April 23rd 2015 Newsletter No.11 THE NFPS NEWS DATES FOR YOUR DIARY "Like” North Fitzroy Primary School - now on Facebook APR May Fri Fri Sat Mon Fri Thu Fri 24 24 25 27 1 7 8 Parents as Classroom Helpers 9:15am Deadly Australians ANZAC Day SEDA Netball (grades 3 – 6) 5/6 VIS Excursion Grade 5/6 Interschool Sports start (every Thursday) MOTHER & SPECIAL PERSONS DAY STALL Wed Fri Thu Fri 13 15 21 22 School Council – Annual Reporting Meeting (Guest Speaker) Dance Workshop Grades 3 – 6) Grades 1&2 Music Excursion Walk Safely to School Day Mon Mon Jun 11 25 Fri 5 Mon 8 Thurs 25 Fri 26 Grade 2 Swimming Begins (please note the change from the 4 th) Grade 3 Swimming Begins (please note the change from the 18th) Student Free Day – School Closed to all students Public Holiday – Queens Birthday (School Closed) Prep Grade – Production Last Day Term 2 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Copies of the 2014 Annual report are now available from the Office. There will be an Annual Reporting Meeting on May 13, 2015 beginning at 6.30pm in The Hall. Gurm Sekhon, our School Council President, will speak briefly to The 2014 Annual Report.This will be followed by our guest speaker session with Chris Daicos ~ more information to follow. DEMOCRACY AT WORK North Fitzroy Primary Junior School Council meeting with Lou Corso in the Library Junior School Council has elected members from each grade level and voted for The Executive: President-Lucy H, Vice-President-Caitlin J Secretary- Grace F Treasurer- Zoe C Public Relations Officer - Fergus A The Junior School Council Executive meets with all class Representatives every fortnight to put forward the suggestions decided on by their classmates during class JSC meetings. These suggestions are then discussed with the wider group, decisions made and minuted. The minutes are then sent to Connie and myself, and we respond, letting JSC know what can be acted on, what is under consideration or why something may not be possible. Pauline McGrath ACTING PRINCIPAL Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au April 23rd 2015 Newsletter No.11 EYT – TERM 2 OUR VEGIE GARDEN WITH JULES Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au April 23rd 2015 Newsletter No.11 EYT LAWN BOWLING WITH JAMES & TIM One group of students are having a series of lessons at the Fitzroy Bowls and Sporting Club. The students are being coached by Tim Slater, who represented Australia at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games last year. Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au April 23rd 2015 MOTHER & SPECIAL PERSONS DAY STALL HELP WANTED The Mother & Special Persons Day Stall will be held on Friday 8 May from 9.30am. If you can help on the stall for an hour or two, please email or phone Megan Burges (mlburges@bigpond.net.au or 0417 535 510). Newsletter No.11 SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS The following are the dates for school council meetings for the remainder of the year: June 10th August 12th September 9th October 7th November 11th December 9th CANTEEN NEWS LOST PROPERTY Lost Property Please ask your children to check lost property for missing jumpers, lunch containers and drink bottles as well as missing toys and scooters (smaller and precious items can be found on the shelf at the front office). Weather permitting lost property will be hung out in the playground. Otherwise it will inside the senior building near the lift. Regards, Georgina Ednie 0418 558 667 PHYS ED NEWS DISTRICT CROSS COUNTRY RUN CANTEEN ROSTER Apr Mon 27 Tue 28 Wed 29 Thur 30 May Fri 1 Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 4 5 6 7 8 Cath (Olivia) Renee (Charlie) Monica (Piero) Laura (Ella) HELP NEEDED Kathryn (Camille) Catherine (Annabell) Leesa (Ava) Maria (Mia) Carmel (Dorien) Your Canteen still has spaces to fill in on the Roster CAN YOU HELP? Please call school (9481 5860) or pop in and give your details to either Georgia or Jo. COMING SOON: PYJAMA & HOT CHOCOLATE DAY THE ENTERTAINMENT BOOK FUNDRAISER The Entertainment Book fundraiser is happening again for 2015! Forms are attached for online ordering. Any queries, please contact Trish or Mich in the Office. Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au April 23rd 2015 Newsletter No.11 Parents As Scientists 2015 Dear Parents, We are asking for your help! We are aware that you may be either currently working (or have previously worked) in a scientific field. Over the last few years we have had parents; friends of families or relatives of students, present a variety of different science lessons to students from N.F.P.S. in a ‘Parents as Scientists’ program. These have included the topics of: Plants The Human Body Genetics Microbiology Psychology Cells in your body Variety of different experiments including making slime and making rockets etc. Food science Earth science Insects Computer science We are asking you to present a session (of approximately 40 minute’s duration) to students. The lesson you choose to provide is entirely up to you. You may wish to talk to the students about the work you do and provide some visual aids for the students to see first hand what it is all