Roll.......$4.25 Volcano Rolll..............$7.25 Philly Roll...................$4.25 Dancing Eel Roll........$6.99 Rainbow Roll..............$6.99 Hurrican Roll..............$6.99 Tempra Shrimp Roll...$4.25 Spicy Tuna Roll..........$4.25 Spicy Crab Roll..........$4.25 Mon-Thurs 10:30am-10pm • Fri & Sat 10:30am-10:30pm 246 Ocilla Hwy • Fitzgerald 423-3118 1. Looks out for, maybe 6. Character 11. Backstabber 14. Malcolm ___, “Under the Volcano” author 15. Full of roots 16. “I” problem 17. Criminal law negotiation (2 wds) 19. Animal house 20. Soap, e.g. 21. Narrow loincloth (hyphenated) 23. Compact 26. Blood carrier 27. 30-day mo. 30. “Cast Away” setting 31. Bridge toll unit 32. Traction aid 34. Breathe hard 36. “Hamlet” has five 39. Shakespeare tragey 41. Severe mental deficiency 43. Carbon compound 44. Angelic ring of light 46. Crack 47. Bit of dust 49. Arabic for “commander” 51. Conk out 52. Flavor 54. Delicately beautiful 56. Recluse 58. Inexpensive and possibly shabby 62. A.T.M. need 63. Drunken festivity 66. Balaam’s mount 67. ___ Bowl 68. One who endeavors to persuade 69. “Malcolm X” director 70. Store for future use (2 wds) 71. Autocrats answers on page 4 10 Down 1. “The Sound of Music” backdrop 2. Tree trunk 3. The America’s Cup trophy, e.g. 4. Blue eyes or baldness, e.g. 5. Person devoted to luxury and pleasure 6. “To ___ is human ...” 7. Deck (out) 8. Sub sandwich 9. “Miss ___ Regrets” 10. The way we word 11. Changed the course of 12. Bond, for one 13. Island nation east of Fiji 18. Brews 22. ___ Marin, Am. journalist 24. Beginning 25. Oolong, for one 27. #1 spot 28. Agenda 29. Payback 31. Store convenience, for short 33. Flowering 35. A Judd 37. Conical Native American tent (var. spelling) 38. Fill 40. Not just “a” 42. Various plants with an edible root, tuber or underground pod 45. Grassland 48. ___ council on “Survivor” 50. Ancient Andean 52. Calyx part 53. Come to mind 54. Lure 55. A long time 57. Basic unit of money in Western Samoa 59. Aquatic plant 60. Dock 61. Boat propellers 64. “The Sweetheart of Sigma ___” 65. ___ Solo of “Star Wars” Want Ad Emai Visit Us Online at Tax Preparation & Electronic Filing Income Tax Services Includes: Individual Tax Returns Self-Employed Income Tax Returns Business Tax Returns We Can Offer You Fast Refunds, Direct Deposit, Certified Income Tax E. Matt Wright II, MBA Professional, Fast & Professional Services, Free Refund Estimates, Get Your W2’s Online, Authorized IRS E-File Provider Convenient Drop-Off Services, Client Confidentiality Income Tax Professional Stop by or call for an appointment! WRIGHT’S INCOME TAX SERVICE 855-504-4762 • 912-292-9923 • fax 855-836-9314 FREE truckload of outdoor children's toys, Irwinville area, call 831-2547. WANTED: Merit Scooter charger and 4 wheels, call 326-6365. WANTED bike carrier to fit 2000 Windstar, call 365-1894 or 325-0637. FOR SALE: 3 piece Samsonite luggage set, have lots of famous people biographies. Call 365-1894 or 325-0637. NEW 2015 DOUBLEWIDE 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath. Only $59,900. Financing Available . Wayne Frier Homes, Albany 229-446-0771 FOR SALE: everything you need to help set up housekeeping except appliances. Have 7 room of household items I must sell, everything goes as one, make offer, call 365-1894 or 325-0637. WANTED: free couches, loveseats, recliners, chairs. Also want free parakeets, cocktails and bird cages. Call 423-9361 please. FOR SALE: 30 gal. fish tank, call 457-9649. WANTED: c pak with small mask. Call 325-9458. FOR SALE: loveseat, like brand new, $200, call 4234189. FOR SALE: 22 mag stainless steel Marlin with scope $275, 12 ga camo turkey gun with barrel extension $500, Marlin 22 cam semi automatic $150, call 345-9773. FOR RENT: large 3 bedroom farm house, 1 1/2 bath, total electric, on Ten Mile Rd, Fitzgerald, call 423-9395 FOR SALE: 2 bedroom, 1 bath house, living room, dining room, also has extra lot out, storage building, asking $25,000, Ga Real Estate Lic, Fitzgerald, 424-0454. FOR SALE: Hot