Principal: Debbie Starpins School Council President: Heidi Fitzpatrick Strathmore Primary School Values: Commitment to lifelong learning Sense of Community and Belonging, Respect, Tolerance, Resilience, Responsibility, Perseverance, Integrity Wednesday, 19th November 2014 From the Principal’s Desk School Vision Statement Together, the Strathmore Primary School community will promote a commitment to lifelong learning. Through a stimulating and challenging environment, we will empower our students to reach their potential and to become caring and productive members of an ever-changing world. Bike Ed. The Bike Ed. Program is halfway through and students are having fun developing skills to ensure their safety. Reports Teachers are in the process of compiling student reports to go home on Monday, 15th December, 2014. Transition Day — 9th December Gr.6 students will be attending their chosen state secondary college on this day for orientation (private schools excluded). Cricket Nets The workers were here bright and early this morning to begin work on installing our new cricket nets on the York Street side of the oval. Our budding cricketers are anxiously awaiting their completion so they can hone their skills ready for the summer season. Lunch Orders We are experiencing an increasing number of students coming to school with no lunch. Please ensure that your children are provided with a healthy lunch and snack each day to avoid the necessity of unwanted phone calls to home or work. Please also remind your children of the importance of taking responsibility for placing their shop lunch orders in their grade lunch order tubs when entering their classrooms in the morning. Lost Property As we only have just over four weeks of this term to go please check the over flowing lost property tubs outside the hall to claim any items that might belong to you. All unclaimed items will be discarded at the end of the year. Movie Night—28th November Don’t forget to support Parent’s Club by purchasing your tickets for this community event. Home Alone is the movie and all funds raised go to directly benefit your child/ren. Refer to Parent’s Club flyer on pg.6 of this newsletter for further details. Casual Clothes Day—28th November Wouldn’t it be fun to come to school in some CRAZY clothes! Bring an item of pre-loved clothing to donate to the 2015 Festival of Fun which is happening on Sunday, 15th March, 2015. No gold coin donation required, just the clothing donation. This is a great opportunity to give your wardrobe a much needed clean out. We can only accept donated clothes that are clean and undamaged. What’s happening at Strathmore PS NOVEMBER Friday 21st Bike Ed Gr5/6 Prep Imax / Museum excursion Monday 24th School Council Meeting @ 7:00pm Thursday 27th School Nurse visit—Prep only Friday 28th Bike Ed Gr5/6 Crazy Clothes Day Movie Night & Shoe sale DECEMBER Thursday 4th Yr. 7 Parent Information evening @ Strathmore SC Friday 5th Bike Ed Gr5/6 concludes Tuesday 9th Gr. 6 Secondary School Transition Day Wednesday 10th Gr. 6 Graduation Mango deliveries—school hall Friday 12th Gr Prep-2 Sports Day Monday 15th Reports go home Wednesday 17th Class parties Parent Teacher Interviews Thursday 18th STRATHMORE 5000 Friday 19th SCHOOL CONCLUDES FOR 2014 @ 1:30PM We often struggle with the concept of fairness. Fairness is about equity, and for some equity means all being treated the same. However, we know that treating every child in the same way is not equitable. All children have different needs, and treating them all the same actually ignores the needs of many. In Australia we all have the right to attend school. But is it fair that some schools have swimming pools & some don’t? Kids need help in different ways. Some need lots of help in the classroom, some need very little – is that fair? Should we all get the same help regardless of need? We have to plan learning experiences for children that help them develop the understanding needed to demonstrate fairness and equity in their interactions with others. Given that many of us struggle with the concept of fairness and equity. We need to help children recognise that we are all different, and that difference is exciting. Often we are nervous about this because we feel that it draws attention to difference. We are scared that if we recognise difference, we are teaching prejudice. It is, in fact, the opposite. Is it fair that the least successful team gets the best draft picks? Andy Patch (Assistant Principal) Year 6 Transition to Secondary School As an additional opportunity to help students with the transition into high school the school is offering transition sessions with our Student Wellbeing Worker, Leasa Eldridge. The sessions will be on a Thursday and will enable students to discuss any concerns they may have in a safe environment. Some of the topics covered will be: Finding