about, or you may decide to do a hands-on activity using scientific equipment. The school can provide some science equipment if necessary. We also have a data projector for slide shows and other computer-based visual aids. The Parents as Scientists program is running this Term 2. Any parent who is involved in science and would like to host a session is welcome to join. It is anticipated that the program will run as per previous years. Sessions will be held before school on Tuesdays (8.00am to 8.40am) for a small group of Year 5/6 students. Please return the completed form to school and we will contact you with further details. Thank you ALL, for supporting our students in this program this year. Thank you, Nick Morrison-Story Science SIT Member I _______________________________________ am interested in providing my services to the ‘Parents as Scientist’ Program. Child’s Name: ____________________________ Grade _________________ Contact No: _____________________________ Email: ___________________________________ Science field I am interested in presenting to the students: ______________________________ Availability options: 1) Date: ________________________ 2) Date: ________________________ Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au April 23rd 2015 Newsletter No.11 PARENTS AS TEACHER HELPERS 2015 TWO MORE TRAINING SESSION TIMES Dear Parents, One of the avenues for community involvement we offer parents is our “parents as teacher helpers” program. Teacher helpers benefit all the students in a class by working with groups of students designated by the teacher. All teacher helpers are required to present a copy of a current Working with Children Check to the school prior to helping out and attend a training session. It is also a necessary requirement of the school that you read and sign a confidentiality agreement each year. If you are interested in participating in our “Parents as Teacher Helpers” program and have NOT previously attended a training session, please select and attend one of the sessions listed below. These sessions are designed to inform parents about the role of teacher helpers. The issues of privacy and confidentiality will also be addressed. All sessions will be held in the teacher space next to my office in the Junior Building at the following times. Parents are asked to nominate to attend ONE of these sessions. Each session will be of approximately 15 minutes in duration. Session Four – Tuesday 5th May at 9:15 am Session Five – Thursday 7th May at 3:00 pm If you are interested in being a Teacher Helper and have NOT previously participated in a training session, please complete the form below and return it to your child’s teacher by Monday 4h April 2015. Thank you, Linda Ratcliffe Assistant Principal- Early Years …………………………………………………………………………….. Yes, I would like to be a Teacher Helper in 2015 Name: ………………………………………………………….. Child’s name: ……………………………………. Class: …………………. I will attend the following training session………………………………………… Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au April 23rd 2015 Newsletter No.11 THE OSHC NEWSLETTER April 23rd 2015 (fitzroynthoshs@hotmail.com) IMPORTANT DATES: Friday April 24th Ezi debit date Monday 27th April Term 2 Kids Clubs begin Friday May 1st First account for term 2 due Thurs May 7th – Monday May 11th Tanya away Sophie and Lena in charge after 4.30pm Thank you Nicole Cooper OSHC Coordinator/First Aid Officer 9482 4273 between 8.15am -11am 2pm-4.30pm 9481 5860 between 11am – 2pm Tanya Maroun Assistant Coordinator 10.15 am-6.15 pm 9482 4273 ACCOUNTS OUT NOW-DUE FRIDAY MAY 1ST If you did not receive your account on Monday April 13th please send an email to asc@fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au and another copy will be issued to you. NATIONAL QUALITY STANDARDS ASSESSMENT RESULTS: Late last term our before and after school care programs were assessed by an authorised officer from the Victorian Department of Education and Training, Quality Assessment and Regulation Northern Metropolitan area. I am happy to report that we have been notified of our results in the 7 Quality Areas, and we received an overall rating of ‘Exceeding National Quality Standard’ which is a terrific outcome. On behalf of the OSHC Sub Committee of management I would like to thank all the educators at OSHC for their amazing support and hard work in ensuring our service operates at this high standard. A copy of our report is available upon request from the aftercare office. SCHOOL GATES AND CHILDREN’S SAFETY: To ensure the safety of all children when at school as well as during before and after school we ask that families please assist us in reminding your child/ren that they cannot leave the school grounds unless they have been sign out by a parent or guardian. If they see you pull up to the school, they are not allowed to walk outside the gate area to meet you. Parents must come inside and sign them out first. Educators run daily meetings with the children at aftercare and we are focusing on this reminder daily to ensure children understand the importance of this rule. As a result we have also placed some orange witch’s hats near the gate outlining