Dalmain Primary School NEWSLET TER CARE | STRIVE | ACHIEVE 64 Dalmain Street, Kingsley WA 6026 | Ph: (08) 9309 3711 | Fax: (08) 9309 5151 | dalmain.ps@educa"on.wa.edu.au ISSUE #9 2 April 2015 COMING EVENTS From the Principal’s Desk DearParentsandCommunityMembers Thursday, 2 April Free Sporng Clinic 3.10pm - 4.00pm Friday, 3 April School Holidays (Good Friday) Tuesday 21 April Commencement Term 2 Thursday, 23 April Anzac Service 9.00am 25th ANNIVERSARY ASSEMBLY The assembly this morning proved to be a fabulous event with a number of former students and staff aending. I know that for many it was a great opportunity to catch up and chat about their past days spent at Dalmain Primary School. Mr Peter Sweetman, the founda"on principal, spoke very fondly about the early Dalmain days outlining some of the special events that occurred. One in par"cular concerns the ‘Dalmain’ tree which is located behind the early childhood block up on the hill. This tree was the mee"ng place each morning for students and staff as they boarded buses heading off to other local schools as Dalmain s"ll wasn’t quite ready. This tree features as part of our school logo as a result. Slide shows provided a great way for the audience to see just how much our school as changed and evolved since those very early days. Former students Steven Archibald and Jessica Laden also addressed the assembly providing a perspec"ve from a student’s point of view. Both were very grateful for the experiences and wonderful "mes that they had at Dalmain Primary School. Students from TA5 and TA6 gave us all something to think about with fashion from the nine"es and the prices of various products including housing in 1990 and today. Fashion has most certainly changed and so have prices! Once again our school choir, led by Ms Pinakis, sang beau"fully adding to the occasion. At the conclusion of the assembly everyone was invited to the library for some delicious morning tea and a chance to peruse the memorabilia put out on display. All present then joined in to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Dalmain Primary School as the 25th Anniversary cake was cut by all four principals over this period of "me. This included Peter Sweetman, Vic Richards, Jim Bray and me. A number of aendees also took up the opportunity to visit classrooms and speak to students and staff. All in all it was a terrific morning full of emo"on and nostalgia. A tremendous amount of work has been put in by a number of people, including students, parents and staff, to ensure that today was a great success. There are so many of you who contributed in so many different ways that it would be almost impossible to list. So thank you to everyone who assisted and contributed towards our anniversary celebra"on. Connued on Page 2 PARENT-TEACHER INTERVIEWS It was pleasing to see the majority of parents taking up the opportunity of mee"ng with their child’s class teacher on Tuesday. I certainly hope that parents were able to gain some further insight into how their child has started the 2015 school year and some ideas and strategies to further assist them in their learning journey. I would also like to thank all classroom teachers for their prepara"on and professionalism. The process is a taxing one with so many interviews in the one aKernoon. However all teachers see and value this process and the opportunity to update parents on their child’s progress. P&C EASTER RAFFLE Thank you to all parents and community members who donated towards this raffle. Over forty prizes were drawn on Tuesday aKernoon. Thank you for suppor"ng this P&C ini"a"ve. ANZAC SERVICE (Thursday 23rd April) I would like to draw parents and community members aen"on to the scheduling of our school ANZAC service at 9:00am Thursday 23 April in the school quadrangle area. Being the 100th Anniversary, this is an especially significant occasion. As such it would be wonderful to have a large turnout of parents and community members join us. The service will be followed by a cuppa and Anzac biscuit for parents and community members in the staffroom. TERM TWO Students will commence term two on Tuesday 21 April. Staff will be involved in mee"ngs as part of our School Development Day on Monday 20 April. I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Easter and term break. Have a great week, Don Boyes Principal School Uniform Shop Upcycled Gumboot Garden The Uniform shop will be open: Tuesday, 21 April 2015 Any dona"ons of children's old/outgrown gumboots/ wellington boots would be greatly appreciated. We will be repurposing them as planters in our Urban Garden. 