March 29, 2015 STRATHMORE UNITED CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Are you planning an event at our church? Please write out the details and put in the mail slot on Susan’s office door. Check the calendar on the congregation’s bulletin board to make sure the space is available. Kindly Reminder Office hours Be “Scents-ative” many people are allergic to strong scents and perfumes. Wednesday 8:30-3:00 and Thursday 8:30-12:00 Newsletter Time Yes! It is newsletter time again. Please have all announcements, news, funny Stories and jokes to Karen Wilkie before the end of March. or call 403-934-3579. Thanks. This is the deadline for submitting stories and soup recipes for our Church Story Book. If you make a great pot of soup submit your recipe and let others enjoy the flavors. Please submit them to Alice Bramley. Seder Supper. 6:00 pm. The sign-up sheet is on the magnetic board near the elevator entrance. Good Friday service will be held at 10:30 at the Hope Community Covenant Church. The Lutheran church will be leading the worship. Prayer Group 10:00-11:00 am. We will be meeting the first Tuesday of the month to pray together for the church, community and beyond. Book Club will meet at 1:00 pm in the church library. Come and find out about interesting books and authors that others have enjoyed. Bring a book to share the story if you like. “Fresh Start “. Thank You to all who attended. Submit topics to Rev. Pamela Scott and they will be taken to Council where it will be decided which modules we undertake April 11th and one more date is yet to be set. We will be setting up right after the service for our semiannual Thrift Sale. Please if you are able, pitch in and help us organize and set up this magnificent endeavor. March 31 April 2 April 3 April 7 April 7 April 11 April 12 1|Page March 29, 2015 April 13-15 April 16-18 May 10 May 12 Guatemala Mission and Service. Camp anyone? Church 50th Hasti Notes Every Day Par and envelopes Rozella’s group Booking Events Reminder M&S Story 2|Page We are looking for many volunteers to help us set up for the Thrift Sale. Ant time you can loan to us is greatly appreciated. Thrift Sale is open… Come join us for a worship service at the Wheatland Lodge at 2:00 pm. Come and join us at Sagewood for a service with the seniors. 11:00 am. July 7-17 2015, GATE (Global Awareness Through Experience) will have 12 spaces available for congregation members to join them for a trip to Guatemala. Please see Rev. Pamela Scott to get the link to register. Camp Kasota West has released their dates for summer camp this year. Registration forms can be found on the Beyond our pews board. A package of 6 notes for $5.00 can be purchased at the office when Susan is in. Food Bank donations are gratefully accepted in the black bin in the foyer. Thank you for your support! If you would like to sign up for Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) or to receive envelopes, please contact Susan in the church office 403-934-3025. Please come and join us on the Last Sunday of each month at 10:00 to hear Rozella’s group and their wonderful music. Feel free to join them or just to listen. Please remember that if you need to book the church for an event it must be done through the office. There have been many events double booked with user groups and it is starting to cause problems. Please have all announcements in by Wednesday at 12:00 to be included into the weekly announcements. Mission and Support Story brochure is available on the M&S board that leads downstairs. March 29, 2015 Last Tuesday of each month First Tuesday of each month. 2nd. Tuesday of each month. 3rd Tuesday of every month Every Wednesday 3rd Saturday of the month. Regularly Scheduled Happenings 7:00 pm the church council meets. Team reps are encouraged to attend or to send a written report. 1:00 pm in the library. The book club meets. Bring your favorite books and share the story. 10:00 am Pastoral Care Group meets at Lambert Village. 7:30 pm at Lambert Village Agape meeting. All women Welcome. 10:00 am Quilting group meets in the basement. Everyone is welcome to attend. Bring your lunch along and join us. 10:00 am the property team meets. Please let them know of any property related requests. Strathmore United Church 410 – Fourth Street, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1B4 Tel: 403-934-3025 Fax: 403-934-3081 Email: (church office) (Rev. Pamela Scott) Website: 3|Page March 29, 2015 Community Announcement Board Please see the Community Events bulletin board in the NW corner of the foyer for Announcements and events happening in and around Strathmore. Some of the current highlights are: Saturday April 11th there will be a Turkey Dinner at Robert McClure United Church. See the poster on the board. Hope Bridges has many Spring and ongoing courses coming up. They are posted on our community board. The Strathmore Library has many events going on. Browse the board for posters. Harvest Healing will be opening on Monday evenings from 7-9 for healing, encouragement and prayer. Open to all. Looking for music lessons? Check the board… Rosebud 2015 info is on community board. Children’s Cottage Society has brochures available. April 25th. Hope Bridges Spring Art Auction Fundraiser will take place on this Saturday, at the Strathmore Golf Club. There is a poster on the community board outside of Pamela’s office. Ecumenical Women’s Gathering April 10-12, 2015 at Entheos the Theme is “Seeking Sophia: Walking with Wisdom” with Reflections on Psalm 62, a Song of Trust and Wisdom Scripture. The weekend will include looking at Psalm 62 and wisdom literature through meditations, art, labyrinth walking, music, and prayer. More information at Arts and Crafts competition as well as Creative Writing competition will take place in the Alberta 55 Plus Zone 2 division. More info can be found on the community board. 4|Page
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