TE KURA WAENGANUI O AWA KAIRANGI 13th November 2014 HUTT INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL COMPETING AT BATTLE OF THE BANDS ABSENCE LINE 570 3101 - You can ring this number any time of the day or night. PLEASE call prior to 9am to let us know if your child is going to be away. Please speak clearly and leave a BRIEF message with your child’s name and the reason they will be away from school Telephone: 939 8800 Email: secretary@his.school.nz Website: www.huttintermediate.school.nz PLEASE REMEMBER TO LET THE OFFICE KNOW IF ANY OF YOUR CONTACT DETAILS CHANGE 2014 PANORAMIC PHOTOS You may be aware that we recently had the Year 7 and Year 8 group panoramic photos taken by LC Scott Photography. There are separate photos for each year group and samples of these photos are in the main foyer on the noticeboard. This year there is two sizes of photo to choose from and the prices are $15 and $20 respectively. Order envelopes are available from the office or you can just write your child’s name and room number on a blank envelope and enclose the appropriate payment. Payment to be made by cash, cheque or Internet banking direct to LC Scott. Payment details are on the envelopes. Please remember to specify whether you want a Year 7 or Year 8 photo. Orders to be handed in at the office by 21st November. These will be given out to children before the end of the school year. SCHOOL CALENDAR Mufti Day: Wednesday 26th November Year 7 Disco: Thursday 4th December (details closer to the time) Year 8 Social: Thursday 11th December (details closer to the time) Year 8 Prizegiving Assembly: Monday 15th December—11am School finishes: Tuesday 16th December 12pm—there will be no school buses on this day. MERIT CERTIFICATES Congratulations to the following students who have recently received Merit Certificates: Kiana Warbrick, Amal Pitawala, Charise Perez, Cayla McFadden, Luan Danh, Kitana Chouhan, Oli Swanson, Jasmine Peters, Griffin Maaka, Leah Fleming, Amelie To’o, Alyssa Li, Kate Drummond, Alani Sherrard, Katherine Palmer, Mark Tredrea, Kate Ainsworth, Matthew Fifield, Rylee Tafa, Jacob Hawtin, Millie Bramao, Riley Kingham, Toby Brown, Jenna-Rose Mafua, Regan Titov-Smith, Richard Evans, Alex Magno, Bradley Durie, Luke Stevens, Luca Van Etten, Cam Wash, Bonnie Smyth-Williams, Daniel Langdon, Leroy Paton-Goldsbury, Mathusha Paraneetharan, Caleb Callaghan, Jimi Nelson, Geena Burns, Hyzeziah Rudolph-Rurawhe, Pearl Paranihi-Nuku, Mya McGrath, Jes McCarthy-Robertson, Reka Bushnell, Leah Fleming, Jayden Kingi, Esther Vakasilmiratu, Caitlyn Lewin, Lucy Schrijvers, Zadie McDowell, Bailey Hayman, Amelia Worsley, Aaron Nocete, Genevieve Berry, Oscar Hazelwood, Emily McGoldrick, Danielle Tufuga, Joy Leach, Nehemiah Savea, Charli Reynolds, Adam Goodyear, Sulesa Awa, Rosie Simmons, Darcy Underwood, Sophie Beattie, Kitana Chouhan, Zak Andrews, Mana Baldwin, Grace McGarry, Emma Maidment. TERM DATES FOR 2015 Term 1 Monday 2nd February Thursday 2nd April Term 2 Monday 20th April Friday 3rd July Term 3 Monday 20th July Friday 25th September Term 4 Monday 12th October Tuesday 15th December Waitangi Day Friday 6th February Good Friday Friday 3rd April (within school holidays) Easter Monday Monday 6th April (within school holidays) Easter Tuesday Tuesday 7th April (within school holidays) Anzac Day Monday 27th April (Mondayised Holiday) Queen’s Birthday Monday 1st June Labour Day Monday 26th October Home and School Fundraiser - We have an extra fundraiser this term in the form of Sileni Wines. This is the first time we have tried this so it'll be interesting to see how it goes. Please complete the attached order form and return to school by Friday, 28 November. Order and payment details are on the order form. Thank you for continuing to support Hutt Intermediate Home and School Fundraising initiatives.
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