Principal: Debbie Starpins School Council President: Heidi Fitzpatrick Strathmore Primary School Values: Commitment to lifelong learning Sense of Community and Belonging, Respect, Tolerance, Resilience, Responsibility, Perseverance, Integrity Wednesday, 8 October 2014 From the Principal’s Desk School Vision Statement Together, the Strathmore Primary School community will promote a commitment to lifelong learning. Through a stimulating and challenging environment, we will empower our students to reach their potential and to become caring and productive members of an ever-changing world. Dear Parents & Carers, Welcome Back Welcome back to all members of the Strathmore Primary School Community and a special welcome to new families and students. The school holidays are always a lovely opportunity to have a break from school routine. I took the opportunity to catch up with family and friends and enjoyed visits to Philip Island and Torquay. All students have settled back into school really well for the final term of 2014. Over the school holidays our cleaners have done a great job of giving our school a spring clean. Paul, our handyman, was busy with a number of jobs and continued his fantastic work on our school gardens. Thank you Paul!! New Line Marking Over the school holidays the line markings were upgraded with some fresh paint and a couple of new designs have been placed in different areas of the school. This has included slow zones in some areas of the school to keep everyone safe. Of course, out in the more open areas, students will be able to play freely and run around the school as per normal. We have ordered some large chess pieces to go with the new chess board. Sun Smart - No Hat No Play This is the final reminder about our Sun Smart Policy which includes “No Hat No Play”. As many of you would be aware, from September until April it is important to use a combination of sun protection measures to minimise the risk of skin and eye damage and skin cancer. You can check the Sun Smart UV alert every day to find out local sun protection times. It is available in the weather section of the newspaper. Our Sun Smart Policy is in place for this term. This is a policy that has been ratified by School Council. The policy states that it is compulsory for all students to wear the school’s broad brimmed or legionnaire style hat for all of Term 4. Both these hats are available for purchase from Noone Imagewear, 543 Keilor Road, Niddrie. Hats are to be worn at recess, lunch time, during sport and PE sessions and at major outdoor events and on excursions. Students are also encouraged to wear hats to and from school. This week the students are being reminded about “No Hat No Play” and, as of next Monday, if children arrive at school without a hat, they will be restricted to play in a shaded area. 2015 Canberra Camp Information Meeting A note was given out to all Gr.4 & 5 students inviting parents to attend a Canberra Camp Information Meeting next Monday at 6.30pm. There will be a staff member from the tour company present to pass on information and answer questions. This meeting will be held in the library area in the BER. What’s happening at Strathmore PS OCTOBER Sunday 12th WORKING BEE FOR 70TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS 9:00am-12:00pm Monday 13th 2015 Canberra Camp Information Evening @ 6:30pm Wednesday 15th & Thursday 16th Arts Festival 5:00-8:00pm Prep 2015 Information evening @ 7:00pm Saturday 18th 11:00-4:00 70th Anniversary Celebrations Wednesday 22nd Prep 2015 Orientation Thursday 23rd Prep 2015 Orientation Monday 27th School Council Meeting Wednesday 29th Prep 2015 Orientation Thursday 30th Prep 2015 Orientation NOVEMBER Tuesday 4th Melbourne Cup Day Strathmore Primary School Arts Show The Strathmore Primary School Bi-enniel Art Show will be held on Wednesday, 15th & Thursday, 16th October from 5:00-8:00pm where students are provided with an opportunity to showcase their work from our Visual Arts Program. All students will have work on display. This year each class has created a canvas which will be on display and available for purchase at a silent auction. These pieces are amazing and I have my eye on a couple that I would like to purchase. I am sure you will be very impressed with the standard of the student’s work. 70th Anniversary Celebrations As I mentioned in the last newsletter, Strathmore Primary School was established in 1944 and we are celebrating our 70th Anniversary on Saturday, 18th October, 2014 (11:00am—4:00pm). The day will consist of our new gate opening followed by devonshire teas/coffees, BBQ, wine & cheese and tours of the school. Classrooms in the administration block will be set up in decades for people’s enjoyment. If anyone has any old photos they would like to contribute please bring them into the office for scanning. Working Bee On Monday the eldest child in each family received some information about the school Working Bee to be held this Sunday from 9.00—12.00. Thank you to the families who have already responded. During the morning we will be doing a general tidy up, some weeding, watering, pruning, mulching and planting. School Fete Plans are underway for our 2015 Fete which will be held on Saturday, 28th February. Whilst we have a new Fete Committee established, we still require volunteers who can offer their time over the next few months. If you can assist in any way, please contact ... Hannah Jacobson Claudia Yanez Following on from the Parent’s Club report is a letter with lots of suggestions on how you could become involved. Prep Information Evening The 2015 Prep Information Evening is scheduled for Wednesday, 15th October at 7:00pm. It will be held in the new Library Resource Centre (BER building). This is a further opportunity for our new parents to find out more information about our school. Some of our prep staff will speak about the Orientation Program / Transition