8 – 26 March 2015 - Dalmain Primary School

Dalmain Primary School
64 Dalmain Street, Kingsley WA 6026 | Ph: (08) 9309 3711 | Fax: (08) 9309 5151 | dalmain.ps@education.wa.edu.au
26 March 2015
Friday, 27 March
Year 2 Water Incursion
Monday 30 March
- Thursday 2 April
Uniform Shop Open
8.15- 9.00am
Tuesday, 31 March
Wednesday, 1 April
Theatre Excursion
TA 5 & TA 6
Thursday, 2 April
25th Anniversary
Thursday, 2 April
Free Sporting Clinic
3.10pm - 4.00pm
Friday, 3 April
School Holidays
(Good Friday)
From the Principal’s Desk
Dear Parents and Community Members
The final assembly for this term will be a special one celebrating Dalmain Primary School
being 25 years old. The assembly will focus on Dalmain’s history and will feature numerous
memorabilia including photos, time capsule display and items of interest in the nineties. I
am sure that we will have a large turnout of past and present students, parents, staff and
community members. I look forward to sharing what I am sure will be a wonderful morning
of reminiscing! An assembly program has been forwarded home to each family today.
Members of the school board met last night for the first time this year. There were a
number of agenda items to discuss. Next term the school will undergo a school review as a
part of the independent public school (IPS) accountability process. Dalmain is now in its
third year as an IPS and the review will involve a comprehensive analysis of the planning,
achievements and improvements that have been made during this time. This will involve
speaking to the school board, school administration, staff and students. The board also
approved the latest school budget submitted following the Department of Education’s
move to the Student Centred Funding Model. The school has current funding of
approximately $2.7 million of which some 90% is ear-marked for staffing and the remainder
for funding of school operations. We are in a strong position financially with funding being
set aside for additional projects including replacement of the carpet in the library, painting
of the undercover assembly area, upgrade of our portable PA system and support of the
nature play program. The board also reviewed and endorsed the 2014 Annual School
Report which will be available on the school web site very shortly. This includes an analysis
of the latest student data and focus for improvement in the future. Our student NAPLAN
data continues to be very positive as parents will be able to see in this report. Other
matters discussed included the 25th school anniversary with a special assembly being held
next week and the school fete scheduled for 2 May. The board also acknowledged and is
very grateful to Jane McIntyre who has done a power of work in coordinating and planning
for the fete. This should be a fantastic day and another great way to celebrate Dalmain’s 25
Continued on Page 2 . . .
Teachers have now finalised interview schedules and all parents who have requested an interview should have
received confirmation via their child’s class teacher of their interview time(s). Parents who have not received this
information should contact their child’s teacher about this.
Parent-Teacher interviews are scheduled to be conducted on Tuesday between 1.30-7.00pm. During the parent
interview time from 1.00-3.00pm students will be involved in Dalmain Idol and a dance master-class in the
undercover area.
There will be a large number of raffle prizes to be given out due to the generosity and support of parents - thank
you! The draw will be held at the end of the school day in the undercover area on Tuesday at the conclusion of the
dance master-class.
Have a great week,
Don Boyes
Direct Deposit Payments
Bank: ANZ
BSB: 016-494
Account: 3408-18845
0409 885 439
Parents are reminded
that they can advise
the school of their
child’s absence by SMS.
Failure to contact the
school will result in your
child/children being marked
as UNEXPLAINED on their
attendance record.
Child’s Surname / TA
Please confirm payment by email, or
send your lodgement receipt to the
office with the reason for payment dalmain.ps@education.wa.edu.au
Direct Deposit is not available for P&C
payments (eg - uniforms, fundraisers).
These items must be paid in CASH.
Friday Maths Results
20 March 2015 - Addition Set 4
Best Class - TA 5 (45.20)
Runners Up - TA 8 (43.50)
Parents are reminded that payments for
school incursions and excursions (with
the exception of School Voluntary and
P&C Voluntary Contributions) must be
handed in to the class teacher.
Thank you.
