Perriam & Partners Ltd Chartered Accountants & Business Advisors BEHIND THE NUMB3RS—2015 Unit 4, 35 Sir William Pickering Drive, Christchurch 03 358 3108 February 2015 - Issue 55 THE TAX SHELTER—AT PERRIAMS Tradionally a Tax Shelter is where one would hide their wealth and can o$en be associated with tax avoidance schemes. Purpose With Profit Next me you visit our premises you'll spot our new innovaon and the wealth of talent and experience that we have hidden behind our own Tax Shelter. Tax planning requires at mes some creave thinking so our newly established Tax Shelter will allow our staff to create the “haven” they need to ensure that you pay in tax what you need to pay—no more and no less. Sir William Pickering Drive PLAN NOW TO MAKE 2015 YOUR BEST YEAR YET WELCOME BACK—OUR CLIENTS—OUR COLLEAGUES—OUR STAFF A WINNING FORMULA A warm welcome back to you all for 2015. What are you looking forward to? What aren't you looking forward to? This year Perriams will connue its strategy to be the best we can be and remain focused on delivering quality services to our clients. You should be refreshed from your Christmas break (and we hope that you managed to have one), and be ready for the challenges that this year will bring. This also underpins our vision; This year we have decided to share with you our A-Z right from the very start. We hope these thoughts offer some interesng views, a bit of inspiraon, some acon but mostly our insight as to what might be ahead. TALENT WARS One of the most common complaints or concerns we field from our clients across all industries and business types is “how do we (Perriams) aract, retain and movate good people?” “Purpose with Profit” It is a simple fact that Perriams is nothing without its people. That includes all members of our 2015 Team who have a vital part to play in aiming to deliver to you an outstanding service. Our mission; To have the best people Provide the best service For the best value To each client each and every day. Strategies for 2015: This is not an easy task. As you know, volumes have been and connue to be wrien on the subject. Whilst it is not the purpose of this publicaon to discuss all of the possibilies available to business owners to aract, and retain good people, what is clear, is that an employer must offer something that competors do not and then deliver this. Make sure you can idenfy what this is and good luck on your recruitment drive this year. • • • • • • Be responsive Be mely Be recognized as a great Employer Connue to increase our knowledge base Enjoy the work we do for all of our clients Perform Be Thankful CONTENTS IN THIS ISSUE 1. Tax Shelter Welcome Back A Winning Formula Talent Wars 3. Expenses You Cannot Claim Marke7ng Top Tips For The New Year 2. A Fun Workplace Succession Plan Mathema7cal Logic Affixa7on With Technology 4. Would You Buy Your Own Business 2014 Staff Share Market Kiwisaver—Q & A Ageing Workforce Is On The Rise All informaon in this newsleer is, to the best of the author’s knowledge, true and accurate. No liability is assumed by the author or the publisher for any losses suffered by any person relying directly or indirectly upon this newsleer. You are advised to consult professionals before acng upon this informaon. February 2015 Page 2 A FUN WORKPLACE = HIGHER PRODUCTIVITY MATHEMATICAL LOGIC There are a growing number of New Zealand companies taking on board the philosophy that a fun workplace equals happy workers and higher producvity. This comes from 2 maths teachers with a combined total of 70 years experience. It has an indisputable mathemacal logic. This is a strictly mathemacal viewpoint. It goes like this: Your business this year needs to provide a place that your staff enjoy coming to. This may include a nice kitchen (smoko room) and perhaps even a place to play a bit of table tennis or pool. What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meengs where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life? Provide forms of gratude as an employer and you should expect to benefit from some good old hard work and quality results. It is a well known fact that our younger people in the work force expect a bit more from their workplaces so don’t fall into the trap of what you had or didn't have—you're not them. The important issue here is finding the things that will make your employees feel good about themselves so they can produce the goods and work well within your environment. Be sure to consult with your team first before any implementaon is put in place so that you can ensure that they have bought into your philosophy too. Here's a lile mathemacal formula that might help you answer these quesons: If: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ is represented as: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26. Then: What they are a$er may not amount to much and on your part a small investment thereof for what are your major assets should prove frui>ul. H-A-R-D-W-O-R-K 