Program. All 2015 Prep parents were mailed an invitation to attend this special meeting yesterday. Planning for 2015 The staff and I have already begun planning for next year and later this term we will be working on grade placements for 2015. The class teachers are aware of each student’s learning and social needs and use this information, along with student’s nominated friendship groups, when making decisions about the placement of students. The formation of new classes for 2015 will consider the following :• The individual learning needs of students • Social, emotional and physical development • Friendship groups • Gender balance • Balance of class members • Written requests from parents based on education needs At times parents have concerns about the placement of their child. Where parents believe there are special circumstances for consideration please address your concerns in writing by Wednesday, 22nd October. It is not feasible for parents to select their child’s teacher as this could lead to inequitable numbers in grades. Circumstances and grade allocations can change unexpectedly right up until the beginning of the school year. We aim to place each student in a supportive environment. It is important and valuable for children to learn how to develop new friendships and socialise with different children. It is part of building resilience and confidence. These skills can also assist children to cope with change. All letters will be given consideration in light of the above criteria, but the final decision regarding student placement will rest with the school and its teachers. If your child is leaving Strathmore Primary School at the end of this year (excluding Grade 6 students) could you please notify the office staff as soon as possible? Warm Regards, Debbie Starpins Principal Strathmore Primary School 2014 Art Show On Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th October SPS will be holding the Biennial Art Show in the school Hall. Parents, Friends and Families are welcome to come between the hours of 58pm on those evenings to view Art work made by our students from Prep to Grade 6. 70th Birthday Tea Towels will be on sale, and students will have an opportunity to have a pic taken in the SPS “Photo Booth”. Also, we will be holding a Silent Auction of 22 wonderful grade canvasses. If you are able to assist with putting up or taking down displays on Tuesday 14th, Wednesday 15th or Monday 20th October please contact Mrs Michaels or Mrs Damoulakis in the art room. Sandra Damoulakis Georgie Michaels Ciao a tutti!! Congratulations to the eight year 5/6 students, who late last term participated in the annual COASIT/VATI Italian Performing Arts Festival, held at the Museum Theatre in Carlton. The students presented an original live theatre performance based around the idea that Forbidden Fruits are always the tastiest. In Italian they say: I Frutti Proibiti sono i più dolci. Congratulations to the following students on their amazing performance: Celine Rouphael (Nonna Caterina) , Catherine Tootel ( Nonna Francesca), Liam Sacco (la pubblicità), Andrea Colakovski (la pubblicità), Luke Mapperson (la pubblicità), Belinda Davide (Nonna Maria) , Kayla Ngyen (la pubblicità), Jacob Cudmore (la pubblicità). Auguri bambini!!!! Lavazza Italian Film Festival 2014 Just a reminder that the ever so entertaining and popular “Lavazza Italian film Festival” is currently showing at many locations around Melbourne. This 15th edition premieres 34 show stopping new features and documentaries. Visit for session times and locations. Buon divertimento!! Grazie mille, Michelle Petruccelli Languages Co-ordinator The Strathmore Primary School fete is back again next year. Hooray! This is a huge social event for our school and the Strathmore community. As it is the major fundraiser for the year, it’s important that everyone supports the fete to ensure its success. The SPS fete is a fun day for all families and friends to enjoy rides, attractions, food, drinks and entertainment. Everyone is able to help support and contribute to the success of the fete in many ways• • • • • On the fete day we need many volunteers to run stalls. The fete cannot operate or succeed without your help. It could be just one hour of your time on the day. Any unwanted items around your house can be donated for the silent action. (Keep any unwanted Christmas gifts to donate) Homemade craft items can be sold in a stall on fete day, so get crafty over the holidays! We will have baked goods on sale at the fete and need our school families to contribute to this. Can you make jams or preserves? Make some extra and donate these for sale at the school fete. Many families and friends of our school own businesses. Please consider what you can donate• • • • Services Skills Consultations Vouchers We are looking for food trucks to provide the food. If you know of any business that would be interested please contact them and let the fete coordinators know. We have had wonderful, dedicated volunteers who have coordinated different aspect of the fete over the years. If you are one of these people (THANK YOU!) and would like to help out in your previous role, please let the fete coordinators know ASAP. This would be greatly appreciated. Please consider, if this will be the last year you are involved with the school, to nominate a successor. Have them help you this time so they can learn the role and take over once you are no longer available. This year we have new fete coordinators and we would love to hear any ideas you have. Together we can enjoy a fun and successful social event that benefits our whole school community. Kind Regards Your fete coordinators, Claudia Yanez Hannah Jacobson YMCA Children’s Services Strathmore Primary School PROGRAM AT A GLANCE For all Bookings and Cancellations please call us directly on 9379 4347 or email us: For any Account Information please