Dalmain Dockets
Term 1, Week 8
Star of the Week
Hunter Fitzpatrick - TA 3
Junior Draw Winner
Riley McBride - TA 3
Most Improved - TA 4 (6.35)
Runners Up - TA 8 (3.60)
Senior Draw Winner
Ethan Turkovic - TA 6
Canteen Roster - Term 1, 2015
My thanks to Julie Brown, Sharon Peard and Barbie Connick for their
help this week. Please note - due to a supplier price increase the
price of Paddle Pops will increase to $2 each, effective Term 2.
Thank you,
Weeks 8 & 9
Paddle Pops
$2 each
Term 2
8:30 - 11:00am
11:00 - 12:30pm
27 March
Julie Brown
Loretta Luo
Loretta Luo
30 March
Leana Kani
Leana Kani
The Canteen Menu can be downloaded from
the ‘Canteen’ page on the school website:
Nicole Hinwood
3 April
Dalmain Primary School Needs You!
The Dalmain Support-A-Reader Program has been a great success at our school since 1998 when it was first introduced as a means
of giving children extra help and assistance with their reading. This great success is due to the kindness and generosity of our
parent community who have generously given their time on a volunteer basis. However, in order for this worthwhile program to
continue as successfully as over the last fifteen years, we need more helpers who can give one hour a week of their time to hear
four or five children read on a one to one basis.
As you can see from the roster advertised in our newsletter, we have some days that still require tutors. As this
is a teaching program, training is available in order to provide volunteers with the necessary skills. The
strategies you will learn are very useful when hearing your own children read. Training requires only forty
minutes of your time. Tea and coffee are provided. We invite all parents, grandparents and friends to
volunteer for this unique program.
If you would like to assist, please contact Mrs Hilary Winterton (TA 8) on 0434 210 609 or email:
Hilary Winterton
Support-A-Reader Roster - Term 1 & Term 2, 2015
The Support-A-Reader program is
urgently looking for tutors for
Tuesday and Thursday.
Group 1
G Cottle
G Brown
M McBride
E Higginson
D Blaxill
Please let Mrs Winterton know
if you are able to assist.
Group 2
K Bartlett
K Hobden
J Shelley
G Brown
K McLean
R Roki
Hilary Winterton: 0434 210 609 or
Group 3
T Curtis
D Murphy
B Clark
M McBride
Group 4
H Williams
E Hamilton
B Weston
N Haeusler C Fitzpatrick
Group 5
M McBride
H Williams
H Williams
Thank you,
Hilary Winterton
C Roper
What is a Nude Food lunch?
A healthy zero waste lunchbox does not contain throwaway packaging or
produce food waste. It also reduces litter because there is less packaging.
Typical zero waste food is packed in a lunch box or bag. The food is put in
reusable containers rather than wrapped in disposable packaging, a drink is in a
refillable bottle and all containers are resealable so that leftover food and drink
can be saved for later.
Why should we have a healthy zero waste lunch and recess?
By bringing less waste into schools we can minimise litter, reduce waste going to landfill, save money and
develop healthy eating habits. Producing excessive amounts of waste is a major problem in Australia, with
Australia being the second highest producer of waste per person when compared to other western countries.
Dalmain Chess Club 2015
Wednesdays 12.00 - 12.40pm
The Dalmain Chess Club will commence once again in Term Two. Any students in Yrs3-6 who are interested in playing
chess are to come and see me in the library to sign up before the end of term. It would be advantageous if the students
already know how to play chess.
If there is a parent/carer or grandparent in the school
community who would be willing to help with the Chess Club
on Wednesdays that would be greatly appreciated – call in
and see me in the library if you are able to assist.
Students are to come to the library as soon as they are released from class and
to bring their lunch with them so that the games can get under away
immediately. Note: this is the only time that students are allowed to bring food
into the library.
I would encourage parents/carers of students playing chess to take the time to
sit and have a friendly game with their child to help strengthen their skills and
strategies or else students can go to www.chess.com and play against the
Kathy Melville
Library Officer & Chess Co-ordinator
Year One Excursion to the Gravity Discovery Centre
Yesterday the year one students from TA 1 and TA 2 went to the Gravity Discovery Centre in Gingin as part of our
Science program. The students enjoyed climbing up the 220 steps of the 'Leaning Tower' with Kelly where they
dropped water balloons of various sizes and compared their results. We observed that no matter what size the
balloon was it would always hit the ground at the same time as they were all being pulled down by Gravity.