to children that they cannot go beyond this area unless they have been signed out first. KIDS CLUB BROCHURE FOR TERM 2: Our kids clubs in aftercare will begin next week. A copy of the brochure and authorisation form can be obtained from the round table in the Hall. Children are not forced to participate in these clubs. Some of the exciting clubs for this term are: Green Team (learning about Sustainability and caring for our environment), Design Club, Scrap book Club, and AFL club, just to name a few. If you or your child has an idea for any future clubs we would love to hear your feedback. Thank you Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au April 23rd 2015 FNPS PARENTS ASSOCIATION NEWS For any questions about the Parents Association, or to become a member, please contact Vinu Patel (President) on 0414 789 432 or Simone Stevenson (Vice-President on 0426 257 904 or email nfpspa@gmail.com Other PA News: The PA will be coordinating one event each term (see below); if you would like to volunteer to help, please get in contact with us. Term 2: Walk to School Day Term 3: Holiday film day at Westgarth Cinema Term 4: Parent Social Event Newsletter No.11 PRINCES HILL SECONDARY COLLEGE Princes Hill Secondary College will be holding a Grade 6 information evening for potential Year 7 enrolments for 2015. This will be held on Wednesday the 29th April. There are two sessions, the first at 4:00pm and another at 7:00pm. There is no need to book through the school Tours for Grade 6 students wanting to attend Princes Hill Secondary College in 2016 will be each Wednesday and Thursday To book for the tour, could parents please phone Princes Hill Secondary College on 03 9389 0600. Tours begin at 9:00am, so please arrive by 8:50am. NORTHCOTE HIGH SCHOOL School Open Morning - Tuesday 28 April Open Morning 2015 will be held on Tuesday 28 April between 9 am and 12 noon. All prospective parents and students are welcome and there is no need to book in advance for this event. Registration takes place on arrival. SECONDARY SCHOOL OPEN DAYS FITZROY HIGH SCHOOL Fitzroy High School - OPEN DAY Thursday 30 April Parent information sessions run at 9.30 am, 11.30 am with a repeat session at 7.00 pm. School Tours in Term Two The student led tours will offer prospective students and their families the opportunity to see the whole school in action, from Year 7 – 12 School day tours for prospective parents and students run several times per week to Friday May 22. The tours depart from our foyer at 9.15 am and take about one hour. See our website for exact dates. Please ring to book a place as places are limited (9488 2300) Morning Tea to meet our staff: 11.15-11.45am ACE Program Testing Fitzroy High School INFORMATION EVENING Testing for entry to the 2016 ACE program will take place on the morning of Saturday 2 May. Applications must be received by close of business, Friday 24 April. Student-led Tours from 9.30am – 10.45 Thursday 30 April 7.30pm The information session will offer an insight into our schools vision for all students to become lifelong learners; reflective and creative thinkers; and responsible and active citizens through our humane and personalised approach to teaching and learning. Fitzroy High School Tours Every Tuesday at 9.30am Please ring 94881900 to make a tour booking (Cnr Falconer & Michael Sts North Fitzroy) Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au April 23rd 2015 10 Newsletter No.11 RESEARCHED-BACKED TIPS FOR RAISING HAPPY KIDS Michael Grose I have just returned from a research trip to the Yale Centre for Emotional Intelligence near New York. The Yale Centre is home of the RULER Program, the world’s best emotional intelligence program for children and families. The thing that I love about the RULER Program is that it’s totally evidence-based. Its effectiveness is backed by mountains of scientific evidence, so credibility is assured. But that’s all I can tell you about the program now – you’ll just have to wait. In the meantime, there are plenty of other evidence-based tips for parenting that I can share with you. Here are 10 research-backed tips for raising what most parents want: happy, successful kids. 1. Birth order matters Birth order is something parents need to work with. If you disregard the birth order of your children you are overlooking a vital piece of your parenting puzzle. For instance, research has shown that eldest children tend to experience greater mental health problems, particularly anxiety, than children in any other birth position. 2. Positive peers matter Recent research I was involved in demonstrated that the wellbeing of teenage girls is highly influenced by their peer groups. A positive peer group usually equated with high life satisfaction regardless of what other factors where at play. 3. Parent mental health matters If you want happy kids then you need to get yourself happy. Parent anxiety and depression is linked to behavioural problems in kids; it also makes our parenting less effective. 4. Sibling relationships matter Research shows that over the long haul healthy relationships makes kids happier. But how do you go about teaching kids to get on? Start by encouraging children to build small acts of kindness, which builds empathy. 