Good Morning, Teachers and Students Date Rotation Schedule Friday, May 15, 2015 3,5,6,4,7,8,1 Day 3 Morning Prayer In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen Today the Church celebrates a 17th century French priest who changed the face of education in France and throughout the world. He founded a community of teachers who would by committing their lives, to ensure the success of his vision of education for all children, especially the poor. Today some 90,000 De La Salle Brothers and lay partners are running outstanding Lasallian schools in eighty countries throughout the world. Rummel High School in Metairie is one American example of his 300 year old dream of educational excellence come to life. Let us pray to God and our founder, St. LaSalle, on this special feast day. Gracious God, Father of us all, you raised up St. John Baptist de LaSalle to meet the needs in education of the children of France and throughout the world. Bless our school and our teachers as they live out this worldwide vision of education of all, especially the poor. St. LaSalle, your Brothers and Sisters attempt to keep alive the dream your dared to create in 17th century France. Encourage our leaders, students, faculties and Lasallian partners in this work. Remind us of the faith and zeal that should be our constant and only motivation. Give us quality teachers and students, make us an inclusive community, constantly mindful of the loving and forgiving presence of God, concerned for the poor and social justice, with respect for all. Make us strong, make us bold, give us clear insight to what is really important and make us grateful for all you have given us. Bless all Lasallians throughout the world on this day and all days. We make this prayer through Christ, our Lord and Brother. And so, Amen! St. John Baptist de LaSalle… PRAY FOR US. Live Jesus in our hearts… FOREVER, THANK GOD ALMIGHTY... I AM A RAIDER. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen Please face the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance Morning Announcements There is NO PM BUS SERVICE on Tuesday May 19th due to the shorten day for graduation. The Mass Band and choir will have a mandatory rehearsal today beginning the first half of lunch. All must attend, please be on time. Next week after-school make-ups will be available Monday and Tuesday. Lunch-time make-ups will be available Monday –Wednesday. Senior Sweatshirt order forms are available in the Student Council Office. All order forms and money are due by Friday, May 22nd. All library books must be returned and fines paid by Monday, May 18th. There will be a brief meeting today in room 102 at the beginning of lunch for any sophomores and juniors who are interested in helping with Campus Ministry for the upcoming school year. If you have any questions please see Mr. Caire. If any Fishing Club member would like to attend the fishing trip on May 31st, please pick up a permission slip in room 106. The Fishing Club and the Coast Guard will host a boater’s safety course at Rummel on Saturday, June 13th. All Raider families are welcome. Please pick up information in room 106 by Monday, May 18th . There will be a Golf Team meeting for an anybody wanting to join the Golf Team on Monday, May 18th during the first half of lunch in room 118. See Coach LaNasa or Coach Bordelon with any questions. Service hours for grades 8 through 11 with completed paperwork are due in room 106 by 3:00 PM next Monday, May 18th. Students failing to do this will have summer school information with permit and registration form given to them to make up second semester religion in summer school. 2015 Summer Session Driver’s Education course will be held Monday, June 1st through Thursday, June 4th in the cafeteria for 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM. Please pick up registration forms from the front desk or print them out from the website. See Coach Holley if you have any questions. The following students must come to room 106 now to pick up awards: Even Broussard Matthew Clement Shawn DeBlanc Jacob Fury Jacob Martin Deiveon Martinsen Patrick Meehan Erik Piedy Today’s Events: 9:00 PM - Senior Prom – New Orleans Hilton Rees Ryckman Ashken Stamm Gordon Styron Wyatt Vanlangendonock
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