Performance Management

3/15/15 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT & PUBLIC HEALTH: PERFECT TOGETHER March 10, 2015 ChrisAna Harrington, MPH “Star&ng where you are, with what you have” Welcome •  Name & Department •  Have you developed standards? •  What you would like to get out of this workshop? Agenda •  Overview of PM •  Let’s get started! –  Performance Standards –  Performance Measures –  Data CollecAon Sources (baselines/targets) •  Next Steps 1 3/15/15 Workshop ObjecAves •  Develop strategic performance standard(s) •  Develop relevant performance measures •  IdenAfy reliable data sources necessary for each performance measure •  IdenAfy key aspects of data collecAon •  IdenAfy key aspects for reporAng of progress PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW “Standards, Measures, Baselines, Targets, Oh My!” Turning Point Model •  Performance Standards –  Benchmarks of performance –  The standard for which you want to measure your LHDs performance –  The “gold standard” for your agency 2 3/15/15 Performance Measures •  QuanAtaAve measures of your capaciAes, process, or outcomes –  What you can measure to know if you’re ge`ng closer to achieving your standard –  Criteria should include: •  Clear and logically related to your standard •  Feasible to collect over &me, and •  Within the scope of your influence Quality Improvement & ReporAng of Progress •  Quality Improvement –  A mechanism to improve performance –  Used to get you from your baseline to your targets using data •  ReporAng of Progress –  Used to keep the system alive (conAnuous analysis and reporAng or progress) LET’S GET STARTED! “StarAng where you are with what you have” 3 3/15/15 Performance Standards (PS) •  These must be driven by your agency’s needs and strategic direcAon •  Pull out your strategic plan –  Brainstorm within your team a goal for which to focus the development of a standard –  Research Places to Look •  Healthy People 2020 – hcps:// •  PHAB -­‐ hcp://­‐content/uploads/SM-­‐
Version-­‐1.5-­‐Board-­‐adopted-­‐FINAL-­‐01-­‐24-­‐2014.docx.pdf •  NaAonal PrevenAon Strategy -­‐ hcp://
strategy/report.pdf •  Core Competencies -­‐ hcp://
Core_Public_Health_Competencies.aspx SelecAng Standard(s) •  Brainstorm a few standards within your team: –  Pick a standard that correlates to an element of your HD’s performance that can be tracked over Ame. –  You may need to think about se`ng a target within this standard… how will you know you have reached the standard? •  PrioriAze your standards and select at least 1. –  Vote or reach consensus 4 3/15/15 Begin to Populate your PM System Standard Measure Data Sources Baseline Target Responsible Person/Party QI Strategy BMI < 25 80% of clients rate HD services as good or excellent SupporAve Work environment PERFORMANCE MEASURES Measures let you know how well you are doing to meet your performance standard CreaAng Measures •  Brainstorm within your team a list of possible measures. •  Ask yourselves: –  “what can we measure to know whether or not we are meeAng our performance standard?” •  Once you have a complete list of all things possible apply the criteria: –  Ask yourselves “is this measure…”: •  clearly and logically related to our standard? •  Feasible to collect over &me? •  Within the scope of our influence? •  Reach consensus on your measures 5 3/15/15 Populate your PM System Standard Measure BMI < 25 Weight Loss Weekly 80% of clients rate HD services as good or excellent % of clients who rate HD services as good or excellent SupporAve Work environment % of staff who are saAsfied with the work environment Data Sources Baseline Target Responsible Person/Party QI Strategy DATA COLLECTION Sources Baselines Targets Data Sources •  What data is available to measure? •  Do we already collect this data? –  If so, how open and where is it housed? •  Where can we get this data? •  Do we have the tools to collect this data? If not, what do we need to develop? –  For example, do you need a survey to gather the data? •  Is this data something we can collect over Ame? •  What is the appropriate Ameframe for which to collect this data? 6 3/15/15 Populate your PM System Standard Measure Data Sources BMI < 25 Weight Loss Weekly Weekly weigh-­‐in 80% of clients rate HD services as good or excellent % of clients who rate HD services as good or excellent Client surveys SupporAve Work environment % of staff who Staff are saAsfied surveys with the work environment Baseline Target Responsible Person/Party QI Strategy Baselines/Targets •  Once you determine your data sources/
collecAon you need to idenAfy your baseline –  Where are you now? •  This must be determined before you can set targets for which to strive. •  Targets can be percentages or single numbers… Populate your PM System Standard Measure Data Sources Baseline Target BMI < 25 Weight Loss Weekly Weekly Current 2lbs/
weigh-­‐in weight week 80% of clients rate HD services as good or excellent % of clients who rate HD services as good or excellent Client surveys 50% 70% SupporAve Work environment % of staff who Staff are saAsfied surveys with the work environment 64% 80% Responsible Person/Party QI Strategy 7 3/15/15 NEXT STEPS ReporAng of Progress QI Strategies Further PM System ReporAng of Progress •  Who is going to track and report? –  Who will maintain the spreadsheet? –  Where will it be housed? –  Who will be responsible for populaAng the spreadsheet? •  What will be communicated and to whom? –  Start with staff first, then expand to customers/
stakeholders •  What Ame period will be reported? –  Are you going to report quarterly, annually, semiannually? •  Discuss who acts on what is reported? QI Strategies •  Aper baselines and targets are idenAfied determine who will be responsible for implemenAng QI? •  Develop a strategy for implementaAon Standard Measures Baseline Target QI 80% clients rates HD % clients who rate 50% services as good or the services as good excellent or excellent 70% Use QI to get you from your baseline to your target! SupporAve work environment 80% Improve Internal Kudos Program % staff saAsfied with 65% HD recogniAon programs 8 3/15/15 Further Your PM System •  Aper you have your first Standard with measures, baselines, targets, and plans how to implement QI – Report out! •  Things will start to happen concurrently: –  Staff will be working on QI strategies –  Develop mechanisms to conAnue Standard Development. •  Priori&ze how best to expand the system! •  Let the strategic goals of the organiza&on drive you! MeeAng Closure •  QuesAons??? •  AcAon Items for your team –  What needs to be done/by whom/by when? –  Conference Calls –  Final Webinar •  MeeAng EvaluaAon +/ •  Thank You! JAMES BUTLER & ASSOCIATES Chris Harrington 989 482-­‐0520 Jim Butler 517 614-­‐1654 9