Point washing machine, GE dryer, both for $200, Kenmore washer, like new, 90 series, asking $200, 424-0454. FOR SALE: 1975 Corvette, red, t-tops, 350 AT, PB, PW, PS, runs good, $11,500, call 325-7997. FREE CLASSIFIED LINE call 409-0902 or fax 409-0901 FOR SALE: Scooter chair $300, Rascal chair $325. Call 912-850-3580 FOR SALE 20 gallon cast iron wash pot, excellent condition, call 423-4178 L/Y Painting Exterior & Interior Drywall Repair, Spray Paint & Pressure Washing. Cheapest Prices in Town FREE ESTIMATES Luis Rodrigez 229-457-3774 TUX RENTALS Check with us before you rent... LOWEST PRICES Over 175 Styles Open 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mon. thru Sat. Hill’s Midtown Mall • 423-5019 11 March 24, 2015 • Fitzgerald Ocilla Shopper • Page 11 -Page 12 • Fitzgerald Ocilla Shopper • March 24, 2015 Visit Us Online at Want Ad Email Four on the Floor Pet Spa Grooming and Boarding Open Monday-Saturday 7:30 am - 1pm 2 pm - 5:30 pm Check us out on Facebook Stacey Rowell, Owner 229-423-2713 545 IRWINVILLE HWY • FITZGERALD FOR RENT: 2 bedroom, 1 bath mobilehome, CHA, kitchen appliances, not pets, $400 security deposit, $375 rent, Fitzgerald, call 423-5752. FOR SALE 1998 Viago 1100 Yamaha, 54,000 miles, black & chrome, dunlop tires, just been serviced and runs excellence. Fitzgerald, 300-3903. FOR SALE 3 bedroom, 1 bath house at 139 Meadowood Lane, Fitzgerald, 345-0234. WANT TO BUY: curio cabinet, showcase, ect, to display several items in a home, 3922655. WANTED for Free Tv's, VCR's, DVD players, CD players, police scanners, call 4239361. YARD WORK If you need work done please call 4239361. FOR SALE two 210 power mics for Cobra CB radio, call 423-9361. NOTICE: will pickup any unwanted items you may want to get rid of, call 325-7408. FOR SALE: several roosters, one year old, make offer, may buy one or more, willing to trade for pheasant,rabbit or some small collectible or antique, call 392-2655. WANT TO BUY an old Airstream travel trailer hull, not bent up, call 392-2655. WANTED: cross stitch needlepoint kits, will pay $4 ea, clean new skeins yarn, will pay 50¢ ea, call 9-6 386-5601. Washington Avenue Apartments 183 Washington Ave • 423-7608 TDD#1-800-255-0056 MOVE IN SPECIAL 1&2 Bedroom Apartments For Lease Designed to house families & disabled households as well as single people First Month’s Rent $ 99 plus security deposit see manager for complete details FOR SALE: house in Ocilla. $23,000 cash or $8000 down. call 796-9006 3-10:30pm. FRIDAY PRIMETIME 1 WALB-NBC 3 WFXL-FOX 4 WALB2-ABC 10 WSWG-CBS 5 WXGA-PBS 808 WABW-PBS 9 WSWG3-CW 17 65 AMC 45 CNN DISCOVERY 50 DISNEY 37 ESPN 31 ESPN2 32 FAMILY 73 47 FNC FOOD 75 44 FX GOLF 41 HGTV 72 43 LIFE MSNBC 49 34 NICK SPSOUTH 42 24 TBS 39 TNT TOON 35 TRUTV 26 TVLAND 36 40 USA 7 PM FOR SALE 2 antique coca cola drink boxes, $1000 as is, 382-6517 MOVIES 7:30 8 PM FOR SALE: push reel mower, 16" Blue Hawk, like new, $75, cost $110 new, 472-7056. 1 - MEDIACOM FITZ 8:30 FOR SALE 2006 Chevy, 4 door, 6 cal, 156,000 miles, $6200, call 272-0447. ALL UNITS EQUIPPED WITH •Total Electric •Central Heat & Air •Mini Blinds •Carpet •Stove •Refrigerator •Pest Control •Garbage Pickup On Site •2 Bedroom Apartments have Washer Dryer Hookups A Central Laundry Facility On Site For Convenience to the Residents PICKUP AN APPLICATION TODAY. OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri 4-6pm This Institute Is Equal Housing Provider & Employer • Cathy Bagley On-Site Manager SPORTS 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM MARCH 27 11:30 Inside Edition (N) Entertainment Tonight Grimm A lovers’ quarrel ends in murder. (N) Dateline NBC Å WALB News 10 at 11 Tonight Show-J. Fallon The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory ›‡ “Grown Ups” (2010, Comedy) Adam Sandler, Kevin James. Premiere.