10 – 23 April 2015 - Dalmain Primary School

Dalmain Primary School
64 Dalmain Street, Kingsley WA 6026 | Ph: (08) 9309 3711 | Fax: (08) 9309 5151 | dalmain.ps@education.wa.edu.au
23 April 2015
Monday, 27 April
Public Holiday
Wednesday, 29 April
2nd Hand Sale
Uniform Shop
8.20am - 9.00am
Saturday, 2 May
25th Anniversary
School Fete
Tuesday, 5 May
Uniform Shop
8.15am - 9.00am
Thursday, 7 May
Japanese Assembly
Friday, 8 May
PP, Yr 3 & Yr 6
Dental Screening
From the Principal’s Desk
Dear Parents and Community Members
Welcome back to what has been a very pleasant start to the term with plenty of sunshine.
This term will once again feature a large number of important school events. These include
our ANZAC Service, Dancing lessons, NAPLAN, Year 6/7 Winter Sports Program, P&C Lap-a
-thon, Book Fair, Walk to School Healthy Breakfast Day and of course class assemblies will
all take place during term two. Families should have already received a term planner. A
copy of this planner can also be located on our school website.
This morning we held our school ANZAC service, which had even greater significance this
being the 100th Anniversary of the landing at Gallipoli. We were privileged to have two
former members of the Australian Army, Mr Brian Haseldene and Mr Gordon Clipston. Both
men served during the Vietnam War. Mr Haseldene addressed our school community and
spoke about his experiences and the importance for all Australians to continue to remember
what those who have fought for in all wars not be forgotten. Miss Perry played Amazing
Grace on the bagpipes greatly adding to the occasion. Representatives from each class then
shared their thoughts about ANZAC Day. The service concluded with our choir singing three
very moving songs, highlighted by solo pieces by Ethan Agoma and Elsie Clark. It was
wonderful to have a large number of community members join us for this special occasion.
Applications for student enrolments for 2016 are now being accepted through our school
office. Parents of children who will be commencing Kindergarten next year will need to
complete an Application for Enrolment form. Further details about this process are located
within this newsletter and are also available on our school web site www.dalps.wa.edu.au .
Please contact the school office for further enquiries.
All parents and community members are welcome to attend our first assembly for this term,
next Thursday, which will have a Japanese flavour to it, hosted by students from TA6 under
the direction of Mr Archbold.
Continued on Page 2 . . .
A small number of parents attended our first meeting for the term. The major focus of the meeting being the
upcoming fete on 2nd May. Jane McIntyre outlined the organisation and preparation that has been put in place.
Many parents have offered support for the day. Setting up in the morning will be a big task and having many hands
on deck to help with this would certainly be appreciated. Jane also has other jobs throughout the day that she
needs assistance with, so please let her know if you are free to assist.
Anyone who has a shelter that they are happy for the P&C to use on the day
should also contact Jane. I am sure that the day will be a great success for the
P&C and our school.
Thank you to the P&C for funding purchasing of commemorative 25th
Anniversary badges for all of our students. Today every student attending
Dalmain Primary School has been given their very own badge to take home.
Have a great week,
Don Boyes
Direct Deposit Payments
Bank: ANZ
BSB: 016-494
Account: 3408-18845
0409 885 439
Parents are reminded
that they can advise
the school of their
child’s absence by SMS.
Failure to contact the
school will result in your
child/children being marked
as UNEXPLAINED on their
attendance record.
Child’s Surname / TA
Please confirm payment by email, or
send your lodgement receipt to the
office with the reason for payment dalmain.ps@education.wa.edu.au
Direct Deposit is not available for P&C
payments (eg - uniforms, fundraisers).
These items must be paid in CASH.
Friday Maths Results
27 March 2015 - Addition Set 5
Best Class - TA 8 (48.50)
Runners Up - TA 7 (47.52)
Parents are reminded that payments for
school incursions and excursions (with
the exception of School Voluntary and
P&C Voluntary Contributions) must be
handed in to the class teacher.
Thank you.
