CHPS March 26th, 2015 – Term 1 Week 8 eNewsletter Croydon Hills Primary School Principal’s Report Calendar 2015 March th Canteen Hot Cross Bun Day Interschool Sports th Last day Term 1, Friday 27 th Friday 27 Friday 27 2.30pm Dismissal April th Monday 13 Term 2 begins nd Wednesday 22 Canteen – Super Sundaes rd Thursday 23 ANZAC Shrine Student Service th Friday 24 Indoor Assembly, 2.35pm th Wednesday 29 Year 3 Camp, Mt Evelyn th nd Thursday 30 2 Instalment Parent Contribution Levy due May st Friday 1 th Wednesday 6 th Tuesday 12 th Tuesday 12 Year 3 Camp returns Mothers’ Day Stall NAPLAN Language C’ventions 2016 Foundation Info Night, 7.15pm th Wednesday 13 NAPLAN Reading th Thursday 14 NAPLAN Numeracy th Monday 18 Education Week th Monday 18 Book Fair Week th Tuesday 19 Canteen – Sausage Sizzle th Tuesday 19 Open Afternoon & Evening nd Friday 22 Indoor Assembly, 2.35pm th Tuesday 26 District Cross Country We seemed to have arrived at the end of term 1 very quickly indeed. It has been a very positive term with our Foundation students settling very well into school and the facilities changes with the new buildings providing the additional classroom space we need. Clearly the Fair only a fortnight ago was a community highlight of the term. Float Your Boat for the senior students was a great event on Wednesday. It was sunny and still day at Lillydale Lake, where our senior students tested out their crafts made from recycled plastic bottles. A significant amount of duct tape was used to tie them all together and the crafts lasted really well. A series of races was undertaken and lots of fun was had by everybody. A full report and pictures follow on page 9. Grandparents Day for the Foundation students was also held on Wednesday, with our students proudly showing off our school to their grandparents or significant older friends. I know everyone enjoyed the experience. Turn to page 11 for more pics. Tomorrow is Free Dress Day for a gold coin donation. The Junior School Council is fundraising for the Good Friday Appeal for the Royal Children’s Hospital. This is clearly a very worthy cause and we hope that most of our students can support this social service fundraising. Working With Children Checks All family members assisting during class time, on excursions, camps or with inter-school sport must hold a current Working With Children Check (WWCC). Applications can be completed online or through any Post Office. When applying or updating, please make sure that Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 our school is nominated as a place where you volunteer. This ensures that we receive a copy of your current status, which is kept on file for reference. I hope all students and families have a happy, safe and relaxing holiday. We look forward to welcoming students back to school th on Monday, April 13 . Graeme Caudry - Principal Sports News Interschool Sport Last week we played against Holy Spirit PS. Results: SPORT Your score Opposition score Winning school HOT SHOTS TENNIS 294 212 Croydon Hills BASKETBALL GIRLS 12 10 Croydon Hills BASETBALL OPEN 24 25 Holy Spirit CRICKET 61 63 Holy Spirit ROUNDERS GIRLS 5 21 ROUNDERS OPEN 17 12 TEEBAL GIRLS 22 18 TEEBAL OPEN 22 15 Holy Spirit Croydon Hills Croydon Hills Croydon Hills VOLLEYSTARS 1 2 Holy Spirit This week we will be playing against Antonio Park. Venues: CHPS: Cricket, Basketball Boys & Girls, Teeball, Boy & Girls Antonio Park: Rounders Boys & Girls, Volleystars, Hot Shots Tennis. Thank you to all the parents who have been able to help out with scoring and coaching this term with the teams, especially Rachelle Robertson with the Girls Basketball team and her back up Fiona Mortimer and Liz Rollo when needed. Also a big thank you to Jenny Ball who looked after the Girls Rounders team and Traci Colledge, who jumped in when Jenny was not available and Kate Wilson for her assistance with the Hot Shots Tennis. I would also like to thank the Doyle family for helping out with supervision with the Boys Teeball team. We don’t have the staff numbers to supervise all the teams, so it is great that we are able to have parent helpers who can do these jobs otherwise the teams cannot participate. Next term we have a range of different sports so we will need some helpers there also. When we know where the students are situated, we will be asking for assistance in particular sports. Sport will be run in the afternoons next term. Hot Shot T-Shirts I will be doing the bulk order for the Hot Shots T-shirts during the school holidays and there are still a few families who have not given permission for me to order their child a free t-shirt. If you would like your child to have a T-shirt next term, you will need to tick the consent box on Compass, or send me an email / write me a note giving me permission to submit your child’s name and date of birth to the Tennis Australia data base so that their order can be registered. Each child is entitled to one free T-shirt each financial year. Depending on how long it takes for the order to arrive and the logistics of actually distributing this many T-shirts to children, I may then re-order in July. When the T-shirts arrive, I will be asking for parent help to distribute these shirts to the children in each class. This is something that I won’t have time for, but would love the children to have, so it will be an interesting exercise. (Watch this space!!) Noreen McMenaman - PE/Sport LOTE, Indonesian News This term is the first time Foundation students at CHPS have had timetabled Indonesian lessons. They have been so enthusiastic. Whenever I am in the yard a Foundation student will pop up from somewhere greeting me in Indonesian and counting to 3! Junior and Middle classes have particularly enjoyed some traditional songs and stories from Indonesia, and the Seniors are