Å Fox 31 News at Ten (N) Å Modern Family Å Mike & Molly Å WALB News at 7 (N) Access Hollywood (N) Cristela “Latino 101” Cristela (N) Å Shark Tank Å (DVS) (:01) 20/20 (N) Å WALB News 10 at 11 Jimmy Kimmel Live 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å Rick Steves’ Europe Rick Steves’ Europe The BBQ Show Pride & Joy Southern food and drink. Å Breakfast Special 2: Revenge of the Omelets The Fabulous Fox Host Hal Holbrook. Å Rick Steves’ Europe Rick Steves’ Europe The BBQ Show Pride & Joy Southern food and drink. Å Breakfast Special 2: Revenge of the Omelets The Fabulous Fox Host Hal Holbrook. Å King of the Hill Å The Cleveland Show Hart of Dixie Zoe makes an important decision. iZombie A well-known painter is murdered. Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å Cougar Town Å Cougar Town Å ››‡ “Out for Justice” (1991, Action) Steven Seagal, William Forsythe. ››‡ “Body of Lies” (2008, Drama) Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe. Premiere. Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å The Wonder List With Bill Weir Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact, Forgery Death Row Stories Bering Sea Gold “The Final Showdown” Å Bering Sea Gold “Good Morning, Viet-Nome” Bering Sea Gold: Dredged Up “Escape Goat” Bering Sea Gold “Namby-Pamby Mugwumps” Bering Sea Gold: Dredged Up “Escape Goat” K.C. Undercover Å K.C. Undercover Å Jessie (N) Å Girl Meets World (N) Liv & Maddie Å Dog With a Blog Star Wars Rebels Star Wars Rebels Dog With a Blog Å Jessie Å Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament, Regional Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N) Å NCAA Studio Update Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament, Regional Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament, Regional Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N) Å NCAA Studio Update Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament, Regional Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N) Å (6:00) ››› “Dirty Dancing” (1987) Jennifer Grey, Patrick Swayze. ››› “Pitch Perfect” (2012, Musical Comedy) Anna Kendrick, Skylar Astin. The 700 Club Å On the Record With Greta Van Susteren (N) The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor Å Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Disney Dream Cruise With Food Network (N) Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive (6:00) ›› “Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs” ›› “Ice Age: Continental Drift” (2012, Comedy) Voices of Ray Romano, John Leguizamo. ›› “Ice Age: Continental Drift” (2012) Voices of Ray Romano. (6:00) LPGA Tour Golf Kia Classic, Second Round. From Carlsbad, Calif. (N) (Live) Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Valero Texas Open, Second Round. From San Antonio. Love It or List It, Too “Cynthia and Steph” Love It or List It, Too “Emily & Gary” Å Love It or List It, Too “Stephen & Stephanie” House Hunters Å Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Bring It! Miss D steps up her game. Å Bring It! The Dancing Dolls travel to Atlanta. (N) Bring It! (N) Å (:02) Preachers’ Daughters (N) Å (:02) Kosher Soul (N) (:32) Kosher Soul (N) Hardball With Chris Matthews (N) Å All In With Chris Hayes (N) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) Lockup Lockup ››› “The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie” (2004, Comedy)Å SpongeBob Full House Å Full House Å Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Friends Å (:36) Friends Å Hawks Live! Pregame NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Atlanta Hawks. From Philips Arena in Atlanta. (N) (Live) Hawks Live! Postgame Boxing 30 Å NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Atlanta Hawks. (6:00) NCAA Tip-Off (N) 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament Teams TBA. (N) (Live) 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (6:00) ››‡ “Limitless” (2011)Å (DVS) ››› “Public Enemies” (2009, Crime Drama) Johnny Depp, Christian Bale.