Inside the centre George showed us lots of very interesting hands-on exhibits. Some of our favourites included the
'Space Ship' that simulated the g-forces experienced by astronauts in space (some of us even went fast enough to
qualify for NASA), the 'Bernoulli Ball' where we used a jet of air to float a ball in the air, the 'Magnetic Skateboard'
and 'Giant Slinky'. We also explored the 'Cosmology Gallery' and the 'Solar System Walk' where we learnt about the
size of the universe and different planets. It was a busy and exciting day, and the students have all returned to school
enthusiastic and inspired to continue our exploration of Earth and Space Sciences.
Thank you to Miss Anderson, Alyson, Alana, Jenny, Rachel, Karen, Eve, Gemma and Claire for coming along with us.
We hope you found it very interesting and had as much fun as we did. We are also all appreciated Mrs Supanz's help
in taking some fabulous photos for us to use in our comic strips when we got back to school.
Where Are They Now?
Kirsten Perry
Kirsten Perry attended Dalmain Primary from 1992-2000.
 Started learning the bagpipes in 1998.
 Joined North Metro Pipe Band in 1999.
 Competed in many and won various State Solo Piping Competitions from 2000
to 2004.
 Competed in the World Pipe Band Championships in Glasgow, Scotland in
 Competed in the Australian Pipe Band Championships in
Caloundra, Queensland in 2010.
 Competed in the Australian Pipe Band Championships in
Ballarat, Victoria in 2012.
 Took up Highland Dancing in 2013.
 Perform (dancing and piping) at various functions and shows around WA.
 Currently teach piping to a small group people of various ages.
 Currently practising hard with the aim of heading back to Glasgow, Scotland next
year to complete in the World Pipe Band Championships again.
On top of all of this Kirsten completed her teaching degree and is now teaching at
Dalmain Primary School.
School Uniform Shop
The Uniform shop will be open:
Monday, 30 March 2015
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Thursday, 2 April 2015
8.15am - 9.00am
Order Forms, Product Photos,
Descriptions and Sizing Charts are now
available on the school website.
Uniform Coordinator:
Mel McBride - 0404 683 671
Upcycled Gumboot Garden
Any donations of children's old/outgrown gumboots/
wellington boots would be greatly appreciated. We will be
repurposing them as planters in our Urban Garden.
Donations can be sent to PP 2 - Thank you!
We require donations of old (but still working)
Mother’s Day Fete Stall
Hello from the ladies (EA’s) holding the Mother’s Day
Stall at the Dalmain Fete.
We would like to send out a request for assistance
with donations of items such as bolts, metal bottle
caps, old unwanted metal forks and spoons, old metal
flan tins, small spoke bike wheels and medium to
large sized pieces of fabric.
Please leave any donations in the ‘Mother’s Day Stall’
box in the staffroom.
Thank you,
Cheryl, Nola and Michele
Crayons, Pencils and Textas
for the Dalmain Fete Build-A-School display.
Any donations will be gratefully accepted
in the school office - Thank you!
Fete Book Stall
Fill-A-Jar Fete Stall - TA 7
If anyone would like to donate
TA 7 would appreciate donations for their “Fill-A-Jar” stall
to be held at Dalmain Primary’s school fete in May. Clean
jars from your pantry can be recycled and filled with any
new materials that would be considered very useful.
Books & DVDs
To the fete Book Stall, please contact
Kate on 0408 926 785 or leave your
donation at the school office.
Many thanks,
Kate Bartlett
Examples include: marbles, mini toys, Lifesavers, hair
elastics, cottons, jams, chutneys, chocolate, lollies, dry
cake mixes, etc. All donations will be greatly appreciated
including any unwanted clean jars. Please forward to TA 7
whenever you can.
Many thanks,
Mrs Orchard & Mrs Berry
Pot Plant Fete Stall - TA 8
Kindy ‘Pet Shop’ Fete Stall
TA 8 will be selling plants, gardening equipment and
painted terracotta pots at the school fete on May 2
2015. If you have anything you would like to donate,
please advise Mrs Winterton in TA8.
The Kindy classes will be setting up a
‘Pet Shop’ stall at the school fete.
