October 23rd 2014 Newsletter No.33 THE NFPS NEWS DATES FOR YOUR DIARY TERM4 Oct Mon 27 Tues 28 Fri 31 Nov Mon Tues Sun Mon Wed Fri Mon 3 4 9 10 12 14 24 Wed 26 Fete Logistics Meeting – Grade Parents 7.30pm Grade 6 Graduation photo Gr 5/6 Extended Bike Ride Gr 4 Excursion Student Free Day – School Closed for all Students Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday SCHOOL FETE DAY Grade 1 – Swimming Starts Preps 2015 - Transition Starts 9.15am 2015 OSHC Registration Closes Prep - Swimming Starts Gr 5s - Woorabinda Camp Preps 2015 - Dot Deviney, Guest Speaker FROM YOUR PRINCIPAL FETE preparation A huge thanks to the tireless, generous and community-minded parents who have been working so hard to make the Fete 2014 the best ever, not just for the students, but for the whole school. Recent Government cuts to State education continue to bite schools hard, and we are no exception. We need your fundraising efforts desperately to keep on improving the quality of the already great education we are delivering to your children. You have the whole community’s thanks. It’s going to be another great day! THE RED ROOM POETRY OBJECT COMPETITION Con Rigopoulos and I are pleased to announce that the short-listed poems for the Red Room Poetry Object have now been published. You can find the list uploaded and linked on the website. We just want to say how proud we are of the efforts of everyone who entered and say a huge congratulations to those who were short-listed. It is not an easy thing to have made it thus far and there are several reasons for this: There were over 2,550 talismanic object poems submitted this year (which looks to have been the most ever) so to make it to the short-list is amazing. Also, most of the short-lists as you’ll see were from New South Wales. That’s great but as the Red Room Company is based there, they offered workshops from experienced poets to help schools write their object poems. We did not have this option available at our school. Out of the 12 Grade 3 poems that were shortlisted (yep there were only 12), four of them were from our school. That’s one-third, which is amazing! We were one of the few (if not only) schools from Victoria that was government based and short-listed compared to other schools which were all private, independent and even selective. Personally, we think Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au October 23rd 2014 Newsletter No.33 this is an exceptional achievement. Well done! And good luck with winning! There’s only one chosen from Grades 3-6 across Australia. So, wherever our four shortlisted students go on to from here, we honestly feel they have already achieved an outstanding result to have gone this far. My Guinea Pig’ ~ Jack B, Year 3, North Fitzroy Primary School My Cat’ ~ Wolfgang C, Year 3, North Fitzroy Primary School My Reindeer’ ~ Sophie C, Year 3, North Fitzroy Primary School ‘Zebby’ ~ Sascha P, Year 3, North Fitzroy Primary School Its all happening for the Fete! Such an exciting time! Keep bringing in your donations and signing up for the Grade rosters everyone!! Connie Watson – Principal Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au October 23rd 2014 Newsletter No.33 Prep News On Tuesday, all our Prep students participated in a 'Drama Toolbox' workshop, as part of our Rich Learning Project for this Term. Students enjoyed music, movement, wearing costumes and playing the part of various Australian animals from the Aboriginal dreamtime story, Tiddalik the frog. Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au October 16th 2014 JSC NEWS Do you have the cutest pet at NFPS? Lort Smith- Animal Hospital Fundraiser Cutest Pet Photo Competition Newsletter No.32 CONGRATULATIONS LUCA Congratulations to Luca, who, after a long audition process, was recently offered a place at The Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School. VCASS is a specialist school that provides training to exceptional young dancers and musicians. Well done Luca! We’re all proud of you! The JSC will be running “The Cutest Pet at NFPS” photo competition to raise money for the Lort Smith Animal Hospital. Entry: You can enter a photo of your pet for just $2. All photos will then be put on display. Voting: Students can vote for the pet they think is the cutest for just 50 cents. Winner: The photo with the most votes