Å (DVS) Hawaii Five-0 “Ma Ke Kahakai” Å (DVS) World of Gumball Regular Show King of the Hill Å King of the Hill Å The Cleveland Show The Cleveland Show American Dad Å Family Guy Å Family Guy Å Jack & Triumph truTV Top Funniest “TV’s Funniest Flubs” Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Way Out West Way Out West (N) (:01) Way Out West (N) (:31) Way Out West (N) Walker, Texas Ranger A notorious gang is out for revenge. Å (:18) Family Feud The King of Queens The King of Queens The King of Queens The King of Queens The King of Queens The King of Queens Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Å ››‡ “Fast Five” (2011, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. Modern Family Å Modern Family Å 12 Want Ad Email March 24, 2015 • Fitzgerald Ocilla Shopper • Page 13 Visit Us Online at The Store FOR SALE: 1988 Dodge Ram 50, 2.4 engine, AT, extended cab, needs engine, 325-4249 or 424-3922 0 % $ FOR FOR SALE: 1983 Jeep CJ7, fully restored, new tires, wheels, chrome bumper, hard top & bikini top, new motor, 457-4222. 72 WANTED: Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Game Cube consoles and games, call 229-423-0569 and leave a message on the machine or text 229-425-3755. Text is best as I work long hours. I also buy NON WORKING PlayStation 2 consoles only. MO. APR NEW 2015 CHEVROLET MALIBU 319/MO. MSRP $26,080, selling price $25,345, includes $500 bonus cash. Payment based $2,000 cash or trade down @ 0% APR for 72 months with approved credit. Tax and title extra. NEW 2015 CHEVROLET CRUZE LS $ 235/MO. MSRP $19,710, selling price $19,485, includes $500 bonus cash. Payment based $2,000 cash or trade down @ 0% APR for 72 months with approved credit. Tax and title extra. SUPPLIER PRICING ON ALL 2015 CHEVROLET SILVERADO LT PACKAGE TRUCKS REG. CAB/DBLE. CAB/ CREW CAB NEW 2015 CHEVROLET SILVERADO CREW CAB LT 2WD NEW 2015 CHEVROLET SILVERADO CREW CAB LT 4WD SUPPLIER PRICING SAVE $ SUPPLIER PRICING SAVE $ UP TO 5,423 Stock #cc9582 msrp $40,445, supplier price $37,772, includes $1,500 rebate, $750 package bonus, and $500 bonus cash. Tax and title extra. Price includes all rebates. UP TO FOR SALE: Black&Decker Edge Hog 2-in-1 Landscape Edger. Catalog No. LE750. Type 4. Electric. Used very little. $60. Call 468-5947. FOR SALE: two wedding dresses with veils, size 14 & size 10, $150 each, also have black prom dress with beaded body, size 9-10, $100, call 425-8082. 118 Ocilla Hwy • Fitzgerald, Ga Dan Johnson Owner 229-425-3222 USED JoAnne Dennard Manager Appliances REFRIGERATORS With WASHERS, DRYERS, Warranty STOVES, WATER HEATERS TV’s, VCR, DVD Players Stereos, Tapes, CD’s, Games RABIES VACCINATION CLINIC, noon to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 28, Blue and Gray Park on Sherman Street Please bring cats in carrier and dogs on a leash. Cost is $12.00 per animal. Sponsored by Ben Hill County 4-H. For more information contact the Ben Hill County UGA Extension Office at 426-5175. Staff from Fitzgerald– Ben Hill County Animal Shelter will be there to assist with dog licensing once the rabies vaccination is completed. FOR SALE: all kinds of concrete yard ornaments, all for $250, included all other figurines, not concrete, call or text 425-3742 FOR SALE: Smith & Wesson Revolver, 1989 model, 45ACP, stainless steel, 14 moon clips, 100 rounds ammo, call 325-5359. FOR SALE: 06 Harley Davidson Heritage Softtail, , , just serviced at 15,000 miles, excellent condition, $9900, in Tifton call 869-1087. 5,880 Stock #cc9579 msrp $46,380, supplier price $43,250, includes $1,500 rebate, $750 package bonus, and $500 bonus cash. Tax and title extra. Price includes all rebates. 