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98% and USE 2015 TO KEEP THAT AFFIXATION WITH TECHNOLOGY UNDER CONTROL Technology has improved so much and spread so widely across the world that not even a business flight provides an escape from the office and business stress. You do however have to stop technology taking over your life and so use 2015 as your quest to manage it carefully. K-N-O-W-L- E-D-G-E 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96% But , A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100% And, Structure your me so you get the most out of your uninterrupted hours—almost a rarity in our world today. Allow yourself me to wonder or reflect and me to come up with ideas. If you're connually on your devices, looking at and reading everybody else's ideas then you’ll become stale. Flex your imaginaon! THE BUILDING INDUSTRY Whatever happened to the “carpenter”? B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T 2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103% AND, look how far a*** kissing will take you. A-S-S-K-I-S-S-I-N-G 1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 127% So, one can conclude with mathemacal certainty, that while Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and AVtude will get you there, it’s the Bullshit and Ass kissing that will put you over the top. Now you know why some people are where they are! What is the difference between a carpenter and a builder? Is there a difference? For all you builders out there, perhaps a point of difference for you could be that you market yourself as a carpenter? FAST FOOD YOUR BUSINESS—A BEHIND THE SCENES LOOK Is it really fast food or does it need to get faster? Do you get frustrated when you do venture out for a takeaway and then you have to cue. What’s that all about? Let people in behind the scenes! When people see how your business works they develop an interest in what you do and they are more likely to buy your product and support your service. A behind the scenes look is also a powerful enhancement tool! Build diversity—A diverse team helps that enchantment last. People with different backgrounds, perspecves and skills keep a cause fresh. WHEN A HORSE IS LAID TO REST Did you know that when a Sire is buried it is tradion to bury them in a standing posion facing the main gate of the stud? My pick for a trend going forward is that food will (does need to) get faster. SUCCESSION PLAN—RETIRING? Only a third succeed in the transion: Research shows that only one out of every three family-owned businesses makes a successful transion from first to second generaon. There can be many problems faced in small and mid sized businesses that involve different family members so planning your exit strategy is extremely important, parcularly so if a good deal of your rerement fund is ed up in the business assets and value. All informaon in this newsleer is, to the best of the author’s knowledge, true and accurate. No liability is assumed by the author or the publisher for any losses suffered by any person relying directly or indirectly upon this newsleer. You are advised to consult professionals before acng upon this informaon. February 2015 Page 3 BEING AN “UGLY PROSTITUTE” ISNT A CRIME CRICKET: AS EXPLAINED TO A FOREIGNER…(OR FEMALE!!!) A disgruntled customer called police to complain that a prostute was You have two sides, one out in the field and one in. Each man that's in the side that's in goes out, and when he's out he comes in and the next man goes in unl he's out. When they are all out, the side that's out comes in and the side that's been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out. Somemes you get men sll in and not out. not as prey as she claimed when they met in a car park in the dark. The caller, who has been warned for wasng police me, contacted emergency services saying she had breached Britain's Sale of Goods Act, reported the Telegraph. Under this law, the purchase needed to be of sasfactory quality and fit for purpose. A police spokesman said the man called on a Tuesday, about 7.30pm, saying she had made out she was beer looking than she really was. "When he raised this issue with the woman concerned, she allegedly took his car keys, ran away from the car and threw them back at him, prompng him to call police,” the spokesman told the Telegraph. When a man goes out to go in, the men who are out try to get him out, and when he is out he goes in and the next man in goes out and goes in. There are two men called umpires who stay all out all the me and they decide when the men who are in are out. When both sides have been in and all the men have been out, and both sides have been out twice a$er all the men have been in, including those who are not out, that is the end of the game! "An officer in the Solihull contact centre advised the caller that no offences had been commied by the woman and that solicing for sex was in fact illegal." TOP TAX TIPS FOR THE NEW YEAR - WHAT WILL INLAND REVENUE BE LOOKING AT in 