will win “The Cutest Pet at NFPS”. The winner will win a pet hamper, as well as the photo being published in the North Fitzroy Newsletter. All students who vote for the winner will then go into a draw to win a special prize. When: Photo entries (no larger than A4 size) must be submitted from week 3-5 and voting will open in week 6. The winner will be announced at Assembly in week 8. Please put your name and grade at the back of the photo so it can be returned to you. Good luck! Lou Corso & JSC reps. SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING DATES BACK 2 SCHOOL FITNESS Back 2 School Fitness is running fundraising group fitness sessions here at school in the hall. They are The following are the dates for the school council meetings: November 12th December 10th offering ONE FREE WEEK of these sessions – at 6:00am on Monday 20th, Wednesday 22nd, Friday 24th and at 8.00am on Saturday 25th. Please contact rhianwen@b2sf.com.au. ABC BAND PRACTICE ABC Band practice will be on every Thursday morning from 8:20 am in the Music room! Please bring instruments and music stands. Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 23rd or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au October 16th 2014 KHAN ACADEMY Maths homework for Grades 3-6 is set by classroom teachers through Khan Academy. All students have an account and teachers can monitor their progress. Khan Academy provides individual learning programs for students and has a curriculum spanning from kindergarten to university level. Parents can also join, there is no cost. See the Khan Academy site for instructions on joining as a parent. www.khanacademy.org Newsletter No.32 Send them along to school. They are wanted by 5/6D! There is a red collection box in the school foyer and one in 5/6D. BOOKSTALL Claudia has earned nearly 70,000 points, bringing her total up over 200,000. We are now collecting Books Please send your books along NOW! It would be a great help if you could put the books in low-sided fruit/veggie boxes (ask your fruit store for a couple) and sort them into children's books, adult fiction and adult non-fiction. Books can be dropped off directly to the portable classroom - please put books in the alcove to the left as you come in the first door. Thanks for your help, Megan 0417 535 510 FETE 2014 CRAFT HELPERS NEEDED Grade 5/6E Claudia B. and Linh have led 5/6E in the last month. PICK UP YOUR FETE SIGNAGE BOARDS Fete Signage – It’s time to start advertising that our fete is coming up! We have 100 signboards 60x80cm promoting the fete. If you live on a busy road where lots of people could see our sign, please collect one from the office now. MYSTERY BOXES DONATIONS WANTED FOR THE FETE! I mean all those tiny toys that have collected at the bottom of the toy box and are no longer played with. Party favours, trinkets and stickers! Anything that will fit into a noodle box. If you have an ability to sew, knit or crochet we need your help for the Fete Craft Stall. There will be a regular stitching group to join for those who would like inspiration and support. We knit and crochet tea cosies, small dolls blankets and stuffed knitted toys. If you are able to assist with any of these please contact the school office or me on naomiweavers@gmail.com or 0422586187 WRISTBANDS The fete wristband order form will be sent out today. Orders MUST be received by Wednesday prior to fete day to receive the early bird discount. Extra copies of the order form will be available at the office. REMEMBER TO READ THIS WEEK’S FETE NEWSLETTER Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 23rd or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au October 16th 2014 CANTEEN NEWS & ROSTER 2014 OCT Mon 27 Tue 28 Wed 29 Thur 30 Fri 31 Catherine Morton Fozia Mohammed Help needed Sandra Pozzebon Kate Cordukes NOV Mon 3 Tue 4 Wed 5 Thur 6 Fri 7 Student Free Day Melbourne Cup Day Marnie Cahill Claire Dunning Nadia Hume Lindy Whyte Newsletter No.32 CANTEEN SPECIAL – UNTIL SOLD OUT Twisty bolognaise pasta $5.00 SHAKESPEARE CLUB The Shakespeare Club desperately needs artificial flowers donated PLEASE LEAVE AT FRONT OFFICE FNPS PARENTS ASSOCIATION NEWS PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING FOR CANTEEN DUTY… YOU CAN SIGN UP ANY TIME. WE URGENTLY NEED YOUR HELP! Just call 9481 5860 IF YOU CANNOT MAKE YOUR