7 – 19 March 2015 - Dalmain Primary School

Dalmain Primary School
64 Dalmain Street, Kingsley WA 6026 | Ph: (08) 9309 3711 | Fax: (08) 9309 5151 | dalmain.ps@education.wa.edu.au
19 March 2015
Friday, 20 March
School Disco
‘Red, White & Blue’
Friday, 27 March
Year 2 Water Incursion
Tuesday, 31 March
Wednesday, 1 April
Theatre Excursion
TA 5 & TA 6
Thursday, 2 April
25th Anniversary
Thursday, 2 April
Free Sporting Clinic
3.10pm - 4.00pm
Friday, 3 April
School Holidays
(Good Friday)
From the Principal’s Desk
Dear Parents and Community Members
This morning everyone was treated to an upbeat and very colourful performance from TA 3
focusing on Harmony Day. Our assembly hosts provided plenty of entertainment and positive
messages for their audience. It really is a very small world that we must all live in and share.
Congratulations to all students and Mrs Te Wheoro for an excellent assembly. The next
assembly will of course be a special one and will celebrate Dalmain Primary School being 25
years old. The assembly will look at Dalmain’s history and we hope will be attended by past
and present students, parents, staff and community members. Thank you to those parents
who have already responded to our request for morning tea goodies for this special occasion.
A note regarding morning tea donations was forwarded home last week and is also available
on our school website. Your support is certainly appreciated. An assembly program will be
sent home to all families next week.
Information about this event has been sent home to all families. Parent-Teacher interviews
are scheduled to be run in the final week of this term. Interviews will be conducted on
Tuesday 31 March between 1.30-7.00pm. Parents please ensure that your interview slips are
returned to your child’s class teacher by this Monday 23 March. A copy of this note can also
be found on our school website. During the parent interview time from 1.00-3.00pm
students will be involved in Dalmain Idol and a dance master-class in the undercover area.
The pile of Easter Eggs is steadily growing! Thank you to those parents who have donated
eggs already. The draw for the many prizes in this raffle will be held at the end of the school
day in the undercover area on the 31 March.
Have a great week,
Don Boyes
Merit Certificates | Thursday, 19 March 2015
Congratulations to the following students who received Awards at today’s Assembly
PP 1
Mason Hickey, Lola Davies
TA 6
Ethan Turkovic, Alex Gifford
PP 2
Sean Haeusler, Elise Wilkin
TA 7
Luca Turkovic, Isaac Atkinson
TA 1
Jay Wake, Jaxon Figliomena
TA 8
Jessica Kitin, Jake Harvey, Shilai Cantwell
TA 2
Hayley Stopher, Ruben Daniels
TA 9
Ky Vardy, Tongxon Sycamore
TA 3
Laurentia Zoethout, Sofia Ziborova
Imogen Hoy Poy, Anson Lee, Joshua Mare
TA 4
Nicole Van Wyk, Georgia McLean
TA 5
Natasha Tanner, Kevin Cross-Di Menno
Imogen Hoy Poy, Emma Baker
Harrison Borthern, Keady McIntyre
As a school we use the “You Can Do It” program
which focuses on the 5 keys to success. This term
we have been focusing on the key “Getting
Along”. Teachers have each chosen one student
from their class who has demonstrated
exemplary “Getting Along” skills inside and
outside of the classroom.
TA 1 - Sofi Hong
TA 2 - Ben Fourie
TA 3 - Tenzin Cantwell
TA 4 - El Weston
TA 5 - Jaxon Hunter
TA 6 - Kasey Atkinson
TA 7 - Joshua Vesely
TA 8 - Katrina Connick
TA 9 - Olivia Jones
Friday Maths Results
13 March 2015 - Addition Set 3
Best Class
TA 5 (42.70)
Runners Up
TA 9 (42.43)
Dalmain Dockets
Term 1, Week 7
Star of the Week | Leela O’Connell - TA 2
Junior Draw | Sofi Hong - TA 1
Senior Draw | Katelyn Williams - TA 6
Direct Deposit Payments
Account: 3408-18845
Child’s Surname / TA
0409 885 439
Parents are reminded
that they can advise
the school of their
child’s absence by SMS.
Failure to contact the
school will result in your
child/children being marked
as UNEXPLAINED on their
attendance record.
Please confirm payment by email, or
send your lodgement receipt to the
office with the reason for payment dalmain.ps@education.wa.edu.au
Parents are reminded that payments for
school incursions and excursions (with
the exception of School Voluntary and
P&C Voluntary Contributions) must be
handed in to the class teacher.
Direct Deposit is not available for P&C
payments (eg - uniforms, fundraisers).
These items must be paid in CASH.
Thank you.
