Principal: Debbie Starpins School Council President: Heidi Fitzpatrick Strathmore Primary School Values: Commitment to lifelong learning Sense of Community and Belonging, Respect, Tolerance, Resilience, Responsibility, Perseverance, Integrity School Vision Statement Wednesday, 22 October 2014 From the Principal’s Desk Together, the Strathmore Primary School community will promote a commitment to lifelong learning. Through a stimulating and challenging environment, we will empower our students to reach their potential and to become caring and productive members of an ever-changing world. Dear Parents & Carers, th 70 Anniversary Aer a lot of planning and organisaon this very special day was celebrated on Saturday. Staff, students and parents aended the school to look at their old school photos and reminisce with old school mates. The main display of photos was in the main building with each decade in a different room. There was lots of laughter and talking as they reminisced of their me at Strathmore. The formal part of the day included a welcome by myself, School Council President, Heidi Fitzpatrick, and our school captains, Ned Tate and Ella Fitzpatrick. This was followed by the Minister of Educaon, the Hon. Marn Dixon, who presented our school with the announcement of a promise of $4.2 million for our Building Project to proceed. This is very excing news for our school. This was then followed by the opening of the gate by Minister Dixon and Neil Meaden, a student in Prep in 1944. The community was very impressed with our new school gate, designed by our current students. This concluded with the cu3ng of the 70th anniversary cake by our school captains, Ella and Ned. I thank Vicki Stakemire, one of our parents, for designing and making the cake. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Sue Grant, Annamaria Vasil and the 70th Anniversary Commiee for their incredible organisaon and also Mary Glendza and Lucy Perisanidis and our hardworking Parent’s Club for se3ng up the hall and organising the refreshments for the day. It was also terrific to have staff and parent volunteers assisng with the manning of the stalls and the cleaning up. I would also like t acknowledge the following businesses and families for their support. Scones—Kim and Paul at Sargent’s Cakes, Reservoir Alcohol—Carl and Co. @ West Brunswick Cellars Alcohol—Twelve Boles Pty Ltd Jake @ Revitalise Cafe Narayan Family Karabay Family Tootell Family Stakemire Family Commemorave Tea Towels Tea towels are sll available from the office at a cost of $10 each. What’s happening at Strathmore PS OCTOBER Thursday 23rd Prep 2015 Orientation Friday 24th Gr 2 Sleepover Monday 27th School Council Meeting Wednesday 29th Prep 2015 Orientation Thursday 30th Prep 2015 Orientation NOVEMBER Tuesday 4th Melbourne Cup Day No school DECEMBER Wednesday 10th Gr. 6 Graduation Strathmore Primary School Arts Show Thank you again to the many families who visited our Art Exhibion and enjoyed the creave talents and art works produced by our students. It was a fantasc exhibit and a great community get together for our school. Thank you so much to the staff and parent volunteers for assisng with the displays. Thank you also to our Visual Arts Teachers, Sandra Damoulakis and Georgie Michaelides, for providing our students with such an engaging and creave Visual Arts Program. This year saw the introducon of the classroom canvasses and the silent aucon. Once again the standard of this work was outstanding and the classroom canvasses were very popular. Bidding was very compeve in the last few minutes with a number of the painngs going for over $100.00. The highest price for a classroom painng was $460.00 which was amazing and overall the school raised $3,500 which will go into the Visual Arts Program. YMCA Before and Aer School Program I would like to thank staff, students and families for using the alternave space in the BER over several days so that we could ulise the hall space for our Art Show and also the 70th Anniversary Celebraons. We really appreciate your flexibility and support. NAIDOC Presentaon Our school took part in the NAIDOC celebraons back in July this year. This celebraon looks at the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. One of the acvies was a special art colouring compeon and I am very pleased to inform you that Angelique Choukry 1/2C was a winner and was presented with a medal of excellence at this week’s assembly. Dylan Williams, Chair of the Naidoc Week Commiee, was also represenng the Prime Minister, and Councillor Jim Cusack from Moonee Valley presented her with her special medal and an MP3 Player. We were so proud of her