SHIFT, PLEASE LET THE OFFICE OR CANTEEN KNOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. EMERGENCY HELPERS ALSO NEEDED. UPCOMING EVENTS FILM NIGHTS The Parents Association will be holding a film night fundraiser at Westgarth Cinemas in late November. It will be a great way to catch up with parents and friends, have a night out and fundraise! If you are interested in helping with the organisation of the film night please contact Simone on 0426 257 904. Keep a look out for the film, date and ticket details in the newsletter. SAUSAGE SIZZLE - STATE ELECTION DAY The Parents Association will be running a sausage sizzle fundraiser on Election Day, Saturday 29 November. Thanks to those parents that have volunteered already. If you are interested in helping out please contact Simone on 0426 257 904. NEXT MEETING of the Parents Association Wednesday 29th October 7.30pm Lord Newry Hotel upstairs For any questions about the Parents Association or to join contact Vinu Patel on 0414 789 432 or Simone Stevenson on 0426 257 904 Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 23rd or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au STUDENT FREE DAY BOOKING FORM MONDAY NOVEMBER 3RD 2014 FOR WORKING OR STUDYING FAMILIES ONLY THIS DAY WILL ONLY BE OFFERED IF A MINIMUM OF 25 CHILDREN ENROL WHEN: MONDAY NOVEMBER 3rd WHERE: THE HALL COST: $45.00 PER CHILD TIME: (Day before Melbourne Cup Day) TBA CHILD NAMES: _____________________________ _____________________________ PARENT NAME: _________________________ PARENT EMAIL ADDRESS: _____________________ (For confirmation of booking) BOOKINGS CLOSE 6PM WEDNESDAY 29TH OCTOBER. BOOKINGS WILL NOT BE TAKEN AFTER THIS DATE. A program will be made available for families closer to this date indicating what fun filled activities we will be doing on this day. Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au THE OSHC NEWSLETTER rd October 23 2014 (fitzroynthoshs@hotmail.com) IMPORTANT DATES: Wednesday Oct 22nd AASC commences for term 4 Friday October 24th OSHC Accounts Out Wednesday Oct 29 Bookings close for Student Free Day th Monday Nov 3rd Student Free Day No School If you require care please complete Student Free Day Booking Form Attached to this newsletter. Tuesday Nov 4th Melb Cup Day No School Or OSHC Thank You. Nicole Cooper OSHC Coordinator/First Aid Officer 9482 4273 between 8.15am -11am 2pm-4.30pm Don’t forget to grab a Kids Club brochure from the round table. Clubs began this week SCHEDULE OF FINAL ACCOUNTS FOR 2014. As the year is drawing closer and closer, I thought I would inform OSHC families of the upcoming invoice issue and due dates for the remainder of the year. ISSUE DATE DUE DATE EZI DEBIT DATE th th Fri Oct 24 (Tomorrow) Fri Nov 7 Fri Oct 31st th th Mon Nov 17 Fri Nov 28 Fri Nov 28th Mon Dec 1st (Final Acc) Friday Dec 12th Friday Dec 12th If you have a grade 6 child or a child who is not returning to NFPS in 2015, you will be issued your final account for the year on Monday Nov 17th. This final account for nonreturning children is required to be paid in full BEFORE MONDAY DECEMBER 1ST. If your child will not be requiring care in 2015 please ensure to notify us so that we can update our records and take you off our mailing list. 2015 OSHC REGISTRATION FORMS: Did you receive your Registration forms last week? If not, you can collect a hard copy from either the front office or from outside the aftercare office or round sign in/out table in the hall. Registrations are coming in quiet fast and if you have a prep child attending in 2015, please note that the 2.30-3.25 Prep Early finish Program is almost booked out! If your account is overdue, you will not be able to re-register your child for 2015 unless your account is up to date. STUDENT FREE DAY MONDAY NOV 3RD: Last week in the newsletter there was a booking sheet for those families requiring a full day of child care on Monday November 3rd (day before Cup Day public holiday) . A reminder that bookings close at 6pm Wednesday 29th Oct. Care will only be offered if we receive a minimum of 25 children booked in for this day. Bookings will not be received after this date so please return your first asap if requiring care. 9481 5860 between 11am – 2pm Tanya Maroun Assistant Coordinator 10.15am-6.15pm 9482 4273 Look for your next newsletter Thursday, October 30th or on our website www.fitzroynthps.vic.edu.au Week 4 Term 4 2014 *Remember this program is flexible and can change at any time. Free choice is provided every day. THIS WEEK’S THEME IS ….