Canteen Roster - Term 1, 2015
My thanks to Julie Brown, Leana Kani, Loretta Luo, Mel Verna and
Barbie Connick for their help this week. Thank you,
Nicole Hinwood
Weeks 6 & 7
The Canteen Menu can be
downloaded from the ‘Canteen’ page
on the school website:
8:30 - 11:00am
11:00 - 12:30pm
20 March
Julie Brown
Sharon Peard
Sharon Peard
23 March
Barbie Connick
Barbie Connick
Julie Brown
Loretta Luo
Loretta Luo
27 March
Support-A-Reader Roster - Term 1 & Term 2, 2015
The Support-A-Reader program is
urgently looking for tutors for
Tuesday and Thursday.
Group 1
G Cottle
G Brown
M McBride
E Higginson
D Blaxill
Please let Mrs Winterton know
if you are able to assist.
Group 2
K Bartlett
K Hobden
J Shelley
G Brown
K McLean
R Roki
Hilary Winterton: 0434 210 609 or
Group 3
T Curtis
D Murphy
B Clark
M McBride
Group 4
H Williams
E Hamilton
B Weston
N Haeusler C Fitzpatrick
Group 5
M McBride
H Williams
H Williams
Thank you,
Hilary Winterton
C Roper
“Red, White & Blue” Disco - Friday, 20 March 2015
The discos are held in the school undercover area. The canteen will be open and we will be
serving Pizza. Drinks, Snacks and Glow Products will also be available. Parents, carers and
siblings are more than welcome to enjoy all available foods and drinks at the canteen.
Individual Passes $5.00 available at the door
(Kindy to Year 3)
(Year 4 to Year 7)
5.00pm - 6.30pm
6.45pm - 8.45pm
the Junior and Senior Discos.
If you are able to help, please contact:
Melissa Verna - 0419 609 007
What is a Nude Food lunch?
A healthy zero waste lunchbox does not contain throwaway packaging or
produce food waste. It also reduces litter because there is less packaging.
Typical zero waste food is packed in a lunch box or bag. The food is put in
reusable containers rather than wrapped in disposable packaging, a drink is in a
refillable bottle and all containers are resealable so that leftover food and drink
can be saved for later.
Why should we have a healthy zero waste lunch and recess?
By bringing less waste into schools we can minimise litter, reduce waste going to landfill, save money and
develop healthy eating habits. Producing excessive amounts of waste is a major problem in Australia, with
Australia being the second highest producer of waste per person when compared to other western countries.
TA 3 Assembly - Thursday, 19 March 2015
This morning everyone was treated to an upbeat and very colourful performance from TA 3 focusing on
Harmony Day. Our assembly hosts provided plenty of entertainment and positive messages for their
audience. It really is a very small world that we must all live in and share.
Congratulations to all students and Mrs Te Wheoro for an excellent assembly.
Where Are They Now?
Natalie Maris
My name was Natalie Taylor now I'm married and I'm Natalie
Maris. I was one of the many students who started school on the
very first day it was opened. That year my friends and I had to go
to other primary schools while Dalmain was still being built
(Greenwood was the one I had to attend for two to three months before starting the year at
Dalmain). I was in Year 4 in Mrs Ray' s class. I then had Mr O’Brien for Year 5 and Mr Torre in Year
6. Sadly many years after graduating high school and in my job as a library assistant at Duncraig
Library I heard the news from a work colleague with children at Dalmain school that my teacher
Mr O’Brien had passed away. I was so sad because he was so young and remember him as a fit,
funny and enjoyable teacher to have in year 5.
Natalie at the
New Zealand
Chess Congress
held in Auckland
January 2015
I enjoyed my time at Dalmain Primary school. The school had just started a chess tournament and
I was able to play a game or two before moving south of the river to Lathlain Primary School for
the 6 months left of Year 6. I then went onto Kewdale SHS and played in inter-school chess
tournaments. I'm now the current WA women's Chess Champion. I have won the title 9 times.
(1998,1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2011, 2012 and 2014).
I went onto TAFE to study a Library Technician degree and worked in many public and school
libraries and Edith Cowan University before starting a family. My beautiful little girl is now 4 and
half and starting pre-primary this year. I've been a full time mum for 5 years now and it's the best
job in the world. I've been happily married for 11 years.
I think fondly of Dalmain Primary School and remember the great times spent with my friends,
the art classes when they played music on the radio! Not sure whether they still do these days and the chess tournament that was organised.
School Uniform Shop
Upcycled Gumboot Garden
The Uniform shop will be open:
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Any donations of children's old/outgrown gumboots/
wellington boots would be greatly appreciated. We will be
repurposing them as planters in our Urban Garden.
8.00am - 9.00am
Donations can be sent to PP 2 - Thank you!
Tuesday, 5 May 2015
8.00am - 9.00am
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
2.00pm - 3.00pm
Order Forms, Product Photos,
Descriptions and Sizing Charts are now
available on the school website.
Uniform Coordinator:
Mel McBride - 0404 683 671
We require donations of old (but still working)
Mother’s Day Fete Stall
Hello from the ladies (EA’s) holding the Mother’s Day
Stall at the Dalmain Fete.