your way around a large high school Coping with lots of lessons and teachers Planning for homework Organising all the stationary Meeting new friends A letter will be sent out to families. Please sign up for the sessions. RUNNING CLUB Over the past 10 weeks, many students have participated running laps and raising money for our new running track. The time has now come for Donation Booklets together with monies raised to be sent to school. Please forward by Friday 21st November. Thank you to all students, families and friends for participating. Ben Lepore P.E. Teacher For those who ordered and paid or expressed interest in Converse/Vans shoes they will be available for collection/payment on Thursday 20th November in Room 7 from 8:30 am– 9:00am and 3:00pm and also Thursday 27th between 3:00pm -5:00pm. Movie Night on 28th November there will be a pop up shop for families who missed the opportunity to pre order shoes. YMCA Children’s Services Strathmore Primary School PROGRAM AT A GLANCE For all Bookings and Cancellations please call us directly on 9379 4347 or email us: For any Account Information please call our office on: 8371 0500 DATE: TERM 4 WEEK 7 Nov 17TH- Nov 21ST DAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY BREAKFAST ACTIVITY AFTERNOON TEA WHOLEMEAL OR RAISIN TOAST, ENGLISH MUFFINS, CRUMPETS, EGGS, PANCAKES, CEREAL, JUICE, MILK & MORE AASC-ATHLETICS AASC-CALLISTHENICS MAKE FUNNY FACED BISCUITS OSHC ASSEMBLY WITH WILL & HAMA BEADS GROUP GAME FAIRY BREAD RICE CAKES WITH CHEESE & SALAD PASTA A SELECTION OF TOASTS WITH SPREADS PINWHEELS FRIDAY DATE: TERM 4 WEEK 8 Nov 24TH-Nov 28TH DAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY BREAKFAST WHOLEMEAL OR RAISIN TOAST, ENGLISH MUFFINS, CRUMPETS, EGGS, PANCAKES, CEREAL, JUICE, MILK & MORE ACTIVITY AFTERNOON TEA OVAL AND PLAYGROUND ACTIVITIES AASC-CALLISTHENICS HOT DOGS GROUP GAME OF SKITTLES TOASTED SANDWICHES PASTA OSHC ASSEMBLY WITH WILL FRUIT SALAD WITH YOGURT SALADA BISCUITS WITH CHEESE & FREE PLAY TOMATO For afternoon tea, a large fruit platter is served in addition to the items listed above. Afternoon Tea and the Daily activities may change due to circumstances on any given day. Our program is designed for children of different ages & differences. Outside play is encouraged when the weather is fine. Children have a choice to participate in inside or outside activities. STRATHMORE NEWS Term 4 FUNDRAISER COMING UP th Look out for our Christmas raffle in December. Tickets will be on sale from November 10 at $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. There will be several prizes included in the raffle. All money raised will go towards purchasing th new equipment for your children. We will draw the raffle on Monday 15 December. GOOD BYE TO OUR GRADE 6 STUDENTS. There will be presentations to the grade 6 students during December at before and after school care. ENROLMENTS FOR 2015 ARE OPEN. Enrol now at Jump online at and enrol your child today. Remember there may be an occasion when you can’t arrive on time to pick your child up from school. With a current enrolment form, they can attend the OSHC program anytime during the year; it’s just a phone call away. Please remember that you must book your children into care as we work in a ratio of 1 staff member per 15 children… SUMMER HOLIDAY PROGRAM th Holiday Program booking are available from 18 November. Please collect a brochure from the Strathmore OSHC staff or from the school office. It’s fun to play at the YMCA so get your bookings in early to avoid missing out on a place for your child. Some of the excursion days include a visit to the Geelong Adventure Park, The Melbourne Zoo, Oak Park Pools, The YMCA skate park, Clip and Climb and Dizzy’s castle. We will also be entertained by performers from Afobeat and get messy doing Art activities and water activities. Just a reminder that Strathmore OSHC follows the Sun Smart Policy therefore hats must be worn at aftercare everyday starting the first day of September until the end of April 2015. Janice Sutherland & Team Strathmore P.S OSHC Coordinator CANCELLATION POLICY REMINDER Cancellations must be made in writing or online with one week's notice. Normal fees apply if these requirements are not met. You’re assistance with this enables us to remain compliant within the boundaries of our licence, child to staff ratios and to provide the best possible care to the children attending. The annual Christmas Carols and Street Party in Napier Park will be held on Saturday 13th December at 7.30 pm. Everybody is welcome to come along and celebrate the festive season, with friends, family and neighbours. Come early, bring a torch, chair, food and drink and meet on the Noble Avenue side of Napier Park. The street will be closed to traffic from 5 pm. Inquiries: Mark Roberts 9379 7164
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