5. Developmental matching matters A number of studies have shown that much of what is considered ‘poor parenting’ has more to do with poor developmental matching. Put simply, parents who raise an eleven-year-old like they did their eight-year-old may find that conflict and resistance become their constant companions, and unhappiness accompanies their child. 6. Good parenting matters Permissive, laissez faire, autocratic or authoritative parenting? The links between authoritative parenting (a mixture of firmness, warmth and family participation) and children’s happiness and wellbeing are well drawn. 7. Family dinners matter Significant research links family strength and children’s wellbeing with regular family mealtimes. Importantly, there is a high correlation between teenagers who eat with their family at least five times a week and good mental health. 8. Fun matters Researchers believe that the dramatic drop in unstructured play time is in part responsible for slowing kids’ cognitive and emotional development. Unstructured play helps children learn how to work in groups, to share, negotiate, resolve conflicts, regulate their emotions and behaviour, and speak up for themselves. 9. Helping others matters The Positive Psychology movement know what they are talking about when they put volunteering at the forefront of an individual’s wellbeing. Helping others makes you happy over the long term. 10. Emotional intelligence matters Emotional intelligence is a skill, not an inborn trait. Kids learn best when they have concrete tools to assist their learning, whether learning to read (books come in handy), playing sport (a ball and some goalposts helps) or learning to dance (some suitable music helps). Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au April 23rd 2015 Newsletter No.11 Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au April 23rd 2015 Newsletter No.11 Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au THE NFPS ADVERTISEMENTS This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements AFTERSCHOOL ACTIVITIES JANE’S DRAMA CLASSES FOR BUDDING ACTORS Placements have become available for new students to join Jane’s drama classes. Now in its fourth year, the drama classes aim to engage, inspire and teach children theatrical skills whilst building their confidence, self-empowerment and creative expression. With over 20 years’ experience as a professional actor, Jane’s classes include games, activities, improvisation, story building and performance techniques. At the conclusion of each term, family and friends are invited to attend a small presentation by the students. Numbers are restricted so enrol now! Day: Wednesdays Place: The Studio Time: 3.40 - 4.20 for 8 - 12 year olds. 4.30 - 5.00 for 5 - 7 year olds. Jane holds a current WWC license. Expressions of interest and questions can be directed to Jane via janeconroy@y7mail.com Basketball Clinics Beginner Programs Saturdays commencing 18th April Aussie Hoops 5 – 8 years at 9am & 1.30pm Mini Ball 7 – 10 years at 10am & 12.30pm Tuesdays commencing 21st April Little Stars 3 & 4 year olds 4.20, 4.55 pm All Star Hoops grades prep – 3 at 4.30pm Mini Ball grades 3 – 6 at 5.30pm Access for All Abilities Saturdays commencing 18th April 11.15am – 12.30pm For children 6 – 16 with special needs For more information and to register go to www.collingwood.basketball.net.au Enquiries: Megan Rouse 0417 106 490 REGISTRATIONS ARE STILL OPEN TO JOIN: U9 & U10 (boys & girls), U12 & U13 boys and U12 Girls teams. For new players who wish to play in 2015, you must register online via this link https://reg.sportingpulse.com/v6/regoform.cgi? aID=5165&pKey=e3a384bf35da4d7fa1f2f4aec a8668f3&cID=11766&formID=36056. If you have any questions please contact registration@fitzroyjuniorfc.com.au Green Frogs North Fitzroy Library Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au THE NFPS ADVERTISEMENTS This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements A fun Reading Circle for kids in prep to grade three Run on the first Wednesday of every month during term time North Fitzroy Library Wednesday 4 February 4pm – 5pm For more information contact Bridget 1300 695 427 If you have any question please email info@abcmusicgroup.com.au or call 9427 8049 KEYBOARD & GUITAR PROGRAM TERM 2, 2015 The ABC Music Group will be providing the after school keyboard & guitar programs commencing in Term 2, 2015. Students currently having keyboard and guitar lessons in term 1 and wish to continue in term 2 will need to enrol online into the ABC Music program Lessons are available after school The program provides a fun introduction to music and also assists students thinking to continue their music education in secondary school. PROGRAM FEATURES ♫ 30 minute small group (3 to 4 students) or individual lessons ♫ ♫ Only keyboards are provided during the lessons ♫ Parent/Guardian will be invoiced for the cost of the lessons Current students can use their existing music books Keyboard & Guitar Group Lessons ($150 per term plus books) Keyboard & Guitar Individual Lessons ($33 per lesson - $330 per