learning vocabulary very effectively using the new Languages onLine app on their iPads. Next term looks as if it is going to be great fun. Thanks to the LOTE captains, Gideon, Brooke and Olivia, who do a wonderful job with the awards and announcements for LOTE at Friday assemblies. Here are some Indonesian words for you to practise over the holidays. Terima kasih: thankyou, Sama-sama: you are welcome, Ma’af: Im sorry Libby Browning Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Premier’s Reading Challenge Don’t forget that the holidays are a good time to start reading your books for the Premiers Reading Challenge. Once your child has been registered and you have received your login and password (early in Term 2) you can begin entering books on the PRC page. Until then, keep a record of books read and authors so that you are ready to go! A consent form is attached to this newsletter. To find out more about the Challenge and access the booklist visit: Like us on Facebook to share tips, literary articles and recommended reads . Canteen News MONDAY MEAL DEALS (only available via online ordering) Mini Meal Deal - $4.00 Small Cheesymite Scroll from Bakers Delight, Oak Flavoured Milk and 2 Homemade Cookies. Mega Meal Deal - $5.50 Wedges with sour cream or tomato sauce, Oak Flavoured Milk and 2 Homemade Cookies. HOT CROSS BUN DAY – Friday 27th March To celebrate Easter, the canteen is offering a special morning tea for the kids – freshly baked Hot Cross Buns from Bakers Delight in Choc chip or Fruit with an Oak Flavoured Milk for $3.00. This is only available at Recess. DISCONTINUED ITEMS Mini Calippo in Lemon has been discontinued by the manufacturer. Raspberry/Pine is still available. Dim Sims and Dim Sims Skewers are no longer available. MONDAYS – ONLINE ORDERS ONLY Please note the canteen is open 5 days per week. ALL orders placed for Mondays must be done online via the Flexischools website, no manual orders will be accepted. FLEXISCHOOLS ONLINE ORDERING This services is available from Monday to Friday via the Flexischools website. Please Note – Sustainable Bags are NOT suitable for online ordering. A paper bag will be provided. AFTERSCHOOL SALES – The canteen is not open afterschool during Term 2 & Term 3. ROSTER th Friday 27 March – Sue Le Clercq, Anissa Silver, Sophie Turnham, Sherylee Button. TERM.2. th Tuesday 14 April – Lee Smart. th Wednesday 15 April – Deanne Scagnetti. th Friday 17 April – Rachelle McNamara, Joanne Duo, Jess Bell, Jacqui Paterson. Karen Cyster - Manager Uniform News Hoodies! Year 6 Hoodies have arrived! They should be with students to go home by the end of the week. Tartan and Polar Fleece! Orders have been placed with our supplier and will arrive early next term and you will be notified for collection. Uniform Shop Opening Hours; Monday 8.30am to 10am Thursday 2.30pm to 4pm Orders can be placed any day through Your order will be processed during normal opening hours and delivered home via your child’s classroom. Order Forms can also be left at the office. Orders and enquiries can be made by phoning the Uniform Shop during our opening hours. All orders will be sent to your child’s classroom, unless otherwise specified. Anissa Silver - Manager Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Parenting and Positive Discipline Positive Discipline is the key to having a mutually respectful and loving relationship with your child. The drastic sociological changes in the last 20 years has created so many challenges for parents. You are not alone and it is not your fault! Empower yourself with the latest evidence based strategies…READ ON and have a great Easter break! CHAPS NEWS Hi Everyone Guess the Number of Easter Eggs Competition The JSC have been doing a fabulous job going around to all the classes and running a “Guess the number of Easter Eggs” competition! Guesses cost 50c each and the winner will be announced tomorrow. Do you shop at Jefferies supermarket? Did you know you can help raise money for our school, just by shopping at Jefferies in Croydon Hills? Simply ask for your receipt to be signed on the back and then deposit it into the box located at the office at school. Jeffries will pay CHPS 2% of every signed receipt! CHAPS needs you! For all new and existing members, we would love to see you soon! If you haven’t joined CHAPS yet or need to renew your membership for 2015, membership forms are available in the office or email us and we’d be happy to forward you one. With a fantastic committee already in place for 2015, all we need are your great ideas to help support our great school! Calendar of Events Term 1 - 2015 th th 18 - 27 March Guess the number of Easter Eggs competition Term 2 - 2015 th Monday 13 April @ 9am th Available from 13 April th Friday, 15 & 22 nd May Monday, 1st June Have a fabulous week! Elise Jones - CHAPS Vice President Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 CHAPS Monthly Meeting - Conference room – All Welcome! Entertainment Books will be available to purchase – Book or Digital version – details to come Kids Movie Night @ school – Movies, Times still TBC Our annual chocolate drive starts – this raises about $8k! Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 ! Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 TINTERN SCHOOLS 2015 INTERSCHOOL HORSE TRIALS Saturday 25 & Sunday 26th April Wandin Park, Wandin For details and to enter visit 2015_horse_trials Maroondah Art Gallery 32 Greenwood Ave Ringwood 9298 4542 Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Friday 10th April 11.00am - 12noon Indigenous Dancing Workshop Hosted by Mandy Nicholson of the Djirri Djirri (Willy Wagtail) dancers. Children and adults welcome! $12 Booking Essential Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514
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