2015 CHEVROLET TAHOE ALL NEW CHEVROLET COLORADO 2015 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN IN STOCK! ARRIVING DAILY! IN STOCK! CHEVY TIFTON 386-4073 Hwy. 82 West • Exit 62, I-75 Tifton SATURDAY PRIMETIME 1 WALB-NBC 3 WFXL-FOX 4 WALB2-ABC 10 WSWG-CBS 5 WXGA-PBS 808 WABW-PBS 9 WSWG3-CW 17 65 AMC 45 CNN DISCOVERY 50 DISNEY 37 ESPN 31 ESPN2 32 FAMILY 73 47 FNC FOOD 75 44 FX GOLF 41 HGTV 72 43 LIFE MSNBC 49 34 NICK SPSOUTH 42 24 TBS 39 TNT TOON 35 TRUTV 26 TVLAND 36 40 USA 7 PM MOVIES 7:30 8 PM 1 - MEDIACOM FITZ 8:30 SPORTS 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM MARCH 28 11:30 Paid Program Paid Program Figure Skating ISU World Championships. From Shanghai, China. (N) Å Saturday Night Live Å WALB News 10 at 11 Saturday Night Live The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Backstrom A fortune teller is murdered. Å Sleepy Hollow A warlock escapes purgatory. Fox 31 News The Big Bang Theory Animation Domination High-Def Å Monopoly Millionaires’ Club Å Secrets and Lies “The Jacket” Å In an Instant “In an Instant: Bad Guys at the Good Guys” Hostage situation at a retail store. (N) WALB News 10 at 11 What Went Down Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! Å NCIS: New Orleans “Stolen Valor” Å Criminal Minds “If the Shoe Fits” 48 Hours Å Eyewitness News 11p (:35) Burn Notice Father Brown A man is suspected of a murder. You Being Served? Keeping Up As Time Goes By As Time Goes By Jimi Hendrix: American Masters The life of guitarist Jimi Hendrix. Å Father Brown A man is suspected of a murder. You Being Served? Keeping Up As Time Goes By As Time Goes By Jimi Hendrix: American Masters The life of guitarist Jimi Hendrix. Å (6:00) ›‡ “Freelancers” (2012, Action)Å Cheaters Corinne’s boyfriend acts like a sneak. Cops Reloaded Å Cops Reloaded Å Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement Community Å Community Å (5:00) ››‡ “Body of Lies” (2008, Drama) The Walking Dead “No Sanctuary” Å The Walking Dead Rick leads a risky mission. The Walking Dead “Four Walls and a Roof” The Walking Dead Another group of survivors. CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow (N) CNN Special Report Escape From Jonestown Soledad recounts the story of Jonestown. CNN Special Report Naked and Afraid Survival skills in Botswana. Naked and Afraid 21 days in Sabah, Borneo. Naked and Afraid Nicaraguan rain forest. Naked and Afraid A Panamanian island. Å Naked and Afraid Surviving in Namibia. Å Liv & Maddie Å Dog With a Blog Å Jessie “Basket Case” Austin & Ally (N) Girl Meets World Jessie Å Mighty Med Å Kirby Buckets Å Liv & Maddie Å Girl Meets World Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament, Regional Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N) Å E:60 (N) World Arm Wrestling League Championships SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å College Hockey NHRA Drag Racing Four-Wide Nationals, Qualifying. (N) Å Soccer International Friendly -- Mexico vs Ecuador. (N) (Live) College GameDay (N) (6:00) ››› “Pitch Perfect” (2012) Anna Kendrick, Skylar Astin. ›› “Bad Teacher” (2011, Comedy) Cameron Diaz, Justin Timberlake. Premiere. ››‡ “Twilight” (2008, Romance) Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson. FOX Report (N) FOX News Special Justice With Judge Jeanine (N) FOX News Special Red Eye Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives “All Beefed Up” Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Vegas hot spots. (5:00) ››‡ “Men in Black 3” (2012, Action) ››› “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl” (2003, Adventure) Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush. Mike & Molly Å Mike & Molly Å (6:00) LPGA Tour Golf Kia Classic, Third Round. From Carlsbad, Calif. (N) (Live) Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Valero Texas Open, Third Round. From San Antonio. Property Brothers “Maria & Dave” Å Property Brothers “Shannon & Darl” Å Property Brothers “Megan & Greg” Å House Hunters Renovation (N) Å House Hunters Å Hunters Int’l (6:00) “Watch Your Back” (2015)Å “Bad Blood” (2014, Crime Drama) Taylor Cole, Jeff Kober. Premiere.