October 16th 2014 Newsletter No.32 THE NFPS NEWS DATES FOR YOUR DIARY TERM4 Oct Fri Mon Nov 17 20 Tues Tues Fri 21 28 31 Mon Tues 3 4 9 12 14 Wed Fri OSHC Accounts Due 2015 OSHC Registration forms out Grade 2 Excursion – Werribee Zoo Preps – “Tiddalick” Workshop Grade 6 Graduation photo Gr 5/6 Extended Bike Ride Gr 4 Excursion Student Free Day – School Closed for all Students Melbourne Cup Day - Public Holiday SCHOOL FETE DAY Prep Transition Starts 2015 OSHC Registration Closes FROM YOUR PRINCIPAL Desperately seeking volunteers: The Canteen Needs your Love: These two wonderful people are employed to run your Canteen. Every day of the week, should you require the service as busy parents, a healthy customised lunch can be ordered from the Canteen for your child, and that is then delivered to the classroom in time for lunch. In addition, the Canteen serves healthy snacks at recess. I wish, when I was a busy working parent, that I had had access to such a service. My poor child threw his abysmal –scraped- together lunch out daily, he now tells me, as neither his father nor I had the time to put into preparing the thoughtful, nutritionally sound and healthy lunch that our students can get from the Canteen. Unfortunately, the school can only continue to offer this service if the Canteen can break even financially each year. For this to happen, we rely on parent volunteers. We have close to 800 parents. If only 25% offered one day voluntarily a year, we’d be right! Your generosity with one day of your life per year would really help. Thanks for your support of the Fete On the note of supporting your child’s school in these days where Government funding seems to be ever dwindling, thanks to all those stalwarts who always work tirelessly for the Fete, and to all the new parents who have come on board for the first time this year. We rely heavily on the funds we raise through our Fete for the “icing” on our educational “cake”, and the children and teachers collectively thank you in advance for what promises to be another NFPS Fete triumph! Introducing Juliana, our new French and Mandarin teacher (below) Connie Watson – Principal Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 23rd or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au October 16th 2014 Newsletter No.32 PROFILE OF OUR NEW FRENCH / MANDARIN TEACHER: JULIANA NGIAM To help you gain a better appreciation of the skills and experience I bring to these programs, below is a snapshot of my background and credentials. Background I was born in Singapore of Chinese descent, and studied both English and Mandarin at primary school, later adding French as a third language in high school. After migrating to Sydney, I continued with Mandarin and French studies, where I discovered an aptitude for languages and a love for travelling. This led to a Bachelor’s degree in French, Japanese and Spanish, after which I taught English in Japan as a TESOL instructor for two years. On return to Sydney, the siren call of the corporate sector led to a Masters in Commerce (majoring in Asian Economics), which segued into a career in the internet sector as a project manager for 13+ years, courting clients such as Canon, Toyota, Foxtel and the Federal Government. Needless to say, all a walk in the park compared to teaching Preps to Yr 6 as a primary school teacher since 2011 Language Teaching Philosophy and Approach Exposure to the teaching methodologies of five different languages from primary to tertiary level, and experience as a TESOL and generalist primary school teacher, has given me a robust understanding of the key principles integral to successful language learning. In brief, children learn languages most effectively when it is relevant, interactive and creative. RELEVANT: All French and Mandarin lessons at NFPS are custom-created using the best and most up-to-date resources from the Victorian Department of Education, language textbooks, and digital/internet resources. Planning for each year level is based on the AusVELS Language Curriculum guidelines. This ensures that students are equipped to progress smoothly into high school language classes in ensuing years. Importantly, all NFPS French and Mandarin lessons focus on providing language and vocabulary that students use in their everyday lives. This encourages them to use it as often as possible in and out of school with family and friends. Vocabulary and grammar are taught implicitly through conversational language, so that these are absorbed easily through frequent use in context. INTERACTIVE & CREATIVE: Language learning requires a lot of memorization. Students remember best when all five senses and creative faculties are engaged. Being a musician (piano AMEB Grade 8 and ukulele player) and an amateur artist, I am a passionate advocate of using the arts to convey a sense of joyous learning in the classroom. Students are encouraged to interact frequently with each other to