…HALLOWEEN Afternoon Snack 5óclock food. MONDAY 27.10.14 TUESDAY 28.10.14 WEDNESDAY 29.10.14 THURSDAY 30.10.14 Sandwiches: Vegemite, Jam, Honey, Salad, Raisin Bread, Cream Cheese, Tuna, (chocolate spread & fairy bread on special days.) Lots of FRUIT. Sandwiches: Vegemite, Jam, Honey, Salad, Raisin Bread, Cream Cheese, Tuna, (chocolate spread & fairy bread on special days.) Lots of FRUIT. Sandwiches: Vegemite, Jam, Honey, Salad, Raisin Bread, Cream Cheese, Tuna, (chocolate spread & fairy bread on special days.) Lots of FRUIT. Sandwiches: Vegemite, Jam, Honey, Salad, Raisin Bread, Cream Cheese, Tuna, (chocolate spread & fairy bread on special days.) Lots of FRUIT. Fruit and vegetables, dips and crackers. Fruit and vegetables, dips and crackers. Fruit and vegetables, dips and crackers. Fruit and vegetables, dips and crackers. Free craft 3D Pumpkins Free craft. Spooktacular Bats Free craft. Spider plate Webs Library FRIDAY 31.10.14 Chillout GAMES READING MOVIES DRAWING RELAXING CRAFT HALLOWEEN Inside Activities Free craft Candy Corn Handprints Available every day Lego, mobilo, blocks, books, dress ups, pencils, textas, tape Paper, marble run, play mats, crayons, stencils Magazines, sports equipment, board games, Gluesticks, toy cars, soft toys, chalk, colouring in sheets, Dressups, Construction David Attenborough Weird Science Games Club Green Team Trivia & Puzzles AASC Kids Clubs Outside Activities Endangered animal profiles Frisbee Hoola Hoop nature hanging mobiles Adventure playground Early Years Learning Framework Outcomes: 1-Children have a strong sense of identity. (Emotional, Social) 2-Children are connected with and contribute to their world. (Emotional, Social Cognitive) 3-Children have a strong sense of wellbeing. (Emotional, Social, Physical) 4-Children are confident and involved learners. (Emotional, Social, Cognitive) 5-Children are effective communicators. (Emotional, Social, Cognitive) Asphalt Basket Ball Courts ||INSIGHTS|| by Michael Grose - No. 1 parenting educator Making school drop-offs hassle-free “One common transition challenge occurs at school-drop-off time. Some kids are passive resisters on a deliberate go-slow. Others more actively resist their parents’ efforts to get them to school with tears, tantrums or tiredness.” There are a number of trouble spots for parents, and they have one thing in common. They all occur around a child’s transition from one activity or place to another. Transitions from play to dinnertime, television to bedtime or from bed to the breakfast table are common battlefields for parents. Kids want to do one thing, yet family requirements mean that they have to do something else. A battle can ensue with children dawdling, whining or refusing point blank to budge! Parenting is always hard work at these times. One common transition challenge occurs at school-drop-off time. Some kids are passive resisters on a deliberate goslow. Others more actively resist their parents’ efforts to get them to school with tears, tantrums or tiredness. Children’s tears at drop-off time play at the heart strings of compassionate parents, particularly those who feel guilty about leaving their child. Tantrums are another way children keep parents busy and their complaints about being too tired indicate that perhaps an earlier bedtime is in order. Usually it’s children in the early years of primary school who present most difficulty at school drop-off times. Essentially these drop-off problems are separation issues that can easily be resolved by supportive teachers and some tough love parenting. It’s worth remembering that a developmental task for children is to separate from their parents, so that they can benefit from being around other adults. Parents who resist this imperative, allowing their child to cling to them are doing their youngster a disservice. If dropping kids off at school in the morning is a problem here’s a few ideas that may help. Your aim as a parent is to establish a new pattern of behaviour for your child in the morning, particularly as you approach the school gate or classroom door 1. Go through the morning and drop-off routine with your kids. Make sure everyone knows