2014-15 Pioneer Student Bulletin ANNOUNCEMENTS Lunch Menu Cheese Pizza, Cheeseburger, Chicken Cherry Blossom, Sweet Potato Fries, Fruit and veggie choices, Milk Monday, March 16 Red Day Sports News Student Birthdays 3/16: Nadia Garcia-Lopez, Nathaniel Laughrey, Kobe Lopez Vasquez, and Hannah Pettyjohn Week at a Glance Monday, March 16: Tuesday, March 17: Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Wednesday, March 18: Thursday, March 19: POWER Meeting Friday, March 20: Spring Sport Pictures General Announcements Selfies: This month’s theme is Favorite Spring-Time Activity. Send your bike-riding, sport-playing, sunshinelovin’ selfies to clopez@wwps.org. o Please stop by the main office to pick it up any selfies sent last month by Tuesday, March 17th. Academic Lab: Academic Lab meets Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 3:05-4:00 PM and Wednesday 2:00-3:00 PM in the Power Room. Millennials: If you are on team Brazil, Netherlands, Argentina or Italy, you have soccer practice on Tuesday, March 14. Pioneer Store: Want to help out manage the school store? Sign-ups are available on Mr. Fortney’s door. This is the last chance to sign up for the rest of the school year! Practice: For practice locations… o Baseball: Meet at the field by Roosevelt St. o Softball: Meet at the small shed on the far East side of campus. Between the 2 softball fields. o Track: Meet by the basketball court next to the football field. o Tennis: Meet at the tennis courts southeast side of the school. Before/After School Programs Soccer: Morning soccer will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:45 -7:45 am. Minecraft: Monday: 3:05-5:45pm & Wednesday: 2:055:00pm. Age of Empires Conquerors Club: Meetings are Friday: 3:15 pm – 5:00 pm. Girl Talk: Meetings will be held every Thursday starting at 3:15-4 pm in the choir room (B-27) Upcoming events: 3/19: POWER Meeting 3/25: WEB Meeting 3/31: Pioneer Parent Night, WWSD Vocal Festival; 7:00 PM; Wa-Hi Large Gym; $1; All Choir Students
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