practice dialogues and vocabulary through music, art and drama. Experience and credentials at a glance: Qualifications Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Uni. Auckland) Master of Commerce (UNSW) Bachelor of Arts (UNSW - French, Japanese, Spanish) TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Teaching experience and highlights Primary Teacher Yr 2-6: Cairns & Auckland (2011 – 2013) Founder of St Joseph’s School Ukulele Club (NZ): we played at the 2011 NZ Rugby World Cup celebrations Founder of Holy Cross School Mandarin Club (Cairns) Please feel free to contact me via the office if you have any questions or would like to discuss your children’s progress. Thank you very much for your continued support! Merci beaucoup and xie xie, Juliana Ngiam Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 23rd or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au October 16th 2014 Newsletter No.32 VERY HAPPY GRADE 3 & 4 CAMPERS Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 23rd or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au October 16th 2014 Newsletter No.32 “HAPPY ITALIAN SPEAKING CAMPERS” ITALIAN CAMP 2014 Salve! Eccoci al Campeggio Italiano! Che tempo magnifico! Last week 15 students from NFPS were on an Italian study camp with 5 other schools from the Inner Northern Italian network! They visited the original macaroni factory and cricket willow settled by Swiss Italians - more information in next week's newsletter. NEW BURMESE BRIDGE ON THE BLOCK HERE TIS! Multiple requests from Junior School Council have finally resulted in this new piece of equipment. Enjoy! Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 23rd or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au October 16th 2014 JSC NEWS Do you have the cutest pet at NFPS? Newsletter No.32 ATHLETICS Division Athletics Wednesday 8th October 2014 Lort Smith- Animal Hospital Fundraiser Cutest Pet Photo Competition The JSC will be running “The Cutest Pet at NFPS” photo competition to raise money for the Lort Smith Animal Hospital. Entry: You can enter a photo of your pet for just $2. All photos will then be put on display. Voting: Students can vote for the pet they think is the cutest for just 50 cents. Winner: The photo with the most votes will win “The Cutest Pet at NFPS”. The winner will win a pet hamper, as well as the photo being published in the North Fitzroy Newsletter. All students who vote for the winner will then go into a draw to win a special prize. When: Photo entries (no larger than A4 size) must be submitted from week 3-5 and voting will open in Week 6. The winner will be announced at Assembly in week 8. Please put your name and grade at the back of the photo so it can be return to you. Good luck! Lou Corso & JSC reps. BACK 2 SCHOOL FITNESS Back 2 School Fitness is running fundraising group fitness sessions here at school in the hall. They are offering ONE FREE WEEK of these sessions – at 6:00 am on Monday 20th, Wednesday 22nd, Friday Congratulations to all students that participated at Division Athletics on Wednesday 8th October. We had a great day with some excellent results. Some of the better results included Saskia 2nd High Jump, Eva 1st Shot Put, Fionnuala 1st Discus, Charlotte 2nd 1500m, Adam 1st Discus, Chris 1st in Shot Put, Taran 1st in High Jump and Shot Put and Scarlett 2nd in 1500. These students participated at Regional level on Wednesday 15th at Meadowglen Athletics Track in Epping. Lou Corso 24th and at 8.00 am on Saturday 25th. Please contact rhianwen@b2sf.com.au. Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 23rd or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au October 16th 2014 Newsletter No.32 REGIONAL ATHLETICS Khan Academy Maths homework for Grades 3-6 is set by classroom teachers through Khan Academy. All students have an account and teachers can monitor their progress. Khan Academy provides individual learning programs for students and has a curriculum spanning from kindergarten to university level. Parents can also join, there is no cost. See the Khan Academy site for instructions on joining as a parent. www.khanacademy.org Mastery of 3rd Grade Congratulations to James K (3C) and the Michelle E. (mother of Campbell 3C) on Mastering 3rd Grade. Well done! FETE 2014 PICK UP YOUR FETE SIGNAGE BOARDS Congratulations to Saskia who finished third in high jump at Regional Athletics on Wednesday 15th October. SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING DATES The following are the dates for the school council meetings: November 12th December 10th Fete Signage – It’s time to start advertising that our fete is coming up! We have 100 signboards 60x80cm promoting the fete. If you live on a busy road where lots of people could see our sign, please collect one from the office now. SPECIAL THANKS A very BIG special thank you to Georgia Hargraves for collecting all the signatures necessary for our Road Closure Permit