Å (:02) Movie Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Lockup Lockup Lockup The Thundermans “A Hero Is Born” (N) Å Nickelodeon’s 28th Annual Kids’ Choice Awards Children choose favorites. (N) (Live) Å Nickelodeon’s 28th Annual Kids’ Choice Awards Å (:36) Friends Å NBA Basketball Atlanta Hawks at Charlotte Hornets. From Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte, N.C. (N) (Live) Hawks Live! Postgame Driven NBA Basketball: Hawks at Hornets (6:00) 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament Teams TBA. (N) (Live) 2015 NCAA Basketball Tournament Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Inside March Madness The Dark Knight (2008) (5:00) ››› “Public Enemies” (2009) ›››› “Saving Private Ryan” (1998) Tom Hanks. A World War II captain and his squad risk all to locate and send home a soldier whose three brothers died in combat. Live Free or Die Hard (6:00) ›››‡ “Shrek” (2001) Eddie Murphy Dragon Ball Z Kai One Piece Å King of the Hill Å King of the Hill Å The Boondocks American Dad Å American Dad Å Family Guy Å The Carbonaro Effect The Carbonaro Effect The Carbonaro Effect The Carbonaro Effect The Carbonaro Effect The Carbonaro Effect How to Be a Grown Up How to Be a Grown Up How to Be a Grown Up How to Be a Grown Up Family Feud Å Family Feud Å Nickelodeon’s 28th Annual Kids’ Choice Awards (N) Å Everybody Raymond Everybody Raymond Everybody Raymond Everybody Raymond Everybody Raymond (5:30) ››‡ “Fast Five” (2011) Vin Diesel. Modern Family Å Modern Family Å Modern Family Å Modern Family Å Modern Family Å Modern Family Å Modern Family Å Modern Family Å Page 14 • Fitzgerald Ocilla Shopper •March 24, 2015 Visit Us Online at Want Ad Email NEW STORE IN TOWN CAREGIVER: I am available to care for your loved ones, called The Store Every Honda Certified Used Car includes a 150 point mechanical that are elderly or disabled. I 118 Ocilla Hwy, Fitzgerald and appearance inspection, one of can work any or all hours 5 the most extensive used car We have New Bedding by days a week. 18 years experiwarranties available today and a Thomasville, twin, full & free Carfax Vehicle History Report. ence. References upon reAll new 2015 king in stock. Also we quest.(229)425-9682. have used bedroom Automatic Transmission FOR SALE: 3 bedroom, 2 full suites, dining room suites, bath home, all new applifurniture of all kinds. 2007 Honda CR-V EX-L 2WD 2006 Honda CR-V EX ances, large new patio on Carpet & Linoleum, $ $ back, 2 car attached carport, 14,995 10,959 Appliances with warranty utility building, well landscaped & many more items. Too corner lot, many extras, ready many to list. Call to move in, can text pictures, located 329 Evergreen Rd, 425-3222 “The Store” Honda Accord LX $ 399 #H35145A #H35102B Automatic, Sunroof, MultiCD Changer, Aluminum Wheels. Privacy Glass, Keyless Entry. Leather Seats, Sunroof, Heated Driver Seat, Satellite Radio, iPod/MP3 Input /mo. #H35066A #H35176A 2012 Honda Civic Sedan New 2015 Honda Accord LX, Automatic transmission stock#H35200 MSRP $23,725, $21,787 selling price. $399 per month for 60 months, @ 1.9% APR with $0 down. Payment includes tax, title, license, registration, and dealer doc fee. Financing with lender approval. 15,995 $ Ipod/Mp3 Input, Cd Player Mp3 Player, Remote Trunk Release, Keyless Entry, Fitzgerald, call 345-0060 2012 Honda Civic LX Sedan 15,867 $ Third Row Seat, Heated Leather Seats, Back-Up Camera FREE CLASSIFIED LINE call 409-0902 All new 2015 Honda Civic LX Sedan 2009 Honda Accord EX-L Sedan $ 299 14,995 $ Leather Seats, Sunroof, Heated Driver Seat, Premium Sound System, Satellite Radio Automatic Transmission 2012 Honda Civic EX Sedan Moonroof, Bluetooth, CD Player, iPod/MP3 Input, Aluminum Wheels 17,995 $ FOR SALE: 01 Ford Focus SE, white, 4 dr, AT, curise, CD, PS, spoiler, AC, PW,423-7467. #14641A #14663A 2012 Honda Accord Coupe LX-S /mo. FOR SALE 2001 Electra, good condition, leather interior, almost new tires, $4000. Also 2002 GMC Sierra Pickup, very good condition $7500, call 386-9574 or 256-3956. #CC9488B #TT3507A Aluminum Wheels Mp3 Player, Keyless Entry, Remote Trunk Release, Steering Wheel Controls. 