CHPS April 30th, 2015 – Term 2 Week 3 eNewsletter Croydon Hills Primary School NOTICES SENT HOME THIS WEEK 2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge Passwords (not on website) Entertainment Book Flyer Student Movie Nights (Middles home on Monday 4/5) Sausage Sizzle (Middles home on Monday 4/5) May Click on the link below to download copies of these Notices and those from previous weeks: Calendar st Friday 1 th Monday 4 th Wednesday 6 th Thursday 7 th Tuesday 12 th Tuesday 12 Year 3 Camp returns ICAS Science, Y2-6 Mothers’ Day Stall House Cross Country, Y3-6 NAPLAN Language C’ventions 2016 Foundation Info Night, 7.15pm th Wednesday 13 NAPLAN Reading th Wednesday 13 Choir performance, Yarrunga th Thursday 14 NAPLAN Numeracy th Monday 18 Education Week th Monday 18 Book Fair Week th Tuesday 19 Canteen – Sausage Sizzle th Tuesday 19 Open Afternoon & Evening nd Friday 22 Indoor Assembly, 2.35pm th Tuesday 26 Junior Zoo Excursion th Tuesday 26 District Cross Country th Friday 29 F & Md/Snr Movie Nights June nd Tuesday 2 Stagestruck, 7.15pm th Monday 8 Queens Birthday Holiday th Tuesday 9 Curriculum Day th Friday 12 Junior Movie Night th Wednesday 24 Parent Teacher Interviews. 2.30-6.30pm th Friday 26 Last day Term 2, 2.30pm finish July Monday 13 Telephone: th Term 3 begins 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Principal’s Report Year 3 Camp Our Year 3 students are having a wonderful time on Camp at Mt Evelyn. They are enjoying a great spell of weather, enabling them to make the most of the range of outdoor adventure activities on offer. I had the pleasure of visiting yesterday afternoon and evening to share some of the fun. I was struck by what a happy group they were, exploring and stretching their personal limits and sharing time with friends. Annual Report for 2014 Parents might be interested to look at the Annual Report, which has been prepared following the Department guidelines. It demonstrates the performance of our school against other schools in the state during 2014. We are pleased with our results, but are certainly not resting on our laurels and looking to improve our programs and practices continually. We are very proud of the range and quality of the programs which we offer our students on their journey through our school. The Report can be accessed through Compass or the school website. skoolbag App A reminder that we are no longer using the skoolbag App for IOS or Android. Now that we have Compass it is not needed or updated. Graeme Caudry - Principal OSHC Committee Meeting th Our next Outside School Hours Care Committee Meeting is this coming Wednesday May 6 at 6pm. All new parents welcome to attend, particularly if you are interested in joining our committee, which meets only once per term – very little to do really and a lot of fun while contributing to the running of our great outside school hours and vacation care service. Sports News th The House Cross Country is happening next Thursday 7 May. We are keeping our fingers crossed for great weather like this week. All children in years 3 – 6 are expected to participate in this event. Children can wear their house colors to school, but need to make sure they have their uniform to change back into after recess time. The event will start at 9.15am and run until recess at 11.00am. A letter went home to all parents on Tuesday asking for assistance, as we can’t run such a big event with 300 children running without the help of parents supervising. If you are able to help us out for 2 hours on Thursday morning, we would greatly appreciate it. Please return the form to school as soon as possible so that I can then hand out a map and show you where you will be situated for the morning. The top 10 children from each race will qualify to compete at the District Cross th Country on Tuesday 26 May. Interschool Sports We play our first game this Friday against Kalinda Primary School. Thank you to Paul Brock ( JPB teacher) who will be stepping into the Coach’s position just for this week, as Liam Sommers is away sick. Mr Brock is a competent Soccer player and coach, so we are confident that he can transfer his round ball skills to AFL. If there are any parents who have Friday afternoon off to assist Paul with coaching, I am sure that he would greatly appreciate a little assistance! Thanks also to the parents who so far have volunteered to assist with the games. We are still looking for a parent to help out with supervision of the Tennis team. There is no coaching involved, just making sure the children are together and are representing Croydon Hills PS to the best of their ability. The children do the scoring themselves. If you are able to help, please let me know asap so we can get them organized to play on Friday. Noreen McMenaman - PE/Sport Music News Yarrunga Choir Performance – the choir will be walking down to Yarrunga Community Centre on Wednesday 13 th May at 11 am to perform at the Elderly Citizens AGM. There is a notice on Compass for this event now. Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Uke/Marimba/iPad Band Rehearsal next Tuesday lunchtime in the PAC. We will be putting together a steel drum/iPad/marimba/ukulele version of “Best Day Of My Life” by American Authors, ready for Open Night and Stagestruck. If you are in years 3-6 and interested in joining, come along to the PAC after the second lunch bell. Stagestruck Tuesday June 2nd at 7 p.m. nd Our annual concert will be held in the PAC on the 2 of June. Notices for registration will go out next week and rehearsals will also commence on Wednesday and Thursday lunchtimes in the PAC in May. Open Night Tuesday 19th May The choir uke/iPad/marimba band and some Junior Rockers students will be performing at closing of “Open Night” at 7:30 in the PAC. Kathryn Lane - Performing Arts Premier’s Reading Challenge Once your child has been registered and you have received your login and password (early in Term 2) you can begin entering books on the PRC page. Until then, keep a record of books read and authors so that you are ready to go! To find out more about the Challenge and access the booklist visit: Like us on Facebook to share tips, literary articles and recommended reads . Canteen News WARM MILOS - $1.50 From May onwards, we