what’s expected. Work out your jobs and those that the kids need to do then stick to this arrangement. For instance, it may be your job to make school lunches but it’s up to kids to put them in their bags. 2. Drop kids off, turn around and go: If you have a child who likes to keep you busy each morning with tears or tantrums then you may have to take the ‘tough love’ approach. Say goodbye using a firm voice, turn around and leave. Don’t look back. Most kids settle down at school within five minutes of being dropped off. Parental lingering only makes matters worse for children and teachers. Teachers are experienced at helping kids settle into the school routine, so allow them to take over. 3. Reaffirm their efforts later: If your child begins to go off without tears or tantrums after a long period of difficult departures then make a bit of fuss when you see them later in the day. Don’t go overboard with tangible rewards or bribes. Parental recognition, genuinely given is a huge driver for most kids. 4. Wean your child off you: If your normal habit is to drop your child off at the classroom door each morning, try saying goodbye at the school gate every now and then. The aim is to make your child less, rather than more reliant on you. Published by Michael Grose Presentations. All rights reserved. For more ideas, support and advice for all your parenting challenges visit : www.parentingideas.com.au PO Box 167 Balnarring VIC 3926 P. + 61 3 5983 1798 F. 03 5983 1722 E. office@parentingideas.com.au © 2010 Michael Grose www.parentingideas.com.au www.parentingideas.co.uk 2014 FETE NEWSLETTER SOFT DRINK CAN DRIVE Tomorrow is the last day to bring in your soft drink cans. We urge every family to send along a box of your favourite soft drink cans or make a donation by tomorrow. If each student brings just 6 cans or donates, we will have enough to stock the fete. Last year we had 2502 cans. The grade who donates the most by TOMORROW will be rewarded with a surprise! DATES TO REMEMBER TERM 4 Call for clothes, books, toys and plant donations. Until Friday 24th October Soft Drink Can Drive Monday 27th October Logistics meeting with stall coordinators Cans only please. No juice or water. Thank you from 3A VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Lunchtime Thursday November 6th Sand Bag Filling All kids are invited to bring toy shovels to help fill sand weights for the fete. Meet at sand pit on the block at the beginning of lunchtime. See you there. Friday 7th November Help is needed for the following tasks: Monday 3rd November Final Week Preparations Saturday 8th November Fete Set Up Day Sunday 9th November FETE DAY Monday 24th November Results Night/Completion Party 1. Putting wristbands on the children for a couple of hours. 2. Loading food and drinks into the cool rooms. Sunday 9th November Several parents are needed to answer questions and direct people in the passage for a couple of hours on fete day. Please contact Andrea on 0408 564 170 if you are able to help with any of the tasks. LEMONS, ANYONE? The Greek BBQ team is looking for lemons! If you have any spare, they would appreciate the donation. There will be a basket out the front of the office for any donations. PICK UP YOUR FETE SIGNAGE BOARDS Fete Signage – It’s time to start advertising that our fete is coming up! We have 100 signboards 60 x 80 cm promoting the fete. If you live on a busy road where lots of people could see our sign, please collect one from the office now. https://www.facebook.com/NorthFitzroyPrimarySchoolFete Keep an eye on the Fete Facebook page for updates on fete attractions and fete preparation. Like and share the page so your 'Northroy' friends know about the fete too! PLANT STALL Hello to all the plant lovers out there! We are looking forward to your donations to the Plant Stall this year. Please contact Melissa De Rango 0413026376 or mderango72@gmail.com, to let me know what you can provide, or if you need us to pick the plants up. Thanks from 4A CLOTHES STALL The clothing stall is looking for good quality clothing donations. We would love to take off your hands any clothes and shoes that you have outgrown or no longer wear or need. We love skirts, shirts, jeans, coats, shoes, jumpers and dresses! No need to send socks, underwear or linen. You can keep anything that is stained, torn or