2015? "Despite the man refusing to give his details, police have been able to idenfy him and have sent him a leer warning him about his acons.” Under the “at risk” areas for individual taxpayers. These include: The spokesman said wasng police me carries a maximum sentence of six months imprisonment. Using Company and Trust ownership structures for business. Though the Trust and top personal tax rates are now aligned at 33 percent, this connues to be an area of interest for Inland Revenue. The arbitrage opportunity of using the 28 percent corporate tax rate (resulng in a 5 percent tax savings) may be tempng but be cauous. EXPENSES YOU CANNOT CLAIM There are three major areas in which you cannot claim business expenses. These are disallowed under a provision of the Income Tax Act, which prohibits any deducon for private or domesc expenditure. Food You cannot deduct as a business expense any claims for your own personal food. The only excepon to this is purchase of food for entertainment purposes, or when you are out of town on business (or perhaps rugby league players needing to put on weight!). Health There is no scope whatever for claiming a deducon of medical health costs, nor for health insurance. There have` been some quite invenve (and humorous) claims over the years under this heading. One was an English lawyer who tried to claim the costs of his heart bypass surgery. The lawyer argued that without the operaon he would be dead and if he were dead he could not earn assessable income. It was a good try, but the claim failed. Clothing The only types of clothing that you can deduct from income are protecve clothing and uniforms. HOW DO YOU KNOW YOUR MARKETING IS WORKING? The most important aspect to consider is measurement. If you don’t measure your performance how do you know if you’ve been effecve? All markeng acvity can and should be measured. It is important to understand which markeng taccs work, how well they work and adjusng your approach where necessary to achieve the greatest overall ROI on the markeng budget. The point to remember is that the cost of markeng acvity that is not measured represents wasteful expenditure. The trick in measuring markeng acvity is to understand what it is that each task is intended to achieve, and to know what the result will be measured against. All fairly straight-forward: have a plan, know what you want to achieve, know who you want to talk to and how to get to them. If you take the me to think about each of these carefully then you are on the right road to creang effecve markeng. But if you'd like some help—there's always plenty on hand: just make sure you choose an affordable opon for your business. If you’re drawing a professional salary, it should reflect market salaries for your industry or profession. Inland Revenue generally requires your salary to be 80- percent of your business’ total profits but calculang that salary, parcularly at the beginning of the year, is surprisingly difficult. So any esmaon of salary should be reviewed regularly to ensure it connues to be commercially jusfiable. If you own “mixed-use” assets that are available for rental or charter – parcularly holiday homes and yachts – be aware they’re now caught by new rules liming the tax breaks available from private use of these assets. Previously, the cost of these assets could be deducted and offset against other income; now taxpayers must treat most of these costs as private expenditure. Property development is sll firmly in Inland Revenue’s sights. Despite Labour’s elecon loss and the shelving of a comprehensive capital gains tax, some gains related to profits from developing and selling property will be taxable under rules that have been in place for some years. If you are unsure, please get in touch. It is easier than you think to get this wrong. Using tax havens, or exploing any mismatch in the treatment of income between countries (so-called “hybrid instrument” or “hybrid enes”) to reduce tax bills is another big-cket item for Inland Revenue. Scruny can be expected even though the outcome may ulmately be accepted. This is a good me to revisit and update your advice to ensure you are on the right side of the line. Things are changing fast and you must keep abreast of these changes to avoid tax risk, and potenal huge tax and penalty costs. If there is one overriding message for taxpayers – corporates of all sizes and individuals – for the coming year, it is to ensure the tax structure you choose matches the underlying reality of your business. Clever tax plans can come unstuck if they lack commercial reality or are unrelated to your actual business. Think of it this way: tax avoidance is o$en described as very clever people doing things that would otherwise be extremely stupid if it were not for the tax benefits. Perriams will ensure that your structure meets all these tests. All informaon in this newsleer is, to the best of the author’s knowledge, true and accurate. No liability is assumed by