8.00am - 9.00am Dona"ons can be sent to PP 2 - Thank you! Tuesday, 5 May 2015 8.00am - 9.00am Tuesday, 19 May 2015 2.00pm - 3.00pm Order Forms, Product Photos, Descrip"ons and Sizing Charts are now available on the school website. Uniform Coordinator: Mel McBride - 0404 683 671 Where Are They Now? Chanel Darcey Chanel is a motivated broadcasting and journalism graduate with experience in both radio and television. In 2013 she completed the Postgraduate Diploma of Broadcasting at Edith Cowan University (formally known as WAAPA Broadcasting). Chanel is currently employed as a Traffic Reporter for the Australian Traffic Network, providing afternoon reports for 92.9, Mix 94.5 and Seven News Perth. She is also a casual cover for traffic on Sunrise and Today. Her time at university and work experience has taught her skills such as presentation, news reading, filming, editing for audio (Audacity/Protools), editing for film (Final Cut Pro, Premier), production, organisational skills and script writing. Prior to university, Chanel completed a certificate IV in Youth Work, Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs Addiction. She also worked and volunteered with underprivileged and homeless youth for a year and a half. Community service and mental health are still interests of hers. In Chanel’s spare time, she enjoys travelling and exploring different cultures. DALMAIN IDOL 2015 On Tuesday whilst teachers were conducting parent interviews Dalmain Idol was once again a very popular event with students. Many talented children entered the list of potential performers with some changing or deleting their name as the event grew closer. This was followed by a “master dance class” run by Humphreys Dance Studio. Direct Deposit Payments Dalmain Dockets Bank: ANZ BSB: 016-494 Account: 3408-18845 Reference: Child’s Surname / TA Term 1, Week 9 STUDENT ABSENCES Star of the Week 0409 885 439 Elissia Atkinson - TA 1 Parents are reminded that they can advise the school of their child’s absence by SMS. Please confirm payment by email, or send your lodgement receipt to the office with the reason for payment dalmain.ps@educa"on.wa.edu.au Junior Draw Ben Fourie - TA 2 Failure to contact the school will result in your child/children being marked as UNEXPLAINED on their attendance record. ***PLEASE NOTE*** Senior Draw Direct Deposit is not available for P&C payments (eg - uniforms, fundraisers). These items must be paid in CASH. Theodin Oosen - TA 8 Canteen Roster - Term 2, 2015 My thanks to Julie Brown, Lorea Luo, Leana Kani, Mel Verna and Barbie Connick for all their help this week. Thank you, Nicole Hinwood Week 1 & 2 8:30 - 11:00am 11:00 - 12:30pm Mel Verna Mel Verna WEDNESDAY 22 April Paddle Pops $2 each FRIDAY 24 April Julie Brown Sharon Peard Sharon Peard MONDAY 27 April HELP PLEASE HELP PLEASE WEDNESDAY 29 April HELP PLEASE HELP PLEASE Effective Term 2 The Canteen Menu can be downloaded from the ‘Canteen’ page on the school website: Support-A-Reader Roster - Term 1 & Term 2, 2015 MON TUES WED THURS FRI Group 1 G Cole G Brown M McBride E Higginson D Blaxill Group 2 K Bartle K Hobden J Shelley G Brown K McLean R Roki Group 3 T Cur"s HELP NEEDED D Murphy B Clark M McBride Group 4 H Williams E Hamilton B Weston N Haeusler C Fitzpatrick Group 5 M McBride H Williams H Williams HELP NEEDED The Support-A-Reader program is urgently looking for tutors next term for Tuesday and Thursday. Please let Mrs Winterton know if you are able to assist. Hilary Winterton: 0434 210 609 or hilarywinterton@educa"on.wa.edu.au Thank you, C Roper We require donaons of old (but s"ll working) Mother’s Day Fete Stall Hello from the ladies (EA’s) holding the Mother’s Day Stall at