Dalmain Dockets
Term 2, Week 1
Star of the Week
Hunter Fitzpatrick - TA 3
Junior Draw Winner
Lachlan Thomas - TA 2
Most Improved - TA 7 (6.72)
Runners Up - TA 6 (6.67)
Senior Draw Winner
Seth Wilkin - TA 8
Canteen Roster - Term 2, 2015
Many thanks to Mel Verna for her assistance this week.
Parents and Grandparents, if you are available for a couple of hours to volunteer in
the canteen at least once a month your help would be greatly appreciated and your
children/grandchildren love seeing you helping out. Pop in and say hello to see how
easy it is to assist in the canteen. Thank you,
Nicole Hinwood
Weeks 1 & 2
Paddle Pops
are now
24 April
27 April
$2 each
8:30 - 11:00am
11:00 - 12:30pm
Julie Brown
Leana Kani
Leana Kani
The Canteen Menu can be downloaded from
the ‘Canteen’ page on the school website:
1 May
Leana Kani
Leana Kani
Julie Brown
Barbie Connick
Barbie Connick
Dalmain Primary School Needs You!
The Dalmain Support-A-Reader Program has been a great success at our school since 1998 when it was first introduced as a means
of giving children extra help and assistance with their reading. This great success is due to the kindness and generosity of our
parent community who have generously given their time on a volunteer basis. However, in order for this worthwhile program to
continue as successfully as over the last fifteen years, we need more helpers who can give one hour a week of their time to hear
four or five children read on a one to one basis.
As you can see from the roster advertised in our newsletter, we have some days that still require tutors. As this
is a teaching program, training is available in order to provide volunteers with the necessary skills. The
strategies you will learn are very useful when hearing your own children read. Training requires only forty
minutes of your time. Tea and coffee are provided. We invite all parents, grandparents and friends to
volunteer for this unique program.
If you would like to assist, please contact Mrs Hilary Winterton (TA 8) on 0434 210 609 or email:
Hilary Winterton
Support-A-Reader Roster - Term 2, 2015
The Support-A-Reader program is
urgently looking for tutors for
Tuesday and Thursday.
Group 1
G Cottle
G Brown
M McBride
E Higginson
D Blaxill
Please let Mrs Winterton know
if you are able to assist.
Group 2
K Bartlett
K Hobden
J Shelley
G Brown
K McLean
R Roki
Hilary Winterton: 0434 210 609 or
Group 3
T Curtis
D Murphy
B Clark
M McBride
Group 4
H Williams
E Hamilton
B Weston
N Haeusler C Fitzpatrick
Group 5
M McBride
H Williams
H Williams
Thank you,
Hilary Winterton
C Roper
ANZAC Assembly - Thursday, 23 April 2015
ANZAC Assembly - Thursday, 23 April 2015
School Hats
Last day for Book Club orders:
FRIDAY, 4 MAY 2015
Parents, when ordering Book Club books,
please ensure that your
are clearly written on the order form
with the CORRECT MONEY enclosed.
Orders can be deposited in the
located in the SCHOOL OFFICE.
Thank you,
Kirralee Dyke
“No Hat, No Play”
As the start of Term 2 commences, parents are
reminded of our “NO HAT, NO PLAY” policy.
Students require their hat for morning fitness,
recess and lunchtimes.
We are aware many students are currently
coming to school without their hat.
Parents, please ensure your child/children come
to school with their own hat to ensure they do
not miss out on vital sport and play activities
during the course of the school day.
School hats can be purchased for $8.00 through
the uniform shop. Order forms can be obtained
from the school office (during office hours) or can
be downloaded from the school website:
Uniform Pricelist/Order Form 2015
School Uniform Shop
The Uniform shop will be open:
2nd Hand Sale - CASH ONLY
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
8.20am - 9.00am
Tuesday, 5 May 2015
8.15am - 9.00am
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
2.00pm - 3.00pm
Order Forms, Product Photos,
Descriptions and Sizing Charts are now
available on the school website.
Uniform Coordinator:
Mel McBride - 0404 683 671
Upcycled Gumboot Garden
Any donations of children's old/outgrown gumboots/
wellington boots would be greatly appreciated. We will be
repurposing them as planters in our Urban Garden.
Donations can be sent to PP 2 - Thank you!