the author or the publisher for any losses suffered by any person relying directly or indirectly upon this newsleer. You are advised to consult professionals before acng upon this informaon. February 2015 Page 4 STAFF—2014 SHARE MARKET CHALLENGE THE STAFF ROOM In August of 2014 all the staff parcipated in a share market challenge. A place where everyone belongs. People make up over 50% of our cost so anything we can offer to make the workplace beer for our staff goes without saying. Each had $10,000 of “play money” to invest over 3 months (September 2014—November 2014). You could do one trade at the end of each month if you wished. Perriams are! This year we are going to create a staff room which our staff will find hard to get away from. We announced the results just prior to the Christmas break and we thought we would share with you our top three share market Gurus; AGEING WORKFORCE IS ON THE RISE Sam + $754.00 (annualised return 30%) Sally E + $712.00 (annualised return 28%) Karen +$632.00 (annualised return 25%) This is not something that might happen, it is something that is going to happen. Prize money—Sam $100, Sally Evans $70 and Karen $40. For your interest Sam’s por>olio consisted of the following stocks; • • • • • Auckland Airport Fonterra Mighty River Synlait Wynward Group Well done Sam! The female staff certainly came out on top over the males and our winner was one of our very knowledgeable members from the admin team. The lesson here? Perhaps it is “never underesmate your admin team”. Feel free to contact Sam, for some 2015 ps! Since 2011 the percentage of people 65 and over has nearly doubled. As of 2013, 22% of those aged 65 and over were in the workforce and by 2031 this number is expected to rise to 31% As a test to these projecons based on our current workforce Perriams will be just knocking on the door of 31%. IT’S A FUNDAMENTAL TRUISM It’s a fundamental truism of business—you need to differenate if you want to be successful, unless you are in a market where everybody wants what you sell and you then just have to be in place - and that’s not many of us. WOULD YOU BUY YOUR OWN BUSINESS? KIWISAVER - Q & A Q. Can I sll contribute towards Kiwsaver and send money into my Kiwsaver account if I move overseas? It’s amazing how few know the value of their own business, even an approximate value, or that there may well be a queue of buyers if their business came to the market. There is always a demand for good businesses. This demand comes from several independent sources; migrants looking to meet immigraon requirements, returning NZ expats, companies growing through acquision, individuals looking at leaving their jobs and owning a business, just some examples. Because businesses are most o$en valued on the basis of ROI (return on investment), the actual mulples of earnings have not really changed, yet over the years in some cases these can increase due to a shortage of good available businesses. Determining the likely selling price for your business and what drives this value is important. With the right informaon you can make an informed decision about whether you should connue to own your business, buy another business, rere, or do something enrely different. Value drivers are varied - but the following tend to be the most influenal; barriers to entry, risk profile, sunrise or sunset industries, customer base, locaon, likely buyer demand, ease of operaon, how long the business has been operang and comparable market evidence. All of these factors will determine what mulple of earnings a buyer might be prepared to pay. A. Yes you can make one off or regular contribuons whenever you like, One thing to bear in mind however is that you wont be eligible for the member tax credits for the me you are based overseas. If you’re moving permanently to countries other than Australia it is sll possible for you to withdraw your KiwiSaver funds a$er you’ve lived outside of New Zealand for a year. Once you’ve signed a statutory declaraon and provided evidence that you’ve le$ New Zealand for good you'll be able to withdraw your Kiwisaver funds, except for any member tax credits. Should you decide to return to New Zealand further down the track you can re-join Kiwisaver but you won’t get another $1,000 kick start payment. Please note that regular contribuons to your Kiwsaver account whilst you are absent from New Zealand could impact on your tax residency status so you should always discuss this opon with Perriams first. If you are considering selling your business, it is also important to consider whether you would in the first instance buy the business yourself? All informaon in this newsleer is, to the best of the author’s knowledge, true and accurate. No liability is assumed by the author or the publisher for any losses suffered by any person relying directly or indirectly upon this newsleer. You are advised to consult professionals before acng upon this informaon.
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