We would like to send out a request for assistance
with donations of items such as bolts, metal bottle
caps, old unwanted metal forks and spoons, old metal
flan tins, small spoke bike wheels and medium to
large sized pieces of fabric.
Please leave any donations in the ‘Mother’s Day Stall’
box in the staffroom.
Thank you,
Cheryl, Nola and Michele
Crayons, Pencils and Textas
for the Dalmain Fete Build-A-School display.
Any donations will be gratefully accepted
in the school office - Thank you!
Fete Book Stall
Fill-A-Jar Fete Stall - TA 7
If anyone would like to donate
TA 7 would appreciate donations for their “Fill-A-Jar” stall
to be held at Dalmain Primary’s school fete in May. Clean
jars from your pantry can be recycled and filled with any
new materials that would be considered very useful.
Books & DVDs
To the fete Book Stall, please contact
Kate on 0408 926 785 or leave your
donation at the school office.
Many thanks,
Kate Bartlett
Examples include: marbles, mini toys, Lifesavers, hair
elastics, cottons, jams, chutneys, chocolate, lollies, dry
cake mixes, etc. All donations will be greatly appreciated
including any unwanted clean jars. Please forward to TA 7
whenever you can.
Many thanks,
Mrs Orchard & Mrs Berry
Pot Plant Fete Stall - TA 8
Kindy ‘Pet Shop’ Fete Stall
TA 8 will be selling plants, gardening equipment and
painted terracotta pots at the school fete on May 2
2015. If you have anything you would like to donate,
please advise Mrs Winterton in TA8.
The Kindy classes will be setting up a
‘Pet Shop’ stall at the school fete.
Any donations of plush/soft stuffed toy
animals would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Hilary Winterton
Thank you!
Mega Toy Sale Stall - Pre-Primary
The Pre-Primarys are holding a Mega Toy Stall at the
2015 fete. Donations of pre-loved toys in good order
would be greatly appreciated.
Hand-Painted Glassware
Fete Stall - TA 9
Please bring any donations to Pre-Primary 2. We will be
accepting donations until the fete.
WANTED - any spare or odd glasses (wine,
champagne, beer, water etc). TA 9 are hand
painting theses glasses to sell at the fete in
May. Your help would be
greatly appreciated.
Thank you for helping to make our stall a success!
Fiona Hammill
& Jane Ridley
Many thanks,
Mrs Kaluzynski
FREE SportingKids SPORTS CLINIC at Dalmain Primary School for years 1-4
Thursday 2 April | 3.10pm - 4.00pm
SportingKids is one of the largest providers of Sports Programs and Clinics for
pre-school and primary school aged children.
Our programs are delivered:
 By expert coaches who all have working with children checks
 In a safe and fun environment, allow children to discover sport while
 developing their fundamental motor skills, confidence and social skills
 40 minutes to ensure maximum enjoyment
 Non Competitive to ensure maximum participation
Our goal is to enhance each child's physical education and well being by providing expert, encouraging coaching
over a wide range of sports including, Dance, Soccer, Aussie Rules, Cricket, Hockey, Basketball, Netball, Softball,
Rugby, Tennis, Handball and General Ball Skills.
admin@sportingkids.com.au | Phone: 0468 476 111 or 1300 766 341 | Post: PO BOX 499 Scarborough WA 6019
Looking for regular exercise
to improve your wellbeing?
Try Yoga!
What to expect during a session:
Breathing exercises, sun salutation,
twelve basic postures with simple
variations, deep relaxation at
the end of the session. Guidance and
corrections by your teacher
What to expect long term:
Increase in flexibility, especially of the
spine as well as strength of muscles
and bones. Stimulation of circulatory,
digestive, endocrine and immune
systems. Calming of the mind,
reduction of stress and many more
Sivananda Yoga sessions running
every Monday 7 - 8:30 PM
in the Dalmain school library
beginners and advanced
practitioners welcome
$140 for 10 sessions, $20 casual,
concessions apply
For more information or to
book in please contact
Antje on 0431 320 782
Co-operate, Achieve, Respect, Engage
All prospective Year 6 students and their parents are welcome.
Specialist school for Aviation and Volleyball.
School based elite programs include Music and Dance.
WHEN: Thursday, 26 March 2015 | TIME: 9.15am - 10.15am
WHERE: Greenwood College
Please park in the car park at the front of the school and sign into reception.
RSVP: 9243 9200 by Mon 23/03/15
Greenwood Dental
Therapy Centre
Before/After School
& Vacation Care
The Dental Therapy
Centre is situated at
Care for Kids provide care at
Dalmain Primary School in a fun and
stimulating environment - with
qualified and experienced staff, the
service is Accredited by NCAC.
Childcare benefit and Government
rebates apply.
12 Merivale Way
Phone: 9203 5611
Parking from
Ranleigh Way.
Phone: 9309 2300
or call into the school undercover area.