2D Arts Expression(Visual Arts)_v2.pub

About the Trainer
Foo Kwee Horng is an arst-arts educator.
He was trained and worked as a social worker before leaving the social service to be
retrained as an art teacher. He spent the
next 15 years teaching art before deciding
to become a full-me arst. Foo connues
to teach on a part-me basis today, but he
now goes beyond schools and works with
various community groups, including at-risk
youths and children with special needs.
For any enquiries, please contact:
Lianne Lye
Community Care Development Division
(Manpower Development)
Agency for Integrated Care
: 6632 1050
: 6820 0735
Visual Arts—2D Arts Expression
Arts Activities for Healthcare Staff
to Conduct in their Facilities
One of the domains of the upcoming Enhanced
Nursing Home Standards is on Psychosocial Care.
Improve this aspect of care in your nursing home
by taking part in this new training programme!
This programme aims to engage elderly clients
(Category 3 RAF) in visual arts acvies involving
painng, prinng, etc.
Led by experienced arst-arts educator, Foo Kwee
Horng, through this programme, healthcare staff will
be equipped with basic facilitaon skills and content
to run arts sessions using 10 techniques from the “2D
Arts Expression” guidebook which has been developed by the Naonal Arts Council, Singapore.
In addion to the art acvies, suggesons such as
sharing and reflecon me, group work variaons to
the artwork are included to maximise clients’ social
interacon and enjoyment.
Programme Outline
Two half-day session workshops (4 hours each session) have been developed with the ILTC sector in
mind. They comprise theory and praccal sessions
where healthcare staff receive hands-on experience
and guidance carrying out the acvies. Sessions will
• Basic facilitaon skills
• Basic techniques to adapt acvies to be9er cater to client’s needs
• Hands-on art-making sessions so that staff know
how to carry out the acvies in their facilies
with clients
Follow-Up Coaching Sessions
Two follow-up coaching sessions (2 hours each) will
be organised a:er training to address quesons from
parcipants and provide suggesons a:er parcipants have rolled out the programme in their homes.
Total number of training hours: 12 hours
Parcipants will receive a guidebook (containing instruc0ons on how to carry out the ac0vi0es) and a facilita0on
guide so as to assist them to run the sessions in their care
Target Audience
Staff of ILTC facilies. Priority will be given to nursing
home staff and those who care for Category 3 RAF clients. Parcipants should preferably be comfortable conducng group acvies and able to give instrucons in
simple English. Each facility should send a minimum of 2
staff to ensure programme sustainability within the care
Course Fee
Healthcare VWOs and Private Nursing Homes with portable subsidies:
Singaporeans & SPRs = $35.54 per pax
Non-Singaporeans & Non-SPRs = $161.79 per pax
Any other organisaons = $288.03 per pax
Date, Time, Venue
27 & 28 April 2015, Monday and Tuesday
1 - 5 PM
AIC Learning Instute
AICare Hub, City Square Mall B2-19/20
Registraon begins at 12:30pm
Follow-Up Coaching Sessions
Parcipants from each care facility to arrange date and
enue with the trainer.
There will not be any replacement for cancellaon of sessions once confirmaon is made.