term plus books) To enrol please go on to our website www.abcmusicgroup.com.au/enrol-for-schoolprogram then to “After School Program” Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au THE NFPS ADVERTISEMENTS This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements ADVERTISEMENTS BLANK CANVAS 179 Greetings from blank canvas 179. As part of your local community, we can help you… Mother’s Day is just around the corner and we have just the right items to spoil your special mother. Stuck for ideas? We will have you wrapped. Here are a few items to help you choose: Beautiful textured cushions, indoor/outdoor cushions Upcycled scented candle crystal bowls Egg shell/gunmetal coloured ceramic vases Copper vases, bowls and salad servers Artificial Peony roses, lillies and magnolia stems Potted artificial orchids Lamp shades Design or Colour Consultation So come in to see what we have, as the Showroom brings in new stock regularly. Hours of operation: Wed/Thurs 10am-5.30pm Fri 10am-6.00pm Sat 10am- 3pm Sun 10am -1pm blank canvas 179 179 St George’s Rd PH: 9482 2443 CHILDCARE AVAILABLE AFTERCARE 2015 BABYSITTING LIST NAME SARAH R JESSI BRIONY STEVEN OLIVER ANNABEL CONTACT DETAILS sarahrileysmith@gmail.com 0410 420 587 0437 475 118 0414 187 516 0422 205 767 0430 450 229 0433 236 215 annabelgrigg@gmail.com LENA JACK HANNAH 0430 106 133 0400 138 897 0411 452 080 hannahecantwell@gmail.com SOPHIE BRAD 0432 688 332 0424 661 050 KAHLI LIAM YANN SARAH C 0423 307 809 0437 352 606 0449 856 531 0409 795 767 bradley.s.arthur@gmail.com I’m 18 years old, responsible and love looking after kids. I have my WWC and have looked after children from as little as 4 months – 10 year olds. Available for after school pick-ups and weekend work. I can give references too! I’m an ex student of Fitzroy North Primary School. Jessica Phillips 0412 678 312 I’m a second year Melbourne University student available for babysitting in the local area, experienced with children and reliable. Please contact Mollie on 0433206324. Improve posture with Pilates and Alexander Technique for better balance in mind & body www.rediscoverease.com 0430 33 77 85 Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au THE NFPS ADVERTISEMENTS This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements DRUMMOND STREET FAMILY SERVICES Family Relationship courses All courses below are held at drummond street services, 100 Drummond Street, Carlton This three week course explores the basics of Relationship Renovation happy relationships and helps support couples Tuesday, 19, 26 May, & 2 June strengthen their bonds, improve on 6.30 – 8.30pm communication and better deal with conflict. Cost: $150 – concession available with a Health Care Card. For couples in a stepfamily or considering Stepping Up starting one. This three week course explores Thursday, 23, 30 April & 7 May the different dynamics in stepfamilies 6.30 – 8.30pm compared to nuclear families. Cost: $150 – concession available with a Health Care Card. For couples in a stepfamily or considering Making Stepfamilies Work starting one. This program covers many of the Saturdays 16, 30 May, & 13 June issues stepfamilies have to face, including 10.00am – 3.30pm relationship histories, parenting styles and divided loyalties. Cost: $295 – concession available with a Health Care Card. Parenting Seminars How to Talk so Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk Tuesdays, six weeks Starting 28 April – 2 June 6.30 – 8.30pm For parents of children aged 2 – 12 Based on the well known parenting book by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish Cost: $60 single, $90 couple or family rate, concession available with a Health Care card. Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au THE NFPS ADVERTISEMENTS This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements PARENTING TEENAGERS Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au THE NFPS ADVERTISEMENTS This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements NEED MORE ENERGY? TRIAL WEEK ONLY $19.95 (4 SESSIONS INCL) JOIN NOW! http://www.b2sf.com.au/ourschools/ With support from Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au THE NFPS ADVERTISEMENTS This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au THE NFPS ADVERTISEMENTS This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements SCHOOL CROSSING SUPERVISORS NEEDED! Do you enjoy being outdoors? Enjoy working with children and giving back to the community while you get paid? Then please read on… Various Locations Fantastic Hours Casual / On Call work Positions to commence immediately Casual on call positions are currently available in various locations for School Crossing Supervisors. You must have the following: Be available Monday – Friday from 8-9am and 3-4pm Have/be willing to obtain a Working with Children’s Check. Have a Victorian Drivers Licence and own reliable car. If this sounds like the position for you then contact Jessica at HOBAN on 9325 3200 or fax resume to 9325 3299 NOW! Look for your next newsletter Thursday, April 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au
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