damaged. There’s still plenty of time to sort through your cupboards and pass on all those clothes and shoes that are no longer required! TOYS, TOYS, TOYS Time to do a Spring clean? If so, please donate your pre-loved toys to the NFPS fete! The time has come to bring in all your toys in good condition for the toy stall. Please only donate complete, clean, working toys. Also - if you have any cardboard boxes you no longer need, bring them too. Kindly leave donations in the boxes labeled toys near the school office. Many thanks, Prep A BOOK STALL We have started collection of books for the book stall. If you have good quality books to donate, could you please drop them off to the school. It would be a great help if you could put the books in low-sided fruit/veggie boxes (ask your fruit store for a couple) and sort them into children's books, adult fiction and adult non-fiction. Books can be dropped off in the reception area, near the canteen. Thanks for your help, Megan 0417 535 510 2014 Fete Committee Andrea Eunson Georgia Hogg Jenny Malacchini Sophie Lakos Michelle Papaleo David Warwick Simone Stevenson Entertainment/Amusements/Games logistics & Retail Catering/Permits Sponsorship & Donations Sponsorship & Donations Newsletter Equipment Logistics Facebook Andrea.eunson@cachegroup.com.au 0408 564 170 georgiachogg@hotmail.com malacchini@hotmail.com sophielakos@bigpond.com michellepapaleo@yahoo.com.au Dwarwick56@hotmail.com stevenson_simone@yahoo.com.au 0414 821 852 0425 789 387 0437 095 117 0438 422 544 0425 705 385 SILENT AUCTION The preparations for the Silent Auction have begun and items are beginning to arrive. We need your assistance to encourage as many participants as possible. So, next time you take your child to their: violin, piano, saxophone, drum, dance, singing, gymnastics, karate lesson or tennis, soccer, or football training, please ask the teacher if they would be able to donate a term’s lessons. If you own a business, or can offer a service, please consider offering; • a first consultation, • new items that could be used to fill a hamper • a few hours of home maintenance work, • a voucher from your shop, • a car service, or • a weekend get away. A list of businesses who are already participating is kept at the school office so you can check that your provider has not already been approached. The office also has a letter and form for the business to complete. Items for donation can be left at the office marked “NFPS Fete – Silent Auction.” We also need donations of boxes/baskets to make up hampers. With your help, we can make this the best Silent Auction yet! The Silent Auction team would like to thank Avanti plus donated a red ladies Raleigh bike with basket at the front shelf at the back (RRP$499). who have and a parcel For all questions regarding the Silent Auction contact 789 387) or Sophie (0437 095 117). Jenny (0425 GREAT RESTAURANT RAFFLE Do you own or work in a café or restaurant? Do you have favourite cafe or restaurant you could approach to voucher? We would love your help! a donate a Please leave any vouchers for meals at cafes and restaurants at the School office marked “Restaurants”. For all questions regarding the Restaurant Raffle, please contact Lisa on 0408 106 005 PRESERVES Fete visitors love buying homemade jam and preserves (ideal Christmas gifts) and it is not too early to start making them! If you (or anyone you know) are a keen preserve maker (or keen to try) we have jars in a variety of different sizes for jams, relishes, tomato sauces or any other delicious condiments. All donations are welcome. Donations of jars and fruit – If you have a tree laden with fruit that could be preserved (lemons, oranges olives, quinces etc.) we would be incredibly grateful for any donations. Donations of jars (200ml or less) and fruit can be left in the Preserve box under the stairs between the canteen and the office. If you are planning to make jam, relish, tomato sauce or any other goodies you can also collect jars from the box. Please note that all jars and lids must be sterilised. Rhubarb and Vanilla Jam Ingredients: 500g trimmed rhubarb (washed & coarsely chopped), 500g caster sugar, 60ml fresh lemon juice, 1tsp vanilla essence Combine the all ingredients in a large glass bowl. Cover and set aside overnight to infuse. Transfer mixture to a large saucepan and