Any donations of plush/soft stuffed toy
animals would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Hilary Winterton
Thank you!
Mega Toy Sale Stall - Pre-Primary
The Pre-Primarys are holding a Mega Toy Stall at the
2015 fete. Donations of pre-loved toys in good order
would be greatly appreciated.
Hand-Painted Glassware
Fete Stall - TA 9
Please bring any donations to Pre-Primary 2. We will be
accepting donations until the fete.
WANTED - any spare or odd glasses (wine,
champagne, beer, water etc). TA 9 are hand
painting theses glasses to sell at the fete in
May. Your help would be
greatly appreciated.
Thank you for helping to make our stall a success!
Fiona Hammill
& Jane Ridley
Many thanks,
Mrs Kaluzynski
FREE SportingKids SPORTS CLINIC at Dalmain Primary School for years 1-4
Thursday 2 April | 3.10pm - 4.00pm
SportingKids is one of the largest providers of Sports Programs and Clinics for
pre-school and primary school aged children.
Our programs are delivered:
 By expert coaches who all have working with children checks
 In a safe and fun environment, allow children to discover sport while
 developing their fundamental motor skills, confidence and social skills
 40 minutes to ensure maximum enjoyment
 Non Competitive to ensure maximum participation
Our goal is to enhance each child's physical education and well being by providing expert, encouraging coaching
over a wide range of sports including, Dance, Soccer, Aussie Rules, Cricket, Hockey, Basketball, Netball, Softball,
Rugby, Tennis, Handball and General Ball Skills.
admin@sportingkids.com.au | Phone: 0468 476 111 or 1300 766 341 | Post: PO BOX 499 Scarborough WA 6019
Looking for regular exercise
to improve your wellbeing?
Try Yoga!
What to expect during a session:
Breathing exercises, sun salutation,
twelve basic postures with simple
variations, deep relaxation at
the end of the session. Guidance and
corrections by your teacher
What to expect long term:
Increase in flexibility, especially of the
spine as well as strength of muscles
and bones. Stimulation of circulatory,
digestive, endocrine and immune
systems. Calming of the mind,
reduction of stress and many more
Sivananda Yoga sessions running
every Monday 7 - 8:30 PM
in the Dalmain school library
beginners and advanced
practitioners welcome
$140 for 10 sessions, $20 casual,
concessions apply
For more information or to
book in please contact
Antje on 0431 320 782
Learn How to Meditate!
Do you want to  Reduce stress
 Be healthier and happier
 Improve your ability to
 Sleep sounder
 Age slower
You can achieve all that and more by learning how to meditate!
New 8 week course in Holistic Meditation® starting soon in Kingsley.
The method of Holistic Meditation is easy to learn and does not have a
religious foundation. It is suited for beginners and experienced
meditators alike.
Tuesday evenings, 7:30 - 8:30 PM, starting 21/4/15, bookings essential
Meerilinga Family Centre, Peregrine Drive, Kingsley
How much:
$150 for an 8 week course - learning about meditation and practicing
Who is teaching:
Antje, 3 years experience in meditation, Holistic Meditation Teacher
Diploma, Yoga Shiromani (Teacher of Yoga), RYT 200 with Yoga Alliance
To find out details on the course content or book in go to
http://www.anandiniyoga.com.au/ or contact Antje on 0431 320 782
David Milne Golf Academy - Upcoming Golf Academy Events
Junior Introduction to Golf
Junior Holiday Golf Clinics
Every Saturday Morning
Tuesdays & Thursdays
including School Holidays
7 April to 16 April 2015
8.45am - 10.00am
9.00am - 11.00am
Cost $10.00 per session
Cost $24.00 per session
David Milne Golf Academy
Ph: 9301 2599
Joondalup Resort | Country Club Blvd, CONNOLLY
Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre
The Dental Therapy Centre is situated at
12 Merivale Way
Phone: 9203 5611
Parking from
Ranleigh Way.
Before/After School
& Vacation Care
Care for Kids provide care at Dalmain Primary
School in a fun and stimulating environment with qualified and experienced staff, the service
is Accredited by NCAC. Childcare benefit and
Government rebates apply.
Phone: 9309 2300
or call into the school undercover area.