call our office on: 8371 0500 DATE: TERM 4 Week 1 6th October-10th October DAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY BREAKFAST ACTIVITY AFTERNOON TEA WHOLEMEAL OR RAISIN TOAST, EGGS, PANCAKES, CEREAL CRUMPETS, JUICE, MILK & MORE AASC-ATHLETICS TOAST WITH SPREADS AASC-CALISTHENICS RICE CAKES WITH CHEESE ACTIVIITES WITH LIZ TUNA OR NAPLOI PASTA OSHC ASSEMBLY WITH WILL SAUSAGES IN BREAD MAKING CHOC BALLS RAISIN TOAST OR ENGLISH MUFFINS DATE: TERM 4 Week 2 13th October 17th October DAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY BREAKFAST ACTIVITY AFTERNOON TEA WHOLEMEAL OR RAISIN TOAST, EGGS, PANCAKES, CEREAL CRUMPETS, JUICE, MILK & MORE AASC-ATHLETICS RICE CAKES WITH CHEESE & SALAD AASC-CALISTHENICS TOASTED SANDWICHES ACTIVIITES WITH LIZ DIPS WITH CHEESE, VEGIES & BISCUITS OSHC ASSEMBLY WITH WILL PANCAKES MAKING SLIME PIN WHEELS For afternoon tea, a large fruit platter is served in addition to the items listed above. Afternoon Tea and the Daily activities may change due to circumstances on any given day. Our program is designed for children of different ages & differences. Outside play is encouraged when the weather is fine. Children have a choice to participate in inside or outside activities.. STRATHMORE NEWS Term 4 th Due to the Arts Festival OSHC will run from the BER building from Tuesday 14 (AFTERCARE) until th Monday 20 (BEFORECARE) Enrolments for 2015 are open. Enrol now at Jump online at and enrol your child today. Remember there may be an occasion when you can’t arrive on time to pick your child up from school. With a current enrolment form, they can attend the OSHC program anytime during the year; it’s just a phone call away. Please remember that you must book your children into care as we work in a ratio of 1 staff member per 15 children It’s fun to play at the YMCA. Just a reminder that Strathmore OSHC follows the Sun Smart Policy therefore hats must be worn at aftercare everyday starting the first day of September until the end of April 2015. Spring Holiday Program The children who attended the Strathmore holiday program learnt how to bounce on a trampoline at Airborn, walk on water and bungy jump at Wonderland Fun Park, hold and care for our eleven chicks from Living Eggs, hammer, sand and nail with Anatoli from Craft Power, learn footy skills with Matt, make dirt desserts and monster biscuits with Liz, and learn about the olden days at Sovereign Hill. They also visited the Shrine of Remembrance where they went on a tour and learnt about our diggers and the animals from WWI and II. These were just a few of the activities that the children participated in. Every day was packed full of fun and exciting activities and learning experiences that the children could share with their parents and siblings. Thanks to all of our parents and staff who supported the Strathmore Spring program. Look out for the Summer Program on the 18th November. (The Summer Program will run from Monday 5th January until Friday 23rd January.) Janice Sutherland & Team Strathmore P.S OSHC Coordinator CANCELLATION POLICY REMINDER Cancellations must be made in writing or online with one week's notice. Normal fees apply if these requirements are not met. You’re assistance with this enables us to remain compliant within the boundaries of our licence, child to staff ratios and to provide the best possible care to the children attending. Hands-On Algebra for fast learners How about doing this special unit with WiseOnes next term? Love Maths, hate Maths, either way you will have fun. Learn the easy way where you can see the Maths happen. Learn how to check if things are equal, how the symbols work, the difference between the sides of an equation. Teach your parents how to do things that look hard but you can do them easily. We use a balance and other teaching aids to make it work before we try to do it on paper, then in our heads. Three levels of fun and challenge especially designed for those who are able to think and learn ahead of their age. Low reading ability does not matter in this unit. WiseOnes is a program for fast learners from Grades 1-6. It operates during school hours, in small groups. It provides students with an opportunity to mix with other creative thinkers, be challenged and have fun. There is a levy of $226.00 for the term. Children work in very small groups (in 8 one-hour sessions), as this is a differentiated curriculum for special needs. The levy is payable to the school in the first week of term. WiseOnes Application for Term 4, 2014 This program is available for all Year 1- Year 6 students who have qualified for WiseOnes. Lessons will commence the week beginning Monday 13th October and end the week ending Friday 5th December. …………………………………………………………………………………………………................................ ENROL HERE Send the form with the fee to your school office. For further information please contact Angela Katsos on Mobile: 0418 577 725. Email: (a) Please enrol my child______________________________ in year ________ if he/she has qualified for the program. I will pay the unit fee of $226.00 to the school. (b) Please do the free try-out (only for students who have yet to be tested and wish to enrol). Yes (circle) (c) My school is _________________________________________ CHILD Name: _______________________________ PARENT Name:_____________________________ Mob:___________________ Date of Birth: / / PH:______________________ Email:__________________________ Signature:____________________________ Please return this slip and payment of $226.00 to Strathmore PS. by Friday 10th October. Children will not be accepted into the program for the term unless the fees and enrolment form are returned by the above date. If paying by cheque, please make it payable to the school. I agree that my contact details be released to Wiseones for necessary communication purposes.
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