achievement. School Canteen Earlier this year, at the request of one of our parents, a survey was sent out to families to gain feedback on our current service and to seek your views on having a canteen service based on our school grounds. This informaon was analysed and discussed at School Council. Whilst School Council fully supported the idea of having a school canteen with healthy food on site, there were a number of other things to consider. Currently there is no appropriate purpose built facility built on the school site. To build something as a one off would be expensive and difficult in terms of Department Guidelines. Plans for a new canteen are included in our building plans for modernisaon. There are also guidelines for a canteen business to go out to tender. Given these issues, School Council did not see it as a viable business proposal at this stage. With promises of funding from both Labor and Liberal we are guaranteed our building project will go ahead which will have a purpose built canteen. Kinder Visit Yesterday we had a visit from the Strathmore Children’s Services Kindergarten. 21 students, along with staff and parent helpers, arrived at our school. They met students from Prep B in the Library. Pina, our librarian read them a story and then they did a special acvity with the help of the prep students. They then visited the music room with Mr Kinrade where they sang, danced and played percussion instruments. It was lovely to host the visit and our prep students were amazing. Prep Orientaon 2015 This week we held the first of our prep orientaon sessions. We had four groups of children aend Strathmore Primary School for the first me. Students arrived and parcipated in a number of acvies and I was amazed at how quickly they seled into the session. It was a lovely introducon to Strathmore Primary School and we are all really looking forward to their second visits next week. Planning for 2015 As I menoned in previous newsleers, the staff and I have already begun planning for next year and later this term we will be working on grade placements for 2015. The class teachers are aware of each student’s learning and social needs and use this informaon, along with student’s nominated friendship groups, when making decisions about the placement of students. The formaon of new classes for 2015 will consider the following:• The individual learning needs of students • Social, emoonal and physical development • Friendship groups • Gender balance • Balance of class members • Wrien requests from parents based on the educaon needs outlined in last week’s newsleer can be considered. Today is the last day to communicate this informaon to me. This informaon has been in the newsleer over the last two weeks. When I release the 2015 teacher allocaons towards the end of the term these decisions are final. If your child is leaving Strathmore Primary School at the end of this year (excluding Grade 6 students) please nofy the office staff as soon as possible. Sport Update Congratulaons to the following students who will be represenng our school at State level next Monday … Ben Williamson Patrick Logan Edward Jenkins Mitchel Egan I would also like to congratulate Patrick Breuer and Zain Yamack who represented our school in golf. They will now go on and compete at the District level on the 21st November. Warm Regards, Debbie Starpins Principal Being organised can be one of the most useful skills you will ever learn. It can save you so much time and energy. It is usually quite easy to spot an organised person. From an early age this trait becomes apparent in all of us. However, there are still things we can all do to help us to be more organised. • Set up simple routines at home to make things more efficient. • Talk to your kids regularly about planning how they use their time. • Make a list of homework tasks and ask your child to tick each one off as they finish. • Set a timer for working or playing on the computer if there are a few people wanting to use it. • Praise your child's attempts to improve their organisation. These things may help to make the day smoother. Andy Patch Assistant Principal Ciao a tutti, Carlton is the home of Melbourne’s “Little Italy” and Lygon Street is it’s epicenter. The Carlton Italian Festa is on this Sunday 26th October at “Piazza Italia”, Lygon Street, Carlton. Enjoy a day in Piazza, then take a leisurely stroll down to Lygon Street. There will be live entertainment all day including bands, comedians, dance groups and DJs. Sample many Italian culinary delights and ensure you visit the Vespa, Alfa Romeo and Fiat display!! Buon divertimento!!! Grazie mille, Michelle Petruccelli