21,479 $ 2011 Honda Accord C/T EX-L 4WD Dual Zone A/C, Satellite Radio, Overhead Airbag, Alloy Wheels 22,995 $ STORE CLOSING. have cash register stand, showcase, glass shelves, 3 display tables, call Debbie at 425-4253. FOR SALE: 8 tires, size P255/70R16 $15 each or all for $100, antique dressing table with mirror $60, 40 ft telescope joint pole $60. Gun cabinet holds 6 guns, has glass door $50, porch swing $35, 4 metal bar stools $60, call or text 425-3742. New 2015 Honda Civic LX Sedan, Automatic transmission stock#H35168 MSRP $20,110, $19,880 selling price. $299 per month for 72 months, @ 1.9% APR with $0 down. Payment includes tax, title, license, registration, and dealer doc fee. Financing with lender approval. #TT3355B #H35152A 386-1400 dba PRINCE Honda FOR SALE: loveseat, like brand new, $200, call 4234189. FOR SALE: 22 mag stainless steel Marlin with scope $275, 12 ga camo turkey gun with barrel extension $500, Marlin 22 cam semi automatic $150, call 345-9773. FOR RENT: large 3 bedroom farm house, 1 1/2 bath, total electric, on Ten Mile Rd, Fitzgerald, call 423-9395 SUNDAY PRIMETIME 1 WALB-NBC 3 WFXL-FOX 4 WALB2-ABC 10 WSWG-CBS 5 WXGA-PBS 808 WABW-PBS 9 WSWG3-CW 17 65 AMC 45 CNN DISCOVERY 50 DISNEY 37 ESPN 31 ESPN2 32 FAMILY 73 47 FNC FOOD 75 44 FX GOLF 41 HGTV 72 43 LIFE MSNBC 49 34 NICK SPSOUTH 42 24 TBS 39 TNT TOON 35 TRUTV 26 TVLAND 36 40 USA 7 PM Leather Seats, Third Row Seat, DVD, Sunroof, Power Liftgate 26,995 $ #14706B FOR SALE: 2 bedroom, 1 bath house, living room, dining room, also has extra lot out, storage building, asking $25,000, Ga Real Estate Lic, Fitzgerald, 424-0454. FOR SALE: Hot Point washing machine, GE dryer, both for $200, Kenmore washer, like new, 90 series, asking $200, 424-0454. FOR SALE: 1975 Corvette, red, t-tops, 350 AT, PB, PW, PS, runs good, $11,500, call 325-7997.wash pot, excellent condition, call 423-4178 MOVIES 7:30 8 PM 28,995 $ 2014 Honda Pilot 2WD EX-L Leather Seats, Third Row Seat, Sunroof, Power Liftgate, Rear Air, Heated Driver Seat 33,995 $ All prices plus tax and title. FOR SALE 5x8 utility trailer $350, 345-9773. FOR SALE: Easter Buckets, hand painted & decorated, with or without baby rabbit. Has treats, goodies & toys and small bag of rabbit feed (with rabbit) $30 with rabbit, $20 without rabbit. Call in Fitzgerald 423-1142. 8:30 30,995 $ Leather Seats, Third Row Seat, Dvd, Sunroof, Power Liftgate FOR SALE 2005 Fleetwood camper, private bedroom, bathroom, refrigerator & microwave, sleeps 6, AC, $6000. Call 392-8208. 1 - MEDIACOM FITZ 2013 Honda Pilot 2WD EX Third Row Seat, Rear Air, Back-Up Camera, Premium Sound System, iPod/MP3 Input, Bluetooth #H34312B 2013 Honda Pilot 2WD EX-L Hwy. 82 West • Exit 62, I-75 Tifton WANTED: c pak with small mask. Call 325-9458. 2012 Honda Odyssey EX-L FOR SALE: 2 roosters, about 9 months old, $10 each, call 423-1142 Fitzgerald. FOR SALE 3 cushion sofa in excellent condition $150, lift chair in excellent condition $200. Call 386-9574 or 2563956. FOR RENT: studio apartment in Fitzgerald. Good for single or couple. Washer & dryer, fully equipped kitchen, satellite TV, all utilities, pest control and in ground pool included. $150 week. For more information call Terry at 345-0447 or 4232046. SPORTS 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM MARCH 29 11:30 The Voice Å iHeartRadio Music Awards The year’s biggest artists and songs. (N) (Live) Å WALB News 10 at 11 Entertainment Tonight The Simpsons Bob’s Burgers The Simpsons Family Guy The Last Man on Earth (N) Å (DVS) Fox 31 News at Ten The Big Bang Theory The Closer Murder of a Hollywood producer. America’s Funniest Home Videos Å Once Upon a Time “Best Laid Plans” (N) Secrets and Lies Ben’s stalker ups the ante. (:01) Revenge Victoria goes after a new lead. WALB News at 11pm Graham Bensinger 60 Minutes (N) Å Madam Secretary “The Time Is at Hand” (N) The Good Wife (N) Å Battle Creek “Old Flames” (N) Å Eyewitness News 11p Blue Bloods Å (6:00) Masterpiece Classic Å Call the Midwife Nurse Barbara Gilbert arrives. (:05) Masterpiece Classic “Mr. Selfridge, Season 3: Episode 1” Harry copes with Rose’s death. (:03) Secrets of Selfridges Å (6:00) Masterpiece Classic Å Call the Midwife Nurse Barbara Gilbert arrives. (:05) Masterpiece Classic “Mr. Selfridge, Season 3: Episode 1” Harry copes with Rose’s death. (:03) Secrets of Selfridges Å (6:00) ››‡ “Eddie and the Cruisers”Å ›› “The Eye” (2008, Horror) Jessica Alba, Alessandro Nivola.