place over medium-high heat. Bring to the boil. Use a large metal spoon to skim any froth from the surface. Cook, stirring, for 25-30mins or until the jam jells when tested. Spoon hot jam into clean, dry jars. Seal and invert for 2mins. Turn upright and set aside to cool. CAKE STALL Need some an idea for the cake stall? Why not try theses simple and delicious recipes. Easy Peezey Chocolate Cake 1 cup Self Raising flour, 1 cup caster sugar, 3 tbs cocoa, ½ tsp vanilla, 1 cup of milk, 2 eggs, 3 tbs melted butter Mix together dry ingredients, melt butter add to milk eggs and combine with dry ingredients mix with beaters for two minutes. Pour into cake tin. Bake at 180c for 25-35 minutes. Turn onto wire rack to cool. Can be served as is, dusted with icing sugar or iced. Melting Moments – A FETE FAVOURITE 125g butter, softened, ¾ cup (115 g) plain flour, ¼ cup (45g) icing sugar, 1/3 cup (50g) custard powder, 60g butter, softened (extra), 2/3 cup (110g) icing sugar (extra), 2 tsp finely grated lemon rind, 1 tbls lemon juice Heat oven to 160c. Line two baking trays with baking paper. Beat butter until pail and creamy. Add the flour, icing sugar and custard powder and use a wooden spoon to combine. Roll a teaspoon full of dough in your hands to form little balls. Place 3cm apart on tray. Use a fork dusted in icing sugar to gently flatten. Bake for 15 minutes (swapping trays around midway) until just cooked through. Remove and leave to cool on tray for 30 minutes. Beat the extra butter and icing sugar until light and fluffy. Add the lemon rind and juice and beat until combined. Spread the butter mixture over the flat side of half the biscuits and sandwich together with other half of biscuits. If you have any questions regarding preserves or cakes, please contact Maggie on 0418 124 532. This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements AFTERSCHOOL ACTIVITIES Term 4 and summer are just around the corner so it’s time to get your tap shoes on! Miss Caroline Tap Dance is a local North Fitzroy school specialising in tap dance for kids and adults. All classes are taught in a non-competitive and encouraging environment, and students of all ages learn to love dancing whilst still developing correct tap technique. Classes are always fun and the results are inspiring. Pre-school Kids - Tuesday morning School-age Kids - Saturday mornings Adults Tap Classes - Monday & Tuesday evenings, Wednesday day. Contact Miss Caroline to find out about learning tap. Mobile: 0439 445 280 info@misscarolinetapdance.com Web: www.misscarolinetapdance.com Email: GIRL GUIDES Friendship, fun, challenge and achievement! Yarra City District Girl Guides meet weekly during school terms - Junior Guides ages 6-10 (Clifton Hill, Monday evenings) and Girl Guides ages 11-14 (North Fitzroy, Tuesday evenings). Adult volunteer enquiries are also welcome. Our units are open to visitors – come and see how you like it. For information contact Gresley Wakelin-King (District Manager) ph. 9482 4584. email: yarra@guidesvic.org.au. Look for us online at www.guidesvic.org.au Information in Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, Indonesian, Khmer, Sinhalese, Somali and Vietnamese is online at www.guidesvic.org.au/Welcome This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements ISABEL HENDERSON FUNDRAISER ADVERTISEMENTS POSITION VACANT As Isabel Henderson families, past, current or future, we all know what a very special place IHK is for our children. The IHK program focuses on children and their environment – we all cherish the fact that they can simply play and enjoy a beautiful natural setting in the heart of North Fitzroy. We have a strong commitment to sustaining our environment and have pledged to become a carbon neutral kindergarten by 2018. One of our biggest steps towards this goal is the installation of a solar energy system planned for late 2014. After much research and consultation we’ve sourced a system that matches the Kindergarten’s needs and aims. To fund this, our children, teachers and families have developed our biggest community project to date and will be the major fundraiser for the year. TO RENT OR FAMILY VISITING FOR XMAS? Extra-large and very comfortable furnished house in North Fitzroy opposite parkland and near everything, available from November 30 to January 10. Four bedrooms