Wellington Secondary School pril 2015 A 3135 Mexicana Road, Nanaimo, BC V9T 2W8 Phone: (250) 758-9191 Fax: (250) 758-3352 Principal: Mr. Chad Lintott Vice Principals: Mr. Tom Mason & Mrs. Margaret Olsen www.wellingtonschool.ca Parents, Guardians and Wellington Community, I hope you all had a very safe and relaxing Spring Break holiday, I trust our students have returned refreshed and ready for a successful home stretch into June. Thank you to all parents and guardians who were able to join us for the interim report interviews and discussions. I believe they were successful and I appreciate the value in speaking with teachers regarding the progress of your child. We will be par cipa ng in the BC Ministry of Educa on Sa sfac on Survey over the next two weeks. This provides students, staff and parents with an opportunity to share thoughts and concerns regarding the school system in general, and their educa onal experience at Wellington specifically. Mr. Mason is diligently pu ng together a schedule for students and we will provide parents with informa on on how to access the survey if you wish to take part. In addi on, the school district is conduc ng a survey to gather feedback on the proposed three year calendar, including a poten al change in Spring Break to two weeks star ng in 2016. If you wish to provide feedback, please visit the district website at www.sd68.bc.ca. We are con nuing with the Wellington Professional Learning Community model, and our teachers and educa on assistants have made great strides in suppor ng learning at Wellington. Grade‐based mee ngs, essen al learning outcome mee ngs, new curriculum, interim and repor ng processes, community connec ons, character educa on and other valuable topics have been discussed, with ac on mes and implementa on plans for next year have been developed. My thanks to staff for the me and energy they have commi ed to our PLC model and the posi ve outcomes that have been achieved to support students and learning. I would also like to thank (once again) our many staff and community‐based coaches and volunteers who have devoted their me to our school and our students. We have had another very busy and very successful month of ac vi es here at Wellington, and I encourage you to read ahead in this newsle er for the details from Ms. McRae, our student ac vi es coordinator. I wish you a happy Spring season, and I will speak with you again via newsle er next month and by email throughout the month. Thank you, Chad Linto DATES TO NOTE: Apr. 3, 2015 Apr. 3, 2015 Apr. 6, 2015 Apr. 9, 2015 Apr. 20, 2015 Apr. 21, 2015 Apr. 22, 2015 Apr. 24, 2015 Apr. 28, 2015 Good Friday Vancouver Island Concert Band Fes val in Port Alberni Easter Monday Early Dismissal ‐ 2:00 Semester 2, Term 1 ends Spring Band Combo Night Semester 2, Term 2 starts ICBC presenta on Report Card distribu on PLC DATES (2:00 Dismissal) May 11th and 25th CULTURAL LUNCH Every Wednesday at Lunch this semester “Cultural Lunch” is happening in the mul ‐purpose room. These affordable and tasty meals have connec ons to local culture, par cularly indigenous culture, and all the funds raised are used within the school. We encourage families to take a break from packing lunch on Wednesdays and join us for Cultural Lunch! INTERNATIONAL ‐ Ms. McRae NANAIMO‐LADYSMITH DRY GRAD The Interna onal field trip to Victoria was a great success with a beau ful, sunny day and a lot of smiles from our students. The next trip coming up will be the Rocky Mountain Experience! Details will be coming out shortly. Remember the first forms that are handed in, are the students who are able to make the trip! It’s a great adventure that you wouldn’t want to miss out on. Friday 26 June 8 PM Beban Park A en on all grade 12 students – thinking of a ending Dry Grad this year. ATHLETICS ‐ Ms. McRae This month was the end of basketball, and the start of girls soccer! The Senior Boys Basketball team played very well at the Provincial championships earlier this month. They played with intensity, treated each other with respect, and finished strong, represen ng our school with a posi ve finish to the season. The boys lost a close first game against Saint Thomas More, by two points. This placed them on the consola on side, where they ba led to win 9th place! The boys finished with 3 wins, and 1 loss. Players of the game for the Wildcats were Anton Kamke and Ryder Jenks. The boys worked hard, and played like a team. A job very well done! Senior and Junior girls soccer is up and running at Wellington with Mrs. Aitken leading the way! She is coaching the junior girls team, and is sponsoring (with the help of Kris n Robinson) the senior girls, coached by alumni Jamie Smythe. The Senior girls play Tuesdays and the Juniors play Mondays and Wednesdays. If you want to cheer on the Cats, head to Merle Logan on Tuesday April 7th, or Caledonia field on Monday April 13th for 3:30 start mes to watch Wellington in ac on. ICBC PRESENTATION On April 24th at 8:35‐9:35pm, Mr. Greg Drew, a par cipant in the Road Sense Speakers Program managed by ICBC, will present to our Wellington Grade 11 and 12 Students informa on on high risk driving and road safety decision‐ making. The nature and content of Mr. Drew’s presenta on may include graphic material with emo onal impact. Join in the fun with approximately 850 other grade 12 gradua ng students. There are tons and tons of fabulous ac vi es such as ska ng, swimming, kayaking, snorkeling, karaoke, tons of games, dance off, bouncy castles, sumo‐ wrestling, Zorb balls, rock climbing, laser tag clairvoyants, ta oos, hair stylists, make up and nail stylists, relaxing massages….plus 100’s of prizes. Make sure you get all the details from your Prom/ Grad commi ee. Tickets are $55 and are not available at the door. BC Liquor Stores has announced its annual fundraising campaign to support alcohol‐free grad celebra ons throughout BC., and raise money for the BC school districts’ dry grad socie es. MUSICAL THEATRE ACADEMY Do you love to sing, dance, and act? Would you love to get a Language Arts Credit while rehearsing a musical? Have you always loved Avenue Q and want a chance to perform the School Edi on? If you answered yes to these three ques on, then Learn at Home’s Musical Theatre Academy is right for you! Open to all current grade 9 – 11 students, this program will include rehearsing a musical while comple ng individual English assignments. By the end of the program, students will have completed sufficient work to earn credits in Theatre Performance/Produc on AND English/Communica ons. Audi ons – Friday, May 8th at NDSS WELLINGTON BAND ‐ Carmella Luviso o First Read Through – Friday, June 12th at NDSS Congratula ons to Ethan Olynyk, Tiana Dick and Kenton Dick who were selected to a end the Monterey Next Genera on Jazz Fes val in Monterey California last week. They were the one of only 6 groups. Special congratula ons to Ethan who was awarded a most outstanding soloist award. Rehearsals at NDSS: July 6 – July 30th (Monday – Thursday) Another contrats goes out to the Jazz Academy who was awarded the Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce Business Award in Cultural Vitality. Shows: Friday 31st – Saturday 1st (with Saturday ma nee) Contact Ms. Barnum (kbarnum@sd68.bc.ca) for more details.
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