Å Seinfeld Å Seinfeld “The Checks” Cougar Town Å Cougar Town Å The Walking Dead “Spend” Å The Walking Dead “Try” Å The Walking Dead “Conquer” Daryl finds trouble while on a run. Å Talking Dead Guests discuss “Conquer.” The Walking Dead Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact, Forgery Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact, Forgery Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact, Forgery (N) The Wonder List With Bill Weir (N) Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact, Forgery Alaskan Bush People “Breaking Free” Å Alaskan Bush People The family seeks help. Alaskan Bush People: Revisited “Cold Front” Å Alaskan Bush People The family seeks help. Girl Meets World Jessie Å I Didn’t Do It (N) Å K.C. Undercover (N) Jessie “Basket Case” Austin & Ally Å Girl Meets World Dog With a Blog Å Jessie Å Dog With a Blog Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Women’s College Basketball NCAA Tournament, Regional Final: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Arena Football Philadelphia Soul at Orlando Predators. (N) (Live) 30 for 30 Å College GameDay (N) ››› “Home Alone” (1990, Comedy) Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci. ››‡ “Home Alone 2: Lost in New York” (1992, Comedy) Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci. FOX Report (N) FOX News Special FOX News Special Stossel FOX News Special Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games (N) All-Star Academy “Second Chances” (N) Cutthroat Kitchen “You’re All Up Banh Mi” (N) Cutthroat Kitchen (6:00) ››› “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl” (2003) Johnny Depp. ››‡ “Snow White and the Huntsman” (2012, Fantasy) Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron. (6:00) LPGA Tour Golf Kia Classic, Final Round. From Carlsbad, Calif. (N) (Live) Golf Central (N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Valero Texas Open, Final Round. From San Antonio. House Hunters Å House Hunters Å Lakefront Bargain Lakefront Bargain Caribbean Life (N) Caribbean Life (N) Island Life Å Island Life Å House Hunters Å Hunters Int’l “Bad Blood” (2014, Crime Drama) Taylor Cole, Jeff Kober.Å “Damaged” (2014, Suspense) Chris Klein, Merritt Patterson.Å (:02) “Bad Blood” (2014) Taylor Cole.Å Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Lockup Lockup (:15) Harvey Beaks SpongeBob ››› “Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa” (2008, Comedy) Voices of Ben Stiller, Chris Rock.Å Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Friends Å (:36) Friends Å Fight Sports: KNOCKOUTS! Rodeo RodeoHouston Semifinal 1. From Houston. XTERRA USA Championship College Baseball: Shockers at Horned Frogs (6:00) ›› “Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail” The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Cougar Town Å Cougar Town Å (6:00) ›› “The Expendables” (2010, Action) ››‡ “Red” (2010, Action) Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman.Å (DVS) (:15) ››› “The Bourne Supremacy” (2004, Suspense) Matt Damon, Franka Potente.Å Clarence Clarence “Patients” The Oblongs Å King of the Hill Å King of the Hill Å Bob’s Burgers Å Bob’s Burgers Å Family Guy Å Family Guy Å China, IL truTV Top Funniest “Goofballs” Hack My Life Hack My Life Hack My Life Hack My Life Impractical Jokers Behind-the-scenes access. Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers (:05) Friends Å (:43) Friends “The One Where Eddie Moves In” (:21) Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Weak” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Å Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Å Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Å ›› “Safe Haven” (2013) Josh Duhamel. Want Ad Email Visit Us Online at March 24, 2015 • Fitzgerald Ocilla Shopper • Page 15 ---Page 16 • Fitzgerald Ocilla Shopper • March 24, 2015 Visit Us Online at Want Ad Email
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