that is required for Fete Day. FAMILY HELP! ABC BAND PRACTICE ABC Band practice will be on every Thursday morning from 8:20 am in the Music room! Please bring instruments and music stands. We are trying to locate the family that have a contact with a chicken farm? We need to know for the Fete. Please call Georgia Hogg at school Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 23rd or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au October 16th 2014 Newsletter No.32 BOOKSTALL We are now collecting Books Please send your books along NOW! It would be a great help if you could put the books in low-sided fruit/veggie boxes (ask your fruit store for a couple) and sort them into children's books, adult fiction and adult non-fiction. Books can be dropped off directly to the portable classroom - please put books in the alcove to the left as you come in the first door. Thanks for your help, Megan 0417 535 510 CRAFT HELPERS NEEDED PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING FOR CANTEEN DUTY… YOU CAN SIGN UP ANY TIME. WE URGENTLY NEED YOUR HELP! Just call 9481 5860 IF YOU CANNOT MAKE YOUR SHIFT, PLEASE LET THE OFFICE OR CANTEEN KNOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If you have an ability to sew, knit or crochet we need your help for the Fete Craft Stall. There will be a regular stitching group to join for those who would like inspiration and support. We knit and crochet tea cosies, small dolls blankets and stuffed knitted toys. If you are able to assist with any of these please contact the school office or me on naomiweavers@gmail.com or 0422586187 EMERGENCY HELPERS ALSO NEEDED. SPECIAL – UNTIL SOLD OUT Twisty bolognaise pasta $5.00 CANTEEN NEWS & ROSTER 2014 OCT Mon 27 Tue 28 Wed 29 Thur 30 Fri 31 Catherine Morton Fozia Mohammed Rachelle Binney Sandra Pozzebon Kate Cordukes NOV Mon 3 Tue 4 Wed 5 Thur 6 Fri 7 Student Free Day Melbourne Cup Day Marnie Cahill Claire Dunning Nadia Hume Lindy Whyte Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 23rd or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au October 16th 2014 SHAKESPEARE CLUB 1. The Shakespeare Club desperately needs artificial flowers donated Newsletter No.32 FNPS PARENTS ASSOCIATION NEWS UPCOMING EVENTS FILM NIGHTS The Parents Association will be holding a film night fundraiser at Westgarth Cinemas in Term 3. It will be a great way to catch up with parents and friends, have a night out and fundraise! If you are interested in helping with the organisation of the film night please contact Simone on 0426 257 904. Keep a look out for the film, date and ticket details in the newsletter. SAUSAGE SIZZLE - STATE ELECTION DAY The Parents Association will be running a sausage sizzle fundraiser on Election Day, Saturday 29 November. If you are interested in helping out please contact Simone on 0426 257 904. PLEASE LEAVE AT FRONT OFFICE THANK YOU FROM JSC Thank you to City of Yarra for your kind donation of our recycled bins. All classrooms now have them. NEXT MEETING of the Parent’s Association Wednesday 29th October 7.30pm Lord Newry Hotel upstairs For any questions about the Parents Association or to join contact Vinu Patel on 0414 789 432 or Simone Stevenson on 0426 257 904 EXCURSION PAYMENTS Dear Parents, Just to clarify, when you receive an excursion permission form for your child, the form needs to be signed and sent back to school as soon as possible. Payment for the activity can be made when you receive your next monthly statement so you do not need to send in small amounts of cash. The exceptions to this are camps, swimming and certain sports competitions – these will have an invoice attached to the permission form and must be paid for prior to the activity. If you have any difficulty making payments, or any questions in relation to your family statement, please do not hesitate to call the office. Michelle Westlake LOST PROPERTY Lost property will be bagged at the end of Monday 20th October and sent to charity. Weather permitting lost property will be in the playground on Friday and Monday for children and families to check through. Lost property is located on the rack next to the lift in the senior building at other times. Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 23rd or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 23rd or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au STUDENT FREE DAY BOOKING FORM MONDAY NOVEMBER 3RD 2014 FOR WORKING OR STUDYING FAMILIES ONLY THIS DAY WILL ONLY BE OFFERED IF A MINIMUM OF 25 CHILDREN ENROLS WHEN: MONDAY NOVEMBER 3rd WHERE: THE HALL COST: $45.00 PER CHILD TIME: (Day before Melbourne Cup Day) TBA CHILD NAMES: _____________________________ _____________________________ PARENT NAME: _________________________ PARENT EMAIL ADDRESS: _____________________ (For confirmation of booking) BOOKINGS CLOSE 6PM WEDNESDAY 29TH OCTOBER. BOOKINGS WILL NOT BE TAKEN AFTER THIS DATE. A program will be made available for families closer to this date indicating what fun filled activities we will be doing on this day. Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 23rd or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au THE OSHC NEWSLETTER th October 16 2014 (fitzroynthoshs@hotmail.com) IMPORTANT DATES: Monday 20th Oct Re-enrolment forms for returning OSHC families for 2015 issued Monday October 20th Kids Club commence in aftercare nd Wednesday Oct 22 AASC commences for Term 4 th Wednesday Oct 29 Bookings close for Student Free Day Monday Nov 3rd Student Free Day No School If you require care please complete Student Free Day Booking Form Attached to this newsletter. Thank You. Nicole Cooper OSHC Coordinator/First Aid Officer 9482 4273 between 8.15am -11am 2pm-4.30pm 9481 5860 between 11am – 2pm Tanya Maroun Assistant Coordinator 10.15am-6.15pm 9482 4273 Don’t forget to grab a Kids Club brochure from the round table. Clubs commence next week ACCOUNTS DUE TOMORROW. THIS ACCOUNT MUST BE PAID IN FULL BEFORE YOU CAN REENROL YOUR CHILD FOR 2015 2015 OSHC REGISTRATION FORMS: If your child requires before or after school care in 2015 you MUST complete a 2015 OSHC Registration form. Enrolment and bookings do not carry over each year, all families must re-enrol. Forms will be distributed with the newsletter on Thursday October 16 th. The latest OSHC account issued on Monday Oct 6th MUST BE PAID IN FULL before your 2015 OSHC Registration form can be processed. If you have an outstanding account with OSHC we will not be able to process your enrolment or bookings until the account is paid in full. Families who have Prep children commencing in 2015 please note that our 2.30pm to 3.30pm Prep Early Finish program will only be able to accommodate 30 children. Please ensure to complete a 2015 yellow OSHC registration form as well as the blue Prep Program form. Both forms can be returned no earlier than Monday Oct 20th up until Friday November 14th. Please ensure to hand enrolment forms to a staff member or to the front office. Please do not hand to your child’s class teacher. All forms must be dated and timed on arrival to assist with the allocation of places. A confirmation letter will be issued to families during the last 2 weeks of term indicating which days your child/ren have successfully booked in for 2015.Please note we have had waiting list in the past so please ensure to complete and return your registration forms before the closing date of Friday November 14th to avoid missing out on child care. Hard copies of the forms can also be collected from the front office or from outside the aftercare office after the 20th Oct. Copies can also be emailed upon request. SEE BELOW OUR PIZZA DAY PICS FROM THE LAST DAY OF TERM 3 Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 23rd or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au Week 3 Term 4 2014 *Remember this program is flexible and can change at any time. Free choice is provided every day. MONDAY 20.10.14 TUESDAY 21.10.14 WEDNESDAY 22.10.14 THURSDAY 23.10.14 FRIDAY 24.10.14 Sandwiches: Vegemite, Jam, Honey, Salad, Raisin Bread, Cream Cheese, Tuna, (chocolate spread & fairy bread on special days.) Lots of FRUIT. Sandwiches: Vegemite, Jam, Honey, Salad, Raisin Bread, Cream Cheese, Tuna, (chocolate spread & fairy bread on special days.) Lots of FRUIT. Sandwiches: Vegemite, Jam, Honey, Salad, Raisin Bread, Cream Cheese, Tuna, (chocolate spread & fairy bread on special days.) Lots of FRUIT. Sandwiches: Vegemite, Jam, Honey, Salad, Raisin Bread, Cream Cheese, Tuna, (chocolate spread & fairy bread on special days.) Lots of FRUIT. Chill out Fruit and vegetables, dips and crackers. Fruit and vegetables, dips and crackers. Fruit and vegetables, dips and crackers. Fruit and vegetables, dips and crackers. Inside Activities Free craft Paper Plate fish bowls Free craft Choc Chip Cookies w/jess Free craft. Clay Pendants w/Lucille Free craft. Dinosaurs box monsters Available every day Lego, mobilo, blocks, books, dress ups, pencils, textas, tape Paper, marble run, play mats, crayons, stencils Magazines, sports equipment, board games, Glue sticks, toy cars, soft toys, chalk, colouring in sheets, Dressups, Construction David Attenborough Weird Science Games Club Green Team Trivia & Puzzles Afternoon Snack 5óclock food. Library AASC Kids Clubs Outside Activities Cricket Club Frisbee Hoola Hoop Adventure playground Early Years Learning Framework Outcomes: 1-Children have a strong sense of identity. (Emotional, Social) 2-Children are connected with and contribute to their world. (Emotional, Social Cognitive) 3-Children have a strong sense of wellbeing. (Emotional, Social, Physical) 4-Children are confident and involved learners. (Emotional, Social, Cognitive) 5-Children are effective communicators. (Emotional, Social, Cognitive) GAMES READING MOVIES DRAWING RELAXING CRAFT Asphalt Basket Ball Courts
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