will be offering a warm milo with a homemade cookie at recess only for $1.50. MONDAY MEAL DEALS (only available via online ordering) Mini Meal Deal - $4.00 Small Cheesymite Scroll from Bakers Delight, Oak Flavoured Milk and 2 Homemade Cookies. Mega Meal Deal - $5.50 Wedges with sour cream or tomato sauce, Oak Flavoured Milk and 2 Homemade Cookies. FLEXISCHOOLS ONLINE ORDERING This services is available from Monday to Friday via the Flexischools website. Please Note – Sustainable Bags are NOT suitable for online ordering. A paper bag will be provided. AFTERSCHOOL SALES – The canteen is not open afterschool during Term 2 & Term 3. ROSTER th Friday 30 April – Sharron Savage, Lia Biasuzzo, Narelle Collins, Lenni Pennicott. th Tuesday 5 May – Kylie May, Jess Ward. th Wednesday 6 May – Alisa Wills. th Friday 8 May – Justine Wratten, Kylie Van Roosmalen. Karen Cyster – Manager Uniform News Uniform Shop Opening Hours; Monday 8.30am to 10am Thursday 2.30pm to 4pm Orders can be placed any day through Your order will be processed during normal opening hours and delivered home via your child’s classroom. Order Forms can also be left at the office. Orders and enquiries can be made by phoning the Uniform Shop during our opening hours. All orders will be sent to your child’s classroom, unless otherwise specified. Anissa Silver - Manager Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Mother’s Day Stall Wednesday 6 May th Gifts Range from $1.00 to $6.00 Please bring a bag to take your gifts home Dads/Guardians please send small notes/gold coins The Mastery Club Sponsors 11 Senior School students completed an inspirational wellbeing program called The Mastery Club and thanks to some very generous community members, each student received part sponsorship. Our students and their parents would like to sincerely thank the following people; Sue and Steve Griffith of Griffith Consulting (corporate training, coaching, Transcendental Meditation for elite sports) John Salton, Rooted Raw (Raw Living Foods), and ultra-marathon runner and builder Bronté Jackson, Sustaining Change (corporate change management) David and Linda Rawlings at Burnt Bridge Post Office Adrian Corcoris at Ringwood East IGA Rainer Busch of Raidho Consulting (business coach and inventor of the ‘Desktopper’) Lorraine Dielenberg (private individual) Mark Stecher of Dycom (outsourcing company). We are eternally grateful for your support Mia – Student Welfare Officer. CHAPS NEWS Hi Everyone Below you can find out what CHAPS are up to this week and what you can do to help support our school. th CHAPS Monthly Meeting – Monday 4 May 7pm – All welcome th Our monthly meeting will be held next Monday 4 May in the Conference Room (next to the staff room). We have a representative of Parents Victoria coming to give advice on the best way to run our Parent Group, so we welcome you all to come along and listen in as well as hear from Carol Wyatt on the goings on in our school. Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 th Mothers’ Day Stall – Wednesday 6 May Our Mothers’ Day Stall co-ordinators have been hard at work organising some great little gifts for this year’s Mother’s Day Stall. All the kids will get the opportunity to purchase a gift, with prices ranging from $1 to $6. Please remember to send a bag to bring purchases home in and please do not send in large notes for payment. Cadbury Chocolates Fundraiser Chocolates arrive in June! This is a major fundraiser for the school, raising over $8,000. However, we do understand if you have objections to selling a box, so please let us know if you would not like to receive a box to sell. If you don’t want a box but would like to still support the school, some parents in the past have donated $20 which is the profit we make from each box. Any support is appreciated! Do you shop at Jefferies supermarket? When you shop at Jefferies in Croydon Hills, ask for your receipt to be signed on the back and then deposit it into the box located at the office at school. Jeffries will pay CHPS 2% of every signed receipt! CHAPS need you! – If you’re not a member, grab a Membership form from the office or email us! Calendar of Events - Term 2 - 2015 Books are coming soon Digital version is available now Entertainment Books are available to purchase in book or Digital version – details to come home this week. Monday 4th May @ 7pm CHAPS Monthly Meeting - Conference room – All Welcome! th Wednesday 6 May, 9am Friday, 29th May, 5pm – 6.50pm Friday, 29th May, 7.15pm – 9.15pm th Friday, 12 June, 6pm – 8pm Mother’s Day Stall @ school. Gifts range from $1-$6 Kids Movie Night @ school Foundation – Big Hero 6 Middle/Seniors – Night at the Museum 3 Juniors – Big Hero 6 Notices about tickets to come home this week! Funds raised from the movie night will go towards supporting the JSC’s project to raise money to purchase a Defibrillator! Monday, 1st June Our annual chocolate drive starts soon. Have a fabulous week! Elise Jones - CHAPS Vice President\ GOOD NUTRITION MEANS A GOOD DAY AT SCHOOL – with this in mind, we’re providing some healthy eating tips from a local dietitian. Start Each Day with Breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it’s one that a lot of people go without. As a parent your children are watching you- so if you don’t eat breakfast don’t be surprised if your kids soon decide that breakfast is not for them either. It’s important because people who eat breakfast: Are more likely to maintain a healthy weight Are more likely to reach the recommended daily intake for vitamins and minerals Have better concentration Recent research has shown that starting the day with a good whole grain, high fibre cereal can even make you live longer. Make the time for you and your family to eat this important meal everyday. Lisa Renn Accredited Practising Dietitian Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514 Croydon Little Athletics 2015 Cross Country Season Looking for a great way to keep fit over winter? Then come down to Croydon Little Athletics and join our Cross Country team. Our calendar and registration information can be found on our website or send us an email See you at the track!! Telephone: 9725 1206 OSHC 9724 4514
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