the Dalmain Fete. We would like to send out a request for assistance with dona"ons of items such as bolts, metal bole caps, old unwanted metal forks and spoons, old metal flan "ns, small spoke bike wheels and medium to large sized pieces of fabric. Please leave any dona"ons in the ‘Mother’s Day Stall’ box in the staffroom. Thank you Cheryl, Nola and Michele Crayons, Pencils and Textas for the Dalmain Fete Build-A-School display. Any dona"ons will be gratefully accepted in the school office - Thank you! Fete Book Stall Fill-A-Jar Fete Stall - TA 7 If anyone would like to donate TA 7 would appreciate dona"ons for their “Fill-A-Jar” stall to be held at Dalmain Primary’s school fete in May. Clean jars from your pantry can be recycled and filled with any new materials that would be considered very useful. Books & DVDs To the fete Book Stall, please contact Kate on 0408 926 785 or leave your dona"on at the school office. Many thanks, Kate Bartlett Examples include: marbles, mini toys, Lifesavers, hair elas"cs, coons, jams, chutneys, chocolate, lollies, dry cake mixes, etc. All dona"ons will be greatly appreciated including any unwanted clean jars. Please forward to TA 7 whenever you can. Many thanks, Mrs Orchard & Mrs Berry Pot Plant Fete Stall - TA 8 Kindy ‘Pet Shop’ Fete Stall TA 8 will be selling plants, gardening equipment and painted terracoa pots at the school fete on May 2 2015. If you have anything you would like to donate, please advise Mrs Winterton in TA8. The Kindy classes will be seVng up a ‘Pet Shop’ stall at the school fete. Any dona"ons of plush/soK stuffed toy animals would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Hilary Winterton Thank you! Mega Toy Sale Stall - Pre-Primary The Pre-Primarys are holding a Mega Toy Stall at the 2015 fete. Donaons of pre-loved toys in good order would be greatly appreciated. Please bring any dona"ons to Pre-Primary 2. We will be accep"ng dona"ons un"l the fete. Thank you for helping to make our stall a success! Fiona Hammill & Jane Ridley Hand-Painted Glassware Fete Stall - TA 9 WANTED - any spare or odd glasses (wine, champagne, beer, water etc). TA 9 are hand pain"ng theses glasses to sell at the fete in May. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Mrs Kaluzynski EASTER RAFFLE Again this year this now annual event proved to be a huge success. Many thanks to all families for your kind donation of various Easter items and also for your enormous support purchasing tickets. A total of $1,300.00 was raised and all monies will go towards students much needed resources. Katie Jones Fundraising Committee School Holiday Pony Rides Looking for regular exercise to improve your wellbeing? Try Yoga! Wednesday,8 April 2015 9.30am to 12.30pm What to expect during a session: Breathing exercises, sun saluta"on, twelve basic postures with simple varia"ons, deep relaxa"on at the end of the session. Guidance and correc"ons by your teacher What to expect long term: Increase in flexibility, especially of the spine as well as strength of muscles and bones. S"mula"on of circulatory, diges"ve, endocrine and immune systems. Calming of the mind, reduc"on of stress and many more benefits Sivananda Yoga sessions running every Monday 7 - 8:30 PM in the Dalmain school library beginners and advanced praconers welcome $140 for 10 sessions, $20 casual, concessions apply For more informa"on or to book in please contact Antje on 0431 320 782 anandiniyoga@gmail.com www.anandiniyoga.com.au Cake Stalls, Book Stalls, Sausage Sizzle & more Riding for the Disabled Assoc 77 Monyash Road, Carine Ph: 9448 6376 Greenwood Dental Therapy Centre Before/After School & Vacation Care The Dental Therapy Centre is situated at Care for Kids provide care at Dalmain Primary School in a fun and s"mula"ng environment - with qualified and experienced staff, the service is Accredited by NCAC. Childcare benefit and Government rebates apply. GREENWOOD PRIMARY SCHOOL 12 Merivale Way GREENWOOD WA 6024 Phone: 9203 5611 Parking from Ranleigh Way. kingsleyoshc@careforkidswa.net.au Phone: 9309 2300 or call into the school undercover area.
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