Languages Co-ordinator 2014 Art Show Thank you to all parents, students and friends who visited our Art Show last week. It was lovely to see so many of you enjoying our student’s art work. Our inaugural Silent Auction of class canvasses was a huge success, climaxing in some very exciting bidding! Many thanks also to the small but enthusiastic army who helped us set up: Peta, June, Francine, Catherine and Jan. Also Tash, Chelsea, Kayla, Cassidy and Lorin who sold tea towels and helped with the Photo Booth. We greatly appreciate your support. Sincerely, Georgie Michaels and Sandra Damoulakis Fresh North Queensland Mangoes Direct from the farm to you! NOTE: Orders must be paid before delivery. Order Form Name: Address: Email address: Contact Number: Payment Method: Cash Cheques made payable to: Strathmore Primary School Name Qty Price Total 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. $24 per box Remember to offer this to your family, co-workers, friends and neighbours. Collection date will be 10th DECEMBER 2014 We will notify you via tiqbiz and the newsletter regarding collection Any enquiries can be made to Vicki mobile 0415883796 Please return this form and payment to school by: 3rd NOVEMBER 2014 YMCA Children’s Services Strathmore Primary School PROGRAM AT A GLANCE For all Bookings and Cancellations please call us directly on 9379 4347 or email us: For any Account Information please call our office on: 8371 0500 DATE: TERM 4 Week 3 20th October-24th October DAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY BREAKFAST WHOLEMEAL OR RAISIN TOAST, EGGS, PANCAKES, CEREAL CRUMPETS,MUFFINS, JUICE, MILK & MORE FRIDAY ACTIVITY AFTERNOON TEA AASC-ATHLETICS NAPOLI OR TUNA PASTA AASC-CALISTHENICS SAUSAGES IN BREAD HAMA BEADS TUNA WITH SALAD OSHC ASSEMBLY WITH WILL A VARIETY OF BOARD GAME ROTATIONS TOAST WITH SPREADS th RICE CAKES WITH CHEESE & TOMATO st DATE: TERM 4 Week 4 27 October 31 October DAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY BREAKFAST WHOLEMEAL OR RAISIN TOAST, EGGS, PANCAKES, CEREAL CRUMPETS, MUFFINS, JUICE, MILK & MORE ACTIVITY AFTERNOON TEA AASC-ATHLETICS TOASTED SANDWICHES AASC-CALISTHENICS PANCAKES GROUP GAME OF ZAP PITA ROLL UPS DIPS WITH CHEESE, VEGIES & BISCUITS OSHC ASSEMBLY WITH WILL HALLOWEEN PARTY-BRING YOUR HOT DOGS WITH “BLOOD” IN BREAD COSTUME IF YOU DARE For afternoon tea, a large fruit platter is served in addition to the items listed above. Afternoon Tea and the Daily activities may change due to circumstances on any given day. Our program is designed for children of different ages & differences. Outside play is encouraged when the weather is fine. Children have a choice to participate in inside or outside activities.. STRATHMORE NEWS Term 4 On Friday 31st October, as a request from the children, we will have a Halloween Party. The children can dress up at aftercare if they want to bring their costume to school. We will have trick or treat goodies, turn cookies into monsters and play a game of monster bingo. Thank you to the OSHC children, staff and families who survived the change last week from the hall to the BER building to accommodate the fantastic art work that the children had created for this year’s Arts Festival. I was lucky enough to be able to view all the art work and I was impressed with the variety of skills that the children had used. Well done to Mrs Michaels, Ms Damoulakis and all the teachers and students. Enrolments for 2015 are open. Enrol now at Jump online at and enrol your child today. Remember there may be an occasion when you can’t arrive on time to pick your child up from school. With a current enrolment form, they can attend the OSHC program anytime during the year; it’s just a phone call away. Please remember that you must book your children into care as we work in a ratio of 1 staff member per 15 children It’s fun to play at the YMCA. Just a reminder that Strathmore OSHC follows the Sun Smart Policy therefore hats must be worn at aftercare everyday starting the first day of September until the end of April 2015. SUMMER HOLIDAY PROGRAM Look out for the Summer Program enrolment forms on the 18th November. (The Summer Program will run from Monday 5th January until Friday 23rd January.) Janice Sutherland & Team Strathmore P.S OSHC Coordinator CANCELLATION POLICY REMINDER Cancellations must be made in writing or online with one week's notice. Normal fees apply if these requirements are not met. You’re assistance with this enables us to remain compliant within the boundaries of our licence, child to staff ratios and to provide the best possible care to the children attending.
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