A big ‘Thank you’ from
everyone here
at Dalmain Primary School to
Karen Hobden
(our school gardener)
Brett Cowey
and Gary Keeble
for their outstanding efforts
beautifying the school grounds
over the last few weeks.
Second Hand School Uniform Sale
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
8.20am outside the uniform shop
Jumpers & Polo Shirts in all sizes
First in first served!
All items $5.00 - CASH ONLY
Second hand Clarinet for Sale
Good condition
$200 ono
Contact the school office for more information
9309 3711 or dalmain.ps@education.wa.edu.au
Mother‟s Day Fete Stall
Hello from the ladies (EA’s) holding the Mother’s Day
Stall at the Dalmain Fete.
We would like to send out a request for assistance
with donations of items such as bolts, metal bottle
caps, old unwanted metal forks and spoons, old metal
flan tins, small spoke bike wheels and medium to
large sized pieces of fabric.
Please leave any donations in the ‘Mother’s Day Stall’
box in the staffroom.
Thank you,
Cheryl, Nola and Michele
Fete Book Stall
Fill-A-Jar Fete Stall - TA 7
If anyone would like to donate
TA 7 will be collecting donations for their “Fill-A-Jar” fete
stall up until Tuesday 28 April. Clean jars from your
pantry can be recycled and filled with any new materials
that would be considered very useful.
Books & DVDs
To the fete Book Stall, please contact
Kate on 0408 926 785 or leave your
donation at the school office.
Many thanks,
Kate Bartlett
Examples include: marbles, mini toys, Lifesavers, hair
elastics, cottons, chocolate, lollies, dry cake mixes, etc.
No Jams or chutneys please. All donations gratefully
accepted, please forward to
TA 7 by Tuesday 28 April.
Many thanks,
Mrs Orchard & Mrs Berry
Pot Plant Fete Stall - TA 8
Kindy „Pet Shop‟ Fete Stall
TA 8 will be selling plants, gardening equipment and
painted terracotta pots at the school fete on May 2
2015. If you have anything you would like to donate,
please advise Mrs Winterton in TA8.
The Kindy classes will be setting up a
‘Pet Shop’ stall at the school fete.
Any donations of plush/soft stuffed toy
animals would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Hilary Winterton
Thank you!
Mega Toy Sale Stall - Pre-Primary
The Pre-Primarys are holding a Mega Toy Stall at the
2015 fete. Donations of pre-loved toys in good order
would be greatly appreciated.
Hand-Painted Glassware
Fete Stall - TA 9
Please bring any donations to Pre-Primary 2. We will be
accepting donations until the fete.
WANTED - any spare or odd glasses (wine,
champagne, beer, water etc). TA 9 are hand
painting theses glasses to sell at the fete in
May. Your help would be
greatly appreciated.
Thank you for helping to make our stall a success!
Fiona Hammill
& Jane Ridley
Many thanks,
Mrs Kaluzynski
Looking for regular exercise to
improve your wellbeing?
Try Yoga!
What to expect during a session:
Breathing exercises, sun salutation,
twelve basic postures with simple variations,
deep relaxation at the end of the session.
Guidance and corrections by your teacher
What to expect long term:
Increase in flexibility, especially of the spine
as well as strength of muscles and bones.
Stimulation of circulatory, digestive,
endocrine and immune systems.
Calming of the mind, reduction of stress and
many more benefits
Sivananda Yoga sessions running
every Monday 7 - 8:30 PM
in the Dalmain school library
beginners and advanced
practitioners welcome
$140 for 10 sessions, $20 casual,
concessions apply
For more information or to book in
please contact
Antje on 0431 320 782
behaviourtonics.com.au Ph: 9382 1182 info@behaviourtonics.com.au
Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre
The Dental Therapy Centre is situated at
12 Merivale Way, GREENWOOD
9203 5611
Parking from
Ranleigh Way.
Before/After School
& Vacation Care
Care for Kids provide care at Dalmain Primary
School in a fun and stimulating environment with qualified and experienced staff, the service
is Accredited by NCAC. Childcare benefit and
Government rebates apply.
Phone: 9309 2300
or call into the school undercover area.