sleeping up to seven, 2.5 bathrooms, 3 living rooms, and rooftop garden with BBQ and city skyline views. The house is owned by a former school family and rent is negotiable. Inquiries call 0417 325 985. ART EXHIBITION – MICHAEL DONNELLY We are seeking to raise in excess of $7,000 through crowd funding via online donations from our families and from the networks and communities our families belong to. If we’re able to raise over $7,000 (please keep donating!), we have big plans for our little project! If we don’t reach our target no money will exchange hands. The link below takes you to a little movie, which introduces you to our ‘Little Sunshine Project’. It is homemade at IHK with many of our talented children and friends. We hope it brings back happy memories and connects you with our passion to improve and protect beautiful places for children. http://pozi.be/sunshine We thank you for your time and contribution, please feel free to spread the word. This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements NIYPAA will be visiting Fitzroy North Primary School soon on Thursday, 23 October 2014 at 11:00am THE VILLAGE FESTIVAL 30th Oct – 2nd Nov. A festival of Art, Music, Food and Dance The Village - Edinburgh Gardens Gates open: Thurs/Fri 6.00pm Sat /Sun 12 noon. The Village is an Arts Festival with a Carnival like atmosphere. It engages both artists and the community to provide a program that is accessible, exciting and family friendly. Entry to the Villlage site is free an a $10 session pass gives access to see 5-6 hous of theatre, circus , music and curiosity shows. AUSTRALIAN YOUTH CHOIR AND THE AUSTRALIAN YOUTH DANCE THEATRE Bring out the best in your child with performing arts education! Our programmes help young people discover their vocal or dance talent. Students learn to sing or dance, develop their musicianship and performance skills, make new friends and become part of a wide circle of performers. Visit us at www.niypaa.com.au STUDENT EXCHANGE Enrich your home with a WEP exchange student arriving in January 2015! World Education Program (WEP) is looking for caring families who wish to experience another culture in their own home by becoming a volunteer host family. Browse through student This section of the school newsletter does not reflect the values or ethos of NFPS. It contains paid advertising and community announcements profiles, and select a student who you think will fit best into your family and lifestyle! World Education Program Australia Limited Email: rickycraw@wep.org.au www.wep.org.au www.volunteerabroad.com.au PRINCES HILL COMMUNITY CENTRE rear 270 Macpherson Street for more information enquire@princeshill.org.au French Polishing 25 & 26 October Places are filling up fast- if you would like to secure your spot please book asap. Traditional inexpensive method of restoring & finishing furniture. Sam also has the skills to assist with repairs, such as wobbly legs and loose screws. 10am-4pm PHSC woodwork room. Sat & Sun $160 for two day course, BYO Lunch http://www.princeshill.org.au/program/259 Princes Hill Primary School Bazar 16 November Come along and support this great event. Bazar starts from 10am and runs 'till 4pm at the Princes Hill Primary School, Pigdon Street, Princes Hill. FEatures stalls, Food and Beverages, Entertainment, Amusements for the Kids ana great community atmosphere. Visit http://phps.vic.edu.au/community/bazaar fo Life Models Society Extravaganza 23 November This is an opportunity for artists to draw many LMS members in evolving poses. This proves popular with artists who rarely get to draw more than one or two models at a time. Refreshments are also provided free of charge, and are often a highlight. Please book through Adrian on 0422 409 946 Historic Carlton Walk 29 November Walk through the historic and interesting streets of Carlton find remnants of the Carlton of the 1860s before the era of the cast-iron terraces, and learning something of its more notorious crimes, notable migrants, and more recent public controversies. With Historian and Writer Jeff Atkinson Starting: Church of All Nations corner Palmerston and Drummond Streets, Carlton Saturday 10am – midday 29 November, $10 please book http://www.princeshill.org.au/program/272 https://www.facebook.com/PrincesHill
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